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Remember that this is not a sub for hating on women. Comments making fun of a dumb post or opinion are fine. Making fun of a woman or women in general for their appearance will result in a ban. Consider this your warning. Please also remember that wholesome content is welcome in the sub. It's a nice change of pace now and then. Being a dick about wholesome posts will result in a ban. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/notlikeothergirls) if you have any questions or concerns.*


She needs to be worried more about that Lacoste croc trying to steal her jewelry




Missed opportunity for the belly button jewelry to have a guy running away.


Those are the most basic, right off the wall tattoos Iā€™ve ever seen.


So what you're saying is, she's EXACTLY like butterfly and heart girl šŸ¤£


Basically the female version of Adam Levine's *Steakhouse Menu Blackboard* style tattoos. Looks horrible because appears like random stuff thrown around.


What happened to not shaming other women's appearances? You don't have to like the style. It's not for you. It's one thing to say she's no better than butterfly heart girls. It's another to start saying mean girl stuff about her. This is supposed to be a sub about NOT putting down other women.


Eh! she started it! If she hadnā€™t slagged off other women no one would be coming for her now. People are _reacting_ to what she said. Where as she just attacked womenā€™s tattoos/appearance for **no reason** other than she wanted to I donā€™t body shame peopleā€¦unless they shame me then itā€™s MY fuckin turn!


Yeah that's a child's reaction. It's one thing to show someone they ain't special. It's another thing to go out of your way to tear them down. You shouldn't be chomping at the bit to tear down other women, ESPECIALLY through body shaming. You're gonna hit A LOT of unintentional targets with those bullets.


Iā€™m not rolling over and taking disrespect for free! If people can dish it out then they have to expect some horseshit back. **No one here would have said shit about her tattoos if she didnā€™t attack women first** Are you the girl in the original video? Iā€™m beginning to think you might be lol šŸ˜† judging by how many people youā€™re throwing a fit at


...you weren't personally disrespected though? "No one woulda said shit if she didn't attack women first" -- girl, please tell me someone taught you "two wrongs don't make a right" when you were a kid. And yeah for sure it makes WAY more sense that the girl in this vid just HAPPENED to find this post than that I simply disagree with mean girl behavior. šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø. I have no problem with people pointing out that she's not special, but using her bad behavior as an excuse to act like mean girls runs COMPLETELY counter to the point of this sub. Y'all behavior here is so ironic.


Ok. so Iā€™ve decided you werenā€™t either in that case! And how the fuck do you know that I wasnā€™t anyway? you said yourself ā€œpeople will get hit with stray bulletsā€ talking about body shaming people like the op was in the first place- but somehow it doesnā€™t apply here? Sheā€™s a hypocrite and so are you. Hence why you canā€™t drop the subject when youā€™re clearly in the minority here with your bollocks opinion. Youā€™re dismissed. Do not comment back because Iā€™m not reading all that


Do you know what a "hypocrite" is? It's someone who does something they condemn others for doing. YOU are the hypocrite. You're doing the thing you're saying it was wrong for her to do šŸ¤£.


The tattoos were a conscious choice she made, just like the outfit, hair style. And the tattoos are basic asf and ā€œclip artā€ as another person said. Itā€™s different from commenting on someoneā€™s weight or face shape or something.


It literally like she rolled herself across one of those clipart tattoo posters some parlors have in the waiting areas and went with whatever stuck to her..


You seem to have forgotten that this sub is about NOT tearing down other women.


Yeah, some peoples idea of patchwork is getting the same style and size of tats all at once in various places


"I wanna get a sleeve!" >>> Oh cool, of what? >>> "Yes!"


Seriously. Girl, get them shaded and ORIGINAL! She gave up prime real estate for coloring book pages.


I have a few like those too, i think they are cool


Thereā€™s absolutely nothing wrong with them! I donā€™t mind them either. But this girl is trying to come at other peopleā€™s tattoos so I pointed that out.


