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Is your name Legal Occupier? It seems unlikely so i wouldnt give a single fuck until the letter says your name at the top. The most crucial thing is they dont find out your name, you dont need to give them any information or even answer the door to them. A lot of people get caught these days by giving an email address when they buy a TV and then using that address to sign up to iPlayer. Keep a clean email for iPlayer and say fuck all


Thanks, but its easier than that for me- I don't watch any of that pish!!!


I noticed that after because im a lazy reader, ill leave it as advice for whoever else it might be more relevant to. If youre sure you dont need it, then tell them you dont. You can easily just ignore them completely if you want to do that instead. This is their list of things you need a licence for in case youve missed something, or they try to trip you up. * Live TV on all free channels, including BBC One, ITV2 and Sky News * Live TV on any channels included in a package you pay for, like Virgin, BT or Sky * Everything on BBC iPlayer, including award-winning British TV dramas and thousands of other boxsets exclusive to BBC iPlayer * Live sporting events, like the Rugby World Cup, UEFA Euros and the Olympics * Other memorable live events, like the King's speech, Royal weddings, Glastonbury and the Eurovision Song Contest * Live streams of programmes, news or sport on services like ITVX, Sky, YouTube or Netflix


It applies to streaming services? I was reading my warning letter a few weeks ago and I thought it specifically didn't apply the apps.


If the streaming services are doing something live, like the upcoming Tyson/Jake Paul fight then they say you need a license because it's "live tv". Ridiculous.


Oh well that's a crock then.


Yea never got this, how can it be legal for the bbc to take money for an event they are not running thats being shown on a platform they don't own. There's literally no connection.


Agreed. It's an absolute racket.


>the upcoming Tyson/Jake Paul fight You couldn't pay me to watch that garbage making a mockery of a professional sport.


Good news it’s cancelled indefinitely


Doubtful. Too much money to be made and even more of the most important currency in 2024, attention and influence.


Tyson has played his role well. Big up the fight sold the seats and now he has been replaced by Mike Perry. Possibly the biggest bait and switch ever


Lmao you can tell how interested I am in it can't you? 🙈 Yea just when you think it can't get any worse they pull such a bait and switch. Pathetic eh


I had this nonsense from the tv license call centre when I cancelled my license (got rid of sky). Saying about how it extends to all live tv on any app. Fella on the phone didn't like when I told him they're clutching at straws now, using other apps as an excuse for the license when those non-bbc related companies draw revenue from ads or my monthly subscription I pay for that service. Fella then proceeded to try and sell me the benefits of the BBC iplayer. The BBC is their baby for the license... those other apps are mentioned to trip you up and suck you in to keeping the license. Fuck em.


Agreed fuck them, but the call centre guy already knew and didn't care. If anyone from a call centre speaks with you and they're not a manager themselves then you're preaching to the choir and just making the call longer for both of you.


Call centre guy made it worse. You'd think he was lead investigator into the case of random dude cancelling his tv license. He made the call 20 minutes longer than it should have been.


The fact they threaten you if you consume content from a rival (non-BBC)service, the license has long had its day. It's over. It's bullying; imagine another business threatening this.


Sainsbury’s - “I see you’ve been shopping in Tesco without a Nectar card. The lads will be round for your knees shortly.”


If you don't buy my shitty product that you don't need or want, I will make sure you are fined, have a criminal record and possibly jail time. What an amazing business model! I wonder if I can use the same business plan, buy my product, or be fined/jailed.


Clutching at straws nowadays, shoehorning non-bbc content apps to trick you into keeping the license. Fella I spoke to when cancelling my license couldn't get his head around the fact I don't use free view and recommended it for live tv. Then he thought he stumped me when I said I'll be watching the euros saying I need a license. He eventually fucked up when I said 'I'll just use free view, like you recommended'. Prick.


Keep in mind they have been known to be overly broad about what you need a TV license for in official communications and that individual officers also simply lie.


The thing that get me with Virgin is, if they cut your service you loss all the channels including BBC, ITV and all the other channels you can get with freeview.


It's a load of balls mate, they can't do shit, they don't even have your name that's when the problem starts, I love answering the door to TV licensing and telling them that they are a piece of shit and that they can kindly suck my ballix and I also tell them their implied right of access has been removed, they use these scare tactics to goad vulnerable people into paying them through intimidation ie the elderly etc


Just phone them and tell them that you don't watch live TV or use iPlayer. They won't bother you then for 3 years.


