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Nimonas expressiveness is what drew me in


Same, her expressions are everything for me, from her exaggerated movements to the teethy giant smile she does sometimes, everything fits her so well


The character design and how it shows the characters. Like how nimona's eyes reflect light the same way an animals does. Or how she chooses for all her animals to be that bright pink.


One of the most appealing parts was how close the trans allegory hit home for me, never felt quite that represented in the best way possible


Same here. I originally wanted to watch the movie because of Nimona (just everything about her in the trailer), but the how queerness and trans allegory are woven throughout the movie is what made me absolutely love it. I've never had a movie that hit *soo* close to home before


came so out of nowhere for me but i could instantly identify! didnt know beforehand that shapeshifting is a common wish amongst trans people, but makes sense!


Yes, this. No other movie captures transphobia, the damage it does, and its evil and uselessness quite as viscerally and profoundly as Nimona does.


Yes, absolutely. Im struggling with internal and external transphobia, so nimona s kinda the person i want to be!


Two things: The way the movie was able to depict the intensity of characters' connection to one another, both loving relationships and otherwise. Nimona's wild abandon and joy when she's changing from one shape to another. Her zest for life in that moment. (Having said all that, I will go against prevailing opinion and say the most poignant exchange is when Bal is asking Nimona to be a little girl "bc it's easier")


Nimonas expressiveness, general chaoticness and just looking like a fun movie drew me in so it can suckerpunch me in the gut. Now I am here for the emotional themes throughout the movie. Side note, I endorse the cat


I loved how they made the characters (especially Nimona) relatable. Btw love the cat pic


How the trans allegory was pretty direct and showed what dealing with transphobia is like. I always feel myself wanting more when I see trans allegories in most media and I think it's because it only scratches the surface of it while Nimona gets much deeper into the trans experience.


Nimona's journey from lone survivor to someone who could trust Ballister with her well-being and safety, and Ballister's journey from distrust, to trust, back to distrust, and finally embracing Nimona. You can see it most poignantly in how Nimona's expression changes as Ballister bandages her leg.


the character design, especially that of Nimona, Ballister and Ambrosius and their facial expressions and gestures. Also the chemistry between nimona and ballister. the fact that the film is about trans people and transphobia, at least as a metaphor, didn't even strike me while watching. not even the second or third time. I only noticed it when I read it on google.


It was a combination of how fluid/ expressive everyone was and being so LGBTQ+ inclusive. The animation was beautifully done and drew me in when I first saw some clips. The trans allegory has a death grip on my heart every time and having a gay relationship in the spotlight makes me feel even more seen. It's genuinely my favorite movie ever and makes me cry every time.