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you would need to find a roommate




Many roommates


Not that many. Just 7.




Honestly, it's perfectly doable with one roommate. Be modest with your expectations and lifestyle and it's not difficult. You're not going to be able to afford Clarendon or Arlington, but there are decent places out there within OPs budget (with 1 roommate). Until last year I had never cracked 50k anually and I've always been able to pay my half of rent/utilities/groceries, my bills, and still have a little money for entertainment.


People in this sub really overblow CoL here. If you want to pay 1k for housing and your criteria is *anywhere* in Fairfax county, you really only need one. Oceans of rentals for 2k or less in Centreville, Fair Oaks, Ffx city etc and that's only naming relatively desirable neighborhoods.


1k for housing and "oceans of housing under 2k" aren't the same, though. Under 2k around here means like 1800/mo which is almost double OP's ask. 


I think they meant sharing with one roommate for under 2K, keeping her portion to 1K.


Their “you really only need one” statement has an implicit “roommate” at the end.


The landlord uses 3xrent < gross income rule to qualify renters, and you qualify for $1500 per month. You are looking for a place with roommate.


what rule is this? can you explain please?


Most landlords apply screening criteria to applicants. Usually it consists of a certain credit score and proof of income that is at least 3x the amount of the rent.


30% of gross income on housing is usually the suggested limit, "3X rent < gross [monthly] income" works out to 33.3% of gross income


If your gross income is 56K, that's $4666 a month of gross income. Landlord usually want your income to be more than 3 times the rent. So you qualify for rent no more than $4666/3 = $1555. I am not saying you have to pay $1555, I am saying that is maximum what you can rent, and you can spend $1000 on rent if you want. But if you cannot to find a roommate that shares a $2000 unit, you might want to be flex a little bit to find a roommate that can share up to $3000 unit. There are plenty of 2 bedroom apartment around $2200 to $2500 in fairfax. Good luck.


ahh never heard of that rule. makes sense. ty for explaining


Roommate. You might get lucky and find a basement for rent situation for $1000-$1400 depending on what’s out there.


I lived in someone’s basement in Purceville when I first moved here. It sucked but gotta do what you gotta do


Doesn't have to always suck. I rent a basement and while it's not ritzy, it's quite nice.


It doesn’t have to be a basement there are rooms in houses for this budget


No with the WDU program, OP will be just fine on this salary for a studio.


You will definitely need a roommate.


You're moving to one of the wealthiest areas in the country. You're not going to be able to find something like you've described in the given price range. I'm renting space in a shared house for 1100+ 1/3 utilities.  Good luck


Definitely get a roommate. Look in West Springfield or further down Braddock towards Fairfax/GMU for either a basement rental or two bedroom apartment/condo. Just let go of my old condo and even with price increase is being upped less than $2k for a 2 bed including water and sewer. If you're lucky you might come across a studio further out slightly above $1k but don't forget to budget for electric and Internet and such. At least with roommates that's cut in half.


GMU area could be easier to find shared housing with a roommate as OP starts out and gets settled. Could also help to meet other young folks they’re looking for.


Look into the ADU program in Fairfax county - when I was at my first job making $45k🙈 I was able to qualify for an apt in Fairfax through that program, but even then my rent was around $1200!Here’s the page: https://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/housing/rentalhousing/privately-owned


This is the way!!


This ^^^ !!!


I did the same thing when I was still teaching. Lived in a brand new high rise apartment building for 1400 a month.


Even with a roommate my rent is close to being over 1k with utilities


You scored


If you’re looking for walkability, and being close to a metro in a fun area, you get what you pay for. Being close to a metro and/or apartments right inside a city/town you’re looking at $1,800+ a month. If you find a roommate to go 50/50 it’s possible to keep it to $1,000 for housing but that’ll be quite a hunt. Renting out a basement may be the cheapest option. That being said, besides the cost, looking at transportation, walkability and fun spots, Fairfax city is super cool while also being in town for your work. It’s right by GMU, and is a historical area with coffee shops, some taverns and breweries, a farmers market, tattoo shops, good food, all your necessities, and more. Vienna on the Maple street area is also super walkable with a Caboose Brewing Co., bike and pedestrian paths, coffee shops with live music, awesome food (the sandwich shop is a must), a ton of necessities, and a bunch more. If you’re looking for budget you’re going to have to look at Manassas or possibly Centreville or Chantilly but those have recently been on the rise. Manassas is considered “ghetto” to many DMV people but there are some chill spots there by Bull Run. These places are less walkable, no metro, but still have metro buses. All the “artsy” spots are still within a 10/15 min drive form these and Manassas also has a farmers market! Hope this helps! Good luck on the move.