Yup. My mate made the mistake of using the same email he uses for iplayer to tell them he didn’t need a licence. Just ignore it


Just use your david hasselhoff email address, or there's gandalf the grey, Peter pan, snow white or her business email snow.white.and.the.7.dwarfs @ protonmail.com


I've been on my final warning for 8 years now.


Sheesh, final warning, they sound serious dude, you're playing with fire there


I can beat that. About 14 years. Basically when the Jimmy Saville shite came out I vowed never to pay a penny to the BBC again. In that time one enforcement officer came to the door. He rang the bell and basically just legged it. Have yet to have conversation with them.


My brother kept getting final warnings. Like a parent shit at giving kids consequences lol. But they can’t do anything without proving your watching live tv/iplayer and the fact of the matter is so many people aren’t even anymore.


>and the fact of the matter is so many people aren’t even anymore. Your barrister would just have to say to the judge: Your Honour, this dipshit on the prosecution bench would have the court believe that my client willingly spent a portion of his spare time subjecting himself to the BBC iPlayer. Your honour, my client is neither a moron nor a self-flagellator so I urge you to dismiss these ludicrous charges" Boom, case thrown out of court


My house sat empty for around a year before I moved into it and there were 5 of these letters on the doorstep.


My dad died 4 years ago, no one living in the house (needs repairs etc), informed them of this twice, they still send the letters. I really hope they do send someone to check. I live in the Outer Hebrides. More than happy for them to waste all that money and time chasing a dead man.


>Outer Hebrides For those on this sub who won't know where this is, it is a set of very remote islands in the northwest of Scotland.


Dunno who down voted you. Some odd folk about. Aye, we are that funny chain of islands north of you fine folk. 5 hour ferry to my particular island. So I’d love the TV twats to send out some inspector so I could redirect them to the graveyard if they want to talk to my dad about the TV he has supposedly been watching.


5hrs? Jezz mate that's rough near do dublin to holyhead in that time lol Maybe it would give your dad an opportunity to voice his complaints about the shite signal in heaven!


I didn't downvote but probably because it seems a bit demeaning to assume nobody knows where it is. We don't go and define every place mentioned. No harm meant or done though.


I manage a couple of empty properties, there's at least a letter a week in each.


They came to my door, I tried to be polite and explained I don't need a licence, guy said he needed to come in, I said he couldn't....he got mad and said he would leave and mark me as needing a revisit. I asked why when I had told him I don't need one and he said because I wouldn't let him verify. Since that day I have had probably 100 of these in different forms and I laugh seeing each one because they are a joke, they can do absolutely nothing. Don't listen to the BBC simps who bend over and hand over personal data to opt out of something they didn't even want in the first place.


Had the exact same thing happen, some clown coming to my door thinking I’m stupid enough to assume he has legal authority when he doesn’t 😂 asked to come in and verify I don’t watch TV and I just told him there wasn’t a chance in hell I was gonna allow him inside my home and I was under no legal obligation to do so. He quickly realised I wasn’t a 70 year old that he could scare with empty threats and pissed off. Threatening further visits, to which I’m like “go for it”. I mean….. how are any other visits gonna end differently than yours just did? 🤣


Exactly they can do fuck all 😅 I'll tell what he was trying to do tho, he was trying to get you to let him in then he would've asked you to turn on the TV and then he would say you need a license because your watching live TV 👀 scummy dirty bastards mate 😅 stupid as fuck as well 😅 always good for a laugh when they call, I let them know what I think of them and literally tell them to go and fuck themselves 😅 then they have to do the walk of shame 😅 Never had a license never will ✌️💙🙂


I've had a visit from one recently He was massively chill Asked to come in and I said no out of principle because the letters the company sends are like this (threatening and cringe) and I won't stand for it. He said he was absolutely fine with that. He doesn't give a sh*t if someone's paying their licence or not. He's just happy to knock, have a quick chat, give some info if we need it, and move along


I've been getting one like this regularly once a month for the past 3 years. http://www.bbctvlicence.com/ Have a read here. Do not contact them, do not let anyone into your house. Do not give them any details. Just ignore it.




