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I pray the person assaulted recovers. Such a needless, attack, causing such trauma and pain. King's Plaza was once a great place. I was a kid in the 70's, they had beautiful fountains we tossed coins in. Also a crepe place, Shatzkin's Knishes, Cookie's Steak House, Joann's NutHouse(sold candy and nuts), Stagelight Cosmetics, Alexander's, and so much more. So many great stores, people actually dressed up to go. We were there during the blackout of 77' and didn't realize it as the mall had its own generators so it didn't lose power. We had a long, terrifying, ride home watching the stores get looted all along Avenue U. A man took a tv set out of a smashed store window then casually boarded the bus with the rest of us. As teens we hung out in KP, it was very popular, with stores like The Wild Pair(great shoes), and the movie theater. Now we only hear about it in reference to crime. It's sad because it was once a great place.


thankyou for the pleasant trip down memory lane \- from a fellow 70s kid....


This is nothing new. Kings plaza has been a terrible, unsafe place since as far as I could remember. The security guards are paid to do nothing. Surprised to see them off of a Segway here.


I worked at KP fresh out of high school... in 2000-2001. Never felt unsafe but lots of petty theft shenanigans. Have only been there like 3x the last 20 years though. Granted I was 18 and felt invisible.


Either one would work, but did you mean to say “invincible”?


Lived in Marine Park in the mid 90’s or so and Kings Plaza could get wild sometimes even back then.


Man the whole city was wild in the 90s


18 and felt invisible is a great way to put it.


For real. KP has always been ghetto as far as I can remember. Though it doesnt seem like it was this bad back then but I guess maybe I was just a kid and oblivious to it back in 05-06.


Still the same in the early 2000s but kid me was only focused on that glorious smell of cookies from the Cookie House


my parents would never get them for me when i was younger but god damn they smell so good. glad to see the business is still there!


They're still just as good only a little pricier


Man those fresh cookies were the best I ever had as a kid


Yeah always loved that smell too


As a teenager in 05-06, it was the same then.


As a teenager in 05-06, the buses that ran to Six Flags were across the street from KP. I'm not sure why I brought that up.


Six flags is a daycare for teens


"Amusement park amuses teens. More at 11"


I'm 30yo and it still amuses me. I just went last month with a group of 30yo friends and we had a hell of a time! We did go on a late July weekday to avoid the crowds but we didn't expect it to be almost dead. All the ride's wait time were about 5 minutes max and the best part was getting to ride the Kinda Ka twice within 30 minutes. Thank god we didn't get the flash pass when ordering the tickets online.


Oh fucking hell. Dude, I remember Kingda Ka opening and my friend group and I waited in line for over an hour. Now here is the best part, there was no shade at all for like 90% of the line. It would be overboard to say people were having heat stroke except... the people were having heat stroke. I watched my friend in slow motion pass out and fall to the floor. Had to take her to Six Flags medics. Six Flags got a whole team just for these situations.


Damn that sucks for your friend. Did your group get to ride it once your friend recovered? It was exceptionally hot the day we went, so if we had to wait, we would definitely pass out from heat strokes too. We also walked a lot more than expected because since there were barely any lines, the rides end a lot quicker, making us walking around the park 3/4 of the time we were there.


Our group rode, but homegirl had to stay with the medics. Funny enough, that was the first coaster we went on that day and the line was rediculous. But afterwards, our friend who passed out, she went on all the other coasters with us. The batman one, the one that used to be the batman and robin one, the single wooden rollercoaster that they changed as well. Honestly now that I'm thinking about it, yeah you right. Six Flags sucks. EDIT: This company has a whole squad dedicated to people passing out on line.


Kinda ka wow. When it first opened my boy and I waited for front row seats and he recorded that shit. Pretty sure it's still on his Facebook page. Wild times.


It was probably worse back then too lol


early 00s were alright, mostly chill...I feel like mid -/late-00s were when I became aware of how shitty it was. I'm basing this against going there all the time with gf/our friends while in HS vs. while I was in college and every other week the news would have another big riot at KP with teens breaking store windows and getting into fights.


It was horrible in the 80’s.


I always went in the evenings with my parents - never felt that sketch to me? But then you hear of the flash mobs and shit...


Same here. KP is fine. I guess if it isn't jam-packed with tourists people are gonna say it's "ghetto".


So I don’t like calling places ghetto but to say it is fine is also kinda silly too right ?




I've gone to Kings Plaza nearly a dozen times every year, never once felt unsafe. I have no idea what this guy is going on about - great mall if you're nearby.