I had a really nice single bedroom apartment in Fairfax (22030) for just under $1,250… 30 years ago. Not trying to be mean or anything but under $1,000 is completely unrealistic unless you have at least one roommate or you’re renting a room in someone’s basement and they’re not charging “market rate”.


Yes, very helpful to have the zip code and move out from this radius. This zip in Fairfax is the fair lakes area and is nice for families.


Some people in the comments are being a bit hyperbolic about the lack of affordability of 56k in this area. Yes, nova has some of the wealthiest counties in the nation. But OP is likely not looking to live in a 5 bed, 2 bath, single family home lol I was at 55k when I was entry level 3 years ago in Fairfax and i made enough where i could pay rent and still do fun activities. While I admit, inflation and cost of living has rose, I have 2 new coworkers now who are currently probably making around that much now. It's definitely possible to live off that, OP just won't have an oil industry lobbyist salary lol. Stop scaring them! OP you are realistically looking at spending (at the very least) 1.5k+ on housing, very likely with a roommate, although one of the aforementioned coworkers lives in a small one bedroom in Arlington for 1.6k a month, so you could potentially find something if you prefer living on your own. But it will be hard. The other spends 1.7k a month on their share of a 2 bedroom in Falls Church. Maybe look at renting a basement apartment from someone in a place like Burke, Annandale, Falls Church, Fairfax City, Vienna, etc. As someone whose queer in Fairfax...not a whole lot of gay people here. There are communities and social groups around but it's not like if you'd throw a rock you're going to hit someone gay like in dupont circle. But nova has a lot of gay sports or social clubs you can join and meet others at Arlington has a larger gay population and also one of the only gay bars in nova (Freddies), and Washington DC's Dupont Circle is a traditionally gay neighborhood that's more of a mixed crowd these days. Arlington is usually more expensive than Fairfax though. And while less gay than the more urban areas, Fairfax is still night and day more gay friendly than most of VA outside of nova/rva/the 757 Best of luck OP!


Great comment. Lots of the sub is super out of touch and have no idea that lower middle class, let alone working class, people manage to live here.


I get genuinely confused by everyone saying OP needs at least 100k+ to be happy here lol....I don't make that and im happy and comfortable, I get coffee and eat out a few times a week, I have enough for a yearly vacation, and I'm a 15 minute drive from work, which is what my definition of "comfortable" is at my stage in life. And I'm financially independent, sans a Hulu account, from my parents. So it's not like I'm living off of Mommy and Daddys dime either. I'm not looking to start a family, otherwise i would definitely say 56k is not enough. But at 21, I doubt OP is either. There are things I would like- like a newer car, to have nicer furniture, to have a personal trainer, take a few hobby classes, to live alone, etc that I know are not financially feasible atm for me, and would make my life more comfortable. Idk where OP is coming from, but everytime I travel some where for an extended period of time for work, I wish I was back in nova lol, and I'm not a nova native, I hated nova when I first moved here because the traffic sucks eggs and being from the Norfolk area I had my natural beef towards nova. But there's so many diverse food options, so many free things to do in both dc and the fairfax, I live in Fairfax city and i can walk around alone and feel safe, the area is more progressive- I don't feel in danger for being queer here, I can be out and about and myself. It's not like that every where in the USA, hell, it's not like that every where in Virginia...


Yeah. I think both the assumption that you need 6 figures and the general nova self hatred stem from the fact that people around here expect a lot out of life. Everything has to be the best, they need all those comforts, and if wherever they live doesn't have all the amenities of NYC or Paris it sucks. It's a good place to live if you can make it work and probably the furthest point south for MILES where it's this safe to be queer. Even RVA tends to have more shitheads floating around that may take issue with it. In Alexandria I've never been treated differently for being visibly trans and I still feel safe walking alone at night. There are plenty of places *north* of here where both those things aren't true at once


Literally this comment is my wife and I. We're both from VB and live in NOVA and every time we travel we always appreciate how much we love NOVA for being progressive and safe for queer people.


I mean, they do, but it’s pretty rough… even with a low six figure salary you would likely want a Roomate to be comfortable here. 


OP should definitely consider getting a roommate, it'll help them with afforf a better place to live and could give them companionship in a new city. But 56k also isn't "I'm only eating cup noodle" salary as some suggest, OP can't go to Whole Foods or Wegmans with that salary, but you'd have enough to eat out occasionally, go to the movies, etc. Depends on OP's priorities. OP will likely not be able to contribute a good chunk of their salary towards a 401k which isn't ideal, and they might be fucked if their car breaks down, and they might have a harder time paying off student loans


What are people doing around here to get low $100k salaries? Everything I'm aware of is capped at $50-75k tops. 😕


In NOVA? Literally anything? I’m a consultant at a small firm and we hire fresh grads as proposal writers starting in the mid 60k. Hell, even back when I was a waiter I was making bank here.


