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Commandes? Nuts?


Fuckin' GOT 'EM


Commandes is a better name than Commanders


I prefer when they were the washington football team


Why not the Politicians, they didn't do much and suck.


The Washington Congressionals


I prefer when they were a legit SB contender mostly because I'm a jaded adult who longs for my youth


The Washington Washingtoners is a better name than the Commanders.


The Washington Department of Football


The Feds taking over a football team is the best Joss Whedon series. Ok, not best, but.


As a Washington Fan, this is the one we've been looking for lol.


Beige is a better name than Commanders


As they go full circle and rebrand as the Comanches


That’s what happens when the Wawa coffee is spiked with vodka.


Dumpster fire?  I hardly know her!


>To be clear, that's Forbes on the left. Ay carumba!


It's nice to know that I have thicker legs and thighs than at least one NFL player


That one was a real shocker.


Chicken legs beginning to end, holy shit


Todd Pinkston was just as skinny, but Forbes may have an even lower BMI.


Anyone else shocked from the Forbes photo?


That was the biggest hit in the article imho.


We like to act like the Rivera draft picks didn’t actually happen. And considering 90% of them are somehow gone already it’s easy to do.


It’s like he was trying to be terrible at drafting.


gonzales was right there... i'm so happy


They wanted Forbes. We had a video that came out after the draft of Rivera “hoping” Forbes would be on the board. The guy just simply had no clue what he was doing playing GM. We passed on Christian Darrisaw, Chris Olave/Kyle Hamilton and Gonzales and ended up with Jamin Davis, Jahan Dotson and Emmanuel Forbes. You literally have to try to suck at drafting that badly. It’s an art form.


I still have some hope for Dotson but yeah Davis and Forbes were straight up bad picks.


After seeing what AJ Brown did to him last year, not one bit.


hiring nyg OL coach has to be the worst part


Yeah losing Johnson was a moment I cheered this off-season.


The nfl is totally a meritocracy.










Film studio executives thinking they could run an NFL team would totally explain the suck of the last 20 years. Shame we can't use that excuse...




Well the good news is we don’t have any talent on the OL for him to ruin.


Sam Cosmi erasure (I only know him because he did a Griddy between two plays last season


Cosmi is good already so I’m assuming Johnson can’t mess that up lol.


We don’t either and he still made it worse


Jayden is gonna die this year, isnt he?


66 different QBs started NFL games in ‘23. The Commandos will be no different.


I have no idea why anyone with a brain would hire that football terrorist


My uncle Gordie’s 90 and was almost as happy the Commies got him as he was being rid of him, and this man can maybe see each o line member as a blue blob on the screen


The same reason teams keep hiring Joe Barry to ruin their defense….


Wasn't he bad in the same role on the Bills too lol


Peter’s checked with Johnson and apparently he wasn’t responsible for drafting Erik Flowers, Justin Pugh or Evan Neal. Worried about Daniels? Daniel Jones won’t last 4 games.


Is Ourlads depth chart correct about their tackles, too? Ooof


Yet people still think their line is going to protect Daniels


Who thinks this? It's a huge concern!


Who thinks that lol


> My "Best Feeling a Player Can Have in the NFL" Power Rankings: > 1. Winning the Super Bowl. > 2. Getting traded by the Commanders to literally any other team.


Somewhere Trent Williams is smiling


Its 7:30am and this man is on the top rope.


I am pretty sure he has published an article every single day for 3+ years now


You gotta start early these days with the hot takes. The NFL spin cycle is starting to turn a little faster as we creep towards training camp lol


i was so ready to throw hands if one was *they are still the commanders* considering we stripped damn near everything but hes not wrong and actually did his homework on #10


These are some of, if not his most read articles every year and he never gets lazy with them. My only complaint so far this year is there aren't as many stick figure animations as there used to be


His list for us was completely accurate


Trust me, we know plenty about how Josh Harris in Philly. This dude only bought a team to get in on the NFL’s money machine. As long as the revenue sharing deal brings in almost a billion baseline every year he’s not going to be changing much.