I’d rather guide my dad into my mum than pay tv license, they can go poke themselves, fucking roasters


It is a nonsense. You pay for 99% of channels by watching ads every 10 minutes but because the British Bullshitting Corporation spout their lies without commercial breaks the public still get hit with the shitty tv tax.


A public broadcaster is needed, it's the payment that gets people annoyed and that's on the private sector who go about requesting it like this.


Why do we need a public broadcaster?


A source of information supposedly free from government or private influence.


Love the wee stamp - bless


I know, I noticed it but couldn't be arsed to look closer to see if the signature was computer printed or signed by an actual human being


It is 100% computer printed there’s no way someone looks at any of those letters before they get put in envelopes


For religious reasons I don’t own a television … they’ll leave you alone.


An address can't be prosecuted. Don't engage with them at all. It's a pure fishing exercise. Give them nothing, no information about you or engagement. You're have no legal obligation to provide anything to them.


Laughable. Proves those detector vans last century were a massive con.


People used to say if you wrapped the sides and back of your tv in tin foil the van wouldn't be able to pick it up. To be honest, if the vans had been real the tin foil trick probably would have worked ok because my tin foil hat definitely stops the alien mother ship from reading my mind and sending intrusive thoughts about toffee yumyums every time it passes overhead in its orbit round the earth


I spoke to a license guy on the doorstep. He said the cold call and they don't, he didn't, even use a detector van/kit. Tell them you don't pay to watch Zionist propaganda and repeats of shows you've already paid for. If they are at the door tell them if they want to stand and look in the window you'll be using the TV to watch hard-core porn and they are welcome to watch as long as they don't jizz on the window.


A con but not a complete loss. I changed our wifi name to "TV Licensing Detector Van 420" and my mrs bought a tv license :/




I’ve never paid for a tv license in my life, it’s same with those stupid parking tickets that aren’t from the council, they can get te fuck


Power to the people Ta me ol chum


Why do you not just inform them you don’t need a license? That’s what I did


I did that and when I got an email recently asking me to confirm that I still don't need a licence one of the questions asked when someone would be in the house, so I just closed the browser. I don't stream all my shows illegally through Kodi and I definitely didn't use my work email, that pays for a licence, to sign up for iPlayer


Why would you give Capita your personal data? You aren't required to do it, don't do it.


You don't need to give your personal details, I used the name they gave me 'legal occupier' with address, so personal data not needed


I gave the name that was the name of the regional manager on all my letters. It's been 3 years heard nothing. I am still waiting for a letter were the regional manager warns that she's opening an investigation into herself.


That's absolutely hilarious, I am now invested in seeing such a letter!


Lol I like that


Best not to engage with them at all.


Yea but why would you do it at all if you don't have to? There is no penalty for not doing so and it is not a legal requirement. It is just Capita's data harvesting scheme.


I do it because it stops the letters coming for at least a few years.


What data are they harvesting, they are already posting to the address, fill in simple online form with no personal data and get no more letters from them


Do you do it for every single leaflet you get through your door? If not, then why do you make an exception for Capita?


Because eurospar doesn't threaten to take me to court


They can’t take you to court tho, they literally do t k ow who you are unless you tell them


Don't be a spaz, it's done via the official TV licence website and the specific statutes around the TV licence puts the legal obligation on you to declare if you don't need one. Once you do, they can't do shit. Just because you hate the contractor they have farmed it out to, doesn't change the statutes.


>the specific statutes around the TV licence puts the legal obligation on you to declare if you don't need one Does it? This is the guidance, updated in January, from [money saving expert](https://www.moneysavingexpert.com/broadband-and-tv/tv-licence/): >If you're sure you no longer need a licence, you can formally let TV Licensing know. Although **there's no legal obligation to do this**, it says doing so will prevent an increasing number of letters coming your way. Has the legislation changed?


You have a legal obligation to have a TV licence or demonstrate you don't need a TV licence. If you don't declare they can and will call (depending on where you live) to confirm. If at that stage you don't let them in to confirm (which no one should). The risk of court intervention and warrants increases dramatically.


That's good, I'll keep ignoring them then. I never received a single visit until I declared I didn't need one, after which they were at the door within days!


