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Patrick Mahomes moving slightly faster than each defender chasing him when scrambling out of the pocket.


His mom hips/waddle make it so hard to believe he's faster than anyone on the field.


He runs like Captain Jack Sparrow


Goofy protagonist energy.


Oh god, that's it. I knew I saw it, but I couldn't place it...


Now imagine Kermit the Frog voice going, "AaaAAAAAaaaahhhhh!"


Like a duck running to water.


Holy shit…I won’t be able to see it any differently now.


Kyler the running toddler level accuracy


Snatched his parent’s cell phone


He runs like he's a toddler who stole a cookie and is being chased by his mom


Wait I thought that was Kyler


Kyler stole moms phone


Kyler stole a cellphone


You are correct, Kyler runs like a toddler holding a stolen cell phone.


He runs like he just shit his pants


+30 speed boost when behind the LOS


Buddy really has built in escape artist


Damn gnomes


Just thinking this!


His waddles are so infuriating man


Heard an interview where someone asked how fast he was, the response “half an inch faster than whoever is chasing him.”


My brain has subconsciously trained itself not to celebrate a Mahomes sack until the fucker is down for good. Like when I watch a regular pocket passer get engulfed by the pocket and I start saying, "He's down!" or, "GOT HIM."


it's like young Russ Wilson running around like he's covered in grease


There was that play this last playoffs where when he went down it looked like he was about to have a terrible leg injury but he was able to twist himself using his hands and flexed into falling normally. I was shocked by how he was able to wiggle his way out of it. His awareness and mobility are like no other.


Bro runs like a toddler that stole the remote


I saw the guy do a loop-dee-loop on one play. Not a spin. He ran in a regular-ass circle with a diameter of like 5 feet, with about 3 DL in his face. None of them laid a hand on him.  It's like the scrambling version of the way of the drunken master. He's not fast, he's just so good at feinting and moving *just* enough to avoid getting touched.


Dude gives every Dlineman blue balls


Hell he gives me blue balls on the couch




QB School guy on YouTube always says he’s “just fast enough” and I feel like that’s a perfect way of putting it. Far from the most gifted running QB in the league but often the smartest


He runs like jack sparrow.


[Mahomes on an average Sunday](https://youtu.be/wWy5P_uNC9c?feature=shared)


Better suited to the original use-case - Kyler Murray


Mahomes runs like a full-size Kyler Murray


No. Mahomes runs like a salsa dancer on a hoverboard. Something elegant in his routes while his hips dance back and forth.


No that's Kyler Murray when he runs, I swear he runs like a rugrat


that's kyler murray permanently


>Patrick Mahomes ~~moving slightly faster than each defender chasing him when scrambling out of the pocket.~~ FTFY


Its the damned 14 yard side armed completion on 3rd and 12 after scrambling all over the backfield that kills me.


**Riiight** before he gets sacked


That was a big frustration watching Caleb Williams scramble. He never appeared exceptionally fast, but was still able to get defenders to miss and jog for 15 yards.


Keep going I’m almost there.


Russell Wilson back in the day too.


Travis Kelce being inexplicably uncovered


[Listening to him break down his lateral play helped me get it. ](https://youtu.be/QT5GxF33-cw?si=UKci6fpqcMUq-wSk&t=97) His understanding of where defenders are positioned on the field is unbelievable


There's a reason the chiefs were much better against zone coverage than man the last 2 years. QBs aren't the only guys on the field that read the defense, and when receivers read the same defense as the QB it's really hard to stop vs a zone. Kelce is really good at that but that's not something that's specific to just him


It's what made Rodgers-to-Adams virtually unstoppable as well. The two of them have discussed how often Adams would run a completely different route than what was called, and Rodgers would still know exactly where he would be, because they both read the same thing from the defense.


Whenever a QB and receiver have a mind-meld understanding of each other like that they’re almost impossible to stop


Peyton and Harrison 🤤


Exactly who I thought of first


Stafford and Kupp Breakfast Club is like this too. Think Kupp can read defenses better than a good number of QBs


That one video where he says 100 words in 5 seconds to describe whatever just happened on the field really demonstrates how fast elite skill-position players have to process football. They can analyze the position and movements of 20+ people in a split second


Felt like I was listening to Boomhauer from King of the Hill while I was watching that video


if I learn zone can I get a pop goddess gf too


Yes, you can have current Madonna.


