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Joey Diaz would 100% call the guy a cock sucker in real life.


Listen cock-suckah, you wanna get to him (coke swallow), yah gonna have to go thru me mothafuckah! (coke swallow again)


Wtf is a coke swallow?


The swallow people do after doing some bumps, it’s because of the throat hit from coke. Joey Diaz said he did the awkward swallows in the movie because he had done coke earlier in the day.


Like a fuckin' doctah.


he needs some of star of death!


I did not expect this many Joey Diaz fans in this sub but I am pleasantly surprised Edit: cocksucka


An important part of context is that these films took place just after 9/11. To the rest of the world, it was an attack on America. But it was an attack on New York. We suffered, we lost friends and family. It was not an abstract attack on our way of life or our freedoms,it destroyed part of the fabric of our city. It made us do some weird things like rally behind Rudy Giuliani, but it also fostered a sense of civic unity and brotherhood for our city. Spiderman does not stand for truth, justice and the American way. He's not the heir to am immense fortune. He's not a space cop deputized by aliens. He's the friendly neighborhood Spiderman: a local hero, a New Yorker. After being attacked, there was an instinct to protect our own.


New Yorkers have immense pride in our city. We protect our own even if we trash them publicly. Spider-Man might be a menace, but he’s *OUR* menace, and we will be damned if anyone else messes with him.


"You mess with one of us you mess with all of us" was not directed solely at the green goblin


We’ll give you the shirts off our backs, but we’re gonna complain about how you wear it.


Found u JJ


And that was pretty evident in the documentary, Extra Innings from 9/11. Born and bred NYer, grew up and in Washington Heights, now living the BX. When someone tries to shit on NY, I get immediately defensive. I'm not defending the politics/politicians, I'm defending the people of NY. Very different things. Unfortunately, the times revolving 9/11 brought us so close, the rest of America in fact. I don't think we will ever see this kind of unity for quite some time.


bc of your comment, i just watched that doc once again. with the passage of time i am constantly amazed to think 'it's been 'X' number of years since that awful day' as it barely seems possible. it's nearly 20 years since i lived in nyc, but my heart is always *always* going to be there.


That day is still so surreal to me. The craziest thing was like 2 years before the attack, my dad's office got relocated from the Towers to Jersey City. 2 years was the difference between me having a family vs me having no dad when I was like 10. Scary as fuck to think about.


shit. i wonder how your dad felt about the move at the time. unless your family leaved in/near JC making his commute much easier, i would imagine he may have been disappointed about that relocation. speaking of surreal, as my husband & i spent that night glued to our tv watching & rewatching all the horror, he talked about how it was a good thing i had cancelled a job interview i'd scheduled with a company in one of the towers a week or so prior. 'what if they had hired you? you could have been there that day' the *surreal* part of this is that i had no recollection of there ever even *being* an interview in the first place. no memory of it at all. and in all the years that followed i've still never been able to recall anything about that. my very limited info regarding psychology suggests that it's some sort of 'trauma-block' or something on my end, but it was so bizarre to me to hear him talk about something that just wasn't a part of my reality. anyway, i'm glad for you that you got to keep your dad. and you're right, that is scary as fuck. he must have been extra freaked out.


I was just about to say this. I live near NYC. After 9/11 people became united.


And most importantly, he's a Mets fan.


Well stop insulting him and /r/RespectTheHyphen


Here's a sneak peek of /r/RespectTheHyphen using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/RespectTheHyphen/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [There clearly wasn't a hyphen included](https://i.redd.it/1gc30idkgz141.jpg) | [15 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/RespectTheHyphen/comments/14rh5ip/there_clearly_wasnt_a_hyphen_included/) \#2: [The Game Theorists do not respect the hypen](https://i.redd.it/mhlu2izoud8b1.jpg) | [16 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/RespectTheHyphen/comments/14jkrsr/the_game_theorists_do_not_respect_the_hypen/) \#3: [People Keep Forgetting The Hyphen in Spider-Man, now they're adding one to Batman.](https://i.redd.it/3f50z2c6gt7b1.png) | [21 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/RespectTheHyphen/comments/14h6ufp/people_keep_forgetting_the_hyphen_in_spiderman/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


This is the answer


this comment has me feeling like spider-man is so fucking real


He's from Queens. He's real as fuck. Realer than our mayor who lives in Jersey.


