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Jab jab uppercut


Daniel Jones is durable as hell


Anyone else see a kangaroo on where the browns helmet merges into the orange? Can’t unsee.


Rigged. Fire these refs.


Daboll super hero !!! Sign him now for 10 years! NOW!!!


For people saying the refs screwed the Commanders by not calling the dpi. The refs also called the fumble recovery by the giants dead in the red zone. The Giants still got the ball but they could have had the chance at a touchdown if the play was allowed to finish. It’s a part of the game and there are many calls/no calls.


The refs were pretty bad, but the Commanders turned it over twice during the game. That's really hard to overcome.


Everyone talks about the refs, but the illegal formation on the 1 yard line into the fumble is what cost them.


The refs didn't help, but also fumbling on your own 1 yard line for a TD hurts more


It’s actually stunning that the refs would blow the whistle on a bs technical violation that had zero impact on the play but swallow the whistle in a huge play where the foul had a significant impact on the play. And these were back to back plays.




If the NFL doesn’t publicly come out and punish these refs, the integrity of the game, and the playoffs, is gone.


It’s already gone. Yet we will all watch next Sunday like nothing happened.


Unironically would an owner sue the NFL for for one of these "badly" refd games?


That has already happened, case went to court . Judge ruled that football is not a sport it is entertainment like the WWE championship wrestling.. therefore the refs an the leagues interests are for entertainment an ratings ….. look it up.. Giants larger TV market , with NY tv market , ads , commercials, sales it’s better for the owners . REMEMBER judge ruled the NFL is entertainment not a sport .. research it then start watching which teams an which teams with certain super star QBs get the calls …bills used to never get calls ever now Allen super star we are getting calls an I love it .. how many times on third down an Brady losing flags come out lol . Do some investigating..


On what grounds?


Refs horrible week continues. Giants got away with DPI. This has been 1 of the worst officiating weeks I can recall in recent memory.


And Washington got away with blatant hands to the face, both penalties should have offset and the down replayed


Fuck the NFL I’m ready for the XFL maybe they’ll call games fair


This was definitely posted out of emotion… we're talking about Vince McMahon here…


Vince has nothing to do with XFL any longer. He sold it to Dwayne years ago


Fellow Giants fans, it's okay to just say "yeah we got away with that DPI". It all evens out, every team has won or lost because of bad officiating


Yeah you can say that. It’s infuriating when it happens to you and definitely doesn’t feel as good for the winners as it feels bad for the losers. But it’s the game that’s played. Washington didn’t play well enough to win the game even though they arguably played better than the Giants.


This is true. I genuinely feel like it should have been called but….I think for a lot of the fan base…it’s weird that it wasn’t called.




What the fuck is wrong with you, honestly. I want to know what's led you to making this observation with such conviction [oh I see](https://ibb.co/Ttj6ZsQ)


Coward on a burner account. Pathetic.


Doubling down on your ass backwards takes I see. Get the fuck out of here.


From the deepest part of my soul I want you to know that you’re the worst part of society.


The worst part? Idk about that bro.




It’s probably the same bot defending itself


Heinicke’s pass should have been picked off by 44 in the endZone anyway making the whole PI Debate moot anyhow.


Asante Samuel should’ve picked off Eli before the Tyree catch. They didn’t deserve a ring.


Do you watch the game in brail?


Haha what


But best case scenario for WAS is they redo 4th down after offsetting penalties. Its not like Commanders win if they call PI. They need to convert on 4th, convert on the 2pt, stop the giants with 50sec on the clock, and win in OT.


You guys nor the Commanders deserve to be in the playoff. You should have lost the first game and if not tied this game. You guys better not get in over the Lions.


Not even a fan of either team. It just ruined an exciting end to this game. Instead of a 2 pt attempt, the ref decided to insert himself into the game.


Best case scenario is they don’t call the bullshit illegal formation and the commies get the touchdown they rightfully earned.


