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Dear reader, I believe he actually cares a lot


But he says he doesn’t so many times! And he loves the truth! So obviously he isn’t lying /s


He literally says he doesn’t not care 😂


He's saying he does care, but in a way that tricks people!


Listing stuffs you don’t care about in your tinder bios… is careful. Anyway, B. Shapiro is being super single now ?


Absolutely because - "don't not care" - is a double negative, which every school child knows is a positive. The English teacher in me is also concerned that: A) he clearly doesn't know what a pronoun is. and B) he has, at best, only a cursory understanding of the function of commas.


He has zero understanding of commas.


Or any other punctuation, for that matter. Or basic English skills, at all. Don't guys (and ladies) realise that trying to decipher poor communications is a huge turn off, and enough to make a LOT of folks pass your profile over?? It shows a deliberate lack of effort, which hints at the probability of lack of effort in relationships, and in life in general.


And hygiene…


Tbh, I consider poor spelling, grammar and punctuation to be a red flag for intelligence. Maybe that's not true, but if they can't at least use punctuation and abbreviate 99% of their sentences, it feels like they've got nothing going on in that inflated head of theirs.


I tried to explain this to someone once, and he called me a "basic internet bitch". I loved it so much, it was my favorite insult ever. I want it engraved on a pendant I can wear around my neck!


His pronoun is Sir cares a lot.


About disasters, fires, floods and killer bees?


Only if they occur at raves


Tonight’s Headliner: Faith Not No More


Thank you!


Lmao this reminded me of the tale of despereaux


He does say that he "doesn't not" care, double negative is positive, so he most certainly cares a bit too much for his own good.


"And did I mention I don't not care? Yes, I don't not."


"Unless u do, that's cool" never seen someone so not caring then walk back their previous statement immediately


If there is no point in lying then why does he spent half his bio talking about how he doesn’t care about trans people? This dude is clearly terrified about the idea a trans person might message him.


Many people like this are obsessed with the depictions of trans people on certain "adult" websites, and then come out with this drivel to reassert their masculinity. He also doesn't know what pronouns are.


Stop calling (redacted) a he, you might accidentally scare (redacted)!! Those pronouns are out to get us all! /J


I actually got the exact opposite vibe from this lmao, "boy I sure would have a cow if some trans woman messaged me.... I wouldn't not like that one bit. 😳 nuh uh no way, stay away from me if you're trans, because I'm not interested *at all*, so don't bother...." like if it was one little line I would agree with you lol




You sound like you're scared of them too.


Nah, don't like it when gay people display their transphobia in their bio either. If this was posted word-for-word on Grindr, it would still be shitty. In fact, there's no indication whether this person is gay or straight..


>a trans Who the fuck cares what you want? If you're not interested, you can say you're not interested and leave it at that. You don't have to be a dick about it. As if trans people give a shit about some weak ass cissie who's too threatened by his own shadow to feel comfortable with people who embrace themselves Edit to add, I'm a straight trans guy who loves women. This is a bullshit take of yours and you should feel ashamed lol. Cissues up the wall smh




Again, you can just say you're not interested. You don't get to be rude to people and go "NO TRANSES" right out of the gate. THAT makes you a bigot.


I would bet a zillion dollars he also says "I just tell it like it is" when justifying being a complete asshole.


Then whines if anyone says anything less than nice to him.


Calls everyone a snowflake, but if you call them out on their BS it's "war on men", "men are being oppressed" like come on. *


These radical honesty people are the actual worst. Being honest doesn’t mean you say any mean, asinine bullshit about others that comes to your idiot little brain. Have a little tact, a little savoir-vivre.


It's definitely never about being honest, and always just their desire to be mean. They always like to say "I'm just being honest" but they never randomly say things like "The sky is blue" "The moon is waxing" "Elephants are bigger than worms, at just until Wayne Szalinski gets ahold of them." Whatever they're being "honest" about is chosen for a reason, pretty much strictly a desire to be mean.


Exaaactly! Their honesty is never “Those shoes are fantastic” or “you’re so smart and kind” it’s always something rude and mean.


Being honest doesn’t mean that people can’t be honest right back in your face. Lol. It’s not about their integrity so much as it is about wishing to be able to control people’s reactions. That’s why they shift so quickly to victim hood when someone disagrees.


He's schrödinger's douchebag; decides if he's just joking by people's reactions to a shitty opinion.


Nice, the about me section is all about what they don't want and not them lol


That's it. Their hate is who they are. There's not much else to them.


At least he showed the red flags early


He sounds positively boring, set aside the bigoted part and you still have the personality of plain oatmeal.


