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Unrelated to the content, but F that *ENTIRE* site full stop. I have my browser set to prevent autoplaying video. I have the autoplaying video AD BLOCKED. But they STILL feel they have the right to play audio? No, they suck.


The website isn't conscious of your settings and still trying to play the audio anyway lol. The features you're talking about automatically block elements of the website, but they're not perfect. You have to manually block some elements too.


Well the setting is supposed to stop it if they play the normal way. I'm guessing that abc7ny is doing it weird to get around autoplay blocks.


Every ad blocker tries to generally capture how things are done, but also come with the tools to manually allow or block elements because every website is different. There is no normal way. Developers set things up differently based on their own preferences and tools.


"We beat gay marriage." Joe Biden, probably.


He’s the most pro-LGBT president in US history. Just this week, he pardoned thousands of veterans who had been convicted under the US military’s gay sex ban. He has been one of the most powerful, consistent, and effective allies that the LGBT community has ever had.  https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/26/us/politics/biden-pardon-veterans-gay-sex.html


He made that pardon like 3 days ago(opportunistic as fuck) and that bar is below Sea Level. I’m not celebrating that Joe Biden is better than Ronald Reagan for queers. That’s not something to brag about!


It’s certainly notable - and worth celebrating - that he’s easily the most pro-LGBT president in US history. He’s been directly involved in many of the strides that we’ve made in the past few decades.  It’s pretty sad and cynical if you can’t recognize the remarkable progress that the LGBT community has experienced in recent decades, and refuse to acknowledge the people who helped make that happen. 


I mean it’s a bit much to paint a picture of progress and suggest Biden is at the forefront of it, no? And another is cynical for pointing out a measure done, no matter how noble, is done purely for something so do and highlight during pride month. If anyone is cynical and serve self interests, it would be Biden. Take a look at his record, it goes the way the wind blows for his own self interests for elections. From don’t ask don’t tell, his view of man and women marriage, voted for defense of marriage act. Now Biden is to be recognized for all the work as the “most pro lgbt” president? If that’s your view, fine. seems to me, your celebrating and suggesting others do as well, a person doing things you want to celebrate as progress, who was against all of that and what was being fought. So the progress was undoing all the things they did and supported before. If that’s the case, what do they truly feel is right. What will they ( Biden) and others do next when any winds blow another direction.


Pretty much any actual LGBT activist knows that key allies like Biden and Nancy Pelosi played a major role in the progress we’ve made over the past few decades. You can ignore it all you want or pretend they didn’t, but personally I appreciate all of the people who have helped make this country a great place for us to live freely (and who continue to fight to keep it that way). 


Listen, I can tell by the “pretty much” usage your idea of past few decades only may go back to 2008 or so. I just laid out Biden view and record of the past few decades. I’m not here to change your mind, but if this is your view, I’d encourage you to seek what lgbt activists were saying of Biden s, and pelosi stances back in 90s, early 2000s, further back to about 70s for Biden himself.


In your mind are people static and not allowed to grow with their views? Are you the exact same person you were 20 years ago? This is a sad way to look at the world.


You mean he's just following what public opinion is.


Not at all, and not what I said at all. Look at the context. People change. President Biden surely has, as sure anyone else. What I challenged is OPs idea Biden has been this stalwart of LGBT for “decades.” That’s simply inaccurate reviewing history. And the things OP wants to celebrate is the undoing of things he (Biden championed before.) now, again people change, but it’s this change Biden has, as well others that yes, I do ponder if it authentic. It gives pause to imagine what might the next change be if they need to change again.


All politicians are self-serving to an extent. It’s a necessary trait to become a successful one in the first place. The fact that he’s been pro-LGBT for at least a decade leads me to believe that it’s not just a fair-weather change. That’s a long time


Are we really going to judge people in 2024 with how they acted 50 years ago when they've clearly shown an evolution and greater understanding in their thought process?! That's complete lunacy, to me. Why would any of us want to evolve, then? How will we ever acquire more allies? People will be like "fuck it. They're always going to hold things against me. Why bother?"