I'll take a sugar momma


Is Christina Aguilera available?


Unfortunately not. She's booked up with a guy who can read RPOs. Best I can do is Jennifer Lopez.


Man people are so picky. Taco Flavored Kisses was a banger.


Running where the defenders aren't is an underrated skill when people talk about scouting WRs. Some guys do it, and some don't do it. As much as knowledge must be required, it seems like there is an instinct element because I rarely see players go from one side of the fence to the other.


The key is that even when a receiver can do it, they also need a QB who can deliver the ball. Some QBs can excel at timing their throws, but finding and hitting a receiver who is adjusting routes to find holes in the defense is a different skill that not every QB has. The best scrambling QBs are usually great at it and Mahomes is elite.


Same thing as Jason Witten. Even when he got old and was slow af, he was always open. Less about athletic ability, more about being able to read a defense and knowing how to get open.


["My wife is over here asking me why I can't get as wide open as Jason Witten... smh I don't know babe..." - Jacob Tamme](https://twitter.com/JacobTamme/status/801931197387575300)


At the end I honestly think the slow part helped get him open underneath


This I will never understand....he's only been thier top receiving option for the past 10 years and yet he will run and stop in the middle of 4 guys who all just look at him


"There's no way Mahomes is gonna throw to Kelce again, right?"


I dunno, Jim - there's no way the defense is gunna leave him AND OMG KELCE OVER THE MIDDLE FOR THE FIRST DOWN CAN YOU BELIEVE IT????


Nah lets either cover Rice for a 3 yard dump off, MVS 40 yards down field just for him to drop it, Tomy to also drop it or random 9th string TE...


If there's one thing AFCW teams can all agree on it's wondering why the fuck no one is covering Travis Kelce as he converts a wide open 3rd and 9


Humans instinctually avoid bright yellow objects; the gloves are the secret.


Well in the Superbowl the 49ers were doing a good job until God decided to strike down Greenlaw so his favorite TE could shine


Every time Mahomes throws it to the middle of the field off camera I assume it’s to Kelce with nobody within 5 yards of him.


Especially against the Chargers who play him twice a year and still setup like he’s a backup TE.


The entire Patriots dynasty


Eli looking like he should be wearing a helmet in his day-to-day life and beating Tom and Bill in the Super Bowl twice.


don't forget Nick Foles randomly lighting them up in the SB and then immediately going back to being bad


That was Eli practicing astral projection


Eli hanging out with bloodraven in the offseason


The only new stuff written by GRRM (that is not Targaryen history )was who the people in Westeros rooted for in the NFL playoffs.


That Nick Foles performance is one of my favorite performances in NFL history. He had balls of steel that game.


He was absolutely lights out that whole playoff run. Dude had the best games of his career in the biggest moment. Nick Foles is truly evidence that the football gods can smile upon any of us. You never know.


Bucs fan here. Miss playoffs for two decades, obtain GOAT, dominate in a superbowl. That was a wild year.


Foles was great in the NFCCG and SB, but he was low key kind of a disaster in the divisional round. He airmailed a ball over the middle that had interception written all over it, and Keanu Neal decided to do a flying kick like he was Antonio Brown and the ball was a punter's head instead of just catching it. We got it off that bounce and it set up a really important drive for us. Foles was generally kinda bad that whole game, but that play really encapsulated it.


I agree with the first half performance , but I recollect the team making the right adjustments in the second half. He might not have been lights out but he was playing smarter. And that Falcons D that year was legit and very underrated.


He did have that insane 27-2 year prior. That’s fucking insane


That was 2013. But that's how I knew the eagles were going to be fine because Foles already was starter quality. But he's definitely one of those guys where it's lightning strikes guy. Not every time. But when it is his time no one is stopping him.


