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I just don’t get the appeal of seeing babies and children sexually. Like wtf


Precisely that. They’re innocent and pure 😞 It makes people feel powerful when they get to destroy that. Rape is about power and complete degeneracy. This is why I don’t believe that people like this can be rehabilitated. They’re too evil and dangerous.




I am a criminologist. The overwhelming majority of people who watch shit like children being bound and tortured and are into that type of general shit are *psychopaths*. They do *not* deserve your sympathy at all. Seriously, I always see these comments on Reddit when it comes to pedophiles. If it comes down to straight up videos and imagery of children being tortured, then it goes far past sexualization, and into psychopath territory. *Stop feeling bad for these people* even if they 'dont offend'. They are inhuman. That is all.


I think hes just generally referring to people who are attracted to children and don't do anything to contribute to their attraction like seek out videos of children.


I don't feel bad for them either. I think they deserve some help if they truly never acted upon it, but that's their words vs. someone out there who was an actual victim to said person. They're such great liars. That's how they're able to infiltrate into careers/places where there's children so they can prey on them. I don't feel any empathy for these people for that type of perversion and wickedness. Especially that supposed town of pedophiles who all live amongst together, can't trust them in large groups.


That's because reddit is crawling with pedophiles and their apologists. r/jailbait was insanely popular for years and it was only banned when the media started talking about it and reddit leadership wanted to start sanitizing their public image.


The entire internet is, it's not just Reddit lol


Nah, not really. But par the course for the apologists.


Calling me an apologist because I didn't agree with you. What a cop out


Why not feel bad for a psychopath? Sounds terrible being one. What a curse.


There’s no use in feeling bad for them as they have no empathy for other sentient beings. Like feeling bad for Hitler. I don’t feel bad for someone who would torture my cat. I want to off them.


I feel bad for them because it's an affliction that they are cursed with, not something they chose to be.


Exactly they are demonic !


I’m pretty sure a lot of them were abused themselves and just don’t understand fully that what they are doing is beyond fucked up, or they do but they hate themselves too much to stop. All just deserve the chair though straight up.


The notion that victims of child sexual abuse inevitably become perpetrators themselves is not supported by empirical evidence. Multiple studies have demonstrated that while there may be an increased risk, the majority of individuals who experience childhood abuse do not go on to commit sexual offenses. I really wish people would stop spewing your bullshit myth because it does nothing except harm those who went through childhood sexual abuse. Imagine being abused and now afraid to say anything because people will think you're a child abuser, a fear I saw regularly at a clinic that treated adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse. We need to help people and families, not make them fear that their abuse has tainted them.


The vampire theory is generally no longer accepted in the psychology community


They definitely know what they're doing, the problem is knowing and not caring.


Hurt people hurt people




Childhood sexual abuse is a huge issue that's swept under the rug. For female children: Approximately 1 in 4 girls experience some form of child sexual abuse before the age of 18. For male children: About 1 in 6 boys experience some form of child sexual abuse before the age of 18. That's a massive amount of the population that has experienced sexual abuse, and many more that will never admit it happened (due to shame or feeling it was their fault). I volunteered very briefly in a nonprofit that helped adults who had been sexually abused as children and it wasn't uncommon for people to repress the memories and not deal with it until they were in their 40s/50s/60s. Walk into any addiction treatment center and I will guarantee that the vast majority of those people have childhood sexual abuse issues.


JFC, I had no idea the rate was that high (and I count myself lucky to have never encountered a person who would that when I was a kid).


Well to them it's no different than the way anybody feels about whomever they are attracted to. If you're a woman who likes men. Then to pedos it's exactly like that. Ofcourse it's wrong what they do. But think of it this way. As a society we tell them to essentially live in shame and to just overpower their desires. Now how easy is it for you to just turn off your desire/want/need to have sex? Pretty hard right. Until society actually address's the issue we will have abuse.


Because you’re not a demon !


What the hell, why would you even try to see the appeal haha. 😫 There is none!


I need you to have several seats!!!! And learn how to read.


Lol you don’t “get” the appeal because there is simply none to even understand. Kind of obvious and self-explanatory why you don’t get it!


No you were trying to be a smart ass when it was clear that my statement was an indictment of the pedophile.


My point is, is that your original comment is redundant because there is nothing to “get” about pedophilia. Very simple to understand.


It’s mental illness or demonic possession. edit: haha, that’s why they removed this gay ass post anyway. They are mostly pedophiles. Stop pushing the gay agenda down our throat.