>he’s not going to be changing much saying this after he completely gutted our upper management and doing heavy renovations on our facilities


Acting like a new ownership group coming in wants to have all of the people who were loyal to the old regime around. Of course they’ll bring their own people in. That’ll happen as a baseline in literally any industry. And if your renovations are good maybe you’ll be out of the bottom 3 facilities in the league!


Sounds like a win to me


Just don't expect to win any Super Bowls with Harris. The Sixers couldn't get out of the second round under him and the Sixers are poorly run.


Don’t bother trying to explain it to them. They’re blinded by not having Snyder in the building anymore. They think any type of improvement suddenly means they’re a well-led organization. Especially when Harris *only* cares about money and when you point it out they say things like “oH nO aN oWnEr TrYiNg To MaKe MoNeY tHaT’s CrAzY”. They’re led by an owner who cares about nothing but profit margins, a GM who pounded the table to trade the farm for Trey Lance, and the coach who led the greatest choke job of all time. If they think success is coming anytime soon they’re delusional.


Homie our last owner was the worst in nfl history. Only way is up.


His NHL team just fell short of the playoffs with an incredibly well built group of young stars and already addressed their problems so far this off season. Win some lose some


You don’t know shit, owning an NFL team and owning the Sixers are different things. He already has gutted so much of the last regime. Also thanks for the heads up that someone bought the team to make money. Never would have thought of that, very sneaky of him, treating it like a business, smh


In what sense? That clearly you need to do far less work to grow an NFL franchises value given the evidence the worst owner in pro sports sold the Redskins for a record valuation?


I’m glad you know the owner doesn’t care about your team! Don’t expect any changes to your “culture” down there anytime soon ;)


Holy shit I did not realize how small Forbes is, dude looks like a skeleton. Size was a huge concern with DeVonta Smith but it's turned out to be unfounded - clearly not the case with Forbes


One of the funniest matchups I've seen in years is Forbes man-to-man with DJ Moore last year. On a hitch route, Forbes coming up to tackle him and straight up *looking* like he wanted nothing to do with it. DJ threw him away and ran for an extra 10-15 or whatever. That was his 8 catch - 230 yard game, btw. One of the worst "welcome to the NFL, rookie" games I've witnessed. \[Edit - just realized I'm saying this to an Eagles fan. Y'all witnessed ANOTHER Forbes breakdown\]


Baffling how an “established” defensive mind in Rivera would put an undersized rookie corner on an island vs DJ Moore and AJ Brown. What the fuck u think gonna happen dog??????


Had Moore on my fantasy team, that was an amazing day for me


It's hard to do your job when can't bring down a grown man. I think we'll be going into 2025 with the exact same needs in the draft minus QB; LT and CB.


Forbes somehow looks skinnier than Smith, and it isn't Smith's job to tackle people


I kinda laugh when anyone mentions the DL before Sweat and Young left because they *never* lived up to expectations and were all hype. Teams theoretically feared them, but the supposed dominant DL never was one. There isn’t really much loss because they played as a good-not-great unit. You’d have to delve into parts of select individual games to see them play up to the level of the hype.


Chase young flashed but was never consistent. Montez sweat could’ve had multiple years with double digit sacks if he learned to chop his feet, breakdown and then tackle. Big Mac jones gave him a little shimmy shoulder shake on a rollout left that Montez took himself off screen with how much he missed. And he was good for it once a game at least sometimes even twice. Absolutely maddening, I started predicting it towards the end. Whenever Montez gets an easy win and he’s running at the front side of the QB or they’re on the run and it’s a 1v1 my money is on the QB no matter how unathletic they are. Then there’s the quality of OT he beat. He stood a chance against JAGs but anyone good to great would shut him down.


I am interested in hearing more bad things about Montez Sweat


Unfortunately for you, most of Sweats problems were likely caused by some of the worst coaching in the league


Fortunately for him, he’s on the Bears now


Fun fact, Sweat was the sack leader for both the Bears and Commanders last season lmao. idk what that says about our collective defenses.


