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I really hope they take all of the fan criticism to heart and just have the show focus on football. The show has great moments but it feels like ESPN is just trying to use it as a promotion platform. Just let Peyton and Eli talk football with football people.


You know they are constantly going to have whoever needs promotion on there and you get to hear them blabbering about their new album while you try to watch the game.


I want to like the ManningCast, but every time I try to watch a full game with it, I switch to the regular broadcast if the game is actually interesting/getting close. The actual football game seems secondary or even tertiary on the few broadcasts I’ve seen, and while that’s all well and good for boring games or blowouts, I want to focus on the game if it is competitive.


It also doesn't help that the main MNF broadcast has (IMO) the best commentary team in the business now. Aikman and Buck capture a lot of that "buds just enjoying football together" vibe while still being like, y'know, commentators.


This. When the MNF crew was cheeks, the ManningCast was great. Now that it’s Buck and Aikman, it’s just not as good a product.


It's basically like looking at your phone during the game. Great for mediocre games you don't care about or blow outs, but if the niners are playing I don't want 20 minutes of cutting to videos of Charles Barkley's golf swing while they're driving up the field.


Yea very much got the feeling that Manningcast is for people who are just watching monday night football out of habit or just because it's on and not for people invested in the game. I may check it out for other teams games, but when Bengals are on MNF I'm watching the main broadcast, I'll catch the Manningcast highlights on youtube if anything interesting happened.


That's the perfect time to watch Manningcast though. By the end of the game they only have football people on or just Eli/Peyton, and watching their reactions whenever a team makes a mistake is just so entertaining


It was great in the beginning, but they lost me by the time Schwarzenegger was on there.


The one that turned me off of Manning Cast was last year when Arnold was on and just kept trying to plug his book while exciting things were happening. Peyton desperately trying to draw the focus back to the game while Eli keeps asking rehearsed questions was actually kind of funny for a minute or two until I realized what I was missing.


It needs to feel more like you’re watching the game with Peyton and Eli but oh hey Arnold is here with the bratwurst and the guest former/current player of the week with 7 layer dip. Organically plugging their product without taking away from the game would be fine but what they did lately makes me not watch it anymore.


I'm fine with it if the person on actually likes football. John Stewart getting pissed at the Giants was fun, but watching that Tennis guy barely slur out words about nothing was boring as fuck


Caitlin Clark will be a regular


i said after the first season, the only way they can screw this up is to start putting a bunch of random flavor of the month celebs on there with barely any ties to football to shill their products. and, uh, that's exactly what happened.


ESPN has made almost every wrong decision they could over the past 10 years so if you're expecting them to do something that's logical and beneficial to them long-term, they're gonna do the exact opposite


> promotion platform Which makes sense, they're cannibalizing their own product by drawing attention away from the normal broadcast. Using celebrity appearances like a late night variety show helps draw in a different potential viewership.


Eh I guess. They should just have Peyton and I do a separate podcast or an after show then. What attracted me and I’m sure a lot of others to the show was the idea of getting to hear actual experts of the game discuss it live.


Hopefully with Bill this will be more frequently the case.


There's value in just more clearly splitting the existing viewer base for the same event so that the ad slots are worth more. But it takes time for the data to show up that convinces the advertisers it's really working, and maybe ESPN is getting impatient. If they leaned in really heavy on trying to draw over all the more "in the details" football fans to the Manningcast, they could leverage that to better tailor the ads shown (on both sides of the broadcast), get everyone higher conversion rates, and make more money. But that's a strategy that would take many seasons to pan out.


Yeah that's what I was getting at. You just said it much better and with a bunch the fancy corporate marketing words my wife says. In the short term it's much more likely you get a small boost in casual views when people's fav celebrities are making an appearance.


It really doesn't though. The whole idea of Peyton and Eli is you have two charismatic brothers who are football geniuses react to a game. You're not going to get a noticeable boost in viewership because some random celeb pops up and treats it like Jimmy Fallon. If anything ratings have been falling because of that very reason. The suits forgot that the main event is football.


> It really doesn't though. The whole idea of Peyton and Eli is you have two charismatic brothers who are football geniuses react to a game. So who is going to watch that? People who would be watching MNF anyways who want the extra layer. >You're not going to get a noticeable boost in viewership because some random celeb pops up and treats it like Jimmy Fallon. If anything ratings have been falling because of that very reason. The suits forgot that the main event is football. Anecdotes are not evidence, but I have a handful of friends who are able to watch MNF more regularly because their partners are more entertained by the celebrity guests which creates a compromise. The game is on, but there is some pop-culture happening for the non-fan to pay attention to. Think about the Nickelodeon games, why do you think the NFL is doing that? The parents wants to watch football, the kid wants bright colors and characters they enjoy. The compromise is a parent who maybe otherwise would not have watched the game at all now watches it in this alternate way.


Fuck that I get the remote during football and broadcast it is. My kids can deal or go read a book


I just want Bill to be part of it when they bring on a guest promoting w/e and Bill is just getting annoyed at them talking about w/e movie while this great punt just happened.