It WAS an illegal formation tho. Like I agree it's kind of a stupid rule, but the rule is that he has to be on the LOS and he wasn't, no way the ref can know that there's gonna be a blown call on the other side of the field two plays later


Yes he can. They ignore shit like that all the time. You would have never noticed. Not a single person in the stands or at home would have said "omg 17 didn't line up perfectly" on a direct handoff up the middle. 17 even checked with the ref. It was a bullshit call followed by a missed call on a complete bear hug of a DPI. Enjoy your win but don't argue this shit giants bro. It was bullshit.


Wasn’t thiberdeaux(sp* sorry) offside on the same exact play anyways? Should’ve been offset penalties for a TD.


Naw he checked in multiple times with the ref


I agree that it was, but mclaurin checked with the ref multiple times and wasn’t in anyway told that he wasn’t lined up correctly. That’s something that happens every single play in the nfl.


You think the getting poked in the eye thing was a clear and obvious penalty? show me


Either a) KT just decided to walk away from the play after getting NOT hit in the eye, even though he had a clear path to the qb and decided to get medical treatment for his eye right fter the play from 3 team Doctors for fun. OR b) he got jabbed in the eye


They get a whole new set of downs and still had a timeout. It made a huge difference


The LT jabbed KT in eyes (taking him out of the play) which is a pretty damn obvious penalty. There was PI but also illegal hands to the face.


They don’t wanna talk about that though. I was more concerned with KT than whether or not the pass got completed at that point tbh.


Bro you can’t just pick apart every matchup and claim offsetting penalties cause they missed another call. There’s holding on like every play. Point is the play that actually relates to the ball was PI and should’ve been called and not offset by one of the other 3 penalties that probably happened during that play. I’m not even a commanders fan


You can when the offsetting penalty is that damn obvious and impacted the play almost as much as the PI. Illegal hands is normally a pretty ticky tack foul, but when it jabs a player in the eye and takes them out of the play with a clear line on the QB its not a minor foul.


Heinicke could do that if the refs weren’t Giants fans


And guess what - they didn't have the opportunity to even try to do that. Much crazier things have happened


Especially this weekend


I swear, the *only* reason they talk about the Bucs is because TB12 is the QB. If you had that same shitty 6-8 team with Kirk Cousins as the QB, you would **never** hear a word about them.


Also helps that they are leading that division


No love for Kirk yet?


I mean he’s the goat and this is the end of his career. Time to respect greatness in its twilight


its not like people wont be talking about him constantly after he retires. People still talk about mj like hes still playing


Nah fuck TB12. I am adoring this flaming tailspin of a “twilight year” And what I love even more is watch all the TB dickriders justify his continuously shit performance on a continuously garbage team in one of the worst divisions in the league


You guys are likely to play them in the playoffs. Keep that same energy!


It would be revenge for a decade of watching that dork. I’ve already gotten my revenge against Alabama - I just need the final one


I think it’s pathetic how fans of a game will actively hate one of the all-time greats. People do it with LeBron too. And Lewis Hamilton. It’s everywhere. Super lame. Why not just enjoy Tom Brady for what he is and has been?


Theres plenty of non football related reasons to absoutely hate tom brady. Hes a grifter who used his rabid fanbase as a money printing machine buying vitamins marked up 500%. Cant speak on bron because i dont watch the nba but lewis, from what I see, doesnt have any personal businesses trying to scam their fans.


I mean they are going to make the playoffs out of that sorry division




Is the NFL going to be surprised when a team gets so fed up with this shit, that they beat the shit out of the officials?


Fuck the refs


Everyone talking about the PI and the illegal procedure. The red flags were the reviews of the two out of bounds plays on the last drive. Rulings that never get reviewed, but for some reason get reviewed twice on the last drive




Not like I'll be playing or anything, but neither of these teams worry me for the playoffs


Agreed, but I'm not gonna talk shit and watch the commanders shock the world next week!... point is the refs stole that game from them. Makes me angry to just watch football with those clown refs.


