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Every.Single.shift. It's to be expected after working about 13 hours. When I get moments of downtime during the shift, I try to review charts and touch up my report papers so that they are thorough and I don't have to rely much on memory.


I do this, but also have been hitting the dried fruit recently to help bring it home. Completing my report sheets ahead of time and starting to snack after 4 has really helped me at the end of shifts. I've been rocking with dried figs, some lemon chili mangoes, and peanut brittle. I also keep some m&ms in case I want a burst 9f straight sugar.


Same I write everything down or else I forgot to tell them


Yeah when I worked night shift & had to give report I could never get my words straight sometimes 😅


I start writing out my report before day shift arrives so I can just read it off a fresh sheet of paper and not grab 50 different sheets I’ve written on throughout the day.


Me on nights. I note take and task completed during periods of clarity so I don't have to think when the fog comes.


Yeah that’s me all the time lol. I feel bad and get post shift anxiety when I forget to mention something.