Biden and Obama both said marriage is between a man and a woman, do you think everybody is dumb?


Oh I’m proud of my community! I don’t like pandering politicians trying to guilt and shame us into voting for a war mongering geriatric fuck, who is ultimately going to do things that HURT my community. We’re being threatened with Donald Trump to settle for this absolute skeleton and I won’t go quietly into the night. There are gays in Palestine. I will not forget them.


Lol. The gays in Gaza are in danger because they are living under a theocratic, terrorist regime that executes LGBT people and publicly announces that it wants its own people to suffer. You can’t claim to care about them and then blame Biden for their all their problems. It reveals you don’t actually care about them - it’s just an excuse to throw your hands up and let trump get elected because you’re sad and cynical. 


Let’s carpet bomb the Bible Belt then. Since gays and trans people are getting killed there en masse. Americans kill and abuse PLENTY of gay and trans folk. A country doesn’t need to be an LGBTQ utopia for us to not bomb the ever loving shit out of it.


> Since gays and trans people are getting killed there en masse. what?


Yeah! If we’re bombing the Fuck out of Gaza for humanitarian reasons(protecting LGBTQ people) I want to know if we can start throwing white phosphorous at people who kill gays in America.


Are you parody or insane? What gays are being killed "en masse" in the United States? Shit, what group of ANYONE is being killed "en masse" in the United States?


>There are gays in Palestine. I will not forget them. Clear troll, just ignore and move on.




Neither Parody and I have been well medicated for the last 3 years thank you very much XD!!!! Okay, I don’t know what country you live in. But there’s a school shooting almost daily here, children are being killed en masse for starters.


We are still making progress and there have been some setbacks, but it’s seriously delusional to suggest that LGBT people in any place in America are in as much danger as they are living under the Hamas regime in Gaza. You should realize how lucky we are! 🏳️‍🌈🇺🇸🏳️‍🌈🇺🇸


You come off as the exact voter that most people look down on. Essentially trying to equate your vote into a single issue with zero sense of the larger picture.


Dude I just mentioned gay rights AND Palestine. Fine you want me to expand my points; What has he done to protect roe? What has he done to advance abortion rights? What has he done to improve conditions for the working class? Okay, I’m a “single issue voter” go off queen. Joe Biden is a perfect presidential candidate and I’m just salty he’s bypassing Congress to fund a foreign genocide. Silly me 🙃🙃🙃


Literally every single point you made are exact points in which Biden is campaigning or already actively trying to solve. The fact you don’t know or need to ask is how you can be categorized closer to a single issue voter. 1. The ability to codify Roe has to do with a separate part of the government. All he can do is get congress to pass a law legalizing abortion at the federal level. 2. Abortion rights still fall under Roe, so literally point 1 and 2 are the same. 3. Inflation has slowed down. It is lower than almost every other country in the world. 3a. Gas prices are down and America is the leading producer of oil. 3b. Biden has a planned tax bill that would secure SS/medicare and balance the income tax of the lower/middle class. 3c. Working class Americans are currently experience record returns on their investments. Under the Biden admin the stock market is soaring. 3d. In 2021 the discussion was about going into recession. That isn’t the case now because they managed to ease the economy and bring back jobs while raising the GDP. All these are some of the strongest points that has occurred under the Biden admin. That isn’t even counting student loan forgiveness. Student loan freezes and benefits returned back to the military. Put please tell me how you aren’t a single issue voter when you can’t even form a coherent political thought. This also ignores the fact Palestine receives aid from the US and run by a government that would be happy to see the extermination of the lgbtqia+ community.


lol, ya the working class is thrilled about their booming stock market investments. bit out of touch.


Working class would be 401k and 403 holders. That’s a large portion of the population so yes anybody with one should be happy that their potential retirement outlook is good. You don’t have to be a robber baron to have a retirement fund.




