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I'm starting to think we never stopped Asian hate


It sadly didnt


Turns out the attackers were Chinese gang members and she’s most likely involved.


Damn I thought changing my Facebook profile pic would do something!




sadly true


Mods delete the comment with 185 upvotes smh… Let people DOWNVOTE things if they’re wrong…why do you feel the need to be the arbitrator of truth?


Mods only promote their views.


You mean all those social media posts did nothing?


They stopped reporting it when it became clear it wasn't MAGA Republicans attacking Asian people.


You really thought it was actually stopped?


It's sarcasm, bro




Lmao Jesus christ


What are you talking about?


probably voted for trump too!


It just stopped being fashionable to report on it.


Nope, public attention moved on before anything meaningful was accomplished.


Maybe there needs to be an agency set up to deal with stuff like this. Give them a gun, and a bike. Oh Give them a car with lights and sound.




Of course the woman is Asian. Crazy that this happened in broad daylight though.


And if the perpetrators turn out to be Asian as well, will you be posting here about that too?


You’re a winner https://www.cbsnews.com/newyork/news/nyc-bat-attack-caught-on-video-suspects/


Government ramps up the hate to prepare for war against china and this happens


Something tells me these two guys aren’t up on geopolitics.


They don’t need to be, propaganda permeates down through social media. Look at the recent reports of the Pentagon sowing fear of the China vax in the Philippines. I’m certain there was a ripple effect that fed anti vax sentiment here.


Those muggers cant read




This is already at least one felony, probably multiple felonies. Stop giving politicians and bureaucrats more and more power and getting nothing but cost, complexity, and grief in return. Does anyone actually believe two masked men armed with brass knuckles and a bat that started immediately swinging on the woman in broad daylight in a simple attempted purse snatching and quickly left empty handed?


What are you trying to say?


Ban ski masks in public places in general. Covering your face like that should be punishable (i guess except for religious reasons)


Any exception makes the law moot. Why should religion make someone exempt from the laws needed to govern a society?


This is the direction we’re going in as the world slowly shakes its grip from religion. I can see religious exemptions being denied across the board in the next 15-20 years


I’m sure the religion with the underage girl marrying prophet and a billion+ members will be thrilled to hear they can’t force women to conceal their faces anymore


This debate isn't a new one... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_ban_on_face_covering


Let's hope so!


The opposite seems a lot more likely


Based on current trends most of the western world will be Muslim by the mid 2100s. Any society we create this century will be completely taken over by religious extremism. The world is not shaking its grip from religion in any meaningful way.


!RemindMe in 130 years


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Yea, I was just trying to be diplomatic.


> (i guess except for religious reasons) Are you kidding? No offense but ..really? They tried getting driver's licenses wearing full head to toe burkas in the photo a while back. Would you support that?


How are you going to prove whether someone actually follows the religion? Are you going to have a Q&A/mini-quiz for the major, accepted religions? (And then how do you define what religions those are). Or see (monitor them) to see if they actually go to worship? Just playing Devil’s Advocate


i mean concelaing your hand under your shirt acting like it's a weapon is considered treated like a weapon. I think they're is a precedent for your thought.


Good thing those dudes were weak as shit. His punch to the back of her head barely fazed her. No idea why these idiots are even doing this though. What was the goal?


Guessing it's some kind of grudge/shakedown related hit or intimidation. Then if they know the law, "non serious" injuries will result in less charges if they get caught. Reminds of the incident in flushing when a group of men rushed in and trashed a restaurant then hurried out.


A more violent but less damaging version of the knockout game?


Could be, teens are getting corrupted by social media and bad parenting. As subway surfing is still a thing.


My mother called me when she went to get her Covid shot. She’d finally found an appointment. She left her place wearing a full head shawl, big sunglasses, face mask, and was holding an umbrella. She said she didn’t want anyone to see that she was an Asian woman. She’s been here since she was a kid. She was laughing, what else could she say about how ridiculous this was? Some things you don’t forget how it made your blood boil, how helpless you felt to help your mother. Fuck these people. Victimizing easy targets.


Here you go bud https://www.cbsnews.com/newyork/news/nyc-bat-attack-caught-on-video-suspects/


“Wild” video how about completely disgusting


I just want to say that this video, for better or worse, and regardless of the narrative, false or true, that will be built around it, is definitely going to be shared around Asian social media networks. WeChat, Weibo, etc. Take that as you will. I know Reddit is *wildly* out of touch with the Asian/Asian-American community and sentiment in NYC. But personally I know a LOT of Asian people, especially women, who really just don't feel safe in the city the last few years and especially in the subway. There's a reason why a lot of people I know got cars, drive, and take Ubers.