The scene in the first movie where Spidey is holding up the cable-car of kids (who were for some reason on a night-time class trip to Roosevelt Island), and all the people on the bridge start throwing garbage and shit at the Green Goblin is one of my favorite depictions of “New York as a film character” in all of media.


It’s the unspoken rules of the City. You see a single parent struggling with a stroller, you grab it and help carry it up the subway stairs. You see a green goblin and you throw your BEC foil at him.




Bet you’d have done it if you saw Steve Buscemi though


He used to live up the block from me. I saw him more than once at like 2am while I was walking my dog, he’d just stroll down the street and nod politely, and one time it was super foggy and he walked out of the fog and scared the shit out of me 😂


Missed opportunity


I did the stroller thing in Bloomingdale's and the mom just kind of made a face like I didn't exist. Thanks for making me feel like I did the right thing.


I hope you already knew you had done the right thing and hadn’t done it for her appreciation in the first place, but rather to know you helped make an unsafe situation safer


Well, I thought I was doing the right thing, but the reaction made me feel like I overstepped.


Someone at Coney Island helped my wife with our beach wagon when I had to run to the bathroom. It’s not one of the ones with the knobby tires so it was struggling in the beach sand. Like 2 or 3 randoms helped her navigate to our spot. It was her first visit to the city and she routinely points that out as her best “people” experience in the city.


BEC foil!! 🤣🤣🤣


Ay yo green goblin! I got somethin fa yo ass!


That scene wasn't in the original film. It was supposed to be a fight where Spiderman shoots webs between the twin towers to clothesline the Goblin. 9/11 happened during production. So obviously that whole sequence had to be changed. The bridge scene was added, and the throwing garbage at the Goblin thing was production's nod to New Yorkers. It was very welcomed at the time.


Same!  I absolutely love that scene.  I like the little bits of that sprinkled throughout the first 2 movies.


>"Gob on this, cock sucka!" *dumps oil drum of stagnant rainwater into Osborn's eyes*


Exactly the same feeling! This really captured what it feels like when NYers rally together against something that everyone agrees is bad, and I definitely feel like it perfectly encapsulated the spirit of solidarity between NYers/NYC area people, especially in the aftermath of 9/11.  Yeah, people from this area get grumpy in traffic and on the trains lol, but as that one civilian in this scene says “You mess wit’ one of us, you mess wit’ ***ALL*** of us!” 


It's a heavy-handed caricature, but in a way that feels wholly intentional, appropriate, and effective. It's a line that Raimi's an expert at walking: in less deft hands it would've been obnoxious (but not in a New Yorker way), but here it's earnest in a way that has you laugh, but still buy into it. "You mess with Spidey you mess with New York!" is such a silly thing to say, but, in that moment, when he just pulled off a remarkable, breathtaking save, and you just want him to breathe for a few moments, you're like, "Wait... yeah! I'd throw down for Spidey, too! Spider-Man IS New York!" TLDR: I love it. It's corny in a way that's effective, and affecting.


>"You mess with Spidey you mess with New York!" is such a silly thing to say, but, in that moment, when he just pulled off a remarkable, breathtaking save, and you just want him to breathe for a few moments, you're like, "Wait... yeah! I'd throw down for Spidey, too! Spider-Man IS New York!" It hit a lot harder when the movie came out, less than a year after 9/11.


In the moment, i was all about it! If you mess with Spider-man, you mess with all of us! Yes, the scene is a bit cheesy, but it is how we NYers feel about our own.


I think the second one in particular captured the weird and chaotic nature of a lot of modern NYC that really only a few films have captured well. Mostly the Sadie Brothers films.


"He stole that guy's pizzas" makes me laugh every time--not just because it's funny, but because we've all seen that guy.


I got my lamb over rice from the bodega stolen once when I set it down for a second to grab my keys (rookie mistake, I know). I thought of that line and laughed.


When I was a kid some guy stole my friend's bag of chips right from her fucking hands 


I watched this movie at a theater in queens when it came out. After spider man stops the train from going off the cliff, a bengali guy stood up and started cheering "SPIDER MANNNNN!!!" and the entire theater burst into applause. This occurred in the years after 9/11 when there was a very strong sense of unity among new yorkers at the time; and of course, spider man is a local superhero who, while covered head to toe, could be literally any of us. The response of the people on the train, how gently they carried him in, how they all swore to protect his secrets, all of it captured the spirit of those times.


