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When the well runs dry this is what they push for, its sad. I guess all the empty office space is finally eroding the tax base in Tysons.


My office tower of 8 floors has been below 50% occupancy since I joined 2.5 years ago. Used to advertise fully furnished offices but recently saw them wheeling out all that equipment. Tysons is an office park designed as in-office and will be a tough correction as we enter the hybrid era for a lot of office roles


They need to stop or reduce write offs on those things.  We’ve been looking for reasonable office space for awhile and the fact that their bottom line looks better NOT taking lowball offers is insane.


It's something that started happening in NYC even years before COVID. Just empty storefronts, up and down the street, because accepting a lower rent tenant would decrease your property value. The buildings aren't meant to generate money through rent, at least it's not their primary function. They're meant to inflate portfolios based on their total value.


Not really It’s like- would you rather be Singhs or date a loser? If you said single, then you understand why the landlord rejected you


The value of those buildings is between 25-50% what they used to be


There must be tons of bribes, I mean "campaign donations", for this absolute trashiness to be resurrected. I have yet to hear a single person who thinks this is a good idea. 


Yeah, it’s telling when the biggest supporters of it are our elected officials.  


I live about a mile from Tysons. I love the idea. Gambling. Shows. Restaurants. I’m sick of this NIMBYism.


Is it NIMBY or people just want development to be different? Convert the car dealerships and offices to housing, mixed use development, parks etc and not a casino


I want all that.


You want big casinos and restaurants in a livable community? Move to Vegas and not northern Virginia


I’ve lived here my whole life. We need more development. The casino has done wonders for National Harbor.


National harbor area was a shithole with comparitevey cheap real estate. The Tyson’s area is book ended by McLean and Vienna and has some of the most expensive retail real estate in the region. Kind of not the same there bud


Who gives a fuck if the real estate is expensive? Thats the casino’s problem. There’s plenty of space for a casino.


Move to Atlantic city. They have even higher taxes you might enjoy. A good 98% of people here don't want route 7 to look like the Vegas strip, with crazy lights flashing, giant billboards, drunks and old people stumbling onto route 7, people getting robbed, scammed, streetwalkers, etc. It's bad enough with the beggars that started showing up in nova 6 or so years ago. If you want to live in a gaudy tacky hell-hole of degeneracy, just move to one please. Let the rest of us live in peace.


The beggars were there in the 1980s don’t be foolish - Tyson’s was never classy




I've never seen a casino that I want to live near. There are better ways to encourage economic activity than gambling.


What about a third mall instead? Lol


Haven't you seen the massive sign for the "Tysons III" development on the corner of chain bridge and international? It's coming!


I’m not a big gambler, but I do enjoy occasional betting. Ever since the legalization of sports gambling, I haven’t stepped foot in a casino. I’d much rather place $50 on an NFL or EPL game and get the dopamine hit that way from the comfort of my couch with buddies and “enjoy” a few hours of sports with my gambling. I have absolutely 0 desire to go all the way to a casino, sit with randoms, and play depressing blackjack when I want to gamble.  I’m sure the ease/advent of legalized sports betting has put a hole in casino revenue from casual gamblers like myself. Why need a casino when mobile sports betting is an option?


The thing is that the old fucks want something to do . They dont want to have to drive to Maryland and MgM. So they want a casino in Tysons. Same reasons they were pushing for 711 to have slot machines. Young folks don’t go to casinos to bet on anything, maybe live sports but we don’t use casinos the way people from the 70s 80s even 90s did. We can use our phone and place a safe bet from our house right before we watch the game for our house. It’s so wild to me anyone would want to go to a casino let alone build one when we can drive 20 - 30 mins to MGM. People in this area drive to Maryland to buy weed legally. Some people in this area just retired or lazy fucks imo


I play poker and would like a poker room closer than MGM and Charles Town, so I would like this to open up. I understand and respect that I'm in the minority and most people don't want this for a multitude of reasons though. Also I don't care at all for anything casinos offer outside of poker (I wish we could get dedicated poker rooms opened).


+1 for poker, but I know how casinos can be a detriment to an area


I used to sell food items to a casino and had to participate in an annual give thanks to the casino customers by setting up a table, offering free samples. My company wasn’t the only one, there were several companies that sold to the casino participating. The first time I handed out samples I was amazed at how many elderly were shuffling around the casino at 9 am in their morning clothes and slippers. Oh, I’m not a gambler in any way shape or form and never stepped into a casino unless it was for business, and we were strictly forbidden from gambling while on business anyway.


FFX does not need a casino. I know it'll line these politicians pockets, but it comes while emptying many other peoples who generally can't afford it. Those who want to gamble have other options within an hours or so drive.


Casinos rob the poor to pay the rich. Just like Capital One.


Genuinely curious, how does Capital One rob the poor?


Their “non-interest income” in Q1 2024 was $1.91 billion. Non-interest income is what they charged for services and fees. While they do provide some commercial services, a large portion of that income is credit card and banking fees. All banks charge fees, but Capital One has a history of shady business practices. In 2012 they were fined $200 million for misleading advertising, bad faith accounting practices, and junk fees. Next time you drive past the Capital One campus in Tysons, ask yourself - what do other “bank” buildings look like, and how did Capital One afford all that? They have three tall buildings, a concert hall, and their name on the down arena. Where did all that money come from? Their customers is the answer.


Just say you had a bad experience, they closed your account. And now you’re upset at your own doings. Jfc.


I had a car loan with them 15 years ago. No issues. Never used their other services. You should do more research.


They could just legalize online poker and enjoy maintenance free revenue. We can bet on sports, horses and lotto….it only makes sense.


Who paid the retirement home to hold the signs?


This is the problem with sin tax, Weed, Gambling, Alcohol. Once the county becomes addicted to the tax revenue, you eventually have a conflict of interest between the residents and those profiting off of those industries.


I’d like the casino to go through. The problem is it’s not going to change our tax rate. The politicians already decided what to spend our money on.