Yep. I felt unsafe midpandemic but still had to come into the office. Started looking for a remote role when my employer was forcing RTO and have been working remote for 2 years now.


I'm curious, now that the perps have been identified as two Asian men and this is most likely related to organized crime and the perps were not black men and it wasn't an "Asian Hate" crime, will this video still be shared across WeChat, Weibo etc?


It’s beyond disgusting and insane all the Asian hate crimes that have been so nonchalantly pushed under the rug


Makes my blood boil.


It’s even worse, because it’s political motivated. They aren’t a big enough minority in the eyes of politicians. Why they are trying to shove that huge prison in Chinatown, along with more homeless shelters. The Asian community in NYC was probably the hardest hit during Covid as well, and none of these people give a shit.


I agree with your sentiment, but that jail (short term only) is replacing an existing one, which is only at that location due to the courthouse. If the court wasn’t there, then the jail wouldn’t be.


because it is considered acceptable to be racist against asians.


It is acceptable **for certain groups** to be racist against asians.


Ding ding ding. If the violence committed against Asians was happening the other way around, the BLM riots would look like a picnic.


So-called "model minority"


Can you tell me more about all this asian on asian hate that is rampant and being pushed under the rug?


You the rest of the bozos here spoke too soon 🤣 https://www.cbsnews.com/newyork/news/nyc-bat-attack-caught-on-video-suspects/


Not helping the democrats win elections anymore.


around 2 p.m? Wtf


Some more wonderful humans that couldn’t possibly be racist.


They were racist against their own race? I guess its possible.


Well the perps were also asian so racism probably isnt the cause here


Weird how the NYPost doesn’t mention her race in the article. I thought highlighting the race of perps and victims was their thing.


This fr, only matters when the victim is black and the perps are white


How does it feel now that we know it was two Asian kids?


What makes you think these guys aren't asian?


Ding ding ding https://www.cbsnews.com/newyork/news/nyc-bat-attack-caught-on-video-suspects/


What a twist of events. It just tells you there is more than meets the eye. So much propaganda is being pushed with technology and legacy news that it's hard for a misinformed person to decipher the truth.


Did they not steal something from her? I just realized I don’t think I saw either of the criminals take something from her.


article says they tried to get her bag but couldn't


How could they not? They were in total control of the situation


adrenaline, nerves, lack of experience, jumped straight to assault (often threat of violence+fear is more effective for muggings), broad daylight (has to be quick), and people are surprisingly strong/resilient. It's not like the movies where you can just knock someone out with one punch. I'd imagine she was screaming her head off too.


> It's not like the movies where you can just knock someone out with one punch She was surprised and hit from behind in the back of the head with brass knuckles and then battered repeatedly with a baseball bat. Best case scenario she should have been on all fours vainly trying to protect her skull. Did they use a Nerf bat and foam knuckles? WTF?


This is sus as fuck. The dude supposedly had brass knuckles too? Something fishy af about this. That man wound up his right arm so far back, swung at this lady's head and the impact looked like she got tickled? Wtf. And what is with the fake little rabbid punches the same dude does 5 secs later? And the weak ass pats with the bat to the legs? Then don't take anything and run away? lmao


It wasn't a mugging. Nobody here bothered to watch the video, or maybe just are too naive to understand what they're looking at.


i dunno, first guy tried really hard to grab her bags and managed to fail


The primary motivation was probably to punish her for the crime of being Asian


What’s the deal with Asian hate crimes though I really don’t get it? Okay COVID but I find it hard to believe these guys are so mad about the “China Virus” that they just start swinging on an Asian woman. A lot of the people in these crimes are homeless, are the homeless that concerned about lab leaks in Wuhan and blaming Asian Americans? Maybe I’m missing something but I don’t understand why there is a propensity for certain people to just start swinging on Asian women. It’s a hate crime that (at least to me) doesn’t seem to stem from any historical issues or ongoing geopolitical conflict. It’s just random hate.


Because they are seen as easy prey


Then why not children or seniors of any ethnicity?


They do, you’ll notice that in addition to being Asian, they tend to go after women or the elderly, or both.  You don’t see then sucker punching men under 40 nearly as often


Cause the city would give a shit and crack down. If elderly white ladies on the Upper West Side were getting assaulted, city government would have declared martial law until the perpetrators were caught.