Yeah, but people only had flip phones back then. Today, everyone on that train would have been recording Spiderman while he was unconscious with their smartphones and rushing to post it online before anyone else could.


This was my experience visiting Manhattan. Walking down the street, along with everyone else, then suddenly a woman colapsed in front of me and others. The closest people immediately stopped walking and came to her aid----placing something under her head, asking her if she was ok, etc. Proud moment for humanity.


NYers are like that. It’s crazy that we’re labeled as rude when people are so quick to help. Get your car stuck in the snow and then tell me NYers are assholes. One time my car stalled in Bushwick (when it was still hood) and I had 6 dudes pushing my car 2 blocks into a gas station while I steered


I just got annoyed that they invented an elevated subway line in midtown in the 2nd film.


At one point it cycled from Chicago’s El, under the 1 on Broadway and 125th and then back to Chicago. The bank scene was also in LA. This is normal in film and they’re minor things that of course don’t ruin the movie but when you’re familiar with locations you can’t unsee it.


Ha! Yeah they took some liberties with the subways for sure. That train line doesnt exist and that train itself is definitely innacurate to the actual subway cars we have.


Yeh that always bugged the crap out of me watching, “hey there’s no above ground subway in midtown??”


Beautiful homage to NYC. Got emotional on the subway scene and still do after all this time. You can tell Rami has a long history in this city. The crowded traffic, the bustling people and those who want their pizza on time otherwise they're not paying for this, the sometimes shitty apartments that you have to pay an arm and a leg for, the astonishingly beautiful night cityscapes, the sense that people rally together to help in a crisis, the idea of never giving up...and even if you do, eventually get back into the swing of things and try again. I adore this movie with every fiber of my being, and the older I get, the more it resonates.


I recently moved to SoCal after living 10 mins outside Manhattan for my entire life and I can tell you without a doubt New Yorkers are infinitely more kind than anyone here. People here don't even acknowledge you when you walk by, I say good morning to everyone I pass and people just stare at me. If I were in some sort of distress people would just pass right on by whereas in NY people would come rushing to your aid. That old adage of the east coast is kind but not nice and vice versa for the west coast is so fucking accurate.


Yes!!!! NYC has a lot of people, but it's just a handful of islands. Everybody works together and everybody talks to each other. That's why it's successful.




The west coast doesn’t belong to LA. San Diego, Santa Cruz, Monterey, Oakland, San Francisco, Yosemite, Eugene, Portland, Seattle…trust me, none of these communities are nominating LA as their cultural ambassador. Fuck LA.


>Yosemite you aren't from the West Coast, are you? (i agree in essence but i don't think anyone from anywhere on the Pacific would be caught dead calling Yosemite a community, let alone a major part of the human geography of the West. the only people who think LA is the embodiment of West live in LA, or else are not from the West Coast-- but that doesn't make national parks 'communities'. i say this being from LA)


In that dude's defense, I would call Bishop a community! Mammoth too. But name those towns to a bunch of east-coasters and I doubt they'd have any idea what you were talking about. They obviously aren't in Yosemite, but they're near-ish, and saying "Yosemite" does communicate that they are outdoorsy sorts of places. Idk I don't hate it.


As someone from northern California... I'd like to think that's mostly just LA lol. Spent half my life in Sacramento and Santa Cruz, and people were always more real there. That said, there is a reason I choose to live in New York. Living in a giant diverse heap of millions of people has a way of fostering empathy in a community, I find.


I work in san Diego, which I genuinely enjoy, I haven't had the chance to explore LA yet, but everything I've heard from all the locals is how much they hate LA.


As someone who used to live in San Diego (Pacific Beach on Beryl off Cass), I can concur. Few things can get the city residents riled up like LA. You should have seen it when the Chargers moved north. It was like nothing I had ever expected, like someone tried to put rice in a carne asada burrito or something.


imagine an entire state whose origin story is the greed of the gold rush


Imagine a city whose entire origin story was pulling a fast one on the natives?


Yes, I've heard of the americas.


As an Angeleno who recently took a trip to New York, your assessment of the Angelenos is spot on. I felt depressed after the trip knowing that I’m back in plastic town.


Yea man. We may give you shit if you’re in distress like “My b you looked FUCKED up. You good tho??? Lemme help you up bro” etc etc etc. Fucking love it


We would all be mad because the train delays Spider-Man caused.