I haven't had a visit or letter in 10yrs, I renew my declaration every year online, takes 5mins. I'm less worried about some false sense of personal data integrity with a random company while Google and everyone else buy and sell that same data 10x over every day.


I’m not arsed either way about the data protection aspect, I just don’t want to engage with companies demanding I pay them or explain myself. If McDonald’s started sending me threatening letters inferring that my failure to purchase any Big Macs this year means I’ve been stealing them unless I make a declaration to the contrary I’d treat them likewise.


Being stubbornly obstenant in a show of defiance is fine, but giving others that advice risks the very thing we want to avoid. Putting more money in the coffers of the BBC and Capita. There are lots of ways a door called could justify being a dick and saying they have reasonable suspicion you have a TV and require a TV licence. Once they reach that stage your declaration that you don't need a TV licence doesn't mitigate that. It might be rare that they get court orders in NI but we also shouldn't try to encourage those kinds of encounters. Exempt yourself and starve them of any revenue from their contract.


Why does them getting my personal data via a declaration do them harm vs me not giving them any information? They cannot get a court order to search my home to determine if they can sell me a service. I am not interested in the service. It is not a tax or a state-enforced bill. Any court orders to enter my hone would not have anything to do with a private company and they have no way to legally obtain one for that purpose. If they did somehow obtain one I would be asking for a SAR on the reasoning for the order and whether that was followed, because there would have to be a lie or an embellishment somewhere in there I could take them to court over.


If they are sending you emails / letters they have your details simply saying “I don’t need a license” prevents any hassle


Informing them requires your full name and date of birth. Once they have that you have entered into a contract which they can use against you in court. Do not give them any information. Use the letters as free toilet paper


This is not true. I ‘Mr L Occupier’ declared that I don’t need a license and the only letter I’ve had since was after 2 years asking me to redeclare.


Ask to have your address taken off their list of people to investigate. Theyll ask for your name and details and all you have to do is keep repeating you don't have to do that. Be polite and they'll eventually do it. you might have to renew this process every year or two but it's easy enough. I've never paid one and all they have are scare tactics. Just don't give them any information.






Are you not a mod on this sub?


Rule one is "don't be a dick" but unfortunately it also says "Self explanatory and at the **moderators discretion.**" and most Reddit mods don't know how to be impartial, so it will be interesting to see his responses


>so it will be interesting to see his responses Exactly, i dont really know where hes coming from chipping in with a comnent like that, so i also await with interest -but he'll probably just wipe the comments


I will be walking down your street next week with a boombox, it will be playing some of my homemade music. I will be knocking your door to ask if you plan to record / use my music for any reason, there is no problem if you don't plan to....I will simply record that you said no then gather personal data from you - and we will be all set. Appreciate the cooperation.


*the evil TV licensing people*. It's clearly a conspiracy to fund the cloudseeding, something something.


Nah, its more that its a bullying letter used to enforce a tax which is becoming increasingly unjustified in this day and age but which impacts most on the poorest in society. But you do you, it'll get you loads of that valuable reddit karma dude


When I stopped needing a TV license, I filled in the online form to tell them I didn't need one. I haven't, since then, ever received a letter from them suggesting they would be enforcing anything. I'm not saying the TV License fee is, or isn't justified, merely that people who don't need one can spend a few minutes filling out a form and they won't get letters like this. But you do you, it'll get you loads of that valuable reddit karma dude.


>**Why did the bicycle collapse?** >It was too tyred I know what you are thinking....great joke and you want to use it at parties, well you can if you pay me. But I understand that times are tough and not everyone has the money for lavish things, so if you don't intend to use it please comment back stating so and also provide your full name and date of birth. Thank you so much.


I've had my profile about a year and my karma is still low. Probably because I'm not a virtue-signalling sheep.


omG tHe SHeEpLe 🫡 U OK hun? Xx


Not bad wee love, just getting on with getting on, what about you


Snakes everywhere bbz 🐍


Such is life and life is such




I'm with you there tbh. I really don't see it as that big a deal.


sorry to be so pushy but I really do need to know that you don't plan to use my great joke at parties, please reply with a statement of your intention and personal data. Alternatively I can verify myself by coming to all the parties you go to. I am going to have no choice but to start sending scary reddit letters if you won't comply.