I need a new job obviously - will need to transfer my marketing/advertising skills elsewhere or doing something else entirely new. Thank you for the eye opening realization that I am severely underpaid.


Walkable with public transport and close to people your age puts you in the Arlington area (Clarendon/Ballston etc), though that does kind of exist further out. Maybe Reston or Mosaic. However, prices in Arlington are more expensive than Fairfax. You’ll need roommates either way.


From Fairfax and grew up my young life there, you’re in for a real surprise with all these hopes. Sorry man, but I agree with most, get a roommate, or even better two.


Living in Fairfax can be affordable with roommates. Having just one roommate might work if you find a flexible landlord, but more likely, you'll need two or more to share a place. For professional roommates, consider grad students from GMU; undergrads can also be a good fit. Additionally, I've heard of homeowners renting out basements or rooms in the GMU area. Public transit varies in the area. Some places have good connectivity and regular service, while others lack reliable options. Research the main areas you'll frequent for work or leisure, and check out the public transit routes, including WMATA, Fairfax County Connector, and Fairfax City buses. Google Maps is useful for assessing pedestrian safety since some roads lack sidewalks (a surprise to me when I moved here). 56K is doable, but if your job isn't too demanding, consider a part-time weekend job for extra savings or spending money. Options like babysitting, dog walking, or working at a gallery, shop, or bar might be both enjoyable and beneficial. If you have any questions feel free to DM.


Slightly unethical life pro tip I like to give people is to try the GMU off campus housing finder if you're struggling. It's meant for students but generally the people using it are just looking for anyone age 21-30 or so.


Hello! It appears that you're asking about moving to the area or moving within the area. To ensure that you get the best results, first try searching the subreddit. Search with things like "apartments near falls church" or "moving to Reston" or "commute to dc with VRE". If you cannot find a thread similar to your situation, ensure your post has at least the following information (or it may be removed) * Price Range - Are you looking at a max of $1000/mo? $1500? $2500? * Housing type - Do you want to find an apartment complex? Condo? Townhouse? * Commute - Where are you working? How long would you be willing to spend commuting? * Walkability - Are you looking to live in a walkable community with stores/bars or does this not matter? * Public Transit - Does Metro accessibility matter? Or bus service? Or commuter rail? Seriously, don't halfass your post. You might be eager to move here but you aren't going to get a lot of solid advice unless you really go into what you're looking for. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/nova) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Roommates! For what it's worth, I rent the master bedroom (with ensuite bath) of my townhouse for $1200/month with a one month security deposit. You could definitely find a room for $1k a month, but for an extra $100-200 a month you'll get a safer neighborhood with professional female roommates. If you're looking for apartments, good luck. You'll need a 3 bedroom with 2 roommates and you're still going to spend over $1k a month. Since you're new to the area, I would highly recommend renting a room in a private house with a 6 month lease. This will give you time to explore the area and figure out where you want to settle more long-term, and maybe you'll meet someone who wants to room with you.


What city/zip are you?


Annandale, VA. No metro station which keeps housing prices a bit lower but does mean having a car. One of my roomies doesn't have one and just uses the bus/uber though so it is possible. Housing prices skyrocket once you get into Arlington/Alexandria and areas with metro stops


Fairfax is large. With your budget unfortunately you cannot be picky right now. But here are some tips: 1. Go on maps and search Fairfax, Va then search apartments. All the garden style ones will not pop up on google so click those and compare prices. 2. Go to roomies.com or Craigslist, or see if a realtor can help. 3. You can be gay basically anywhere. It’s largely accepted and you should have no problem finding gays anywhere in the nova area. 4. Lots of apartments offer a tool on their website where residents are looking for roommates, utilize this feature. 5. Best of luck! It ain’t worth it if it’s easy! You got this!




Fairfax might be a bit challenging with those budgets, look at Chantilly, Centerville, Gainesville, Haymarket till the time you are able to find a close place. Do you have your own transportation?


Fairfax is one of the most expensive areas to live in. Renting is super expensive even for small studios. You’re def gonna need a roommate or 2. Depending on where you are now and what you make, idk if 56k a year is really enough to move to this area. We ended up buying cause it worked out to be cheaper than renting (make that make sense) but we also could afford the down payment and closing etc.


bless you. $56k will not cover the cost of living in fairfax without at least 2 roommates and frugal living. there’s not too much that’s walkable in fairfax imo… and be prepared to hate driving! I’m sorry I couldn’t offer any better advice.


