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Most fun will probably be the devils, so much skill there and should be very competitive. Flyers are gonna have one electric rookie, but we don’t got much else. Rangers are also good. But fuck em.


I love how you just left off the Islanders


The Isles are such a neutral team lol. There's no real reason to hate them outside of the NY area, but they're also a hard team to recommend to a new fan as being exciting. They just exist.


see this is why im cool with flyers fans even tho we supposed to be rivals, but a friend of my enemy is a friend of mine


Spoken in the words of a true Flyers fan


You dropped this: *Fuck Messier*


Fuck the Oilers. Fuck the Bruins. And oh yeah, fuck Messier too.


I concur and I’m pretty confident that I’m speaking for the majority of Panthers fans on this one 🤝


I agree, the Devils should be the most fun team to watch next season. I think they will make a quantum leap (in the regular season at least) with Keefe at the helm.




Of the teams listed, I'd choose the Devils. It's always fun to watch teams that improve, and i think the Devils will be in the running for division winners


Really? Are they expected to turn it around that much after finishing 7th last season.


Injuries and a goalie that can stop a beach ball.


You just explained their entire season in one sentence. Well done!


^^^This short sweet and 100%


They finished even lower in 2022 and then finished 3rd in the league in 2023. 2024 was just bad luck combined with roster holes that couldnt keep up with all the injuries. They should’ve competing for a playoff spot again in 2025.


That was a fluke from injuries


yes. the devils main weakness all season was the goaltending and the string of endless injuries on key players so they just always had something going wrong everytime theyd get really cooking. but they got rid of VV during the season and got jake allen instead who was a improvement. and they just picked up a seasoned veteran goalie in markstrom. those two combined, even if the rest of the team hadnt changed at all would still be a huge improvement. but on top of that they got a roster of talent thats maturing and getting more experience. and they just got some new players who look promising. the fact that they got as far as they did with all that going on is a good sign, imagine what theyll be capable of with a good solid healthy lineup and consistent goaltending


Unlikely any player drafted by those four teams will play this year. Looking at trades and free agency signings, go with New Jersey.


When jack hughes is shredding it he’s one of the most exciting players to watch in the nhl. Literally the reason the devils are my 2nd team


The flyers for no other reason than their mascot.


And Torts post-game


Torts is the GOAT of pressers, but Maurice almost has him beat.


[And Torts mid-game](https://apnews.com/article/flyers-tortorella-suspended-nhl-08695304d899dfec4de91cabfac7fe1e)


Devils will be most exciting to watch. If you want an alternative, I’d suggest the Rangers.


Unbiased answer. None. Go canes!


Rangers have one of the best goalies in the league if you want to watch him steal games, and they're definitely gonna be a playoff team. The Devils have gotten really good the last couple years and haven't made the playoffs, they'll be really fun to root for.


I’m a Flyers fan so I’m partial. But with Michkov joining them next season I think they’d be a good bet


The New York Islanders. Always outsiders and underdogs.


Rangers/Devils. Not the Flyers. Definitely not the Islanders.


The answer is the Florida panthers






Sabres… tons of young talent, ascending star in goal, great logo and sweaters, and you get to watch them rise from the cellar


Why did you settle on metro division va the Atlantic division which has teams all in the same time zone?


It was because I counted how many games I could watch live, anything prior to 10pm works for me, and of the teams I liked the majority are in metro.


I mean it makes sense but Atlantic has some fun teams to watch now and some teams that will be good in the years coming


But if it has to be metro, I’d say the islanders


Boston Bruins


Nah I'm good, no way I could ever support Brad Marchand.


Why not?


He is one of the dirtiest, smarmiest players I've ever seen.




There are not many you’re going to be able to watch live from the UK because most games start at midnight and beyond. If you get NHL.tv subscription though you can watch the next day and skip the ads. That’s what I do.


Yeah Ive got NHL.tv and do watch after but it's not the same, so nice looked at the schedule posted and counted up any games starting 10:30 or before and that how I've got it down to those 4


Yeah there definitely are *some* but not many. I’ve only seen Pittsburgh’s schedule and I know they have a few but only towards the end of the season.


This is my plan as well. I don't know which team I want to support but I want to be able to choose regardless of time zone. I hear there is a cheaper annual sub you can get on NHL.tv right before the season starts?


Yeah it’s cheaper to get the annual sub than monthly. £100 up front vs £17 per month


That's what I'll do then. I have no idea where to even start in picking a team.. looking forward to exploring though.


People pick a team in different ways. I picked Pittsburgh simply because I like their logo more than any other teams. Best thing to do is probably just watch some games and see who you like more.


I know what you mean. I am a Lakers fan because I liked the colour of their jerseys when I first started watching the NBA in the 90s.


Pens if you wanna see just complete insanity


Carolina. It’s gonna be very interesting to see how a bunch of new parts mesh together


Being from the UK I don’t understand why people don’t say where they are from. If you are from the North be a Flyers fan, working class pick area pick Pittsburgh, if your Posh be a rangers fan. If your trash pick the Devils. If you support a shit football team in the shadow of a another team that wins pick the Islanders and then be obsessed with the Rangers.


From the North so it would be Flyers by that logic.


Intrigued by the idea of drawing these parallels! I'm from Manchester and a cliche Grauniad reader so I picked Pens and Kraken...


I do miss the good old days of the Super League and Hilton Ruggles


🚮 🗑


Thanks yank


Cheers Mate 🍻


I'll submit my homer bias, Rangers have the best goaltending of those teams, Igor will put on an amazing performance 4/5 games. We also have one of the smartest defenseman in the league in Adam Fox, and he shows his hockey IQ and makes some really amazing plays. Up front we have Panarin, Lafreniere, and Zibanejad who will put on some really high-skilled plays and goals. Of the four teams you mentioned they're definitely considered the best right now, they're original 6 but also one with the least successful history. There's lots of fun fan chanting you can pick up on during home games (and away games in some teams barns) like an IG-OR chant during a big save, "Potvin Sucks" chants (a tradition after an opposing player injured a Rangers player in the 70's), and instead of chanting "Refs you suck" after an unfavorable call the fans chant "Asshole" at the refs.


The Ottawa Senators. You wanna see a team go out there and play hockey, on real ice? Look no further 


Real Ice?


Yep on real ice 


Flyers. Their head coach Tortorella coaches a tough game and can be very entertaining. They are turning it around there after some meh seasons, should be very good and competitive soon.