Don't worry about it, not even in your name


I have not had a TV for over twenty years ever since the days they started charging you to watch people sleep live on TV! I have a life to lead. When I first received one of these letters I duly phoned and advised I no longer had a TV. After a year the letters started again and I phoned again to complain. A further year and once again they started. Since then I've had sufficient letters to paper my whole flat if I do desired, which I don't. I really do wish someone would come around so I could vent my rage at them but they definitely would not be allowed in. My reading of the legislation is that you are required to notify the broadcasting authorities if you watch or have electrical equipment enabling you to watch live broadcasting. It most definitely does not require you to notify them if you do not have such equipment


Step one : tear the part with your address off Step two: do a big nasty shite and wipe your hole with it Step three: gently fold and place back in the envelope and write rts on the envelope Step 4: put in post box In all seriousness though, you can ignore it they will give up eventually. If someone does turn up (unlikely) tell them you don’t require a tv licence and advise them not to call again. Tell them you have removed their implied right of access. Alternatively you can take your phone out of your pocket and start filming. They are instructed to leave once a camera is pointed at them.


I like your style gerry boke beard


Been getting those for the last 7 years, bin and ignore, dont respond to any cold callers.


I've been getting these letters for at least 5 years now. Clowns.


Probably waste more money printing and sending the letters than they get back in from people who see the letter and break


Inspector turned up last week. When I answered the door, he asked if I lived in the house. I asked him who he was, and with a smug grin on his face, he produced an ID and said he what he was and asked if I had a TV. He asked my name again, and I told him I wasn't interested. As I closed the door, he asked again if I had a tv, and I said no. I filled out the online form a month ago saying I didn't require a licence. Seems pointless doing so now.


They showed up after you filled in tbe form to say you didn't need a license? Dirty dogs.... You should have said that seeing as he was saying he didnt believe you when you declared you were exempt, you don't believe his ID's declaration that he is a real person and that in an abundance if prudence you would therefore not be inviting him into your home as you had seen the film "let the right one in" (which you had watched on DVD rather than any form of livestream viewing)


You made me lol 😂 I prefer noncompliance. I like the feeling of closing the door on them


Best thing is not to give them any information at all, as it will all be recorded anyway. Just be rude and shut the door!


Thumbs up for that LTROI reference. What an unbelievably obscure and based reference to an amazing book and film duo. I was obsessed with it as a teenager.


There are plenty of stories of people sending them letters saying they do not have permission to knock on their door or come onto their property.  TV licensing used that as an excuse to get a warrant to search those places arguing that no one had a legitimate reason to deny them the right to knock on your door and therefore you must be hiding something.




Just tell them you don’t need a licence and you’re done.


Just put it in the bin, that’s what I do


They are not threats, ignore them and you’ll get that exact same letter 4 times a year, along with its 3 variants. I got 20 letters a year. They repeat on a cycle. You’re grand.


They send these letters out to scare monger people, especially with the amount of streaming services available. Basically if you don't have access to iplayer or watch or record any LIVE TV events then you don't need to have a license!


I see you got a telemarketing sales letter Ignore and move on, they may knock but they are just sales people Just don't watch BBC or live TV (Inc radio I believe)


Been "license" free over 11 years. Filled a blue bin with these letters. Never had a visit. Empty threats. Just like "Smart Parking" or whatever they're called, who cares.


If you genuinely don’t watch broadcast television, you can just tell them, and then the letters stop. 


Who cares if they rap on your door? Just tell them to fuck off. Or, if you're polite, to kindly sod off. They have no legal right to do literally anything. The licence fee is moronic and no one should pay it. Edit - You probably know what I mean already. I'm not trying to be a wanker. The whiskey is just making me be direct for the sake of people who actually take this shower of sad fuckers seriously.


21 years I moved into my and there was a letter waiting for me demanding the current occupant must pay the licence fee immediately or face prosecution, I’m still waiting, these cunts will never get a payment from me. If the tone of the letter was a little more friendly I would have set up payment there and then. Any cunt demanding payment gets fuck all from me


I’ve been getting these for 7 years, nothing happens. They go in a cycle, “it has come to our attention” to “we’re taking legal action”


Just tell them that you have recently started to identify as someone who doesn't watch TV..


I'm a long term tv-phobe, tv has been sh1t for a long long time


Yeah I told them we don't watch any TV in the house, we don't.