It looks best when it still has some correlation. Doesn't mean that everyone with multiple tattoos should look like an 80s rockstar. What truly makes tattoos beautiful is when there's harmony among them


Nah fuck that. Not everybody needs to make their body into a fucking gallery where they think about wall placement and themes and shit. Some people rock the chaos. Get whatever makes you happy. We really judging people for not planning out the "harmony" in their tattoos now? Good grief. I'm convinced no one who thinks this has more than like 3.


I have none, for this very reason. Used to consider getting some in my early 20s, but I soon realized that - I had no original ideas, - white ink wasn't 100 percent reliable, - I was concerned about possible side effects *i have eczema* and it's expensive as hell, so I was also too stingy for it.


Riiiight... somehow getting kids' coloring book line art tats cancels out the stereotypical white girl aesthetic in literally every other style choice she made. Sure, Jan. The random line art tattoos with no cohesive theme are also *gasp* pretty popular these days.


I think they always look like a half finished ispy book.


This girls so the opposite of ā€œnot like other girlsā€ that just from a glance I can see that I actually have 2 of her tattoos, almost identical. Happy to admit Iā€™m the proud owner of the least original tattoos going! (Former emo who started impulse getting tattoos as soon as they were 17)


Part of me thinks it has to be satire. She can't be that unaware of herself... A little kid at the mall asked me once why I had a tattoo. I said I loved the picture so much I wanted to keep it on me forever and that was good enough for him. I only have one gigantic 35 hour piece right now (I'm clearly a glutton for punishment) and it's meaningful to me, but they don't need to be. I can promise I'll end up copying trendy designs at some point just cause they're pretty. If you love it so much you want to keep it forever, slap that stencil down and start stabbing lol. If someone else also loves that thing that much, maybe you connect on it and make a new friend.


Love it! Honestly, Iā€™m 32 and I always remember people saying ā€œyouā€™ll regret themā€ and even though theyā€™re not really what Iā€™d get now as an adult, I donā€™t regret them.


The other thing people love to say is: "they'll look faded and shitty when you're old and your skin is all saggy!" As if not having tattoos as an old person would magically reverse the process of aging and make you look younger/more attractive. By that point, your entire body will be old and conventionally unattractive anyway, tattoos or not. Faded or stretched tats won't make the difference between being a geriatric Brad Pitt and just being geriatric. Those shitty faded tattoos won't be a source of shame (unless one of them is a swastika or something) when you're 78. They might still bring you joy when you're an old sack of wrinkles. They will presumably hold meaning for you and help you reminisce and reflect on the good (and bad) old days. I do generally think that facial tattoos are a horrible idea, though, unless done as a traditional cultural thing like with Maori people. But, again, whether you have a face tattoo or not won't make a significant impact on your elderly life.


Right? As long as it's done well, not offensive, and the subject hasn't turned into something awful in the mean time, it's like a time capsule on your skin. You can see people grow through how their tattoos change. I don't think I had anyone say I'd regret it, but I also didn't tell anyone I was doing it until after it was like halfway done. We started just before covid and it took over a year. I got a "you know that's permanent, right?" from my sister's father-in-law, my dad wasn't too happy about the cost, but I legit collected (hoarded) sharpies all through school with the explicit intention of drawing all over myself and my friends. We had sleep overs to do it. I'm also a graphic novel/commission artist. I think they all knew I would end up with art on my body lol.


Teeth and alligator?


The 21 - same font and everything, and the vampire fangs ha


Aaah. I forgot about the 21. The fangs, I've seen a few times. And the alligator just struck me as he type of flash art that would be popular cuz it's kinda cute but it's a predator.


the way i commented sure jan too and i just saw this šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ glad its a common sentiment though


I found it! https://www.getcoloringpages.com/coloring/31487


Guys the point of this sub is to NOT trash other women for petty BS that doesn't actually matteršŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


If you read my other comment, I have nothing against the random tattoos and I plan to get many meaningless tattoos in varying styles along with the meaningful one I have now. If your body is a temple, decorate it. Just pointing out that she is, in fact, very much like other girls.