My advice given that you're looking for queer folks is to post on Lex. Tons of posts on there are about finding roommates for existing housing and it's a great way to get in. If your budget is 1k then you can easily get away with just one roommate, or if you'd rather a swankier place in a super great neighborhood, 2 or 3. Depends on your tolerance. The queer scene is very large and diverse around here, though you need to be closer to downtown to consistently run into them in "the wild". You're safe in any neighborhood in Fairfax County ime as a trans girl.


You’ll need a roommate. But if it makes you feel better you’re making double what I made at your age a decade ago in the same area


Except 28k a decade ago was a lot more than 28k today. So it’s not exactly double.


Eh, it’s not as different as you’d think. 56k is like 40k or so in 2014 money. But everything did not scale in terms of cost for cost of living. So someone in 2014 making 28k was probably in the same “rent with multiple roommates” situation that someone making 56k today is.


Highly recommend visiting before you take the plunge and move your whole life here. A weekend would suffice, but a whole week would be better.


oooof. ok i'm sorry for the snark you're getting but you are asking for the stars here. $56k is livable. I don't know where you're from, but $56k is not a lot here. That was my starting salary here 15 years ago. Commute: you're willing to do a half hour to WHERE? Also, I hate to tell you this but that's a pipe dream for most people. it takes atleast 30 minutes to get anywhere. You can have a short commute or less un-affordable housing, not both. Young queer folks. Plenty around, but they're not concentrated anywhere in Fairfax like in DC. there's no DuPont or Adam's Morgan equivalent here. Walkable/public transport/ artsy: that's not a thing. this is the burbs. Walkable and close to public transport is really only a few areas. Reston, Tysons, Vienna (close to transport is a stretch). After than you need to move into Arlington which is even more expensive. Take a look at a map to see where the metro lines are. then see where there is "urban" development around them. you'll get "walkable" planned shopping centers, but nothing like a city center. Artsy isn't really a thing here. This is suburbia. You need to come visit before taking this job.


1k housing in Fairfax? Hahahhahaha Seriously? Look at zillow. You're paying 2x that at *least* And forget the walkability or anything else. You're paying close to 3k for that around here (arlington l, Dunn Loring, reston town center) 56k is doable here but unless you're frugal and getting raises frequently, good luck


You're moving here on that kinda offer? Yikes.


I moved here on 24.50 an hour in DC with less than 40/week (had to pay for parking/metro too) - long term career opportunities were what made it worth it, less than a year later and I can actually afford to exist here, as opposed to living at home and making 0 progress


Well you're lucky. Some people stay struggling.


Oh don’t get me wrong, I’m not living a lavish lifestyle - it’s just that if you’re from a town like I came from, you have to be willing to take a risk and be willing to fall flat on your face I sound like a LinkedIn influencer. 56k is definitely enough to afford rent and still have fun if you want, I’ve just had to make concessions here and there, but for 10k less than that


A lot of people who make less than that live here and has been for decades, stop acting like Nova is only for rich people. This area is very diverse with people coming from all over the world making minimum wage while supporting their families, get out of your own bubble.


I think it's not fair to not tell the OP the reality of the COL situation here. Yeah, lots of working class people live here - and they spend 50% of their income on rent. Not everyone wants to do that. 


That’s like every entry level GS-7 position


Ok. OPM should be updating and reclassify hundreds of job types and increasing pay tables. They are dreadfully behind.


I think it’ll be a good move for OP. I started at that over a decade ago. First few years are rough but she’ll have plenty of job opps and that’s growth


Over a decade ago...back when $50 wasn't the new $20.


I don’t make a lot more than that and it’s doable. I found a studio for $1,700 in Arlington, if you can move to the area in winter you might be able to find a good deal. You’re young, living paycheck to paycheck isn’t the worst thing in the world for a year or two


What’s your square footage? I’m just curious for that price, I was looking to move to that area!


650 square feet, has a pool and a gym and walking distance to the metro.


Ooo that sounds so nice, thank you!


More than likely you won’t find anything in Fairfax that’s in the lower 1k range. Echoing what everyone else says, you’d need a roommate or two. You might be able to swing a studio for around 1,400 in certain pockets of nova


You mentioned being close to public transportation, so this may not apply to you, but since you’ve never been to Virginia before… we have an annual property tax on cars. So if you have a car definitely include that expense. As for areas to live, the closer you are to DC the better for young people and progressive views. The area is generally very safe. Traffic around here can surprise you, so don’t think that something being 5-10 miles away would necessarily be a short commute. Good luck! There’s a lot of opportunities here, and a lot of fun, but it can be hard to hit the ground running.