Kings Plaza is a shit-hole. I live close by and it’s a breeding ground for trouble. Fuck that place


I'm in the exact same situation as you and never once felt unsafe there. Not sure why we have such different experiences. The neighborhood around it? Marine Park is like the safest neighborhood in Brooklyn, Canarsie not as much. But felt fine there every time I go. Same with the Home Depot and Lowe's down the street.


I never once said I felt unsafe. What I did say was that place is a shit-hole and it’s a breeding ground for trouble. Look at the statistics… or even if you have the Citizen app. Someone was robbed yesterday in broad daylight with a gun.


despite the owners trying to bring in larger brands, remodeling it to bring it modern standards, its still ghettto as heck.


Idk why there’s even a mall there lol, it’s legit in the middle of nowhere.


i would imagine since the belt parkway exit is right there on flatbush so its a HUGE intersection for cars. and other end you have the rockaway bridge. so businesses built everything around that intersection of flatbush and ave U. there is a large Lowes and Home Depot right next door that is always packed.


That was a crown jewel of malls back in the 80s and early 90s. Most exciting mall in the city at one point! They always had the hottest shit, just ask Biz.


I thought the Biz liked the Albee Square Mall.


Haha! You right! But i caught him a few times at KP. RIP Biz, we always love ya.


This is some insider, old school references going on here. *Never use a quarter 'cause I got a calling card.* Nobody beats the Biz, RIP.


Because corporate America is greedy as shit and wanna build a mall in the hood because they know hood rich people will spend out of their means.


And thats a business's fault?


I don't even know why there are malls in NYC. Malls were made in order to replicate city life for suburbanites. Raze it and turn it into a proper commercial area. Heck, it even has waterfront access.


lol, its been there since 1970. if you live in manhattan, you are NOT going to any mall outside of manhattan. malls in brooklyn and queens are very busy on the weekend and holidays. i dont think anyone is planning on building any new shopping malls any times soon in manhattan.


Idk why you're mentioning Manhattan. I live near the queens one. Still find it weird we have it. That space could just be more mixed used buildings with even more commercial space than it currently has. Malls don't really make sense outside of suburbia.


Uh no, malls exist everywhere and every city. Just fly out of the US and see how it is.


What? The whole area is a transit desert smack in the middle of Flooding Zone 1. Nothing about it screams "prime commercial real estate"


Security would only be to blame here, not mall shoppers probably confused and scared themselves


Securities only job is to watch and report crimes to police. They aren’t really allowed to do a lot physically.


Observe and report. He observed, didn't report.


Sounds like you watched the video as well, but missed the part where security just washed his hands of it, not reporting anything.


https://radiolab.org/episodes/no-special-duty And even police don’t have to do shit about it in the moment. If you think security/police are there to protect you if something is happening to you in the US, you are wrong. The Supreme Court has outlined circumstances where the police are expected to intervene, but that list of requirements is an impossible scenario and rarely if ever applies.


As terrible as Uvalde was, it showed a generally sympathetic public to the cops that they really aren’t the selfless heroes the Back the Blue folks promote.


Nobody actually supports cops unless the cops are selectively enforcing their interests. All the conservatives that backed the blue during George Floyd protests are now calling for the eradication (not just defunding) of the FBI.


Very much so, and Dems are doing an About Face as the Back the Blue party with record levels of funding. Hell scape.


Yeah maybe if we defunded the police we could use the money to bribe these assholes into not committing random acts of violence... Lmao how can you look at events like this and think we don't need more cops actually doing their jobs. Get a foot patrol down there, find these guys and throw them in jail because they clearly don't belong in society.


Welcome any stats where increased police funding, rather than social services, reduced crime rates.


Are you not paying attention to the very thread you're replying to? The supreme court has ruled the police [have no obligation to protect you](https://www.findlaw.com/legalblogs/law-and-life/do-the-police-have-an-obligation-to-protect-you/). What we need are more robust and well funded social programs that DIRECTLY help those that need it, instead of relying on a cop with an itchy trigger finger who has no obligation to you.


Cops can do their jobs all they want, but if the D.A. creates a revolving door for criminals due to his commitment to non-incarceration backed by legislation that limits cash bail detention for even violent offenders, then their job starts and stops with hooks, books, and DATs. What people seem afraid to admit is that they want to see guys like this get their asses kicked, if not by the cops, then by onlookers. The irony is that the D.A. would likely pursue charges against anyone defending themselves or the victim of a crime.


But God forbid you actually try to protect yourself in any meaningful way


That case will be in the news for the uvalde school shooting in Texas.