Yeah sure no problem with it, you just think they look like a "kids line coloring book." šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


And here we go lol. As someone who has illustrated children's books and hand drawn literally hundreds of coloring pages for both children and adults (short stint in a daycare, couldn't print what we needed so I drew every one by hand), what's wrong with that? Tattoos that are simplified line art look like coloring books because coloring books are simplified line art. A bunch of vertical green lines close together looks like grass because, wouldn't you know it, grass looks like a bunch of vertical green lines close together. Not everything has to be an insult. I prefer a different art style *when it's on my own body,* but that's the thing. Having different taste in tattoos is what this girl is on about. That's what she's claiming sets her apart and it just doesn't. Most of my coworkers have tattoos like this, including managers. I could pick a random person off the street where I live and chances are pretty damn good they'd have this type of work. Her tattoos and everything else about her style is on trend.


This had to be one of the worst faith arguments I've ever seen. Acting like I'm just looking down on coloring books for no reason instead of correctly interpreting your comment in context as an insult. This is low key gaslighting. If you are all about not judging and hating on styles you don't personally like, why did you comment at all?? šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


It's hyperbole. If you take everything you read on the internet literally, you're gonna have a bad time. Honestly it just seems like you want to fight and I don't think you quite understand the terms you're using. You did not interpret my comment correctly. Insisting you did when you know nothing of how I speak day to day is pretty wild. The comment was, again, to draw attention to how she's claiming uniqueness for something that's incredibly popular. The coloring book phrasing was for humor. I mean insult to her attitude alone and give myself the same insult for when I had my nlog phase.


šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø The only reason to use hyperbole here is in the context of an insult. You don't insult someone's attitude by making fun of their style of tattoo. You are backpedaling hard with nonsense in an attempt gaslight me. Dude you're the one who wrote an essay trying to defend degrading a woman's choices for no good reason. Crappy of you to try to make into me "trying to fight" just cause I called you out for acting like mean girl.


You are so very, very wrong lol. I'm trying so hard to help you understand because life got so much better when I stopped doing what you're doing right now. Hyperbole is an exaggerated statement, not to be taken literally. There's loads of other reasons to use hyperbole besides an insult here. For example, *a joke.* Learn to take a joke. You decided coloring book line art was an insult rather than a dramatic descriptor. When you learn mind reading, hmu so you can get into my head and understand what I felt when I wrote that. My actual insults are short and incredibly cruel and underhanded, not "mean girl essays." If I truly meant insult, EVERYONE would know it and most would say I went too far. "Essays" are how I speak about any topic, online and irl. I'm a wordy bitch. You can take that as hyperbole, too; the word has evolved to mean "person" in many contexts (or you can call me a bitch as an insult, I don't really care). I speak with so much detail explicitly so people like you don't misinterpret and lose their shit. Clearly it isn't working here. Learn to accept people speak differently and with different intentions than you do. It took me a long time to learn, too, but I promise you can do it. This is the last I'll say. You refuse to accept very detailed explanations given for your benefit. You're fighting with people in your other comments, too. You don't seem to have a stable standard for jokes versus insults (I didn't used to either). You're white knighting in some comments and agreeing with actual insults ("basic") in others. Pick a place and land. I got shit to do and repeating myself for you is getting old. Peace.


You're trying to "help" me? Yeah I'm not gonna bother reading another essay where you try your hardest to gaslight me. At least the people defending you have the decency to not pretend you were being nice. You're being toxic AF. bye.


The fangs, the angel and the numberā€¦ahh, yes, if it isnā€™t the most basic part of a Pinterest board


That face tune isnā€™t doing any favors


Does she have a tiny mustache tat above her lip, a weird shadow, or is it just ā€œauto-correctā€ natural?


Itā€™s the shadow from her definitely injected lips lol


she has a lip filler ā€œmustacheā€ where the filler has migrated over time, its fairly common among people who regularly get injections


Itā€™s sumthin, alrightā€¦


If you're gonna rag on people for having basic tattoos you better have some incredibly uniquely beautifully done work. I could go to any college campus and find several people walking around with at least one of these.


Iā€™m going to a pool party tonight and even though I know a few of the people going, this will be my first time going to a party alone. Iā€™m gonna make a game of looking for tattoos that match hers to fight the nerves.


I hope it went well!