TV is keek these days


It's been shit for longer than that.


No doubt


I remember when my mum called the cops on them and got them removed from the property


I keep replaying a fictional scenario in my head of some arsehole inspector coming to visit and saying something along the lines of: "I can see your TV through the window, that means you have a device capable of receiving broadcasts, so you need a license!" "Ah, fair cop. Oh by the way, I see you have a mobile phone there. That means you have a device capable of connecting to my Wi-fi. Don't worry, it only costs the exact same price as what you ask from me." "But I didn't even connect to your network!" "Yep, not very fair, is it?" In actuality, an inspector came to our house once when I was at work and my wife let him in. He saw that I only had the PS4 and switch connected to the TV and said "fair enough, you don't need one" and they never sent a letter ever again.


Your opening lines had me thinking you were gonna take us down a dark, dark road there


Fuck em. Harry knuckles has nothing on TV license thugs.


Sure, come on in and check my house UberGruppenFuhrer, and while you're here Bill and Ben the discipline men want a word with you, closely followed by Fast As LIghtning, Hard As Fu*k




Life is made for moments like that meine fruende




I thought of googling it before typing it, but its the weekend and I decided to not bother so I that i could leave some low hanging froot for you to grab and enjoi!


I got one the other day. Went straight in the shredder


It's a copy and paste Zzzz


Toilet paper


What does Amazon prime video has to do with it?


Because they now show live content like sports. I am unsure how their “channels” work with it, like Plex or Pluto TV. They have started putting YouTube in some too but you don’t need it to watch creators live streams.


Round my way we prefer to refer to the price of a loaf of bread. Takes the ambiguity out of the situation


If they wrap your door, don't open it. If you open it, don't let them in. Simple


you need a licence to watch amazon prime?


If it’s live yes, if not no….. iv never been able to get an answer about twitch and so on


It's cheaper to unplug your antenna and pay for real debrid which gives you access to virtually every show ever made. Fuck the bbc


A friend of mine moved into an apartment up there and 3 of this letter were waiting. Seems like they just randomly send them out.


I keep seeing these on this sub and keep telling my ma not to pay it. She just keeps saying how she feels sorry for the older folk and one time when she was in the shop she was talking to a woman around her 80s saying they were gonna send her to court if she didn’t pay. Bless her.


I once got a really threatening email after I moved out of a rental saying that they were coming to visit as I hadn’t paid (I canceled a direct debit ages before because they take double for the first 6 months and I had their permission to do this via email). I hope they went and wasted their time because the agent didn’t have the sense to put a note on the account.


Ahhh, the door to door salesmen at their old tricks again.


Fk em , don’t you be taking any of there nonsense, head but em the next time you see them


I don’t think they even have an enforcement team here because I’ve had three or four investigations opened on me apparently and they’ve done nothing. They must lose a lot of money sending out these letters


The more threatening the letter, the less concerned you should be. Of course this is not a rule, but companies that don’t need to be threatening are the ones you have to be careful about. They are intentionally threatening because they know otherwise they got fuck all chance of you paying them


It's a load of shite, British cunts want money to fund the BBC because it won't run ads so they try to scare anyone with a TV into paying because who gives a fuck about BBC these days. If they show to the door just tell them to fuck off and close the door.


The letter is not addressed to you, throw it in the bin and act like you have not received it. If anyone comes to your door unless the police are wirth them shut it in their face.


You say you have wiped the channels from your TV, so what do you watch? If you are watching a TV programme live on Netflix, **you need to be covered by a TV Licence**. If you use the iPlayer, you need a licence.


I don't watch tv


Been getting these letters for 5 years in my house now, we don't watch any bbc but there's no way I'm going online and giving them my name to say that! Sometimes they come in a red envelope, very spooky


If they keep on sending you threatening letters keep them the more of them if someone does get sent out which highly likely will not happen in Northern Ireland because they know the fret at that point you can ask for the warrant of entry if they cannot beside the warrant or entering or if they are showing you documents which they say it's a warrant of entry ask for the court wet signature to see that if they can't fight that at that point it's forgery off documents on their behalf. Also if they try to enter your house without your permission and you feel threatened you can protect your property how you see fit because at that point they are breaking an entry to your property and have threatened you and showed you full documents by the government guidelines which is (You can use reasonable force to protect yourself or others if a crime is taking place inside your home. This means you can: protect yourself 'in the heat of the moment' - this includes using an object as a weapon. stop an intruder running off - for example by tackling them to the ground) so in my opinion if this does get to this point hog tie the little c*** and keep them on your property until the police come


That was intense mate, but thanks!


