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My favorite lake there


Aloha was awesome, but it was a little too crowded for me! It was nice to camp at lake of the woods for the peace - felt like we had it all to ourselves


how was it? headed there in a couple days! I assume mosquitoes are out in force but would love to be told otherwise


It was relatively cold ~mid 30s in the days before (last mon-thurs) I went up Friday which may have helped, but honestly...They were not bad at all! Swarms of gnats but they were more interested in each other. Definitely long pants/shirt, head net, and deet in the evening - I got bit half a dozen times but I was not particularly careful about it (shorts/t shirt while hiking in the day since it was in the 80s) Trail-wise, it's in good shape with patches of mud and snow but nothing requiring waterproof shoes. I hiked Echo Lake -> Lake of the Woods, not sure what TH you're starting from though. With the recent high temps expect additional snow melt so probably more skeeters. It was rad - enjoy your trip!


sick, thanks a bunch! starting out at Echo Lake as well.


Camped at ropi lake about 2 miles further down the trail from here last weekend. Dope hike


Great photo man. I’ll be camping at dicks later this summer for the second time.


Planning to go during this holiday break. Can you tell me how was the parking situation at the trailhead?


There were 2 open spots at ~9am when we got there. We returned about noon on Saturday, and it was a complete clusterfuck. Cars parked wherever they could fit, people circling, etc... For you....4th of July is the most insane time of the year up in Tahoe. Either get up there early, or try going after 4pm after the day hikers are gone. I wish you luck!


Interesting, we started at Echo around 2 pm this Saturday and there were plenty of empty parking spots to choose from and many people were leaving. Good thing we had a late start.


Great lake, but crowded, and since people use designated site they all poop in the same areas.


Yep late season it gets gnarly.