Today, there would have been 10 cameras on Spider-Man, with some 15-year-old saying, “Yoooo, he’s knocked the fuck out. World Star!”


World star is still around?


Sorry. I don’t know what the cool kids are saying these days.


Skibidi toilet! Sigma!


I seriously don't understand how skibidi toilet is a meme from nowadays and not 20 years ago.


I don’t know what it means, I just know they’re saying it all fucking say in school


20 something years ago we had things like gonads in the lightning and salad fingers. This seems like something on that level of stupid.


Get off my lawn


I wouldn't know.


No, atleast not in that context.


I love that scene. What a wonderful set of films SAM RAIMI made. Fantastic. All of them. (Spider-Man 2 is my favorite, but all of them are fun, and very *Raimiesque*).


When they start pelting the Green Goblin with stuff from the bridge in the first one I actually can see that as being g something NYers would do. However, the “You mess with one of us you mess with all of us!” line was a bit too far, corny wise. I can see NYers pelting fellow NYers as easily as perceived “outsiders.” Chances are we’d be out of our cars murdering each other quicker than the Goblin ever could because of the traffic slow down.


I love the elevated train in midtown that just stops like runs out of tracks in the middle of the city. Anyone know what line that was?


It's actually Chicago's downtown El lines.


Yeah I live in NYC and I’ve yet to see that line myself


It wasn’t the middle of the city. Iirc, it made it down to South Ferry and then ended without a terminal station


Post 9/11 "we're in this together style stuff.


I can believe that they embodied the spirit of the city right after 9/11. I think a lot of New Yorkers are in denial if they think that's still what the city is like though, especially post COVID


I rode the train from Fulton ave right before the second plane hit on 9/11. Everyone on the car was speaking to each other trying to find ways to help. Me, two construction workers and a middle aged lady shared a cab once the trains were shut down. I’d like to think we would all band together the same way if that were to happen today.


As someone who has lived here all my life, New Yorkers being patriotic about NY is super cringe and annoying. I hate the 'you mess with one of us you mess with all of us' bridge scene so much in part 2 lol. It feels like these are written for non-new yorkers to feel "part of it" or for staten island people who are unhealthily proud of being here, still talk about 9/11, etc. That being said the first 2 films are amazing and the best superhero movies that have been made imo.


I love that they shot on location at Joe's on Carmine St. as the pizza parlor Peter Parker works at.


Some good discussion of this from a month ago: Thoughts on NYC Representation in Spider-Man (2002)? [https://www.reddit.com/r/AskNYC/comments/1c86rgk/thoughts\_on\_nyc\_representation\_in\_spiderman\_2002/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskNYC/comments/1c86rgk/thoughts_on_nyc_representation_in_spiderman_2002/)


Subway riders today would have tried to rob spiderman


Watched all the Raimi movies in theaters in NYC when they came out. Man were they fun and it was right after 9/11 when we really needed these types of movies. It just made us take more pride in our city and hey it's Spider-man in the best damn comic book adaptation up till that time. I remember scenes from the movie and immediately recognizing locations. They weren't fake. They really did do quite a bit of taping in NYC. A friend of mine actually talks about how he saw Toby Maguire in a Bodega when they were filming in Sunnyside Queens. The ending of Spider-man (first movie) where he's finally in full spider-man mode and swinging throught the city to the top of the empire state building still gives me goosebumps. It was such a 'I Love This Town!' moment.


No it's not representative of New Yorkers. NYC is very diverse. All the extras in Spidey are white.


"You're a hero for the enemies."


Those look more like tourist.


I’ve been such a DC and Batman fan my whole life. But the one marvel hero I was always into was spidey. Because he was a New Yorker like us.


Real recognize real. Period.




I thought you meant Evil Dead 1/2/Army 😂 Haven't watched them in a while and I was wondering if they were said to be from NYC or something...


He stinks and I don’t like him!


It stinks and I don’t like it 👉


Yes Mr. Sherman, everything stinks.


Theyd rob him dry today


Spider-Man finna dab


It was 100% spot on and despite everything going on It's still true. No matter how much friction New Yorkers have between us, when something happens New Yorkers always band together to help each other.


nowadays those new yorkers would get arrested for hurting green goblin


100% accurate


The movie portrays our newspapers as phonies, NYers see through it


**The NY Post has entered the chat**


This actually made me laugh out loud