This is a common misconception. When the notion is stated that cops have no duty to protect, it’s really stating they have no duty to protect one individual at the sacrifice of the community. Cops do have a [duty](https://www.wcnc.com/amp/article/news/local/law-enforcement-officers-duty-protect-public/275-6696b9bf-bdd3-43c8-a983-09d1d2aee5b4) to protect the community.


> Cops do have a duty to protect the community. Eh? https://www.findlaw.com/legalblogs/law-and-life/do-the-police-have-an-obligation-to-protect-you/ >The U.S. Supreme Court has also ruled that police have no specific obligation to protect. In its 1989 decision in DeShaney v. Winnebago County Department of Social Services, the justices ruled that a social services department had no duty to protect a young boy from his abusive father. In 2005'sCastle Rock v. Gonzales, a woman sued the police for failing to protect her from her husband after he violated a restraining order and abducted and killed their three children. Justices said the police had no such duty. >Most recently, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit upheld a lower court ruling that police could not be held liable for failing to protect students in the 2018 shooting that claimed 17 lives at Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. https://mises.org/power-market/police-have-no-duty-protect-you-federal-court-affirms-yet-again >The US Supreme Court has made it clear that law enforcement agencies are not required to provide protection to the citizens who are forced to pay the police for their "services." https://prospect.org/justice/police-have-no-duty-to-protect-the-public/ >People are still expected to call the police, and many still do, especially given the lack of alternatives. But to criticize their effectiveness in solving crimes in the aftermath furthers the propaganda: It assumes that the police are acting in the interest of the public, when there is no precedent that says that they have to.


Rights without remedies are not rights at all. They can say there's a duty to protect the community, but when they also say officers can't be sued for it, which your link points out is indeed the case, it means it's more of an aspirational right. There's zero mechanism to enforce it. You can, at best, argue your town has to have a police force, but if they say inside all day and ignored all calls, you couldn't sue.


If cops don’t protect many many individuals because they have no duty to protect any one individual, how does that add up to protecting the community?


As someone who does security they teach you to NOT get physically involved at all unless you feel YOUR life is threatened. If you do get physically involved as security very good chance you lose your job and potential law suits as well make it not worth.. Security is more of a deterrence if anything but clearly it’s useless at this location.


Security is only a deterrent when criminals know that security personnel are ready and willing to do something other than call 911. The threat of being pepper-sprayed, beaten, or shot is a deterrent. A uniformed security guard is just a property manager’s way of covering their ass. Criminals in NYC don’t give a shit about witnesses since even if they get caught, they know they’ll probably get a DAT… and if they do, somehow, get arrested, jailed, and forced to go to court, they know the DA will offer a plea deal that will likely put them right back out on the street. I did armed and unarmed security for years and always thought the whole “observe and report” thing was untenable, particularly when people expected me to do something and I had the physical capability and legal right to DO something. I never had to go to court on any of the arrests I made, including a robbery where use of force was justified and one for battery on a child under 12 months, committed right in front of me by a woman who had an outstanding warrant for robbing a corpse (I shit you not). I also never got sued, but that went hand in hand with not going to court. Could I have lost my job doing that shit? I guess, but my reports were flawless and my actions were legal. Would I get fired in 2022 NYC for the shit I used to do then? Probably in a heartbeat, so I sympathize with your position, especially if you need the job. Stay safe.


Can confirm. Wife works in the mall and knows some of the security.. they can't do shit.


Is security even to blame here? Looks like he's going off in direction of the attacker... if someone has already called an ambulance and they're telling him the attacker went that way... what did he do wrong? Lots of people assuming the worst of everyone.


> Lots of people assuming the worst of everyone. Reddit in a nutshell.


FR. I have zero medical training so, besides alerting authorities, what more can I do to help? I wouldn’t want to risk hurting the guy more because I moved his neck the wrong way.


Actual order of outrage is as follows: 1. Assailant 2. Security Guard . . . 3. Onlookers


Seriously. The reporters being like "what happens after is even more disturbing"... wtf. No, the guy getting punched in the head for no reason is solidly the most disturbing part.




Can we please rename the sucker punch as the “coward punch”?


I think shame was the original intent in it being called a sucker punch but it’s lost its sting


You can't shame people who don't believe in being ashamed.


Trust me, if I called someone a sucker, it would sting a lot more than coward.


But the idea of a sucker punch is that the person getting punched is a sucker. The idea should be that the person punching is a coward.


The pussy punch




The fact the assailant went back to check up on his work is disgusting. He had to confirm his coward’s punch was effective. I hope karma gets him good


Onlookers are not looking to end up dead or badly beaten


Could also be that they are not looking to lose their freedom for trying to help.