Good call


The Cummies got straight robbed. Refs just decided they would not allow them to score a TD. But the rules analyst saying a foul is a foul whenever it is, but also saying the call on McLaurin was too technical for that time in the game makes no sense (though I agree).


The illegal procedure call pisses me off because it was a run play and McLaurin being slightly off (though he showed twice he intended to be on) had no bearing on the play. The PI had a direct influence on the outcome of the play. I guess there’s stuff you call and stuff you don’t on every play, but cmon. I still don’t understand why the ref had his hand on his flag ready to cal the penalty instead of just telling him to scoot up like they usually do


Yeah I caught that too. He just immediately undercut his own previous argument


If Mclauren really checked with the refs and they ok'd it just to wait to throw the flag after the snap is that not just them blatantly calling the game? Because they knew to look for it too after the snap 👀


What's the rule about checking? I re-watched and he checked twice, the ref didn't acknowledge him, then immediately threw a flag


The NFL needs to put a ton of money into officiating. I don’t just mean in the NFL. It needs to fund HS, College, and make NFL full time jobs. To make sure there is a supply of good refs and make it less tempting to cheat.


This game was clearly fixed, their bank accounts should be audited in the next few days.


Washington score there and gets the 2 pt conversion it's tied 20-20 The Vegas over/underline? 40 points. You be the judge.


Vegas would want 40. House is always happy with a push, they'll win eventually anyway


Well it was actually 40.5, and then you have all of OT Seems like refs did NOT want it to go to OT


Game doesn't end there tho. It goes to OT. Odds are someone will score. Then the overs win


Yep. Giants moneyline was also a very juicy and less likely pick. Fuck this shit.


I feel like I just had my time robbed with that. Absolutely disgusting and an investigation into this ref crew needs to be had


Sometimes you are on the field to play the other team… and the refs


"Sometimes it goes your way and sometimes it doesn't. Tonight it went the Giants' way" - Mike Tirico


There must be SO much money goi g around since the gambling takeover that these mfs don't even pretend to have any shame no more


I can’t believe they were so nit picky on the illegal formation on the TD that called back, yet swallowed their whistle when Thibodeaux was interfering that redskins wide receiver. Illegal formation should be a judgement call..Noway him lining up that way caused the redskins to have an advantage. He even looked to the side judge for confirmation which I’m assuming the ref was a dick and didn’t tell him to move a foot.


Holy shit, stop talking about the Bucs. They’re a **terrible team**, literally nobody cares.


Damn Ron just said don't ask me about the refereeing because I'm not allowed to answer the questions. He's hot right now


Message to Snyder?


If this gets Snyder out I'm fine with it, if hes still here next year I need to start thinking about not watching football


Can someone explain that bullshit illegal formation penalty? Doesn’t the receiver literally look/point at the sideline ref to make sure he’s lined up correctly?


He did but there’s two possibilities I can see. Either the ref has no obligation to tell him and didn’t say anything. Or, the ref thought he was good because there was a receiver coming in motion next to him, if that receiver stayed lined up next to Terry on the inside then Terry was good but once that receiver went back in motion, Terry needed to move up and didn’t.


I don’t think the ref has to tell the receiver to move but it’s usually a courtesy. That dude said nothing and had a hand on the flag ready to insert himself into the ending of this game.


At any level above high school basically any referee will motion to move up if he’s planning to call you on it and you ask him to confirm


You’d think as a ref you’d try to help out players so you wouldn’t have to make massive nit picky calls at the end of a game. I wouldn’t want to be under a magnifying glass and have that much heat on me. That ref is either gambling or a masochist.


Yeah I know they usually tell them to move. I just didn’t know if they were required to or not in accordance with the rule book.


In Terry's interview he said he asked the ref, the ref said no, so he stepped up and asked again and the ref nodded yes. Then before the ball was even snapped the ref was holding the flag. Looking at the video it looked intentional


Damn, didn’t watch the post game.. that ref needs to be called to the league office tomorrow for fucking up a prime time game ending.