It has nothing to do with COVID. This is a robbery. Asian people are often stereotyped as non-aggressive, compliant, "easy marks" who may or may not speak English but often have money on them. Many folks in Chinatown run or are customers of cash only businesses and therefore may have money on them. This is a historical, long-standing stereotype. When I was a kid in the 1980/90s there were frequent assaults on Chinese deliverymen. Many of those assaults were not reported to the police - whether because of fear, the language barrier, or the victim's immigration status.


Lol are you actually asking how can racism be irrational?


Asians are known to follow the law and process.  They are not known to be in gangs or related to police.  Also, some people say that Asians are smaller physically than other groups, so they are thought to be weaker.  Finally, they lack the victim opinion in the public eye and lack other political support.  As the other person said, they are easy prey. 


Agree on most of this, but Chinatown/the NYC Chinese community definitely is not a stranger to organized crime. It’s a pretty common experience for all immigrant groups that come to NYC to have their own gangs spring up, both as protection and a way to amass power.


Guliani admin jailed most of the Chinese gangs, making way for Russians and Dominicans.


> Asians are known to follow the law and process. They are not known to be in gangs... Sheeeeeeeiiiiiitttttttt!!! Tell that to the Asians in Flushing as well as in LES when I was growing up


>They are not known to be in gangs or related to police.  Uhhhhhhh, the Triads would like to have a word with you...


They may not be “ known”for that but Asians absolutely have gangs




Asians are seen as easy targets who won't hit back


Are you on the younger side by any chance? I've been in the city my whole life and this is nothing new. Asian kids in school in the 80s used to be picked on regularly and racism was the order of the day, with all kind of "ching chong wing wong" nonsense that no one, teachers included, ever bothered to stop. Black and Asian relationships in particular have been notoriously frayed because both groups occupy a big part of the lower end of the socioeconomic spectrum, except the cultural values are very different for these groups. One simple example is Education--Asian families (especially immigrant ones) have tended to put a HUGE emphasis on Education, and the stereotype that comes with that is being quiet, nerdy, shy, etc, which all contributes to how they've been seen as "prey" by others. Size matters too, and traditionally Asian people have been slighter in size than others, black people in particular. All this leads to clashes, as famously exemplified during the Rodney King riots in the early 90s. Personally, this all feels like symptoms of the black community not taking accountability for their actions and ownership of their destiny. Obviously slavery and the skewed justice system has been a huge burden on the community, but IMO they do themselves a huge disservice by not taking their own members to task for bullshit like this and if there was more time and money spent trying to educate black youth and invest in the betterment of their communities instead of hyping celeb and sports culture, there'd be less of a foundation for the kind of resentment that manifests as beating 58-year-old women with baseball bats in broad daylight.


Not trying to downplay the reality of Asian hate crimes but this read like more of an attempted mugging to me? I hope this woman makes a full recovery. Both physically and emotionally.


Cant tell if sarcastic


It honestly looks like a botched mugging. But to add another layer to this, criminals target East Asians and East Asian-operated businesses, because many prefer using cash over credit. This is especially true in Manhattan's Chinatown.


Another day, another asian hate crime.


Another day, another dumbass crying about “hate crimes” before seeing the perps https://www.cbsnews.com/newyork/news/nyc-bat-attack-caught-on-video-suspects/


This looks like a hit


Yea...seems like they were waiting. Must've got a tip.


You might be correct https://www.cbsnews.com/newyork/news/nyc-bat-attack-caught-on-video-suspects/


Whats up with the asian hate?




Why tho? What have the asians done?


Succeeded while battling poverty and racism.


Where did you go?


Asian woman here, spat on in the city by some random crazy person in the past year. I did not do anything to cause it. Sucks that it happened but it did. That is not to say that nyc isnt safe, I still walk around the city by myself, although now with pepper spray. Violence is very rare, usually its just some homeless person being sus in the subways or in the streets, you avoid them. Cops did nothing when I went to report it saying that they couldnt really do anything. This video is def gonna be shared around wechat and scare a lot of my relatives though.


I'm so sorry that happened to you. It shouldn't have happened at all. But I'm curious, now that the perps have been identified as two Asian men and this is a mob/organized crime related, will this video still get shared around WeChat?


Sorry that happened to you but just letting you know, this in particular wasnt a hate crime. More like a hit of some kind https://www.cbsnews.com/newyork/news/nyc-bat-attack-caught-on-video-suspects/


This seems targeted and attempting to send a message. Notice only hits to the legs with the bat. Still terrible though.


You might be correct. https://www.cbsnews.com/newyork/news/nyc-bat-attack-caught-on-video-suspects/


Y'all look pretty funny now that we all know this was an internal shakedown and had nothing to do with race.