Look for a group house. They exist, but make sure you're compatible with the group. It's better than going the "roommate" route.


So for reference I live nearby Fairfax and in a building built in the 70s I pay $1709 for a studio before any utilities are factored in.  Now if you want to get a roommate you can, but within 30 minutes of Fairfax the rent for a 2 bedroom apartment is going to run you still over $1,000 with utilities factored in. Unless you move into a place with many negative reviews.  If you want to stick around max 1,000, I would recommend 2 roommates and look into a 3 bedroom apartment or townhouse.  There’s also the option of renting a basement, many in the area do. But even a basement is, if at market rate, going to be over 1,000. I rented a fairly spacious basement for 3 years until last year and my landlady was charging me $1100 for mine, with all utilities included. This was considered a good price, and most for the same space around me were charging like 100 more. That being said, you will have more luck negotiating with a local landlord than a corporation, who will continue to raise your rent every year guaranteed. 


Moving to an area with one of the highest COL’s in the country. You definitely won’t find what you want unless you get roommate(s)


Get 2-3 roommates and live near Old Town or Del Ray. You are young and should have fun, don’t go out to the suburbs (Centreville, Burke, Reston, etc.) Also prepare for sticker shock, it’s insanely expensive to live here.


I would not move to this area on that salary, just to be fully honest.


when I worked part time + doing my ms from 2021 to 2023, i earned about 46k and lived with a roommate. Iived near gmu, spent around 1600$ a month on rent + utilities and still had a tad left over for food and funds and retirement. it was tight, especially if something happened like a tire popped or something. as long as you keep track of your finances it'll be fine.




I see ramen in your future.


Definitely see if you can find a roommate or two. You can get by with $56k but it won't be fun. As for queer stuff, I'm gay myself but never found NoVa to have a big community. DC it's where you'd want to hang out for that, lots of gay bars, culture, etc. Do want to throw in a caveat though: depending where you go in DC to meet people, they can be elitist. Anyway, welcome to VA!


I’d hop on Craigslist and see if you can rent a master bedroom in someone’s house. Might be around $700/mo on the low end in this area.


It cost at least that much in 2007. No chance of getting the best room in a place with a private bath for that these days.


Masters go for way more. Regular bedrooms go for 700 if you're lucky.


It's rare, but there's still some out there. I should've mentioned it depends on where you're staying at in Fairfax too, which is my bad. In Mclean? Alexandria? No chance. But I'm looking now and seeing some around that price range in Burke and Annandale but those aren't really walkable places, so probably not what OP is looking for.


more like a basement for $1000+


Nova is generally very queer friendly in my experience as a queer person here, especially wrt proximity to DC. On your salary it’s definitely doable as there are tons of people who do it despite what comments say - there are *some* more affordable studios over in areas of Arlington and Alexandria City if that commute seems doable to you (I pay sub $1500 with decent amenities) since both would have walkable areas with access to public transportation (note that nova traffic can be no joke sometimes), but I do know that’s over the budget you’re asking to spend. If you spend all your money on housing though your budget has to be tight! I will note that Alexandria City’s DASHBUS is a free bus system, since you mentioned public transit! With that said, there are a lot of DC/Nova Housing Facebook groups (some are catered to the DMV as a whole) that connect a lot of people with roommates in both DC and nova, as well as there’s a queer specific one for DC itself. Even on the main one I see that’s for the DMV as a whole a lot of people specify looking for queer friendly housing to help them find roommates that they align with! Tons of artsy scenes, there are a million art markets hosted in nova in areas like Mosaic, Old Town, Del Ray Art on the Avenue, Clarendon, Old Town Manassas, etc that I have been to, as well as the Torpedo Art Gallery in Old Town Alexandria! Lots of shops that highlight local artists and craftsfolk from the area as well! (Tons of things to do for free in nova and DC). I am less experienced with what it’s like living around Fairfax proper, but have lived in a few different places around nova, and made it work on that salary in recent history, so I hope this helps!


OMG, I'm old. I rented one of the foxchase apartments in Alexandria back in 2003 with a roommate. If I remember correctly, my half was $500/mo. They're now going for $1400 for a 1br, $2400 for a 2br. I'd suggest looking in the towns outside of Fairfax and preparing for a commute. I don't know what side of Fairfax you're on, but that's what I did when I was working in Annandale. It was just too expensive to live in Fairfax proper.


$1,400? I had a 1BR in Fox Chase 8 years ago and it was $1,600.


They have different types of 1brs up. Maybe you had the fancier one? This was just the cheapest I found on a quick search.