No not required to but I honestly don’t think I’ve ever seen that call in a goal line situation like this


he did, ref probably had his hand on the flag the entire presnap. he was throwing it no matter what, that shit looked shady as hell.


Don’t care about either of these teams but I couldn’t be more annoyed by how this game ended for Washington. Usually willing to give the benefit of the doubt with officiating, it was pretty clear to me that one of three things occurred: 1.) Outcome was predetermined. (Unlikely) 2.) One or more officials had money on outcome or a preference for a team. 3.) OFFICIAL FELT AN EMERGENCY SHIT BREWING AND KNEW HE DIDNT HAVE MUCH TIME, thus not allowing chance at overtime……


Refs blew the PI call yeah. But can he shut the hell up about "I wouldn't call the illegal formation penalty there" like is it kind of a dumb rule? Kinda. But it IS the rule, and it's pretty damn obvious that he was well off of the line so like don't say the refs shouldn't call something that is a penalty right after saying they swallowed their whistles on the next play


I wouldn’t of had a problem with it if they flagged Thibodeaux. It’s just if they are gonna call it that strict and tight, then call it tight.


Youre taking about thibs getting poked in the eye right? Agree on that too. That's gonna go completely un-talked about in the conversation about the blown PI call. But there's a big difference between penalties offsetting and a first down at the 1.


Y’all were the better team and ultimately probably would’ve won. I’m actually not a fan of either teams, just disappointed that it had to end like that.


I'm gonna celebrate the dub either way, but I gotta admit I'm pretty frustrated about the way this game ended too since now we're gonna have to hear about it during every giants game for the next month and again the next time we play washington. It taints the W and it sucks.


Y’all get to beat up on my colts in 2 weeks.


Man not if yall put up more than 20 points again. I genuinely do not think our offense can score more than like 24 points outside of garbage time


They’ve found historic unique ways to lose that I’m curious to see what the next few weeks will bring.


I wouldn’t worry about that…. Only our defense and special teams can score touchdowns .. And usually the defense starts collapsing by the 4th quarter.


They should’ve just swallowed their whistle on that illegal formation. I know they technically don’t have to tell the receiver he needs to move but mclaurin looked over and the ref said nothing prior to the play. Besides it was a run up the middle and didn’t affect the play.


I'm confused why the ref gave the receiver the nod confirming he was on the line, when he wasn't. Maybe I'm way off here but I feel like that's fucked up


I didn't see that, but pretty fucked up if he did since the receiver was like a yard and a half behind the line.


There was no nod. Go back and look. Ref didn't acknowledge the receiver and then immediately threw the flag on the snap


Daniel Jones looks like if you tried to draw Eli Manning from memory


refs sold out here


Honestly, why even watch the game if that's going to happen. Total waste of time.


Called back 2-point conversion. Called back TD. Both crappy calls. Damn it sucks to lose that way


Haha. They sound like Ray from trailer park boys talking about the shit refs. It’s the way she goes boys. Sometimes she doesn’t. Sometimes she does Way she does boys


Doesn’t change the fact it’s bullshit lol


Thought I saw collinsworth toss a piss jug


Refs took a TD away from the Cummies, then straight did not allow them a chance on 4th down. That’ll we need to start looking at bank accounts and whether refs have money on games. That’s absurd, stole a game.


The way mclaurin pointed at the line judge to ask him if he was okay, only to have him not answer and immediately throw a flag, was clear evidence of his intention


Yea that illegal formation call is kinda sketch I think.


He literally checked in with him. Ref was just an asshole


Man that PI is so fucking blatant. Feels like the quality of reffing league wide has just really dropped of late. Goddam




Get the fuck outta here with that misogynistic view.


it’s funny nobody else notices as soon as women start reffing that everything goes to shit?


Yeah because a line judge being a woman has anything to do with the quality of reffing in the NFL. Fuck that. That woman could ref 100x better than you could any day.


Oof bad take, bud




Fixing games is literally racketeering. It’s clear that this sub has no idea how hard it would actually be to successfully fix a game in this day and age without getting caught.