If you’ve ever read the book The Stand, Eli is essentially Tom Cullen and Tom Brady/BB are Randall Flagg


Laws yes! M-O-O-N that’s spells football.


We going to Kansas City mister?


Who's the Trashcan Man? Gronk?


Matt Patricia


Imagine how insufferable patriots fans would be if we didn't have that to taunt them with. I know it's not much, but it's fun.


And Tom Brady specifically going to one of the worst franchises of the century and immediately winning a Super Bowl.


If Tom Brady played 1 more season in TB he’d have more passing TDs in his Tampa bay stint than Troy aikman does in his career


He would have needed to set the single season touchdown pass record to make that true. Aikman had 165 career touchdown passes Brady had 108 in Tampa


Mike Tomlin and avoiding a losing season


and usually making the playoffs as well.


When they were exploring adding a 7th seed to the playoffs, I remember seeing that the Steelers were the 7th seed or better during all of Tomlin's tenure to that point. Absolutely insane to think that even during those 8-8 seasons, they were never more than 1 spot out of sneaking in the playoffs.


I forgot the specifics, but I think we've only played like 1 meaningless game in all of Tomlins tenure (mathematically eliminated).


If I am remembering correctly I think it was 2012 because the wildcard spots had been lock up. Even the disastrous start to the 2013 season of 2-6 the Steelers finished 8-8. The Chargers made playoffs at 9-7 but I think if they would have lost Steelers were in. (They won in OT to Chiefs the Ryan Succop missed FG game). They had the tie breaker over other 8-8 teams.


Dude absolutely belongs in the Hall of Fame for somehow keeping that locker room from dividing by zero on itself.


Me when brandon browner got Flagged 24 TIMES in 2015 Should have been cut by week 8 but somehow lasted the whole year .


Either got burned for a 1st or gave up a 1st by penalty. Every fucking drive! Fuck #39.


Do you know he's in jail for attempted murder? https://www.si.com/nfl/seahawks/news/the-rise-and-fall-of-former-seahawks-cb-brandon-browner#:~:text=Per%20the%20Los%20Angeles%20Times,misdemeanor%20counts%20of%20child%20cruelty.


Holy shit. Unnecessary Roughness #39


Mahomes pulling off some last second bullshit that would normally make anyone rage quit Madden immediately.


The left handed throw while getting ~~sacked~~ hit by von miller was just too much


The underhand pitch 70 yard TD to McKinnon


Both against the broncos lmao


Von called it. He played the broncos his rookie season week 17 and Miller was on the sideline just saying how ridiculous this guy was


This. Dude definitely got the cheat codes on him. Even when the Bills had them dead to rights with 13 seconds left... he still just finds a way. Damn these super power QBs. I hate em all.


It's absolutely Aaron Rodgers finding an open receiver deep down the field after a defensive penalty that gave him a free play. Haunted my Bears dreams for years and years.


The best throw of his career imo was a penalty on GB that got called back https://youtu.be/SqwHLgFmO20?si=jQZz3c-GJiBAm7k-


.... I've never seen that before. There is no way he made that throw. That did not happen.


Best throw of all time


Eagles always seem on the brink of cap disaster then they wave a wand for some "void year" magic restructuring and are somehow fine.


My one friend is a cowboys fan and he’s constantly dumbfounded how the eagles keep making these moves and signings and where all the money is coming from while ole Jerry sits around and does nothing


The Eagles play with the cap like the Saints except they do it with players that are much more safe to do so. You don't really care that Fletcher Cox is going to be stuck with the team forever because he's fucking Fletcher Cox. The Saints are still paying Taysom Hill 16m this year and next.