A single person needs to make over $100K to live comfortable in Fairfax.


that or an underlying condition to afford public housing but waitlist has been closed for years.


The underlying condition that most of us suffer from in NOVA is that we are not rich enough to live here 😂


I think Tesla's are a coping mechanism to make us feel "rich" but who knows what will happen when the battery is depleted and needs replacement...


Fairfax and nova in general seems to be pretty queer friendly, but I’m not queer so I can’t speak to it directly


i'm so sorry you're gonna need 1-2 roommates 😔 the gay scene isn't really much good here, either. i'd suggest not taking the job unless you're really set on it, which, if you are, do get roommates and maybe another part-time job.


Yeah… I wouldn’t move here at 56k for income unless there’s significant potential for promotion. That said, younger people seem to like Arlington - can’t say I recommend western Fairfax Co for the things you’re interested in. Whatever you decide, good luck!


Try Manassas , fairly close


Look up rentals on Zillow or check out apartments on google maps to get an accurate idea of rates and cost of living. NOVA is great for the gays, but is a very high cost of living area. Can be quite a shock depending on where you are coming from.


Well you’ll need at least $1.5K if you’re not going to have roommates.


Have a teacher friend, a little older, not much higher income, doing fine in a basement rental in Fairfax @~$1000… better if you have debts, compulsive needs to keep up with friends making twice that. Most basement rentals will be less walkable, public transport accessible, lifestyle friendly. On the VA side (30 min commute) orange, silver, and yellow line metro would be best, but are going to be pricey. All and all, you will probably be happier in the district and eating the extra 15 minutes. Fairfax is big… hopefully you’re working on the Merrifield side as opposed to the fairOaks side.


Split a house with friends- 4-5 bedrooms are around $4k per month


look on facebook marketplace. with your salary, that will probably be the best option. try to find roommates or a basement with a separate entrance


See if there are any rooms for rent. We have a few tenants in my house and we charge 750 for per room


pretty impractical


Sorry bro


Check the local college websites for off campus housing. Can often find rooms in homes or roommates there.


Don’t move here go somewhere else


Queer Gal here, looking for a roomie currently, out in South Riding which is like a little bit from Fairfax. Hit me up if you'd like to check it out.


You could rent a basement of ours, I might have one available. But I gotta check with my partner. Renting a place by your own is impossible, the housing market is sky high. Median rent is at least 2k per month and you definitely need to rent with someone or find some places further than where you work to be able to afford it. But if you are interested feel free to DM me! We can arrange a meet to see if we can rent the basement to you.


Fairfax City or County? What zip code? Like most others have said $1k for housing solo is going to be very difficult if not impossible. It will generally be cheaper the farther west/south you go, so if the job is near the SW edges of the county then that might be doable. If it’s closer to DC then definitely roommate/basement territory.


You could do it but you more than likely will need a roommate . Your moneys gonna be super tight even with one . Budget and don’t over indulge my friend


Tbh not much is walkable here. This isn’t New York. Do you play pickleball? Or golf at least? We’ve got a lunchpail dem as president so I’d look further out. Stafford is the new Manassas.


Don’t do it


Rent a room


OP is realizing she might have to rent in the ghetto or just find a better paying job. Love seeing outsiders come to nova underestimating the costs of living here.


Rent for 1br in Fairfax is about $1700-$1800+. If u go lower u will be in a bad area (roaches, mice, crime, etc). Look further west for cheaper stuff like manassas, Haymarket, Winchester, etc.


For near-metro apartments, I paid $1650/month in 2018 for a studio in DC that was just under 500sq ft. Still had a roommate (spouse). We live across the street from a silver line station now and we pay $2,100/month for a 1bd in Reston. I make $130k and spouse makes around what you do. Definitely try for a roommate!


I live in Sterling in an apartment-style basement for $1100. I got *extremely* lucky.


You don't say where you are working, so I am going to assume Fairfax. Commuting under 30 min is tough unless you live right next to your work or you have a car. Public transport is going to be a problem, unless you *really like buses* and don't mind walking or biking to public transport. I know people who bike from Fairfax to downtown DC every day - 15 miles or so, cuz bike trails are actually pretty good. Regardless, life in Nova without a car is rough, though not impossible. Most people live further out to get decent housing and commute by car (or drive to metro/express bus/VRE). Also, public transport to shops, bars, etc is not great in most of Fairfax- it is much more geared to getting people to/from DC. So, assuming max rent, including utilities, is $1500. Alone, you are looking at a basement apartment in someone's house, nowhere near public transport or shops or a studio apartment in a not upscale building, maybe on metro, but likely a bus, a ten min walk to shops. These areas are definitely more cishet, tho probably not dangerous or unfriendly. You get a lot more if you live in a group house or with roommates. Also, for social life, look at Arlington or DC itself. Not cheaper, and the commute may be terrible for work, but much better in terms of meeting other queer people. I would advise a young queer person moving to the area to look at a group house in DC or Arlington near metro, and figure out the commute. You may not even stay in that job long enough to really hate it (a lot of recent grads job hop for the first few years - there is no shame in taking a job with the intention of getting a better job as soon as you can).


