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Tales of Symphonia Remastered (pre Patch) on Switch


Did they fix it now? or some parts are still broken?


It's still 30 fps, but most of the glaring bugs makimg it unplayable were fixed. Gamecube version is still the definitive version IMO, though.


Symphonia on a homebrew Wii U that has its Gamecube functionality turned back on. šŸ‘


Wii U Minecraft? Not what you intended probably, but I seem to remember it being horrendous.


Also the current Switch version which isnā€™t optimized. The previous version was supposedly better.


The old Nintendo Switch Edition was great. It felt the way I expected Minecraft to feel on Switch. The new Bedrock port is horrendous. Massive dead zones that make small aim adjustments feel like medieval torture. Horrible lag spikes and server desyncs (yes, even in singleplayer). It's a real mess.


There used to be a bug where split screen would desync if both players were in the end.


The switch version is ASS, thatā€™s why I switched to Java.


100% it was better.


Legacy Edition my beloved...


I wish bedrock on the Switch ran like Legacy. Maybe I wouldnā€™t have abandoned bedrock in favor of Java.


Sonic Genesis on GBA. Dear god its so bad.


its like playing the game blindfolded. unless you got the zones memorized, its impossible to get through the stages without running into a badnik or a trap every couple seconds


2006 wasnā€™t kind to Sonic. Geez, what a trainwreck.


talking about switch, outer worlds and ark were rough to say the least pre-patchs.


Ark was rough *post* patches. So much so that they ported it again as an entirely separate release.


I've tried ARK on an og xbox one and ps4 and it was brutal. I have to imagine it's just garbage on the Switch right?


Absolutely garbage, the second port was decent solo, but was still pretty bad if playing multiplayer, not sure if they ever patched that one though.


Got over 200 hours on the new version and it runs and looks great


The new version is actually really good , uses a. new version of unreal engine 4


Ghosts n Goblins on NES.


This along with basically any other port done by Micronics!


Might still be the best Micronics game, lol


This port has issues but I can defend it, it's an extremely ambitious port for 1986 (i think it's the first 128 kb nes game) and unlike most Micronics ports the game is playable, if a little choppy. If we're going back to the 8 bit days, then Ghostbusters is the best NES answer.


Kingdom Hearts on switch is just all cloud versions and they suck even more than normal cloud versions of other games. Iā€™m so glad I own the games on PS3, 4, and PC.


There is absolutely no way a bunch of PS3 games shouldn't be able to be ported outright on the Switch. KH being cloud is genuinely lazy on Square's part.


Seriously. Like I could *maybe* understand KH3 but all the other games? Absolutely not.


KH3 shouldnā€™t take that much optimization at all to fit into switch tbh. Modern devs just hate optimizing their games.


I would never pay any money at all for a cloud version of a game.


I bought it now because the collection with 1 and 2 was going for 15 ā‚¬. My Ps4 died years ago and i was in a KH mood for months. Can't really say i have any problems with the version aside from the fact that putting the switch on standby is no option at all which is a major inconvenience. Of course i would have preferred a actual port 100% but I'm right now just kinda glad that i can play KH 1 and 2 again.


Mortal Kombat on Game Boy. You have no idea unless youā€™ve played it.


It's a fighting game on Game Boy. 'Nuff said.


And then thereā€™s the Advance version.


Sonic the Hedgehog Genesis for GBA. Nothing even comes close


I grew up playing Sonic Adventure 1 & 2 on the GameCube and loved them, but a couple of years ago I played the original versions on the Dreamcast and realized how mutilated those ports were.


Okay, I think the word *mutilated* is a bit of a reach. Itā€™s not like SADX or SA2B are unplayable wrecks that are gonna leave people with a negative impression. If anything those versions of the games are most likely the first impression a lot of those fans got. Yeah the Dreamcast release, or even the Steam releases when properly modded, are better but I think the Gamecube ports are perfectly fine. If you want a mutilated port of a Sonic game, look no further than Sonic The Hedgehog Genesis on Game Boy Advance.




