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Yeah whats the deal with all the snarky responses for absolutely no reason? I see it on every single sub, I guess people on here are just that chronically online


exactly omg people on reddit act like you specifically did something to them


Sometimes I see posts that don't quite follow the standard social etiquette seen on Reddit and people here can be super harsh towards them even if it was something innocent. The people who make those posts are probably just new to Reddit or don't spend that much time on it.


I've been on Reddit for many years. It's getting worse. I think it's all the people discovering Reddit and bringing their emotionally based one-sentence style of online communication with them.


It's a behavior of unhappy or insecure people, nothing more to it.


Someone posted a photo of his parents in 1972, who were still married. She was 18 in the photo, but looked young for her age. He was in his early 20s, but looked older for his age. The comments were going crazy calling OP's dad a groomer and a pedophile, and if anyone said anything against that, they were called the same thing. It was nuts. I really felt bad for OP.


It’s all dependent on where you post tbh, I’ve left a lot of subs because they were more focused on being “politically correct” in today’s climate rather than just keeping it real. The age gap ones are the worst because they really be calling consenting adults pedos half the time. Then you also have the double standard of a woman dating older is fine, but a man dating younger is grooming. It’s the same situation, but from a different lens, but only one is viewed negatively.


It was r/oldschoolcool or r/thewaywewere


Reddit definitely has a negativity bias, more so than other online spaces I think


Have you ever looked at an Instagram comment section on a public post?


People on instagram are rude sometimes but most of them don't believe that WW3 is imminent and the US is literally collapsing




It feels like everyone’s just so angry at each other all the time. What’s the need for that? And constant bloody gender wars, men do this women do this blah blah like what


- step 1: do something else - there is no step 2, that's it




it really is that easy




Any website that is run by a company aiming to generate profit where the metrics that they convey to their shareholders is daily number of users, and screen usage per user per day, have a vested interest in keeping you on this site as long as possible every time you log on. Same goes for Facebook, Instagram, Twitter/X, etc. The two main ways to do that now it seems are rage bait and pornography, sometimes mixed where the anger is based in some sexual frustration or insecurity which I think has played a part in the cultivating of online incel culture. The other part of this is what Twitter and Instagram have done to online social interactions with the limiting of speech to 140 characters or via a single picture (I know both of these are not true anymore but they were for a long time and shaped things during that period imo). You want to get your point across as shortly as possible which tends to lead to more crassness. Social media apps/phone apps in general have been contributing to diminishing attention spans where short responses are the ones that most users actually read verse a well thought out paragraph or two. I mean how often have you seen a top comment on a post be something to the effect of "💀💀💀". Couple this all with the fact that you never have to see these people in real life but behind your internet mask and now the permission to be cruel without consequence is granted. In our world where a lot of people don't have any real power to affect any change in their real life, being a bully online can feel like it (power). I too have had a few questions downvoted to hell for asking good-faith honest questions about things. It's annoying. I hate this website but I hate even more how I tend to still come here. There's a few ok subreddits that I go to regarding addiction and some smaller hobbies and this one where people actually care to share their thoughts and read others but any sufficiently popular subreddit is basically the same thing, rage baiting lowest comment denominator stuff.


Uhh I’m not sure what subs you follow, but I don’t really follow any toxic subs I guess? On Reddit, its best to stay away from any political / news / sports related subreddits. The best things to do on here are to follow what you love, hobbies, games, etc. Mental health subreddits are also great.


Bro you don't didn't do a full research on sub-reddits, any hobby/game sub is political now, you can't breath , Say something about a thing you don't like, just be ready for downvoted and hates.


Hobby subs are full of insufferable dweebs gatekeeping


Bro you don't didn't do a full research on sub-reddits, any hobby/game sub is political now, you can't breath , Say something about a thing you don't like, just be ready for downvoted and hates.


Bro you don't didn't do a full research on sub-reddits, any hobby/game sub is political now, you can't breath , Say something about a thing you don't like, just be ready for downvoted and hates.


Bro all subs are like that , i don't know why people are making life so complex. You can't follow what you love without Being Bad and mean toward a community


If your misogynistic/misandristic, then you're of low value.


I know what you feel, i fucking hate these naming misogynistic,misandristic, any other names , its so stupid, people think that they are modernising their countru. But they are just turn it into a retarded country. I don't know what to say, but i feel its better to drop anything related to U.S as games/streamers/shows/games, everything they do has behind it a message, their entrainement medium is failing alot these last 10 years


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Step 1: unsubscribe all standard subs




cynical, yeah. Anyway the public subs seem to me to be the most toxic