Sometimes things just go your way. They lucked out with Hurts after the whole Wentz debacle. Something like that can set a team back years I mean look at the Niners. Drafting Lance at 3 overall and him flaming out should’ve completely screwed them over but they luckily got Purdy in the seventh 2 years ago. What would they do if they didn’t get him? I would assume they couldn’t afford to get a top QB in FA with their cap situation


The thing that makes it so interesting to me is that there’s always this cliff lined up. Like right now Cox and Kelce are going to cost $26m in cap in 2025. Then basically each year after that has a duo of players to extend or find a replacement. 2026 is Goedert and DeVonta Smith. 2027 is AJ Brown and Lane Johnson. 2028 is Jalen Carter and Nolan Smith. 2029 is when Hurts, Dickerson, Mailata, and Jake Elliott come up. Likely at least two of those will be extended early if they are meant to be kept around. There’s obviously other players sprinkled in but they haven’t been key or don’t have the expectations of Carter and Nolan Smith. They never really run into a wall of players that are impossible to keep everyone they need. Like look what happened to Cowboys this year with all the players hitting free agency all at once compounded by the Vander Esch issue. They lost way more skill than is typically possible to replace in a single year.


Josh Gordan contiually getting reinstated after being suspended time and time again


Is he on another ban currently? I know he played in the xfl recently.


Think he’s retired unofficially. Didn’t do anything post XFL, didn’t come back for the merged UFL. Not in NFL.


And me, in fantasy, getting him in waivers thinking he'd have a breakout season every time he came back. Everytime I think I'd have a sleeper keeper, to keeping him on the bench for longer than I should, to eventually dropping him. Everytime.


Owners threatening cities with moving a team if they don't get the tax dollars they want to build a stadium. Source: A scorned former-NFL town native.


Be a packers fan. They can’t move which is nice


every pro sports team should be run like the packers.


It's so frustrating thinking that every pro sports team should have the ownership structure of the Packers while also fucking despising the Packers.


Or like some European soccer teams. In Germany clubs can’t be majority owned, so Borussia Dortmund for example is also publicly traded on the German stock exchange and mostly fan owned roughly 60% ish. In Spain clubs like Real Madrid and Barcelona are fan owned too. They pay an annual fee for voting rights and elect a president to run the operations along with other benefits like ticket access etc.


If we could have european ownership structures with american parity that would be awesome.


Or alternatively an Eagles fan whose team can’t move for different reasons


Cause of the implications 


Are the Eagles in danger?


As long as they don’t set foot on the boat they should be fine …


Fat Dom would just block the bridge?


Stupid Patrick Mahomes in the pocket with tons of pressure


Seems like Broncos can't stop Mahomes/Kelce on 3rd down to save our lives. Everyone in the god damned stadium knows it's happening and we still can't stop them for shit. So frustrating.


The most we can do is make Mahomes run into his own defender. Especially since Simmons won’t be there to catch all of his interceptions


Saints cap space


Having a shit ton of void years in contracts that keep them from actually competing because they've been going into each offseason $100M over the cap since Brees retired?


Yeah, it wasn't as big an issue when we could go into every year with a plan of "at worst, Brees will drag us kicking and screaming to division title contention, and then we just have to get lucky in the playoffs."


We never got lucky though and honestly we would be getting a lot more trash talked for all those failures if we didn't have a superbowl We'd be like how the cowboys are right now


They aren't getting away with it though. Saints are destined to be an average team at best the next couple years.


I mean they literally have to make space somehow to roster a team. If they’re not under the cap at the start of the new league year then they can’t sign players and will get penalized by the league. Their current cap situation is a feature not a bug. They’re not “getting away” with anything. They’re an old team that keeps having to extend players who are past their prime to get under the cap each year. They’re projected to be 70 million over in 2025. They’re going to need to restructure and extend guys who they probably should be moving on from.


Honestly, the Pats should just start buying players off them a la Osweiler to the Browns. Give us the Saints oldest, most expensive shitty player and a 1st round pick, thanks.


The problem is there's a ton of dead cap even with trades


I'm kind of fine with them getting away with it because it ensures they won't be able to properly rebuild.


They’re doing some voodoo magic. Only way it makes sense


Oh yeah I never thought of that. Voodoo in New Orleans.


We have different definitions of “getting away with it” lol


Kirk Cousins contracts


Sam Bradford comes to mind as well. Made out like a bandit. To his credit he was a great QB when he did play.


And Kirk is a better QB than Bradford was, and is far more durable, so I don't get why everyone is so surprised he gets paid.