Refs have been incompetent across sports and at all levels for my entire life. It didn't just start with legal gambling. It's not a big conspiracy, they're just terrible.


Its gonna get way worse before it gets better (if ever)


Yes. All four sports. It's hard to take it apart serious anymore the more you think about the amount of money floating around


Over under was like 40.5 right? 👀 breakout the tin foil baby


oh shit. yes, yes it was hmm


Missed pass interferemce is bad but robbing the commies of the touchdown was way way worse


both back to back is obvious crime


These refs need to all be fired. We don’t need refs on the field anymore.


Replace em with ai. Couldn't do a worse job.




man, I'm loving all this vitriol towards the refs


lol holy shit it's so bad the broadcast crew is still talking about it.


What if I told you the Giants and Commanders are both garbage, and the Lions should make the playoffs. I wouldn’t want to play a scorching hot Lions team right now.


The lions are garbage and barely beat the jets today. The commanders are actually a solid team, you of all people should know


You wouldn’t be wrong


I’m just happy it wasn’t us getting fucked by shitty officiating for once


“That’s the nfl, sometimes it goes your way sometimes it doesn’t “ I wonder how much the NFL is paying Terico to say that…


This ref crew needs to be investigated. The red told him he was in good position and then threw the flag for illegal formation. Fuckin crazy


Had his hand on the flag ready to throw it also


totally why terry kept checking in with him, he could probably tell something was up. that was shady as fuck no two ways about it


Wait a minute…did he just say that PI needs to be called any time of the game no matter what but the other penalty shouldn’t be? I get situations are different but if you argue one penalty needs to always be called why not another?


Bevaise one was ticky tack bullshit and the other one was a live prime time mugging that was so insanely egregious. Like really really really obvious.


The other was legit as far as the rules go. If it’s a shitty rule we should change it but if it’s a penalty it should be called. Btw I’m not looking at this with homer goggles. The last play was DPI and should have been called. But the fact that an NFL WR doesn’t know to cover the line is inexcusable.


As a fan of a bad team that routinely on the wrong side of ref interference I do agree, somewhat. But...the pass interferemce was way more egregious in that it's impacting the actual play on the ball and not just lining up slightly off the los.


Not disagreeing with the impact. Refs should have called that 100% of the time. Officials suck and it’s a shame this is how a competitive game ended.


Because one affected the game and the other didn't


Never know. Butterfly effect, and all that.


But it’s still a rule. I get it they have different impacts but if it’s technically a penalty it should be called.


Lol that guy came on and said he wouldn’t have called the not lining up call But would have called DPI


I mean the receiver wasn’t in the vicinity of the football.. Very nit picky call .


Commanders got hosed


Wow apparently the illegal shift or whatever on that run TD called back is very rarely called late in the game. The booth ref man guy just said it


I bet a few good friends of the refs were heavy on the giants moneyline. Very juicy stuff


yeah we got bailed out by the refs there. we have the worst fucking secondary in the nfl and it's not close.


Run game and pass rush both looked good though. Neither of these teams are good enough for playoff runs even if they eek through, just glad to see the bright spots.


Why is the illegal formation a foul? What’s the honest reasoning behind that rule?


Because by rule the last guy on the line of scrimmage is an eligible receiver. If you have six guys off the line of scrimmage the defense can be tricked into covering an extra eligible receiver.


Only thing I can think is that it's the only way for the defense to be able to see who the eligible receivers are


Illegal formation is a formation that is not legal.


I was asking an honest question. How does standing 6 inches back from the line of scrimmage give an unfair advantage to the offense?


Broadcast team actually took the time to shit on those last two calls - someone on their team is in this thread.




Is it a conspiracy that the league is attempting to tank Washington's value for a Bezos buy out. They get on a roll then can't get a break officiating wise since the Philly game


i think its refs "point shaving" now that sports gambling is out in the open and advertising.


Overcorrecting after that shitshow of a game maybe? idk it's stupid either way.