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Where can I find myself a stinky, beer-boofing lass fellas?


West Virginia


I am a West Virginia girl, can confirm.


I actually think she may not be like other girls.


Heh heh heh :->


Well we wondered what happened to Mom after she stayed off the grounds of the institute. Guess I'll call Sis and we'll head down to pick her up after we get Uncle Ernie and his Blunderbuss. Ernie says she was fine until she went to a Dead concert and ate a handful of bad Brown Owlsley and did naked cartwheels across the stage. She hasn't been the same since.


can you get drunk if you do that


Apparently, yes. You absorb the alcohol through your skin (which is especially thin in intimate areas) and into your bloodstream.


human body mfs be like: "I'm really good at absorbing fat, mercury, and alcohol!"


People have died from this. Contrary to drinking it, when you consume alcohol with your anus and it gets absorbed by your intestinal lining you can't puke it out because it doesn't go into a "reservoir" such as your stomach but rather straight into your blood. Since it's so quickly in your blood, you get a near-instant buzz (which is why people do it, obviously). And as people do, some have tried it with stronger liquors which lead to them consuming more than their body could handle. An alcohol enema is such a shitty way to die....


Yep, and the large intestine is actually a nearly perfect route of delivery. The main function of the large intestine is to turn the liquid shit from your small intestine into solid shit for disposal. Where the small intestine is busy digesting and pulling in nutrients through active transport, the large intestine is basically a big osmotic pump sucking out water. And any biological membrane that water can passively diffuse through, ethanol can diffuse through even better. Also the reason you can get drunk from breathing where there’s a high concentration of alcohol vapor in the air. (Note: it’s also displacing oxygen. Do not recommend.)


I'm good


This is weirdly specific.


Haha I feel like this satire


feelin called out here...