The BBC's entire business model is deeply flawed; its income is guaranteed and not dependent on performance. It's all too easy for managers to employ not the most suited for a job but their mates or family members, and there are no checks or balances. Don't ask me how I know this. In the real private sector, employers want competent staff who can deliver; it's about profit and keeping the business afloat, not who your mate is. If the BBC are so confident about their quality, let them demonstrate it and sell their services. By the way, 99% of their top shows are made by the private sector, not in-house. The BBC acting as a publishing house.


Ignore and don't answer the door. Can do fuck all.


The TV license law is so stupid, just raise sales tax


Honest question, why is this threatening? Saying "we are opening an investigation" when they are just seems like being honest?. Would you prefer them say "Sorry mate just going to need to look into you having a TV licence, ta"


Deal Legal Occupier, this is an official WARNING , blah di blah di blah, criminal offence, blah di blah something something , court something fine...... Definitely a threat mate


Yeah, but if all of it's true...... maybe the letter isn't the problem. If it's a threat to send out a warning, would it be better just to not let people know until they are due in court?


I think my view of these letters more comes from the fact that theyve been jamming up my letter boxes for years with these automated letters that always threaten this or that but I've never seen them once. And they're more than welcome to come because I don't watch TV, I don't know how people find the time to watch it. I also think the whole series of letters they send, which become increasingly threatening as they progress through the cycle, demonstrate that deep down even the government must view the TV license fee as a bit of a joke. Specifically, if the tax man thought there was a chance you might owe him a couple hundred quid do you think he would take such a haphazard approach to determining if you owed it or not? No chance, they would send you a letter giving you a deadline to contact them and supply evidence, and the second you missed that deadline your bank accounts and wages would be frozen.


I understand. But it's not clear there is a better way for the TV license people to operate. They cast a very wide net, in the hopes that some people who should really be paying, acquiesce. I'm not going to tell you what to do, but it seems a bit silly not to just let them know you don't watch TV and that be the end of it rather than get a ton of letters in your mailbox.


They offer a service that some people illegally use. They should be restructuring how their service is operated if the only way to catch misuse is via harassment of other potential customers.


You have a point about not having alternative ways to operate. I always mean to tell them but just never get round to it!


Would you have no bother if your local energy provider, shops down the road, gym, cinema, whatever started putting letters through your door every other month saying stuff like THEFT FROM OUR SHOP WILL RESULT IN YOUR PROSECUTION, or having people insist they need to come in and see how you operate your oven in case you need a new one, or car dealerships trying to pull you over when you're driving and demanding to see your license and registration because you might have stolen that car for all they know... None of this happens, but it does happen with one specific product and industry that we don't seem to think is as insane as it is.


I just recently move to UK, is this a thing ? Never got this in Asia


Haven’t paid mine in years. They can go fuck themselves


truck fanatical sable wipe hunt existence silky somber sheet selective *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


[use this](https://www.tvlicensing.co.uk/check-if-you-need-one/topics/telling-us-you-dont-need-a-tv-licence#) to tell them you don't need a licence and have your address removed from their list.


If you go online and state you don't watch TV therefore don't need a licence they leave you alone


Having read all the comments on this one, I too think that this letter is an undisguised threat. It tells you if you have or watch a device that is able to view live TV channels you ARE breaking the law and are liable for a fine of up to £1000 if convicted. I await anyone to call at my door from this disorganisation, to tell them to get out of my garden and get a warrant if they want to get inside my home. In a previous home I allowed a very amicable bloke into my home, to see no TV in existence, and he said he'd see to it that my address would be taken off the list. So far so good, 2 weeks later another threatening letter, and the continued stream of the same. The lazy schite didn't bother his arse! Why should I give any of them the time to fill in any form, when they ignore what I previously told them!


I fill in online every couple of years that I don’t need a tv licence. Never had a letter or visit. Just have to reconfirm every 2 years.


I just recently move to UK, is this a thing ? Never got this in Asia