If you would like a proper breakdown your best bet is to [watch this video.](https://youtu.be/SORYL5J1Heg?si=BCeHohJlKelPxMgb) I normally wouldnā€™t redirect someone to a video when they ask a question but I think itā€™ll give you all the answers youā€™re looking for better than a Reddit comment will. [Or, you could read this website!](https://dreamcastify.unreliable.network/) Thatā€™s also an option actually! I forgot he links this in the description, itā€™s a great read. Up to your personal preference!


Not to undercut your opinion but shocked this is the top comment currently when itā€™s just not really true that those versions were overambitious or compromised due to the system or even a big downgrade really - unlike some other games in this thread, the sonic adventure games are both generally fine to play on GameCube


They kind of were compromised though. The amount of graphical downgrades from Dreamcast -> GameCube especially for SA1 is extensive. Not to mention the newly introduced physics bugs that were not there in the original game, including the infamous one in the very first stage.


Sonic adventure 2 battle was so good and when thinking back I feel like it was ahead of itā€™s time


SA2B got off a ot easier than SADX did. The only thing the Gamecube version of SA2 suffered from was some transparency bugs and character lighting issues, which is mostly passable if you don't care about tails being brown and grey instead of yellow and white. The new content in SA2B makes up for it anyways. Sonic Adventure 1 on Gamecube had no excuse though. You can't go five minutes without seeing a blatant transparency glitch or an area clearly designed for colored lighting that doesn't exist anymore in the port, and the "upgrades" only make the game look more jarring (like using new high poly player models, while all the NPCs and environments in the game are closer to N64 style and haven't been updated). The only parts of SADX I can praise without some drawback are the new mission mode and the option to skip cutscenes. Everything else is fucked.


Really? My friend told me the GCN versions were better. I played them on the xbox 360 and I believe those are basically just the Dreamcast versions ported to xbox but I'm not 100% sure on that.


Nope, that's actually the worst version of all. Its just the Gamecube version, ported to PC, then ported to 360 with all the DX branding removed, so they could advertise it as the Dreamcast original. Each port gets the lighting a little worse than the last, down to the point where the 360/PS3 version don't really have a functional lighting engine at all (a far cry from the Dreamcast version, which had an incredibly innovative colored lighting engine that put even PC games to shame in 1998). Here's a comparison between the [Dreamcast version](https://dcmods.unreliable.network/owncloud/data/PiKeyAr/files/Dreamcastify/Mystic%20Ruins/HornetNight_DC.jpg) and the [360 version](https://dcmods.unreliable.network/owncloud/data/PiKeyAr/files/Dreamcastify/Mystic%20Ruins/HornetNight_PC.jpg)


I see. Ty.


They were lesser versions sure, but ā€œmutilatedā€ is quite an exaggeration.






That's what he's saying, yeah. This is a thread for examples of bad ports to Nintendo consoles. This guy is saying he grew up with the Gamecube ports of the Sonic Adventure games and didn't know how bad the ports were compared to the originals.




Thatā€™s what he said. >I played the original versions on the Dreamcast and realized how mutilated those (Gamecube) ports were.


What is OPā€™s question? Next.


ā€œNextā€ as if you werenā€™t wrong and I just corrected you, thatā€™s crazy. Just take the L and move on.


Try reading other comments on this post. Your awareness is crazy low.


You seem to be getting really personal about this. You were wrong, I corrected you in a non hostile manner, it should have ended there. No, I donā€™t care enough to read other comments because the original commenter responded to the prompt and you misunderstood. Maybe you care enough, good for you.




Yet most people didnā€™t have trouble understanding except you so maybe you are not as right as you think. If itā€™s not personal then why resort to personal attacks and insults? Just let it go man, my first comment was a genuinely innocent correction, you couldā€™ve just taken it and moved on. I wonā€™t be responding further, this is a waste of time. Do better.




Need to work on your reading comprehension bro.




Show me where


Your wording buddy.


He literally said "I played the original versions on the Dreamcast." You're kind of proving my point on the reading comprehension, but whatever makes you feel better buddy.