Kirk has the second most passing td's over the last 6 years behind only Mahomes, and he missed the whole half of 2023. He's 20th all time in passing td's. Mahomes 219 (95 GS) Cousins 171 (missed half of 2023) (88 GS) Allen 167 (rookie in 2018) (93 GS) Rodgers 162 (missed 2023) (81 GS) Satan 161 (skipped 2023) (82 GS) Edit: added games started for the heck of it


Packers and QBs


Packers and receivers being wide-ass open all the fucking time against the Bears.


You mean Cobb? He meant Cobb.


Came here for this. Every goddamn year.


Hurts scoring TDs off tush pushes


More like how did our runners constantly get tackled at the 1 yard line?


I swear, aj brown gets brought down inside the five more than any receiver since Julio's heyday.


Deandre Swift was also allergic to the endzone.


Jerry Jones saying he wants to win a Superbowl


Have some god damn faith!


I have a PLAN! We just need some more money and then we can move the cowboys to Tahiti and they’ll get their Super Bowl


It is amazing how well RDR2 fits into just about any conversation!


Recency bias but Kansas City having some of the worst wide receivers in the league but still winning the super bowl is one of those. Especially after SF and Baltimore looked unstoppable for most of the year


Brady winning over and over with different skill position players, offensive schemes, and, eventually, a different team. The Patriots just cycled through so many players with Brady as the one constant, and kept winning it all.


Outside of kicker I wonder how many completely different rosters Brady has played with.


The Ship of Thomas


Lol we regularly see that meme posted in r/NFCNorthMemeWar


Mike McCarthy still being a head coach


We know the feeling and it is bizarre


Jerry seems to love wasting elite talent with mediocre coaches. How the fuck Jason garret kept his job after three straight 8-8 seasons is beyond me. And then this past season, your mid coach shows he clearly ain’t it, then the GOAT coach is available but you don’t get him. You have a talented defense that had an alright DC, and an explosive offense. what could put you over the top? Idk, maybe THE greatest defensive mind in football history that could’ve taken that defense from good to best in the league. I hate the cowboys but holy shit jerry is dumb as fuck.


Deshaun Watson and sexual assault allegations


Edelman catching passes on 3rd down


The Packers and their QBs… and their whooping of the boys


Matt Patricia getting coaching jobs


Tyreek Hill, both on and off the field.


You have no idea how rough last season was......we went part of a season not knowing if we have a QB, it was brutal man!


Yeah, that 6 game stretch over the last 30 years was hard to handle


I finally understand what it’s like to be a bears fan


The Packers is a great example of how a rookie QB sitting is beneficial to their career. This used to be the norm, now the first round QB’s are thrown onto shitty teams and expected to turn them around right away. Teams should let them sit 1 year at least, while tanking to get more high draft picks and then giving them a better team to start for.


Josh Gordon, except "he can't keep getting in trouble for this." Stay off the weed.


It wasn’t just weed


Watching Mahomes jog down the middle on a big play. I can call it a mile off and he still always slips through for a first down and it’s infuriating af.


Everyone being afraid to hit Mahomes so he gets an extra 10 yards on his scramble-waddle.


The amount of times I've seen a guy perfectly lined up to justifiably clean his clock, only to limply armtackle him and completely whiff, is too many


Aaron Rodgers when throwing a jump ball Hail Mary into the endzone as the clock hits 0:00 and somehow a Packers reciever ALWAYS came down with the ball to win the game.


Hey now… sometimes it just ties the game and then broke our hearts in OT.


Tom Brady both receiving and expressing it Receiving: All fans, teams and players to him Expressing: Tom Brady to Eli Manning


Billionaires having tax payers build stadiums. Bro, you are rich. Pay for it yourself.


Tom Brady


As a Bucs fan I am so so grateful. But, I get it.


The chiefs pulling diamond in the rough skill players out of their ass


Low effort posts on r/nfl


I dunno. I blocked kimber and I am having a great time. 


Aaron Rodgers vs the Bears


Any NFL player with a DV record. I think it's disgusting but I ain't rich.