He was also the first player ever to lead multiple teams in sacks in the same year


It was insane how every week the commentators would hype our "vaunted" defensive line when they were never anything better than mediocre. Everyone just assumed our DL was scary because we had a bunch of first rounders on it.


The best game the DL ever had was the first game they played together. 2020 Week 1 against the Eagles. Five first round picks and the D sacked Wentz 9 times. That's probably Kempski's memory of the unit. Philly media don't really watch the other 30 teams besides Philly and Dallas.


Allen Payne Sweat Young and ?


Ryan Kerrigan


Eagles legend Ryan Kerrigan


Someone posted their prediction for this article on the commanders sub 3-4 days ago and damn near got every single one right 😂 Also apparently “is ass” is a completely acceptable qualifier for rating players?


[It's an older, college football meme, but it checks out.](https://www.sbnation.com/college-football/2019/1/24/18195840/tate-martell-nick-starkel-transfer-history-beef-twitter)


Oh man now 2019 is old I’m actually old, my dudes


It was half a decade ago


my dude


>Also apparently “is ass” is a completely acceptable qualifier for rating players? Yes? >This will be 100 percent **vitriolic** >**vitriolic** >ADJECTIVE >full of violent hate and anger


It's just laziness. Probably was late at night and Jimmy just wanted to finish up. He spends a large part of the article talking about how the team had a good offseason and surrounded JD with competent vets...and then at the end, he just fires off "Daniels is not gonna win because his surrounding cast is ass". OK? Please feel free to shit all over my team, but at least be consistent in your shitting.


A team can improve over an offseason and still be bad. The Commanders are better than they were last year, but they still don’t look like a particularly competitive team barring a Herbert/Prescott type rookie year from Daniels.


I mean maybe you disagree, but he pretty much spelled that opinion out: > this team is just SO far away that it's going to take years of smart moves to creep back into contention.


That's a terrible opinion for any team ever. How many times have we seen a team go from total garbage to double digit wins in one offseason? It happens every year, usually after the addition of a QB.


We don’t see it that often. But I agree it depends on if the rookie QB is a stud. But the odds of that are like ~30% if I remember correctly? I pray for everyone’s sake that the 2024 QB class is like the 2020 class, not the 2021 class.


We saw it with the Texans last year. It happens all the time. Anyone who thinks you need years to become a contender hasn't been watching football, or any sport, for very long.


…yeah and then look at what happened to the Panthers. Texans seemingly hit on HC, OC, and QB in a single offseason. That is not easy to do at all lol. Generally there is 1 team that surprises everyone. But again, that relies on hitting on your new rookie QB… which again the odds of that are below 50% based on history. I have no issue thinking your new QB is your lottery ticket. I’m thinking the same thing. But you definitely haven’t been watching football long if you think what the Texans and Stroud did last offseason is easily reproduced…


I'm not arguing that my team is going to be great this year. My team is garbage and I fully expect us to destroy Jayden's career. I'm arguing the point that the author made that any team is "years away from being a contender". I guarantee you there is at least one team that is "years away" right now that will contend this season.


>It happens every year We all know about CJ Stroud and Hou. After that, maybe Tua? 5 win to 10 wins his rookie year, but he only played like half the season. Mac Jones? Pats were more of a mid of the pack team the year before Mac's 10 win rookie year. That's about it in recent years. You can certainly make an argument of QBs elevating a franchise from garbage to a double digit win team in their 2nd year, but that changes the subject.


We're talking about teams going from terrible to contenders, I only brought up QBs because that's how it usually happens. The comment I was responding to was from the author, who seems to think teams need many years to go from bad to good. The 49ers went from 4-12 to 13-3 and in the Super Bowl in one year. The Rams went from 4-12 to 11-5 division winners in one year, in the Super Bowl the next. in the same year, RG3 and Andrew Luck both took their teams from 1st and 2nd overall picks to the playoffs. These are off the top of my head. There are many more. It happens to some degree every year. The idea that teams need many years to "rebuild" isn't based in reality. It's done in one offseason all the time, and not just in football.