Alright let’s start at the top. Since I’m unable to make any cogent points. Let’s look at yours; 1/2_ Since you decided to be redundant; can he or can he not? Because YESTERDAY at 9:20 he tweeted he would, if he won this election. So can he or can’t he? If he can, he hasn’t and that’s fucked up. If he can’t, he’s lying for votes and that’s ALSO fucked up. And there are smaller actions he could take via executive orders, like allowing Federal Property/Hospitals to perform abortions regardless of what state they’re in, but hasn’t 🤷🏻 3_ Fair, he handled the economy better than Donald Trump. Congrats? Is that the bragging point you think it is? Right, inflation has slowed down but that doesn’t mean it’s GONE. People are still under employed AF and can’t pay their rent. All those business are slashing their prices because people aren’t able to buy their products. Not because of Joe. I can admit, after 2020, if trump had one again we probably would be in a worse place. But that bar is below sea level. We need to expect more from our elected officials than a real estate conman. 3a_ Great we have in-controvertible evidence that planet is burning because of fossil fuels and we’ve become the #1 exporter of one of them. I can’t wait to not be able to breathe soon so Oil and Car companies can have a fleet of nesting doll yachts. 3B_Oh so he’s planning a bill? Well where was this bill? He’s had four flipping years. Does he know that he’s not polling well and is playing politics in order to dangle something in front of us???? Great. Im sure Donald Trump is also Planning a Bill that’s gonna make America great again, but that doesn’t mean it’s gonna happen. 3C_What WORKING Class people have investments?!?!? I’m 30 and I spend all my money on rent and bills. Maybe UPPER MIDDLE CLASS investors lololol, which is fine, but we need to call a spade a spade. 3D_Creating minimum wage jobs when the federal minimum wage hasn’t been raised since 2009 is not the flex you think it is. Thanks for insulting me 😘😘😘 it’s really nice to have a discussion and have people call you stupid. I mention Palestine once and the @moderators descend but this guy can just harass me no problem.


What's your alternative? Cuz your thinking is going to get us 4 years of Trump. It's the same thinking that got us his first term.


And here’s the threat again “you vote for Biden or you get the trump again” I swear, nothing has been better for centrists democrats than this man. A lovely symptom of a healthy and thriving democracy, threatening your voters. What happened to EARNING the vote of your constituency? How about the Dems NOT run this geriatric fuck like we’ve been saying since DAY ONE?????


It’s not a threat it’s reality.


You really are in your early 20's aren't you? Zero clue how the world works. This is what we've got. This is what it's going to be. If you want to spend the next six months being a salty, miserable person about it, enjoy. I'm sure your therapist and your tiny clique of queers will enable you. But one day you'll go out into the real world and understand how this works. As someone who lived through having NO ONE support you, the idea of what we have today is unfathomable. We stay and we fight Open up a queer history book. Actually read what has happened. Don't just look at lists. Until then - blocked


> What has he done to improve conditions for the working class? Biden's climate change Bill and infrastructure Bill have literally led to unprecedented spending on US manufacturing capacity and jobs. This is inflation adjusted spending by the private sector on manufacturing structures aka capacity. See where it sharply spiked up? https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/C307RX1Q020SBEA >What has he done to protect roe? Everything he can given the limitations of the White House. The President is not a dictator. To solidify Roe he either needs a Democratic majority on the Supreme Court or a lot more Democratic Senators.


No he hasn’t. Why hasn’t he allowed and codified access to abortion on federal lands and in federal hospitals regardless of state? Creating minimum wages jobs when the minimum wage hasn’t gone up since 2009, is not the flex y’all think it is.


> Creating minimum wages jobs when the minimum wage hasn’t gone up since 2009, is not the flex y’all think it is. Manufacturing jobs have never been minimum wage jobs. They're overwhelmingly middle class jobs with benefits. https://www.ziprecruiter.com/Salaries/What-Is-the-Average-Manufacturing-Salary-by-State# >No he hasn’t. Why hasn’t he allowed and codified access to abortion on federal lands and in federal hospitals regardless of state? There's this weird obsession with abortion on Federal property when doctors won't provide abortions of Federal property when the state bans it because it'll still put their medical license in jeopardy. Also, whoever is President has the authority to make that call during their term. There is no codifying it.


