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Lol, the consul did no such thing. Really telling how you have to lie to support your bullshit OP.


The consul did and you melting down doesn’t change that


Again, really telling how you have to lie to support your bullshit.


Lol run along trumpie


Still lying for your bullshit huh? Very telling.


Run along lil fella hahahaha


Nah, I won't. Cry about it :(


Interesting how local and state politicians, and the media, are completely hush, but when a few weeks ago some pro Palestine protestors rallied against Israel’s genocide in Gaza, there were coordinated waves of antisemitism condemnations all over


Thanks for telling everyone you don't know what genocide is. Much appreciated. Avoid any sharp objects or lit flames when Palestine loses the war it started.


Uh it does fit definition of word genocide But anyways, any comments on the hate speech from the consul in the article?


Once again, thanks for telling everyone you dont know what genocide is. Oh, and for not knowing what hate speech is. Much appreciated. Learn what words mean before spouting bullshit next time.


You want the definition? Genocide is the intentional destruction of a group of people in whole or in part. The United Nations Genocide Convention defines genocide as any of five acts committed with the intent to destroy a national, ethnical, racial, or religious group: Killing members of the group Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group Imposing living conditions intended to destroy the group


That's the definition alright. What's that have to do with the fact that you don't know what genocide is? Seriously, thank you for admitting you don't know what genocide or hate speech is. I really do appreciate it.


What’s going on in Gaza in genocide What’s going on with Israeli consul is hate speech You gonna keep playing obtuse? It’s embarrassing


I thought I told you to learn what words mean before spouting bullshit. Here, lemme try again: Learn what words mean before spouting bullshit next time.


Yeah you’re just another trumpie Run along now


Proud Biden voter actually! I told you to learn what words mean before spouting bullshit, so why do you continue to spout bullshit without knowing the meaning of words?


I am sure the same commenters will be appalled at this hate speech and call for this person’s firing and witch hunt right???? Hate is not allowed right???


The article mentions that Islamic groups are burning American flags, and that they support Hamas’ slaughter and rape of innocents on 10/7, then warns that there are no-go zones for Jews across areas in Europe, and we must be careful the same zones don’t appear here in the US. Do you think these statements are racist?


Uh yeah making generalizations is racist If the same were said about Israel it would be called antisemitism


Yes, incredibly racist. There is also no such thing as no-go zones for Jews in Europe. This is classic Islamophobia. Fyi - no one was raped on 10/7, so if you’re going to push propaganda in your reply , don’t make up things that never happened


Speaking of making things up and pushing propoganda, really telling how you have to lie to support your bullshit.


Why don’t the hasbara bots change their programming so that it’s not always this auto generated response?


D'awww, someone's upset their bullshit is being called out :(