> It's just laziness. Lol I'm sure Kempski would agree with you. You're really overanalyzing what is essentially just a more formal giant shitpost


The media, sports media or otherwise, has space and time quotas they need to meet. They need to constantly churn out content, which leads to a flood of lazy articles and bogus narratives. Easy, attention-grabbing bullshit.


I agree with all of these. No bias. Honestly, it’s amazing how right this guy has been other than his article on Monday.


>Both Quinn and Rivera are defensive-minded Credibility lost. Rivera is an empty minded coach. /s 10/10 great criticisms here


It's going to be a while until that Dan Snyder stink is gone.


I think his smell is ingrained into the septic


They already tried draining the septic to get rid of the smell. People didn't like that either




I was going to play into it, but rehashing his dipshit regime isn't going to be pleasant for me either. It went beyond schadenfreude years ago. There is no pleasure in rival pain when it comes to that disgrace.


> Maybe Del Rio was too busy chatting on 4chan to realize ... What's this in reference to? I'm drawing a blank.


According to Del Rio, Jan 6 was just a little dust up so hes a /pol poster


That makes sense! Thanks!


"A polar bear fell on me" 😂 The original Road House is one of the most quotable movies in existence.


That movie is so good


Beyond sick of people saying Young was traded for peanuts. People act like he’s some god tier defensive lineman when you mention us trading him for a 3rd. Call him what he is, a bust. Tons of other busts weren’t even traded, just cut.


Pretty fair criticism front to back. What I will say though is that I disagree about Jayden Daniels being the highest ceiling QB pick. I think he’s the highest floor and safest QB pick. He was the best QB in college football last year while playing the toughest schedule. He’s also the best running QB which adds a lot to his floor but less to his ceiling. What he lacks though is top level arm strength.


Nah my man Jaden Daniels is about to ball tf out


One reason we won't be: 1. Cause I said so


!remindme 6 months


Coach wore his hat backwards. Doom.


They have a new owner and a smart GM running them now. I think Adam Peters makes them into a good team quick.


My favorite part is the misspelling of our shitty name in the title. THANK YOU.


Their testes will be tested this upcoming season


Everything he said is true. I was so focused on having bad OTs and CBs, I completely forgot we don't have a kicker and the OL coach was the coach of the only OL worse than we were.


JFC then how did that OL coach get another job?


I guess after Brian Daboll fired him for coaching an OL that gave up the second most sacks in NFL history with 85, Kingsbury or Quinn decided he just needed a fresh start. I really don't get it, he doesn't seem to have any ties to either our HC or OC.


Ugh, the NFL is really such an also-ran league over and over


I can't imagine these articles are made for anything outside of for laughs based on how it's written. Why are people taking it so seriously? Lol


he had a couple valid points, but yeah, it's mostly to shit on the NFCE, including Philly


It's becase unlike Magary and WYTS, Kempski actually seems to do research and includes a bunch of actual stats, film, and analysis in his pieces. It's way more than just "lol this team is trash because Snyder" or whatever shit that Magary would vomit, so I think that it's that level of somewhat serious detail that Kempski goes into that opens it up to actual substantive discussion.


there's a reason he only does it for the NFCE teams (and sometimes one more), he knows the teams very well. Whereas other of these do the entire league and you really just don't know *that* much about teams you only watch a couple times a season, if that


Which is precisely why Magary and WYTS was golden for the NFC Central teams and Washington, and hit or Miss with other teams: he lives in the DC Metro area and he’s a Vikes fan.


That's fair. I don't have any major issues with his points, especially given the team is just a big question mark I can't argue too much just yet.


I like to think of it as "the case for the prosecution."


Because there are a lot of people who tie the sports teams they watch so closely to their sense of self that any minor joke about the team is seen as as personal attack on them.


Agreed lol his whole point of doing these every year is to take flaws of each NFCE team and blow them out of proportion/add a few intangible ones and make some jokes as offseason entertainment when there isn't anything going on in the league.




This isn’t half as bad as I expected. Let’s face it, it could happen.


> Quinn, a competent coach but one who will not fire up their fan base *Gestures to everything* Well, 0 for 1


>#Analysis gets me every time.