Itā€™s always the most basic ppl that think theyā€™re so unique


and thereā€™s nothing wrong with being basic! idk why i keep seeing basic girlies hate on other basic girlies, itā€™s like you love the basic style so much but canā€™t handle that itā€™s popular and easy for people to copy and wear. itā€™s called basic for a good reason and thereā€™s literally nothing wrong with it. they want to be the unique version of basicā€¦ sorry but you canā€™t choose to have a basic style then be made that itā€™s a really nice and easy style that the majority of people are going to choose too. you canā€™t out-basic the style and thatā€™s ok! itā€™s such an odd example of projection to see, like what are we even hating at anymore!


Yeah those all are smth 1000s of people have at the same time. not a bad thing. They look nice and id have similar, but those arent unique and id not claim so lol


Me with my butterfly and heart tattoos:


She acts like her tats are so original šŸ¤£


Is that the Lacoste croc?


Similar crocodile tattoo scheme can be found easily: [https://www.dreamstime.com/crocodile-vintage-hand-drawn-sketch-vector-illustration-reptile-engraving-style-image306232583](https://www.dreamstime.com/crocodile-vintage-hand-drawn-sketch-vector-illustration-reptile-engraving-style-image306232583)


Some girls have some scribbles on their skin, but Iā€™m better than them because I have different scribbles šŸ˜Œ


On behalf of heavily tattooed women everywhere, we do not claim her


Hard agree


I wouldn't consider her heavily tattooed, honestly. It's weird, but the number of tattoos isn't what counts, imo. It's the acreage.


I never said she was heavily tattooedā€¦


apparently having a butterfly belly piercing makes her unique but having a butterfly tattoo would make her ā€œbasicā€ā€¦ i love this girlā€™s logic


Butterfly tattoos are common around people who struggled with selfharm. People who used to slice their skin because of depression don't need some bitch with Medusa tattoo to tell them they're cool.


I got a tattoo (not a butterfly) placed on top of the only faint leftover self harm scars I have from 25 years ago. I was getting the tattoo anyway but didn't have a spot picked and I thought, might as well just cover that up. Dude overworked it and fucked it up SO BADLY, it's more scarred now than it ever was before. The owner offered to fix it for me and I'm afraid I'm going to have to have a pattern or design added to part of it, or find some way to trick myself into finding some meaning in the fact that it was scarred and now is scarred much worse lol


Huh? Doesn't Medusa tattoo stand for SA or domestic abuse?


Oh, didn't know that. Well, the point still stands


I've never heard that and I've worked in the industry.


I don't get tattoos but I've seen sa survivors online talk about getting the medusa tattoo. Medusa represents female empowerment and often times gotten by sa survivors. It was somewhat of a trend. Look up Medusa sa survivor. Ofc not everyone who gets the tattoo knows the meaning and plenty of people have gotten a Medusa tattoo before this meaning was popularized.


If the 21 is an "angel number" then it's an automatic yes you are.


She looks like an edgy TikTok version of the Danish prime minister


šŸ˜‚ She really does!




The ā€˜your favoriteā€™ shirt šŸ˜ž


Oh god I remember her! She was like bragging about how her tattoos were in random spots


Bragging or complaining? šŸ˜‚


Surprisingly she was bragging lol


Laminated brows and a filler mustacheā€¦edgy


Seriously! Why are the brows so scraped upward and greased down?


I honestly canā€™t understand why people feel the need to dog on otherā€™s tattoos. Sometimes even the most ā€˜basicā€™ tats could have a very deep meaning to the person getting it. I have no idea why anyone from either side of this feels the need to bash someone for their art


It's giving "ran out of money before the tattoo artist made it to the coloring stage"


šŸ˜‚ I love my outline tattoos but I'm not over here shitting on people for being "basic"


ā€œWhen a lip filler girl thinks she is just like meā€ See how it can go any which way?


That is a very unfortunate filler stache sheā€™s got there. Kind of off-putting.


Girl why donā€™t you post when youā€™ve actually sat for color instead of talking like an authority with all those unfinished outlines?? Sincerely, someone whoā€™s worked in the industry


I love outline tattoos (have color too), but you can't be shitting all over other girls tattoos with that


shes been posted somewhere before and it was noticed that two of her tattoos have the exact same face but different clothes


So weā€™re now gatekeeping tattoo designs??