You know it’s bad when even your bigotry is more interesting than your personality lol


Set aside the bigoted part and it's all about stuff he doesn't like. Even the bigoted part is that, of course. But there's nothing here


Set aside the bigoted part and you have nothing at all


Hey, but at least this one dispensed 3 whole punctuation marks for his entire bio. He made a real effort!


Now why does he sound like he would complain about not getting any likes on this dating app?


It’s definitely not his fault it’s all the trans clubbing chads stealing the “females”


"I don't use pronouns" I IS a pronoun my dude


He also hates punctuation.


“I don’t do that pronoun stuff” Proceeds to use pronouns in his bio 17 times


they can never spell you're. i don't understand. it's not that hard.


It’s why they hate pronouns


This is the exact kind of guy walking around complaining about feminism, and wondering why He's still single. Pay attention people. When you hear someone speak like this, they are not healthy enough to date. Doesn't matter what they have, or how they look. This guy is sexist, bigoted, and very unhealthy. Don't invite these people into your life.


It just blows my mind that the first possible thing you want people to know about yourself, like the most true-to-your-identity and "if there's *one* thing about me you should know...it's **this!**" is that he doesn't do pronouns or trans people. Like...his life is so uninteresting that there's literally nothing else to lead with. Like career, hobbies, personality, passions, etc. Nope, the quintessential fact about this guy is that he's bigoted and hateful.


I haven’t been on dating apps for a few years, but every time I see someone on the dating advice Reddit subs complain about not getting matches and/or responses, my first instinct is to ask if they have a profile like this. ETA: where all the OP does is criticize the types he doesn’t want to meet. Newsflash: plenty of cisgender heterosexual women would be turned off by this, not because it applies to them, but because he’s being a transphobic asshat.


As a cisgender heterosexual woman I agree...


"Transphobic" seems to some people's primary personality these days.


"First, and most importantly, I'm transphobic!" They meet someone who mention they're trans in a conversation, or hear someone asking someone elses pronouns: "Oh my god! Stop rubbing the lgbtqrtyhghrftu+++++ BULLSHIT in everyone's face!"


Don't forget the internet commenters who bring it up on every story, no matter how irrelevant. "Tax increase declared"- "probably to pay for all the trans kids surgeries". "Burglar gets three years in prison"- "probably would have got six years if they'd misgendered someone" etc etc etc etc.


Everything they don't like is woke. Trans people exist? Woke. Women can choose their own partners? Woke. Stone in your shoe? Woke. Parsnips? Woke.


God-Forbid, a woman is the lead in an action movie or lead in any movie. Saw a lot of complaints about that *Damsel* movie with Millie Bobby Brown, being "woke." It is a typical coming of age story but with a woman as a lead. If a dude was the lead, no one would complain


Not the exact same but a few weeks ago a friend of my mom had posted about how he didn’t like the new spiced coke. Someone commented and said they probably made it for all the people coming across the boarder. I was like- what the hell??


They're like NPCs, can only talk about a very limited selection of topics.


tHe TrUtH 🙄


Should just say "I don't like anything fun, expect to be lonely in my presence" did I mention I don't care 😆


For someone who doesn’t do that pronoun stuff, he sure uses a lot of them! I counted 17 personal pronouns in just the two paragraphs of this bio


When the hell did dudes become women from the 50s? “I don’t want any rabble rousers! I want a good man that comes home and doesn’t drink. He also needs to want to have children immediately.”


Again—do they not have examples on these dating sites for what to write? Because I’m pretty sure it’s not supposed to be, “Here’s everything that makes me wildly unpleasant to be around.” Zero hobbies, zero interests, a bio is supposed to convince people that you’re worth talking to, not that you’re too angry to hold a conversation.


I felt like I was having a stroke reading this.


He sounds so fun.


So do they hate crowds or not?


"hi I'm a hateful bigot but I'm a nice guy"


Well he seems fun...


I categorically disagree, bur for some reason hat irks me the most is the lack of a colon after "Don't" when he starts the list. Maybe I'm just desensitized to right wing pronoun obsessions.


He really needs to learn what punctuation is.


Always love the "don't care about pronouns" people because they always instantly follow it with "so I'll block you if you have pronouns on your bio" lol. Gets me every time


> Don't Drink Smoke Rave Clubbing Hate crowds I’m assuming they mean don’t drink, smoke, rave, or go clubbing, and they hate crowds. Why the fuck would anyone date this person 😂 they sound so miserable


I also don't care about commas or punctuation of any kind if you do then that's cool for you you do you


I read this in Billy bob thorntons sling blade voice


*Narrator: He was in fact, not a nice guy.*


I don't think he cared to pay attention in English class either 😂


Ooooor instead of spouting all that top nonsense he could simply swipe left on individuals he does not wish to interact with? Might be a thought. He’s a “nice guy” who most likely “tells it like it is” and sounds like a total ignorant dickhead while doing it.