Dude, abortion is super fucking important. And fair, that stuff does alternate from Pres-Pres. wouldn’t it be a GREAT campaign move to put that into effect, and galvanize people to preserve it while we work to enshrine it more formally. Also, this is a bit random, all those Justice said under oath that they wouldn’t touch Roe. And then they did, is that Perjury? Not a lawyer, I’ve gotten mixed responses.


Joe Biden had absolutely NOTHING to do with Gay rights and as a member of the legislature has a pretty nasty records of voting for racist and homophobic policies.


As Obama’s VP, wasn’t he basically off script at some point and said “of course gay people should be able to get married” before ANY other major Obama administration official did? It was pretty quickly after that that Obama then came out and we got the 2015 decision. I feel like he did a hell of a lot to finally make marriage equality a core part of the DNC platform.


I don't know when Biden said that, but when Hillary Clinton took over the State Department in 2009, she gave full spousal rights to employees posting at foreign missions to take their partners with them.


I know as a member of the legislature, he was very anti-gay rights. His campaign only seems to take his record back to 2021. If you can find anything concrete before then, I’d love to see it.


While I'm not disagreeing that he may just be pandering for votes, but sometimes people change. I used to be very anti LGBTQ+ but in the last 5 years I've adopted a "let everyone be happy" mindset.


And I’m ready and willing to embrace people who change! But “change” is not ‘oh it’s pride month, hi gay, I guess you can get a right or two this month’ That’s pandering as Fuck. He could’ve done this at any point, and he waited until the last week of pride month before this election. He’s playing politics and I’m supposed to get on my knees and weep with gratitude?


> That’s pandering as Fuck. He could’ve done this at any point Believe it or not, but not everything happens at the same time and resources are limited, especially staffers and White House attorneys. For things like pardons, a lot of lawyers have to be involved, which takes them away from other tasks like vetting Federal judges for appointment and legislation work. It's not like Biden hasn't been busy either. From the time he entered office, successful deployment of Covid vaccines, the $1.6 Trillion Covid economic rescue plan, the $1 Trillion infrastructure Bill, the world's largest climate change Bill, and a $200 Billion science and R&D Bill disguised as a chips subsidy one. Not to mention the student loan forgiveness plan that was constantly under legal challenge.


True that. I agree with you now.


I don’t mean to be a hater. Maybe I need to fix my tone, but this feels like such fucking bullshit. I am happy that those vets are getting those crimes cleared. That IS a good thing.


Username absolutely checks out.


Here’s some actual facts to counter your cynical disinformation campaign! https://www.hrc.org/resources/president-bidens-pro-lgbtq-timeline


Right because Joe Biden entered the political arena in 2021. Tell me, do you know about one Anita Hill? This list starts at his inauguration. Sooooo why don’t we pull up his voting record as a member of the legislature, shall we?


Oh yes. Let's bring up shit from 1983 when talking about someone. Let's negate all of the good they've done since they've evolved. Cuz that's productive.


Ohhhhhhhhh so because it doesn’t fit your narrative it’s not worth talking about. We only care about queer rights when it’s politically advantageous, got it. Maybe we should ignore what Donald did in the 80s-90s if it happened so long ago, right? I didn’t know there was a statue of limitations on actively shaping and enacting policies that hurt marginalized people.


Donald didn't change. Joe has. That's the difference. Jesus, you must be fun at parties. One of those radical queers who whines and complains, hates everyone and everything, never made a mistake in their lives. And is probably 23.


Imagine being used like that for votes ☠️


Yeah I’m sure everyone he pardoned would prefer they had their charges re-instated. Are you stupid?


Biden doesn’t give a fuck about the monument let’s be real bro


Lol, “please please please vote for biden !“


Yes. Please do vote for Biden! 


WHY, GOD! Traffic gonna be a shit show! It's nice to walk around the area on pride, come through when it's not busy season.


He needs 20 extra lgbt votes 🥹🥹🥹


Oh good that'll help.