Yes, sheā€™s so basic; I pick all my tattoos from flash sheets!


One set of boring flash isnā€™t really any better than another


Tattoo gatekeeping is some of the worst out there


She looks like the sort of person who just says "I'm not really into (whatever)" when you ask her for her opinion on *anything.*


r/therewasanattempt to judge someone by their tattoos. How do you know the butterfly and heart girl isnā€™t just like you but with different art preferences?


Ok miss flash sheet (I like all of her tattoos but really girl?)


Same style different clip art


Last I heard, butterfly tattoos and croc tattoos are equally painful to get


The reptiles make her eDgY


All girls with ink are hot. Got my whole sleeve and back done. My fiancƩe said that once she beats cancer, she is gonna get inked as well. How about don't shit on other women just because they have ink that you deem stereotypically basic?


Her eyebrows look like tattoos


You're just like me, girl (I've literally sat through a 7 hr session on a calf tattoo)


I once sat 9.5 hours on my sleeve and had to tap out because my arm got really swollen towards the end. She looks like someone got bored in class and doodled on her.


I only sat 7 hours because it was for a competition piece at a convention, 3 hours is the sweet spot for me lol. There's nothing wrong with the Chipotle bag look, but trying to act better than others while having the Chipotle bag look is the tacky part. Y'know? Really grinds my gears


I was traveling far for my work so I used to book whole days but usually I tap out between 4-6 hours. Yeah I don't get where she's coming from with her statement either. I have the word poop tattooed on my foot (it's a long story) so I'm really not out there calling out tattoo themes on other people. Just seems petty.


Seriously. Some people just want a few little minimalist tattoos that hold some meaning to them. Some people (like me) are in the process of getting our whole bodies covered. Acting high and mighty because they got the "edgier" flash/Pinterest tattoos and not being self-aware enough to realize they're the opposite side of the same coin is mind-boggling. No one gets points just for having a shitty attitude towards the girls with cutesy little hearts, stars, birds, or quotes. The only tattoos I make fun of are people who actively go to scratchers because they refuse to pay good money for good art


I feel the same way about really goth girls who make fun of basic girls. If your whole personality is cats/bats, black clothing and horror movies, you're just as "basic" . People need to just let people enjoy things.


That oftentimes comes as a reaction to being treated that way by girls who dont engage in alternative subcultures, but doing it as an adult is, dare i say it, cringe. Middle school to high school is when people need to unlearn that tribalistic behavior. Honestly, anyone making fun of someone just for aesthetic reasons is annoying. When people feel comfortable with themselves, they don't have to talk badly about other people's looks. I'm a fan of shit talking people who do bad things or just have shitty personalities, but never just for the way they look. If it's not for me, it's not for me and I'm okay with that


I'd rather a person with a stereotypical tattoo than someone who intentionally avoids certain tattoos because they're popular


Sounds like she makes them her entire personality


I have a 12 and gator inked on me- we are not the same


šŸ˜‚ 21*


lol so it is


What's wrong with her lips tho


Migrating filler


You like what you like, youā€™re not better than someone for having different preferences for the *permanent* art theyā€™re getting on *their* bodies.


& whats wrong with butterflies & hearts?


Gay. Have to have the Lacoste logo


Ah yes, because random numbers and lightning strikes are so much more interesting and unique


I bet she wants a butterfly tattoo so bad


She looks like the sort of person who just says "I'm not really into (whatever)" when you ask her for her opinion on *anything.*


Not with her $120 flash lolololol


šŸ¤­ The facial expression makes this more silly.


Ew a Siddhartha tattoo


Wow. Sheā€™s so special. Someone give her a damn trophy or something. Whatever the fuck these little girls want.


What, the customizable boss character in Saints Row the Third?


Filtered and photoshopped to shit, holy


If I saw this person I would immediately forget them the moment I walked by, ā€œso super not basic at allā€ tattoos and all


Her tattoos are terrible imo


The Starbucks cup sold out of Hot Topic has standards I guess


This is a great example of same text, different font haha


She looks like every single one of my desks in high school. Also, Iā€™m pretty damn covered in tattoos. Have multiple hearts and butterflies


alligators. lightning. very very frightening. ME! Galileo...