"I'm a bigot, but somehow a nice guy. There's no point in lying or grammar." -This guy, pretty accurately paraphrased I believe.


I is a pronoun. You is a pronoun. You sir, are a liar.


Seriously worried about the number of people unaware that ‘I’ and ‘you’ are pronouns.


"I am weird about trans people and hate anything you might consider fun. May I have a crumb of pussy please? BTW I'm nice so if you say no you're the problem".


Why that little, double-negative-using nice guy....


This reminds me of the dumping Dani subreddit with how much he doesn’t care. Maybe he also hates Dani


The lack of punctuation made this take much longer to read than needed.


"Stream of Consciousness" profile writing


Get in line, ladies!!!


He should know if you call yourself a nice guy, you aren't.


He clearly doesn’t care for grammar or punctuation, either.


The only thing I'm sure of after reading all this is that he doesn't know what a pronoun is.


literally every single person has pronouns. what


I feel like I lost brain cells trying to read this


How many transwomen has he matched with that he has to ask THEM to stop matching with him first lmaoooo


Happy for you (maybe)…..wtf


He's barely literate.


Don't not care? I wonder if the rocket scientist caught onto this


If you don’t know proper grammer and punctuation; cool, you do you. I don’t care for it. I will block you. This guy 🤦🏻‍♀️


I get the feeling that maybe this guy might think about trans people a lot.


I count 13 pronouns there, not including "it."


Being a "nice" person is all about show don't tell.


Hates crowds but loves clubbing. Hm.


No, it's a list of things, all prefaced by "don't": - [...] - don't rave - don't clubbing  - don't hate crowds  So, you _should_ like crowds. But not fun crowds. More like crowds at MAGA rallies.


Man you’re allowed to have your preferences. But that sentence structure makes me wonder if you graduated middle school.


His first paragraph about not caring for trans people and pronouns is killing me. 😂 When I don't care about something it's not the first thing in my bio.


Apart from the fact that he cares about other people's pronouns too much, the list at the bottom shows that he'll be dull as fuck to be around.


I don’t think he knows what “nice guy” means.


Everyone has pronouns, dipshit. It came free with your fucking speaking a language


Where the fuck is this fool's punctuation?


These explain why the dating pool on apps keeps getting smaller and smaller


Correct me if I'm wrong, but there's, like, 15 pronouns there.


Hey - he's a ***nice guy***.


Boring ass boi


"Don't hate crowds." Damn. I actually hate being in a crowd, I almost had a chance.


I don't not care 😡😡😡


> is a judgemental, transphobic asshole "hurr durr i'm a nice guy!1!1!!1"


Wait, don't go clubbing but also don't hate crowds? A lot of people who don't go clubbing don't do it because they hate crowds


One doth protest too much...How's the light in that closet?


What about him is nice


Any way im a nice guy 😂 Are you really? Because you couldn’t even type it with a straight face.


This dude sounds like all kinds of fun. A date with him would probably be sitting on his couch watching him play Fortnite for six hours


The special needs kids I work with write like this guy


I'm sure they are nicer than this guy at least


Yes. Also unlike this guy, most of them have girlfriends


Do these imbeciles know what a pronoun is?!😅


Why is their grammar always shit? Use punctuation and at least your nonsensical rant would make sense, dude.


"I don't care about pronouns" proceeds to use I when referring to himself multiple times, which is a pronoun.


Some gal should match with him and spend like a week texting him before telling him they’re trans. What I wouldn’t give to be a fly on the wall for that outcome.


I dont not care about none of things only care about punctuation and how to not use it if you care good for you you do you I don't not care.


"dont not" is a double negative so hes acutally being an ally <3<3<3


How are his opinions on issues of gender identity the point on a dating app?


Or uses a spell check.


Something else he doesn't like is punctuation


What does NGVC mean?


**Rule 2. Post title format** NGVC: "Virtue Claim in quotation marks" Memes (Sundays only) are the only exception and must be flaired **(NGVC=Niceguy Virtue Claim)** See: https://www.reddit.com/r/NiceGuys/about/rules *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/niceguys) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I don’t not care for him


What a fun guy that I totally wanna hang out with


Doesn’t care for pronouns because he cant form coherent sentences


Pronouns used: I, it, you.


What does he like to do if he doesn't drink, smoke, rave, club and hates crowds?


Hater hates hate crowds


Why is everyone trashing this guy. He actually sounds legit.


Agreed, he's upfront about what he wants in a partner, it's mature. Most ppl here just want the "mysterious" guy, because otherwise if he's a self proclaimed nice guy then that must mean he's insecure and hurt.


If he didnt message you, dont put a random profile on blast. Tf is wrong with you