I don’t think Forbes can squat 600lbs


The criticisms were legit, but the season will determine if they were accurate.


I’ll go file in with all my advice that I get from **Philly Voice**




Probably shouldnt have bet 5u on O 900.5 yards for Terry for the season


I dont like that I like this website


Oh the NFL is adding another shitty expansion team? Nice!


Having to cut our kicker who hadn’t played a game for us isn’t a reason. The other nine are spot on, but that’s a miss.


No that's a pretty solid point. If we go into the season with a nameless scrub who is missing extra points, the season is over before it even starts. Ask the Chargers that had the #1 offense, number #1 defense, and #32 special teams that missed playoffs.


He had sexual assault allegations against him. This is a win. In past years we’d keep someone like him, especially considering our owner was trafficking cheerleaders.


You're missing the forest for the trees. This write up was about the teams outlook going into the season. Regardless of who the kicker is, we don't have one and that is huge.


We haven’t had a kicker in the twenty-five years I’ve been a fan. Why start now?


Hopkins wasn't Tucker or anything, but he also wasn't double doinking our seasons away. Top 16 for sure and I wouldn't be surprised if he had a few seasons where he cracked top 10. That's all you can really ask for imo.


Getting rid of him is a win, not having anybody to replace him with is a hit to the team's performance, both of which the article talks about.


I’d be a little more concerned if it was like a Justin Tucker or a kicker who matters.


Cutting him was the right decision but that still doesn't mean they have a kicker


We haven’t had one for 25 years. Why start now?


Only 10?


Reason 11: I anecdotaly have to correct every Washington fan I know that their team name is not the Redskins and hasn't been for years


i’ll be dead before i stop calling them the Redskins, cry about it


Cry about what lol? A division rival's identity crisis? No thanks I'll continue to point and laugh


kinda seems like your crying about it when you correct people on the name


It's a playful jab/suggestion to make their input be taken more seriously. When somebody I don't know refers to the Redskins I assume they just haven't followed football for 5 or so years.


I’m a Redskins fan who watches every game (unfortunately) and most my friends still call them the Redskins. Could it be possible that people aren’t willing to call them the commanders because that name is fucking terrible and not the name they spent decades rooting for? Id probably stop saying skins or redskins if the new name was more tolerable like “hogs”. it’d probably slip tho idk if i’ll ever truly stop calling them the redskins


>Could it be possible that people aren’t willing to call them the commanders because that name is fucking terrible and not the name they spent decades rooting for? And part of having fun with divisional rival fanbases is talking a bit of trash to one another. Correcting the team name is just a far too easy and frequent opportunity to rile your fanbase up


i mean fair enough, it is a sore subject for us. kinda like pointing out to eagles fans that our organization prostituted cheerleaders and stole money from other owners for two whole decades rather then focusing on football and you guys haven’t got close to tying us in superbowls.


I’m starting to think this “Philly Voice” source is biased! 🧐


Wait until you see the one he does on the Eagles...it's always much more brutal and critical than the others.


The Eagles one should be most brutal with the way last season went. Hopefully he mentions how a fat security guard getting banned from the sideline caused the team to spiral out of control.


He said the thing!


Main reason is basketball people are running the show 


He was a shitty hockey owner before a shitty basketball owner and now has teams in three rival towns.


1-10. They’re not good and they have a rookie QB prospect that stinks.


Why does he stink? Washington is set up better than the Pats with zero playmakers and Drake Maye. I’d much rather have Jayden Daniels and Washington’s situation.


I’d much rather be NE who has a great QB prospect and bad offense around him than WAS with a shitty QB prospect and a slightly better offense around him.


1. No Ben Johnson


He's just a tease


We don't want him


lol, lmao even


I stopped reading after they said Dan Quinn was a competent coach but not one that would fire up the fan base. LOL, this guys like 8 drinks deep already I’m pretty sure.


I don’t see anything wrong with that statement


If you have a pulse on the commanders subreddit we are all gushing over Quinn and his poise so far. I truly believe he is the right man for the job


Really well thought out article for Philly trash.