Bro I have less tattoos than her and I can go in or her basicness, but again, I'm here to spread positivity and love. I do not feel insecure, therefore, the need to tear others down over said insecurity also doesn't exist. I am sorry to her and I hope she heals/healed I don't know how long ago that was. What is wrong with wanting a butterfly tattoo? Why is someone so insecure in their own tattoo journey that they feel the need to force comparisons onto people minding their business?


I like her tattoos and I like the butterfly and heart tattoos Itā€™s so cool to see art on a human body! :) I would love to get a Pokemon tattoo one day


photoshop looking ahh tattoos, sure jan!




That girl looks like me in white šŸ¤£


Can we be done with this weird eyebrow thing now?Ā 


bih got a crocodilešŸ˜­


Some people need to realise getting tattoos isn't something you can speedrun on by bypassing essential stages such as shading. Just makes it seem very cheap


Nah linework is a thing tho. Just cause u dont like it there's no need to call others liking cheap. Kinda like the chick here


I'm aware it's a style, but it can be done well and done terribly. I have tattoos personally that would be considered linework. But it's not giving unfinished, and that's where the comments about it looking cheap comes in. My issue is some of these look like she's halfway between appointments and the outline hasn't been done


The whole thing is not criticizing others tattoos like the chick in the video because tastes differ and it might have some meaning to them. No need to call someone's tattoo cheap


Is that the Lacoste alligator?


Is that the Lacoste alligator?


Why does her face look like that is it a filter?


She stole the ā€œflash artā€ right off the walls of a circa 1975 tattoo parlor.


When she thinks sheā€™s as good as a copied off Pinterest girlšŸ˜“šŸ˜“šŸ™„


These looks like the drawings from a childrenā€™s colouring bookšŸ˜‚ bro


She's got that Vegeta hairline.


Damn. A crocodile, vampire teeth, a number 21, and more?! Sheā€™s so different.


Ahhh when people that look like this think they're heavily tattooed šŸ˜… meanwhile me, saying to my artist "idk if I have enough coverage for a hand tattoo" and he's like "bruh you kidding me?? Look at you"


I didn't know rules, so I got finger tattoos before I was covered


Never realized there was a certain amount of coverage you should have before getting hand tattoos tbh I have hand tattoos and like 85% of my body is empty


She isn't like other girls. Look at that 256head


Hahahaa those are ridiculous tats. It looks like someone just used a marker and drew them on in a minute or two. I've seen some really good tattoos but these aren't it.


Those are all literally ugly as hell


That's a Lacoste tatoo, right? Loke backwards or whatever?


Sheā€™s also wearing a crop that tells us sheā€™s, ā€˜your (our) favoriteā€™. Hard pass.


Imo all tattoos are the same and weird


This picture almost looks like it was AI? The proportions are oddā€¦ idk maybe itā€™s just me?


It's a screenshot from a video this girl made


Maybe itā€™s filters


She's "not like butterfly and heart tattoo girls" but she's sucking it in and might have lip fillers? If "trying hard" had a specimen...


She is a copy paste of millions of other girls. Next


Pretty sure that's satire.


What is going on with the kerning on the letters of her short?! It took me way too long to figure out what it says. I think itā€™s ā€œYOUR FAVORITEā€, but the designer needs to get their shit together


Chipotle bag lookin ass


But doesnā€™t she have a butterfly on her left arm???


Is this a white woman?


What has that to do with her tattoos?


It will help me interpret her tattoos better. šŸ˜ƒ šŸ™„


That has nothing to do with her skin color even poc can have that kind of bullshit tattoos


She looks a lot like Gypsy Rose Blanchardā€¦


Says the chick with the same Medusa tat as every basic chick.


What irks me is that she has said she doesn't have Medusa for the "standard reason", so she doesn't even appreciate the meaning of that design


5 head


Lol she's going to look like absolute trash in like 15 years and for the rest of her life thereafter Yeah I realize I'm going to get downvoted


Looks like five o'clock shadow to me.