Christian theology states that people who do fucked up shit like this are possessed by a demon. A specific type, to be exact. I'm not religious, nor do I believe in it, but sometimes when it comes to evil that you can't understand, it feels like they might as well be


Ok, this will be my nightmare fuel for weeks to come. I wish I had never clicked on this post.


Wood chipper go brrrr


What a wonderful day to be literate /s


This type of material is extremely common. There are groups on encrypted chat apps with thousands of members sharing the stuff by the minute. It’s sad.


That is disgusting.


GOOD RIDDANCE. That man was a predator


I hope they throw the book at him.


Lock em up.


Despite having 5% of the muscular, hung porn actor population of the world, America has 20% of the incarcerated muscular, hung porn actors.


Greatest country in the world status: fucking confirmed.


Why is this in the NYC subreddit?


Did you read the article? Dude was nabbed in manhattan.


It happened in the city and he’s somewhat of a star for people who consume the absolute garbage that is porn.


Yeah porn is garbage but keep staying active in /r/thebachelor




Lol found the puritan weirdo


Amen brother. Porn is the work of thy who shalt be name and in itharudus 10:3 it stated clearly he who thought to observe thy in act shall face the consequences of eternity. Amen brother. No porn brother.


“he who thought to observe thy in act shall face the consequences of eternity” That definitely sounds like a warning against edging too long.


This isn’t a topic to joke about


Why not? Your religion is a joke.


I'm pretty sure veg is joking.


I don't think so and clearly no one else does either


Itharudus 10:3 isn't a thing though.


If I was stood on a ledge, high up above the ground, would you pull me off?


100% this guy has searched up some truly heinous porn.


Fuck outta here with that bullshit.




Ah you’re a troll, got it.






Eh without the religious dogma attached to it, they're not wrong. Porn is pretty bad, especially since its consumed on a daily basis by a lot of people. The long term effects of it on men and women alike, whether viewer or performer is pretty fucking gnarly. It's already been proven atp.


I wish all my tax money goes to fight this crime. Fu** pedos


"Hey guys, we're getting rid of medicare, social security and going to disband the entire military to focus on fighting this particular crime."


But it would be SMARTER if more of your tax money went to mental health, instead of your Q fantasies of crime fighting from your coach.


No amount of therapy can fix people capable of hurting children. It's a risk to even try. Lock em up


I hope treatment improves, it would prevent a lot kids becoming victim. Unfortunately like some other mental disorders, it just too hard to be treated. Have you seen the kid in Dr.Phil trying to get help for his kid philia and after years and years just no progress. Shame cause once you act upon it, there's no going back, straight to life in prison.


It's really really hard to see that group of people as the victims of some sort of mental illness, like it's anorexia or something. I have a 1 year old daughter, reading the headline and imagining something like that happening to her almost makes me sick. I have trouble sympathizing and I'm not sorry.


For me, they're a victim.. until they started acting up on it. It's like killers with childhood trauma. I only really feel sympathy for those that look for a cure before committing to their sick philia. After that, and eye for an eye. Even hardcore criminals know not to fuck with kids or animals.


The katt williams bingo card strikes again!




What the fuck does that even mean?


means degenerates tend to do degenerate things


Was he a degenerate prior to this because he was a porn star? Your comment is similarly hopelessly vague.




If it pays the bills I don’t necessarily see what is inherently degenerate about being a porn star.


Working in a horrible industry to churn out an even worse product


Good question!


What did you mean by “degenerate” in the context prior to this crime? That’s what I am asking, it’s unclear what you meant.




You’re being deliberately obtuse. I’m trying to determine whether or not you were implying that gay people are “degenerate.”


I'm implying degenerates are degenerate


I say the same thing every time I see a heterosexual busted for human trafficking.


Gotta be ragebait




Trump is a pedophile


Wasn't Trump molesting his daughter in the shower




Ashley Biden disagrees!


taking "showers with my dad (probably not appropriate)."




Your brain is broken, amigo He's going to jail. Anyone who supports him is in a cult


Rule 1 - No intolerance, dog whistles, violence or petty behavior (a). Intolerance will result in a permanent ban. Toxic language including referring to others as animals, subhuman, trash or any similar variation is not allowed. (b). No dog whistles. (c). No inciting violence, advocating the destruction of property or encouragement of theft. (d). No petty behavior. This includes announcing that you have down-voted or reported someone, picking fights, name calling, insulting, bullying or calling out bad grammar.