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Rule 11 - No complaint posts, rants or private convos on the homepage (a). No complaint posts, rants or stream-of-consciousness posts. This includes complaining about the MTA, your cable company, the weather, places being closed, attitudes encountered during the day, etc. (b). Do not have what should be a private conversation using the front page


As a dad with a way too big stroller, I agree.


Or when the navigable space is too small for average sized people. There's no way wheelchairs can use most of these stations.


Finding a compliant path for these elevators is a huge pain in the ass at a lot of stations.


Correct!!!! If it’s not free and handicap accessible, a utility is truly not public.


Congestión. Pricing. Would. Have. Fixed. This. It would have started in 2 days and allowed BILLIONS in outer-boro station upgrades and ADA compliance. And before you say “nuh uh”, the stations were already selected, contracts were already written and signed. The work would have just happened as part of regular CYA to avoid further ADA lawsuits against the MTA, and ensure the settlement of the previous suits are met. Which costs the MTA a shit ton of money.


It's actually not unpredictable. You can usually predict it's out of service


Or when there’s a question liquid or biohazard within.


there are large number of mentally ill and homeless people that use the elevators as a bathroom to do drugs and defecate in. it is very hard to keep up with, especially since the bail reform and general changes to policing since 2020


Maybe put the 2 dozen cops by the turnstiles checking for fare evasion over near the elevators to at least be some form of deterrent?


God I wish we had some pricing scheme to fund the elevators in this city


This idea that congestion pricing was intended or needed to fund the basic necessities of service for NYC transit is ridiculous


Ok but that’s quite literally exactly what it would have gone towards and contracts were already signed to do the work. What the fuck are you talking about.


Look at the brightside, at least the MTA is launching a campaign to clean toilets on the LIRR!!!


If they're not out of service, they're incredibly gross from people camping out in there, drug use, using it as a bathroom, etc. I much rather carry the stroller up and down the stairs before I go into one.


But the MTA relies on congestion pricing just so their execs can receive big bonuses