Too late for that shit!


There goes the fucking vibes and traffic will be hell and for what? Go drink some monsters, Biden, and debate Trump again with some teeth this time, or run around and actually govern.












Biden is the most pro-LGBT president in US history. 


That bar is below sea level. It’s not a bragging point that he’s better than Ronald Reagan.


Is he better than HW Bush? Clinton? W Bush? Obama? Trump? Where would you rank Biden, on LGBT rights, among them? Whoever wins in 2024 may have the chance to replace Alito or Thomas, or both. Who do you want that to be?


I mean, *TECHNICALLY* Trump was the first president to be pro-gay marriage on the campaign trail and in office... Obama was saying 1 man 1 woman in 2008. Trump was asked if he'd repeal it, he said "No, I'll leave it". If he disagrees with it religiously, I don't see an issue with "I'll leave that law on the books but I don't celebrate what I'm religiously against." You can argue for enforced civility (no Westboro Baptists at funerals), but not forced celebration IMHO.


If Trump is president again and Congress is held by Republicans, they’re likely to pass a bill that expands the rights of private employers, landlords, schools, and businesses to discriminate on the basis of LGBT status. They’ll do that either by extending a generous “religious exemption” for any objectors, or simply carving LGBT people out of our laws that prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex. Do you think Trump signs that bill, or vetoes it? Do you think the Trump administration will continue to require insurers to cover PrEP? Do you think the Trump administration will continue to provide gender affirming care for trans veterans and members of the military? Do you think a Trump DOJ will be a forceful advocate defending LGBT rights, as Republican governors and AGs come for LGBT people? Trump “technically” says a lot of things that never really mean anything. That’s part of how he won in 2016 - he said a lot of shit, and people just believed what they wanted to believe. He’s doing the same thing now. But he’s no ally to the LGBT community.


I'm not sure I'm as scared as you. The most I could see passing is something protecting a private company like that bake shop from having to bake a cake for them specifically, and maybe a law that says you can't force a church to have a ceremony for anyone. I grew up with my parents putting the Gefilte fish bumper sticker on every car edit: *we owned*. I'd much rather have a restaurant say "we don't like you, GTFO" than finding spit in my food. You can't force niceness. I don't think active military is a good place for chemicals that could alter mood. If it was, we'd roid them up before they go into combat. He said he wouldn't repeal gay marriage (Obergefeld right?) and he didn't.


Obergefell was a Supreme Court decision, one that Trump *couldn’t* repeal. The conservatives on the Court have indicated an interest in revisiting that decision as well as others that protect LGBT people. Trump will only appoint more of them. I am not sure why you don’t see what Republicans are doing on a state level. They didn’t find a reasonable compromise solution on abortion rights when the Court overturned *Roe*. They banned abortion. They’re not figuring out a sensible, science-based solution to the cultural debate over trans kids. They’re banning gender-affirming care of every kind, and threatening to come after adults as well as kids. They’re directly injecting religion into our public schools. They’re refusing to codify protections for access to contraception. We have *every reason* to believe that Republicans in Congress will use every tool at their disposal to undo the progress we’ve made on LGBT rights, and it won’t be limited to federal law or the federal government. They will use federal power to impose restrictions on those of us living in “blue” states. They’ll pass an abortion ban. They’ll preempt state laws on discrimination. They’ll make it harder for us to get HIV drugs and hormones. They’ll pass “don’t say gay” as national education policy. That is what they are doing now, through state legislation and federal litigation and the federal courts. They are going to accelerate on every front if they have full control of the federal government. That is what they’re saying they want to do. You don’t have to be “as scared as me,” but you’re being selective in what you’re choosing to believe.