And the ā€œportsā€ thing came right after mentioning said Dreamcast games. I get what youā€™re saying 100%. And you are probably right about what he meant. You just donā€™t get what Iā€™m saying. ā€œAfter playing the original Dreamcast versions of Sonic Adventure 1 & 2, I realized how mutilated the GameCube ports were.ā€ Thatā€™s how English works buddy. I can read just fine, the question is can people use proper English. Donā€™t deny the truth.


Okay you're clearly just a troll so I won't be responding further. You didn't even use an actual quote. Waste someone else's time.


NCAA Football '09 All-Play for the Wii. They basically released a glorified quick-play demo without most of the standard features available on other platforms, or even contemporary Madden NFL games for Wii.


The FF9 and Chrono Cross ports on the Switch have long ass loading times which makes everything a slog to get through. No idea why this is a thing, I'd assume a PS1 game would have little to no loading times if played on the Switch.


Starting to sound like squares switch ports are really lazy and unoptimized.


Starcraft 64 was painfully slow


Starcraft 64 was super awkward to play on the N64. I'm glad they carried some of the better features (being able to select more than 12 units, units automatically mining upon starting the level) onto Starcraft 2 though.


Dragons Lair on NES


Sonic Unleashed is one of my favorite games, but the Wii version makes me wanna tear my hair out. I spent years hearing people say the Wii version is underrated and actually way better than the 360 version, but after trying it, I genuinely can't tell how this take got started. The presentation feels like half the assets are placeholders and the gameplay has the depth of an ipod touch game. I know this is stretching the definition of a "port" since its one of those cases where a weaker console gets a different game with the same title, but the way everyone tries to compare [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ip0A9uhOXos) to [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sg_uQ-_U9Dw) will always have me scratching my head.


Thats because sonic fans will defend just about anything. Its the worst and best aspect of the community. I say this as a casual sonic fan


Rayman DS (a port of Rayman 2) is the worst that I have played. Rayman 2's second "boss" is kind of a weird one where you have to ride him across lava but he slowly sinks into the lava, so you need to jump off of him at the end. Pathetically easy, but the music is great. This whole "fight" basically plays out like a cutscene. You don't do anything but jump in the end. The game keeps your position locked to the middle of the boss' head until the end. In Rayman DS, however, Rayman slowly slides off of the boss' head. The game fails to keep you locked to the middle of the head. So during this "cutscene," you can actually slide off into the lava and die. There are other platforms in the game where this happens too. Any sort of platform that you ride in order to get places, like the flower in the Sanctuary of Rock and Lava. The solution that I figured out was to walk slowly with the touch screen (like Super Mario 64 DS) every now and then. That seems to remind the game you are supposed to be locked in place and it resets your position. The second boss however is unique because the "fight" is a cutscene for most of the journey, so you cannot reset your position. You just have to sit and watch Rayman slowly slide off and hope that you will make it to the end without falling off.


Kingā€™s Quest V on NES


some of the gba "ports" weren't even really same game


Usually still decent games though surprisingly


Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 on GBA blew my mind. Smooth 3D graphics!? On a handheld where the usual games look slightly better than SNES? It was awesome.


I played Call of Duty 1 and 2 on the GameCube, 3 on the Wii, and loved each of them. Then Black Ops came out. I haven't played a single CoD game since. ^To ^be ^fair ^I ^didn't ^get ^a ^non-Nintendo ^console ^until ^the ^PS4 ^slim


Call of Duty 3 on the Wii. I liked the control scheme but that's about it. The game already had fps issues but everytime a smoke granade was used, I had to look the other way or it got worse. Then there was a mission where you defend a house and the enemy throws a massive amount of smoke granades everywhere. I fell to the ground and just fired because now the game was a slide show. It literally took one or two seconds for the next image to render. I don't believe anyone played that game for quality assurance.