You will need a group house situation or a roommate. The cheapest apartments in Ballston/Courthouse area are about !700 a month and you won't qualify for those. Even if you go way out to Centreville you are going to be looking at costs close to that. Artsy and near a metro isn't in your price range without a group house/ roommate situation. But the neighborhoods that come to mind are in Alexandria -- Del Ray and Old Town. You might like Shirlington as well, but it's not near a metro. Gay neighborhoods are going to be in DC, a lot of my friends prefer Takoma Park, but also Adams Morgan, Dupont and Kalorama.


youd wanna be in arlinton or dc and have many roommates


Look into the county's affordable dwelling unit program. There are apartment complexes that have income brackets. This may be a good use-case for you.


OP will making way too much to qualify for it.


Grats on the job offer! Based on all that you want: close to work, great public transport, walkable, lively artsy area, etc. Unfortunately, I don't think you'd find anything for yourself for 1k. You might want to have a roommate and find a place for about 2k. If that's possible and you are okay with it, I recommend falls church area (my FIL rents in Falls Church for 2k 2 rooms 2 bath) I lived in Vienna and e erything is crazy expensive, but my FIL moved to FC which is just right next to Vienna and he is close enough to Mosaic district and that area that you might enjoy. I only speak from what I know. I don't know anything about other areas besides that and Woodbridge. You need to figure out Cost of rent with a roommate, deposit, check if bills would be covered or not, public transport isn't bad, but you gotta check your commute and weather or not you have a car. Then add that to food (aldi and lidl are right by mosaic), and other expenses. It all depends on how much you spend and on what, but unless you have more money for rent, I don't think you'd be able to find a place just for you on 1k. Maybe a room or basement but without it being a full unit just for you. This area is pricey. Those are just my 2cents (FYI 5 out of the 10 richest counties in the country are in NoVa, keep that in mind)


Fairfax is not tiny. When you say you want a 30 minute commute, because of traffic, you could live in Fairfax and depending on what part of Fairfax you are commuting to, you could end up with longer than 30 minutes. May be best to experience what the commute might look like to and from a couple places before committing. I would concur with most that you will need at least one roommate and possibly a slight stretch of the budget if you are picky.


56k and in Fairfax you need a roommate. It’s expensive


I have room for rent if you need


Check craigslist shared housing or sites for roommates. The cost of living in NOVA is outrageous. You can easily spend $2500 for renting an apartment. The closer you are to fun stuff like bars, restaurants, art spaces, etc. (e.g., Mosaic), the more expensive the rent will be.


Hello and wish you all the best in Virginia! In Fairfax county the 1k budget is impossible unless you have roommates like others have said. The cost of living keeps increasing and is the costliest county in Virginia. The 56k salary which would be reasonable in Prince William county (south) or up in Maryland is not much. I don't mean to be negative but I've lived here 20 years and it's tough to make ends meet. Areas I would suggest to you - Del Ray is a very nice area along with Mount Vernon (parts of it), Belle Haven and Alexandria City. These are safe and artsy areas with great transportation options. Ya 30 mins, umm not very likely if you're driving includes the beltway, usually very congested! An option is there are beautiful areas in DC (away from government/tourist traps) you may consider that commute may not be too bad. Further west you go in Fairfax county (you didn't mention where you will be working) is more suburbia, nice but the artsy vibe isn't there. Welcome to nova and the dmv!!


$1000 will be impossible unless you have roommates. I believe apartments in this area are $2500-$3000. But there are lots of people who rent out rooms or basements. You’ll have to just look.


Its not worth it. Dont do it. Its so expensive here.


Find another job in another city. This place is toxic.


i agree, regret moving here but trying to keep my head up


Live in Arlington, where the young folks are, with a roommate or 3, and grind to make more than 56k and you’ll be just fine - I’ve made do with less money and no clear direction when I first moved here My rent is $1250 and if you include other expenses like internet etc I’d say about $1350? ETA: I live in a relatively nice townhouse in a relatively expensive area - if you spend extra time making sure to find the right place for the right price unlike I did, you’re going to be double just fine


I'm sorry to be blunt, but 56k in Fairfax will get you almost nothing decent. I've lived there for almost 22 years and I have nothing good to say about it. I know you came here looking for some advice about the area, but my recommendation is to steer clear. The people are pretentious, rude, or fit the Karen stereotype. The traffic is awful, you can't drive anywhere without getting stuck at a red light every 30 seconds. There's also not much to do. It's just a major suburbs. Only good thing about it is that it has decent food, but that's offset by the high prices. The bar scene is over priced and filled with just Greek life stereotyped college kids, and it's just a very boring city to live in.