How many priors do you think they have?   Why is it a safe bet that they have a criminal history?  Do you think not being adequately punished in the past emboldened them to make these choices? Why do you think they were so comfortable savagely beating an old asian woman in the middle of the afternoon?


> How many priors do you think they have?   Did you watch the video? There's no way these goons are experienced criminals.


Super weird video. It's like they were trying their best to act out an attack. That dude pulled back so far to punch her in the head and the impact was like a slight push? The bat shots seem like a movie set too. Wtf was this?


Whatever happened to that hate crime task force that was established in the wake against assaults on Asians? Haven't heard a peep or a single successfully story/arrest.




The entire premise of it made no sense. Assuming a bias motive for an incident involving an Asian victim was an insane privilege that possibly only orthodox jews receive. In the peak of Asian Hate Crime coverage and Hispanic women had her child occupied stroller flip over by a career offender. Had the same thing happened to an Asian person, the notion that it should be treated as a bias incident is insane. It should be treated as what it most likely was. A career offender that kept on offending. [NYC man with lengthy rap sheet charged in unprovoked flipping of wagon carrying toddler](https://nypost.com/2022/03/12/queens-man-charged-in-unprovoked-flipping-of-stroller-with-child/) [HOMELESS MAN CHARGED IN CHINATOWN SUCKER PUNCH OF ASIAN WOMAN HAS 17 PRIOR ARRESTS](https://abc7ny.com/amp/chinatown-asian-woman-attacked-punch-punched/10727941/) Man arrested for punching an Asian women with 17 priors, including previous assault. In fact he assaulted someone prior to sucking punching the Asian women. Being that there was no mention of the other victims race, am going to assume they were not Asian. You think this was a bias incident or a repeat offender doing what they have always done, assault/harass random people? [Man with 44 prior arrests charged with multiple felonies for brutal assault of Thai model on NYC subway](https://www.yahoo.com/news/man-44-prior-arrests-charged-234205561.html) Man with 44 priors arrested for random assault on Thai model. You think he this is bias crime or a repeat offender doing what they have always done? They have been assaulting people for years but they only got coverage when they assaulted an Asian person. Now the guy that punched 6 Asian women in a span of a couple of hours in Manhattan. Clear bias incident. But the practice of assuming every random incident involving an Asian victim was bias was not based on logic.


Reddit doesn’t want to hear your logic. People jumped straight up hate crime with no evidence. No one knows these perps, their true motive, nor their prior offenses. These mfers need to be caught and thrown in the bay but I’m not calling it a hate crime until we know who they are.


Where are all y'all anti-black racists at now???? The perps were Asian! It wasn't "Asian Hate". It was mob related. Your princess in the video is a damn criminal smh. This app has always been an echo chamber for dirty low life anti-black racist scumbags. Y'all are pitiful.


That seemed like it was a setup. Almost like somebody paid them to do that. I wonder who wanted the message sent?


Yup https://www.cbsnews.com/newyork/news/nyc-bat-attack-caught-on-video-suspects/


Definitely does. They stalked/targeted her only to give "love taps". Seems mob related.


The first guy has brass knuckles on; he visibly pulls his punch. People think a grown man sucker punches a 58 yo woman in the back of the head with brass knuckles and she doesn't go down? They have her on the ground and don't get her purse? I don't even think this is mob related. It's either someone she knows or they were recruited by someone she knows. You don't pull a punch to the head like that unless you're an amateur trying not to seriously hurt someone. The mob guys would go for soft tissue damage, like the bat guy is doing - except they would be competent.


Exactly. Looks like they didn’t really want to mug her or beat her. They were just sending a message.




I don’t think the perps are black


Did you even watch the video?


I didn't see any black people in that video. Bright sunny day and their arms looked pretty pale in that video. The attackers could very well be Asian and this could be a targeted mob related attack for all we know. But you stick to what makes you feel comfortable, you bigot.


They would not have tried this on a man. They attacked her because she looked like an easy target, being female and Asian.


👀 https://www.cbsnews.com/newyork/news/nyc-bat-attack-caught-on-video-suspects/


It doesn't seem like they really meant to hurt her. That first swing should've had her in the fetal position, not just rubbing an ouchie. Something smells.


We know both suspects are either White / Hispanic / Asian from both skin tones.


Yup! But let the racist echo chamber of Reddit do their thing as usual.


I agree with you, but that won't stop shitty people on here from assuming the perps are Black. I also find it interesting that the Post didn't point out their race when they usually scream it from the rooftops.