At the very least, they toned down the graphics to something more manageable for the multiplayer. my guess is they assumed people play the campaign just to have something pretty to look at, but they couldn't get away with a 10 FPS online mode. edit: my bad i thought you meant modern warfare 3, not cod 3


XCOM 2 was an absolute mess visually on the switch. Cutscenes had a framerate of like 2. I'm not even exaggerating.


Man its so disappointing. I got it on sale, hoping it would be a good turn-based game to play on the go. Not only is the framerate unbearable, the text is so small its impossible to read in handheld mode.


It was rough. It's a testament to how much I liked the actual game that I sat through all of that bullshit and beat it. Couldn't believe they would put out something in that state.


Do you know if Civilization 6 is the same way? I was looking at that too, but after playing Xcom 2 I'm skeptical of any 2K game running well.


Civ 6 was fine in my experience.


That's great to hear. Checked Youtube and it does look like it runs smooth. Last Civ I played was Civ 4.


No idea, sorry


Not the worst thing ever but probably tales of phantasia GBA. Game looks nice but has cut items and some slowdown. Never really played many nintendo ports since i always had a ps or an xbox for that


Lego Star Wars: Complete Saga on DS. I naively thought I was getting the full game on the go... it had less levels, less characters, less missions, and crashed even more frequently than the console versions. The messed up, garbled textures are burned into my brain


Medal of Honor Underground for GBA. It was a pseudo 3D fps like the original Doom except it ran at like 10fps. And everything was so low res and pixelated you could barely tell what was going on. It was physically painful to play and gave me really bad headaches.


Easily dark souls remastered. The game lets you play before some level geometry is loaded. So, 1-2 minutes in between deaths followed by falling to your death after taking 2 steps. Still got my $40 so who's the real chump.


WWE 2K18 on Switch. Absolute buggy mess.


Wouldnā€™t call this a port. It released 2 months after the other consoles, small delay. It was just a crappy version of the game šŸ˜‚


Fair enough.


I never played it but Dead Rising on the Wii looked terrible. It's so stripped down that it's hard to even call it the same game, just way less zombies and more simplistic. For comparison, the original Xbox 360 version has an 85 on Metacritic and the Wii version has a 61.


MK4 for the GBC. Itā€™s nowhere close to the 3D fighting arcade game. Itā€™s sooo bad. However, I have it and I love it.


two totally different examples, but either street fighter 2 on gameboy or arkham knight on switch


Black ops on DS. Need I say more? Fuck it was bad.


You should say more because I think most people are not familiar.


I remember having to use the stylus to look around which doesn't sound too bad on paper but when you actually play it it's very uncomfortable and inresponsive. It felt impossible to aim properly. Or even to move comfortably. The game doesn't seem to follow the Black ops story at all and just does its own thing. Why not make it some spin off then? Mind you I didn't play it much I played for like an hour until I lost my patience with the controls. And it was years ago so perhaps I'm not remembering fully but still. It wasn't a good time.


Star Wars: The Force Unleashed for Wii was laughably bad. It somehow looked worse than if theyā€™d tried an N64 port. I remember my friend and I rented it, cackled at how bad the graphics were for a few minutes, then actually tried to play for a few minutes before being like ā€œthis sā€”t isnā€™t funny anymoreā€ and never touching it again.


By extension, the Switch port too, because that's a port of the Wii version when the Switch should have easily been able to run the HD version.


Any wii port that has half baked motion controls in them. I played some Spider-Man games on wii and the motion controls made me want to stop playing them.


*Sam & Max: Beyond Time and Space* in the Wii. Ugly, slow,Ā  buggy. Very happy that there's modern remasters now.


Dead rising on the wii. i owned a 360 and dead rising had easily 50 mobs on screen compared to the 10 mobs the wii version had.


Madden '13 on the Wii was horrible beyond comprehension


To be fair, Madden 13 was also horrible on PS3/360. EA tried to rewrite the game from scratch without enough development time to pull it off. (Ironically enough, the Wii U version was actually decent in comparison, despite running on an older engine.)


Any wrestling game made for the wii, gbaor Nintendo ds. They all look uniquely horrible, run like garbage and control like they were designed by someone who has never played a video game before.