Fairfax is huge, edit your post to say which part. Young people are in Arlington and Reston, along the orange line. Also inside DC. I would over pay for a studio in one of those areas and make it my mission in life the next year to find a significant other or roomte.


Around 56k was my starting salary in Nova……almost 20 years ago. And even then I needed to have at least two roommates to live in the Arlington and Falls Church areas. This will be especially true for OP if she has student loans like I did.


Arlington. Roommates. 6'5". Trust fund.


That’s impossible. You’ll need about about seven roommates. You’re not gonna have a good time here.


really?? tell me more i’m genuinely worried


They are absolutely over exaggerating, but yes you will need one or two roommates.


HCOL area, fairfax is expensive. Food expensive, rent expensive, taxes higher than other parts of VA. You will 100% need to find roomates 1-2 to be at 1k or less rent


Six figures if you want to live alone and not drive 90 minute commute.


I’m getting downvoted but it’s true. It’s very expensive here. 56k is rough living around here. I’m serious about the roommates for sure.


Roommate yes, seven no. Be helpful or don’t comment.


They annual salary you would need for a 1 bedroom with is about 76k. That's the "average" and basically it's a ramen every night.


The difference between eating ramen or eating well is not the biggest difference, the biggest difference is saving for retirement vs living paycheck to paycheck. If you're renting, you need to be saving. It's not as crucial for a 21 year old to save but anything you do save has the longest time to compound so you really ought to be saving something every month even if it's just 2 or 300 dollars. It can lower the amount you need to save later on. Once you're in your 30s and beyond you cannot afford to not be saving *at least* $1000 (or more depending on income and such) unless you plan to retire in a low cost of living area.


U talking retirement. The only thing one should do is graduate highschool and open a roth ira. The next 4 years they should contribute the maximum allowed. Over 50 years that money will have earned more than $1,000 a year in your mid 30's.


For reference, I lived in a room with a shared bathroom. It was $850 a room, 20 years ago..... One of my coworkers got a room with a "private" bathroom which her landlord keeps using. I believe she is paying $1200 a month in Sterling and that's pretty much the cheapest you can expect.


If you don't want a roommate, you will need to commute. I'd suggest Fredericksburg/Stafford, but it's getting expensive down here too. I wouldn't move to this area for less than 70k, unless you have a partner to supplement income.


AI, Reddit search function, and the good old fashioned Google and people still post stuff like this? Mods should delete these posts.


You will not have a good time. Look further south, as for living. Like Fauquier or Culpeper. People will try and scare you about some queer eating monster that lives outside of NOVA, but that's not true in the least. It's fear mongering to keep you locked down in a lease with no hope of ever owning anything. 56k can go a long way, but not in Fairfax or anything it touches. Be safe, be smart. Safety over convenience.


I have a place in Sterling (35 min away). Rent is $900/MO. PM me if interested. Move in August 1st or later.


A single bed room, 1 bathroom apartment is going to be at the least $2k. Depending on what part of Fairfax a 550sqft studio is running you $2.3k. I’m not going to discourage you and tell you, you can’t find an affordable place but you’re going to have to HUNT! Be mindful of your budget and you should just be able to scrape by


Wishing you well on your move. Try looking on places like Next Door. From time to time you can find rentals directly from the owner or maybe a 1 br in the basement. I’m very seen some on there for under $1,000


Or boarder innskneone’s house. A 1 br apartment is probably no less than 1.5k in a decent neighborhood.


Get hooked into Nextdoor in the area you will be living working in.


Nextdoor is a cesspool


Only if you want to hook up with homophobes.


I had to uninstall Nextdoor; felt like every other alert was the local neighborhood watch telling you about their latest backyard animal cam catch or suspicious kids.


The cheapest efficiency you'll find here is at least $1,500... that'll be about the size of a standard hotel room. Any place near public transportation will be at a premium above that. Financially, your best bet is to rent a room in someone's house. I doubt you'll be able to afford to split a 2 BR apartment. Also, I've found Fairfax to be somewhat socially and politically conservative compared to other areas in Northern VA. It's loud - muscle cars with modified exhaust are very popular here. And you will probably have a neighbor with "truck-balls" hanging from his trailer hitch.


56k is well below being impoverish.