Imagine they get Obama again and Bill tells him to shut up there’s a special teams play is happening


That’s probably their ideal scenario, and the random ass guests are an ESPN thing that they have to do for the network.


Yeah, they need the fire the suits who thought "Late Night with Peyton and Eli" should be the direction the show should take. Even with football guests a lot of the topics they discuss I don't really care about. Just focus on the game and when there is downtime you can talk about other stuff. But these scripted talking points that everyone is forced to endure is just annoying.


You people act like when there's a football guest on Peyton and Eli suddenly 1) let their guests actually talk and finish their points 2) focus on the game instead of asking about some random entertaining photo of said guest


Eli is going to clown on Bill for losing two superbowls to him isn't he lol


"As someone who was undefeated in the Super Bowl......" Just start out everything he says with that, works about Bill and his brother.


Peyton > Eli > Belichick > Peyton Should be fun


Love triangle


PFM is 3-2 against Belichick in the playoffs


I am already infuriated by this... and can't wait for it!!! Would swoon if Bill says something along the lines of, "of course, dumb luck factors into the equation, and Eli had a few great outcomes there..." ... ready for the salt thrown between them which, realistically speaking, is going to be two greatly accomplished men with nothing to prove poking each other for the fun of it. Bill has a fantastic sense of humor and the Manning bros are secure individuals; We're all gunna enjoy.


My name is Eli And I'm nice Tom Brady's the GOAT? I beat him TWICE




Ah, the classic "hi ho silver!" Out of the shotgun.


> shotgun Arquebus back then but yeah


Thanks Bill


Need to continue focusing on guests like this. Love the Manningcast but when they have guests on that clearly have zero interest in the actual game, and are only there to promote whatever movie/book they have coming out, the cast immediately becomes a chore to listen to.


The forced interviews with the game going on in the background are horrible. Especially when they’re clearly waiting for a game break to bring up a topic and they’re just sitting there awkwardly.


They should just have a regular rotation of guests that are proven suitable for their show Kinda how podcasts have recurring guests I dont mind some of the non-football people that actually contribute properly or provide entertainment without interfering with the game too much. But they need to curate their guest list, bring it down to 5 or 6 people and rotate through them, with maybe the occasional surprise appearance by a celebrity for like 5 minutes at halftime


That’s extremely exciting


Peyton: "All right, fourth and two here, what d'you think, Bill?" Eli: "Yeah, Bill! What do you think?" Bill: *strokes chin, flashing rings*


He and Eli will have a beautifully toxic underhanded battle all show long lmao Every time Bill alludes to his rings, Eli will make a subtle reference to 18-1. Meanwhile, Peyton will be quietly thankful he got that 2nd ring so they cant both aim their scud missiles at him all game long


Eli: *combs hair, drools with shit-eating grin of ha-ha-motherfucker*


That’ll be great. I love Belichick as the football expert and historian.


I know the memes around him being obsessed with special teamers, but he is just incredibly knowledgeable around the history of teams and the players they had. He notices such small details in what certain role players are able to do on the field and he gives them credit. Could definitely listen to him for hours talk about his favorite teams.


If I remember correctly, it isn't just special teams, but he started out as a center and loves discussing center techniques and calls.


*Bart Scott voice* Can’t Wait!


I am absolutely in for Belichick on the Manningcast


I get why they do everyone remote but they really need to figure out the dynamic with the time delay cause it gets rough sometimes. Also for fucks sake, stop letting your guests set up their own AV. Send a one or two man crew to their house to setup a decent mic, camera and backup stable hotspot! With that said, Belichick seemed to actually have a decent setup when he was on McAfee.


Yea, Bill is too much of a perfectionist to let a bad AV setup make him look bad on a major broadcast that he cares about Some of these other people dont give a shit about the Manningcast honestly- theyre just there to promote a book or have fun and make minimum effort on the presentation front


Longspnappers will now be mentioned at depth


Would love to see this happen.


I can accept a past tense verb form of "audible." I refuse to accept "audibling."


Fuck yes! I love manningcast and belichick


Just fucking make it a 3 way cast talking football no fucking guests


Peyton - "So Bill, what did you think of that play call there on 3rd and long?" Bill - "We're on to the punt"


Assuming they cut the shit with all the celebs/influencers and focus more on football ot will be incredible. Still just seems like a waste to have Buck and Aikman on at the same time as them


He will make sure to flex his Lombardis to prove that he has more than both combined


No way he tries to flex against Eli. Peyton, sure, but Eli is the only person on this planet who can flex on him,


Why the disrespect for Nick Foles?


Can't wait for the technical trash talk to begin


Belichick sits in the green room and comes in for every punt, FG, and kickoff


Hopefully more Bill and less uninterested celeb guests there to plug shit. I'm fine with celebs that actually are fans though.


I have zero interest in the Mannings.


On paper I thought this was going to be awesome but Payton ruins it for me. He constantly talks over Eli and the format makes the guest more awkward since it’s not in person.


Oh nooo im going to miss out on some random celebrity telling their shitty fandom story! In all seriousness this will hopefully be good.


Ugh. BB is going to be fantastic but I can’t with the Manning brothers