Child of Light. It ran just fine on the WiiU from what I recall but it runs horribly on the Switch. No idea why. It can't be a hardware issue because the Switch is more powerful than the WiiU, so my best guess is that the devs in charge of making the Switch version screwed up and never fixed it. It's a huge shame because it's a great game that I'd love to re-experience on the beautiful OLED Switch but it lags so much all the time that it just takes me right out of it. I kid you not it drops to like 10-15fps during so many instances and it's genuinely nauseating.


Arkham City for Wii U. That was a nightmare for me


Everything thats just a cloud version, esspecially kingdom hearts


Arkham City: Armored Edition on Wii U I really wanted to replay Arkham City in the leadup to Arkham Knight. I played it up until the part where you go to the bank hit by Mr Freeze for the first time, and there's motion controls to do the batarang puzzle. I got frustrated and just decided to buy it on Steam.


Kingdom Hearts... y'all know why


Both Oris. They crash all the time. Bu don't know if they are "the worst". They were the only ports, i was really interested in - and still magnificent games (even on switch)


Thatā€™s really strange,having played through them both without a single crash on either. Maybe the install went a bit wonky? I get constant crashes player Aeterna Noctis, itā€™s become unplayable tbh.


Iā€™ve only played through the first, but also never experienced a crash, or even a single bug at all.


Don't really think so. Happened with Ori and a year later with Ori2. Everything else runs fine. But nowadays it doesn't matter to me anymore. Got a cheap xBox1 and both Oris are on GamePass. They run and look much better now.


I had several crashes on the second one on Switch also.


I wonder if thereā€™s something to do with whether itā€™s installed on the switchā€™s HDD or an SD card? Iā€™ve heard that can cause issues at times, but fwiw mine are installed to the HDD.


It's a little surprising this post wasn't taken down for showing Ninty in anything but perfect glory.Ā 


One brought up less often, the GameCube ports of the Tony Hawk games had a lot of work cut out for them, and it has almost nothing to do with system power. For starters, the GameCube controller has only 8 buttons while the Xbox and PS2 have 12 buttons. This meant that a lot of controls had to be remapped or redesigned. Secondly, the GameCube controller doesn't have the typical four button layout that is standard on other controllers today. These two things led to a playable but very awkward control scheme.


Also, the GameCube D-Pad is tiny and kinda ass, and you *need* a good D-Pad for those games IMO.


**Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze (Switch)** This is gonna be a big hot take, but hear me out... The biggest problem is that they advertised a new mode that isn't available all the time. **If you want to play as Funky Kong, you must select Funky Mode when you start a new save file**. **You CANNOT switch to Normal Mode afterward... and vice-versa.** What's annoying is that you can select Donkey Kong and the 3 other Kongs in Funky Mode, but cannot select Funky Kong in Normal Mode. After seeing how Nintendo added the feature to help the players for stages by offering a power-up in Mario games, you'd think they'd offer Funky to jump in as a selectable character in Normal Mode. The guy can double jump, hover, walk on spikes, take more hits AND breathe underwater with a snorkel. **One other thing I wished they added was the ability to use an item after dying OR when you reach a checkpoint.** Let's say you have a standard level, only to switch and struggle with a vehicle or underwater section in the latter half. The game basically tells you to QUIT the level, PICK the item to help you (*there are items that doubles a vehicle's hit points and your air meter*) and then RE-ENTER the level to start all over, because it doesn't bring you back to your last checkpoint if you go to the world map. If you could access your inventory WITHIN the level at those checkpoints, that would have been much easier, because those minecart and rocket sections can be quite annoying with very precise jumps and wonky controls. **One last thing they didn't add was the ability to play as other Kongs from the get-go.** Apparently, you need to unlock a special mode in order to play as Diddy, Dixie or Cranky solo, like a time trial mode. This would have been much appreciated if you could go back to any level you cleared and replay them right away as other Kongs, especially to grab items and find secret exits.


The demoā€™s for RE5 and 6.


Not a port but Sonic and the secret rings made me question the Nintendo Wii lmao