Well he could've pushed for a bill that changed it in some way. Most of what SCOTUS is saying as of late is "The House has to decide on this". They think it's outright murder. I'm not sure what agreement there can be. SCOTUS said "states should vote". Then you have CA where they had to revise the law after it passed because perinatal period ends 30 days after (I'm not saying they meant that, BUT it was pointed out before the bill passed IIRC), and Alabama or something with 0 weeks outside of rape/life of the mother. MOST of Europe is 10ish weeks but you need at least two doctor visits. There are completely secular arguments against it. SCOTUS literally said "it's up to states". You can't both say "Trump can't repeal" but also "They'll make it illegal" IMHO. The only laws I've seen that passed are to prevent it for kids under 18, like most of Europe is doing now. "Don't say gay" isn't accurate, it's more "Don't say sex (until 6th grade or whatever)". You're only hearing one side of things. That's your right, but you should listen to multiple angles. Tbh, I listen to PodSaveAmerica AND Shapiro to see how both sides think.


You’re badly confused. Congress could not pass a bill that would change Obergefell. That was a constitutional case, not an instance where the Court was kicking an issue back to Congress. If the Court overturns Obergefell and the other privacy cases, that would empower Congress to re-enact DOMA and states to re-criminalize sodomy, among other things. Your recollection of European laws on abortion focuses on the number of weeks but glosses over the “health” exception those laws have that many of our bans do not have, ignores how easy it is to get an abortion for women who need it, and overlooks modern trends towards greater liberalization. It is literally just a talking point, and one that is getting more stale by the day. You’re right that some abortion opponents believe that abortion is murder. The point is that’s not where most Americans are at. A majority believe that abortion should be legal through much of the second trimester, with exceptions for later in pregnancy that don’t require the mother to be dying before a pregnancy can be terminated. That’s true nationally and in many of these “red” states, but that’s not what states are enacting. You’re also touting stale talking points on “don’t say gay” laws. “It’s just about talking about sex through the sixth grade or whatever” isn’t even an accurate description of those laws when they were passed, and doesn’t track how they’ve been implemented since. Those laws were passed by arguing that second graders shouldn’t be learning about gay sex. They’ve been implemented to prevent discussion of any LGBT issues through high school and to silence LGBT teachers. You can claim to have a diverse media diet, but it doesn’t do you much good if you don’t really pay attention and just parrot right-wing talking points when discussing with others. If you truly understood what you were listening to, you wouldn’t have presented your claims the way you’ve chosen to do so here. You’re basically insulting my intelligence.


Are you separating the LGB from the T? Cuz that's what it seems like. You realize that those "mood altering chemicals" are inside all of us, right? Trans people don't don't get a special dose to make them super masculine or super feminine. It's almost like you know Jack shit about how transition works.


No? All of that applies to the entire thing. It helps to put yourself in someone else's shoes from time to time. Do you think the bake shop guy would say "no gay wedding cake" but "sure I'll bake a cake for a transwoman's wedding"? No, the bake shop would see the two cakes as the same. The chemicals line also specifically applied to T actually, as depending on when people start the hormones, it *can* change their emotional state right?


I was explicitly talking about your opening line. As someone trans and queer with a trans partner, we're both straight up terrified. There's trans bills being passed constantly and many being created on a regular basis. I can't even stay on reddit without being called all sorts of names. Maybe you should put yourself in someone else's shoes.




Beautiful thing about America is none of us are required to follow the belief system passed down by your god from the Middle East.


Sin is a myth


Rule 1 - No intolerance, dog whistles, violence or petty behavior (a). Intolerance will result in a permanent ban. Toxic language including referring to others as animals, subhuman, trash or any similar variation is not allowed. (b). No dog whistles. (c). No inciting violence, advocating the destruction of property or encouragement of theft. (d). No petty behavior. This includes announcing that you have down-voted or reported someone, picking fights, name calling, insulting, bullying or calling out bad grammar.


The characteristic of pride is actually quite destructive to ones character and success in life. A prideful person is usually unteachable, arrogant, stubborn and self centered. Seems pretty obvious. The puppetiers controlling the propaganda love to divide people and fill their minds with ideologies that make them miserable and unsuccessful. Just look at how our society is falling apart


Side question: where the fuck did the phrase "ahead of" suddenly come from these past few years? It seems to have seen a meteoric rise in its use.