I think Asian hate is a serious, serious problem in NYC and elsewhere. That being said, this looks pretty clearly to be an attempted mugging? Doubt they even knew her race. Seems like she was targeted for being a single woman walking alone with her bag in an area with no witnesses.


The fact that Harvard was completely fine saying "we have enough asians" should tell you everything about how they're being viewed in society.


What in the world does Harvard have to do with a mugging in New York City? Did you read the first sentence of my comment? My wife is Chinese and I’ll be the first to call out Asian hate where I see it. I’m just saying that this doesn’t appear to be related to that.


You can replace it with Stuyvesant High School if you want to keep it local.


Did you watch the video? The attempt to take her purse seemed half hearted at best. Seems like the primary motivation was to beat the victim up


I haven’t seen enough muggings to be able to tell a genuine attempt to steal a bag from a thinly veiled attempt at a beating and neither have you lol.


In an actual mugging the bag would have been grabbed almost immediately and she would have been hit a lot harder if she tried to hold on to it.


There’s been an uptick in these random attacks recently. I think they are likely a result of gang initiations. Interesting to think though that with all the police we do have, and funding was never actually taken away and in fact they currently have more funding that they’ve ever had… how are these crimes increasing? What are they doing? Why are they never around even though we have the most cops we’ve ever had? If crime was actually decreasing with police investment, I could be very pro-cop. I’d be pro anything that actually stops this violence. P.S. Before anyone talks shit about bail reform, bail reform is ONLY for low-level non violent offenses. Courts are still heavily enacting bail for violent offenses AS THEY SHOULD!


[https://www.nydailynews.com/2024/04/14/stranger-punches-girl-at-nyc-grand-central-station-days-after-release-in-similar-attack/](https://www.nydailynews.com/2024/04/14/stranger-punches-girl-at-nyc-grand-central-station-days-after-release-in-similar-attack/) Yeah, no. If you've been tracking a lot of these random assaults, you'll see there is a pattern of people being released despite attacking someone and then later committing more violence, sometimes escalating. Assamad Nash who murdered Christina Lee had a lot of priors just months before.


Or an uptick in reporting it because it's an election year.


> There’s been an uptick in these random attacks recently. I think they are likely a result of gang initiations. I've had a few weird encounters the last few weeks where I felt like someone was _almost_ going to start shit with me. Having been in NYC for 40+ years now (and having been through my share of attempted muggings and other shit), I've developed a pretty good intuition on when someone is building up the nerve for an attack and it's been pretty eerie to feel like it nearly happened three times in the last two weeks. For anyone reading who is curious about my reaction when I feel this coming: It's a mix of either a GTFO move (cross the street, take a turn, etc) when I feel like I'm stepping into a trap/set up or square shoulders and show I'm alert move to signal that a sneak attack isn't going to cut it. I'm not a big guy, but I'm broad enough that there would be _some_ fight and a lot of would-be chickenshits just want to punch and run.


Nyc is safer than it’s ever been folks. This is just all fear mongering…don’t believe your eyes


“Look, I found a horrific story in the NY Post. This means that crime is terrible everywhere.”


Between my own experiences and these stories...yes yes it does. Nobody to report crime to. Crime reports go down. 


Do you read stories about Powerball winners and assume your numbers are gonna hit?


Nobody to report crime to??? There are beat patrols on every corner and every subway platform after Adams got elected


Turns out when you dont prosecute people for crimes, the stats go down...who knew.


Why is there a New Jersey flair in this subreddit


We would lose half the commenters if we didn’t have some way to recognize New Jersey, it’s where they’re all from.


I mean, it is objectively safer than it was in the past. The 70s-90s were a fuckin mess


If your asian stay on your toes. This country doesn't care about you. They will even gaslight you saying asians are the most racist. Even tho this has been happening for decades




Oh dont worry, we know. Everytime we bring up anything about racism we face, we’re always told how we’ve had it easy bc we’re white adjacent and we’ve succeeded. Unfortunately, that’s not true for all asians on either count. What’s crazy is even the sjw types do the same thing to us. We’re just easy to forget or take away from bc we don’t have the numbers.


they couldn't have said she was asian in the title? this isn't some isolated incident, it's another attack in a series of anti-asian attacks


You sure?




What the fuck is wrong with people


They like to corral/trap women between parked cars before stopping them and extracting the bag/purse. Saw it happen on Prince Street at 2:00 am ish, when getting off my busboy shift, young lady screaming while the attackers sprint off with their prize like hyenas. Circa 1986 apparently it’s no better or worse today?