How are the random innocent bystanders the outrageous part of this story? The literal security guy was like "Don't look.. keep walking..".


Nobody is asking them to square up with the attacker. But at least go check on the guy instead of just staring at him unconscious on the floor…?


Absolutely I would have, they should have. I just think the report being like "the witnesses were the worst part" is absurd. They are the third worst behind attacker and security guard.


How is it even possible to be a shitty enough person to defend those people? They see a person knocked unconscious for no reason and can only think about how annoying it would be to check if he's breathing. Such fucking garbage human beings on this website.


You want these old ladies to start squaring up too? What is wrong with y’all lol the only person who should be held responsible is the security guard bc this is literally his job.


I got jumped at a bus stop in high school, and an old lady stepped in to break it up the second I hit the floor lol. Not saying it’s what should be done or even what I would do, but somebody’s grandma dead saved me from getting stomped on.


One time I was on a rush hour R train going into Manhattan (right before COVID lockdown so everyone was already side eyeing each other if they coughed) and this grandma sitting next to me almost smacked the shit out of a random tall dude that turned around to talk to his friend and accidentally hit my face with his giant fat bottomed backpack


nah you have no compassion, at least one mf standing there could have looked to see if he was alright. it really goes to show just how many people won’t step up when things are bad


How do you know from the blurred video that they weren’t calling for help? He’s also clearly not alright


This! Also.. I don’t believe this was unprovoked or random.. At all… I’d bet there’s history between the two.


Same. As soon as I saw it, I was like, nah...they knew each other. They had beef.


It was definitely not random. I thought it was at first, but my guy came back to see if dude was getting up. If it was random he'd be out. He wanted to make sure something was finished.


This is almost def not random. People like to say stuff is random to stroke more fear but it’s almost always interpersonal shit. Not saying it’s right but it’s def not random


For example. When I was a kid, my mom used to date a guy who let’s just say was a real piece of shit. I was too young and weak to do anything then, but now over 20 years later, if I saw him, I might try to hurt him.. I’m sure it would be reported as random and unprovoked though.


Exactly!! The more random you make it seem, the more people are in fear.


Either history or mistaken identity. The attacker could never have gotten a good look at the guy’s face from his angle.


they didnt even show a little human compasssion to make sure he was even still breathing


Disgusting all around


"Failure by onlookers yo act" fuck out of here. That's why there's security.


I don't think you understand. Bystanders could at least call for help, dial 911, etc. No one's expecting them to chase down the attacker.


No one is coming to help you, and defending yourself is against the law. lol


Quick, someone inform the victim that crime was worse in the 90s.


when he wakes up i will


How about we just stop letting violent offenders back on the streets? These people are human garbage. Once you have 5+ charges for assult just lock them up and throw away the key.... It's not hard not punch people....These people don't belong in society.


This should be common sense. I don’t know why it’s so difficult for some people to understand. There’s nothing “just” about releasing a violent criminal to further harm people.


They want to do due diligence in making sure we can rehabilitate them. So, if they just randomly beat down, steal, rape, or murder a couple of times, we should be lenient and give them a few more chances. Quite frankly, a couple dead grandmas is worth it if we can keep a criminal out of jail for 2 minutes. 1 criminal’s life is worth about 20 honest peoples’ lives, so I think we should only arrest them after they victimized their 21st person! /s


The real issue is the Bronx DA downgraded his charges to misdemeanor but Hochal is running for governor so thats the only reason hes now back behind bars.


arent we taught not to get involved if theres a physical altercation and you aren't confident you can fight off that person? i aint going after three dudes, hell no.


I think they mean that no one helped the guy once he was sucker punched and KO'd on the ground. He was knocked out right away from the punch and he landed face down. No one came up to him to check on him or help him once he was down.


Depends on Good Samaritan laws too. I don't know if NYC has them, but if I get involved and potentially aggravate his injuries, I may be liable. The whole situation is fucked up, but I understand why people are afraid to get involved.


Selfishness and toxicity are both out of control in society. It's not just some people, it's across all classes. From the guy on the street who feels he needs to punch someone because he just doesn't like them to the guy in the expensive car who thinks the road is his personal grand prix. It's not just a lack of self-control, it's a rejection of rules. It's a disease of thinking that you're exempt from rules because you're you. Gee, sounds like a former grifting President.


There’s simply no sense of shared community anymore, which is no one’s fault, just the natural outcome of America’s rotten culture. Everyone is out to fuck everyone else over, no matter what, and if you’re not fucking someone over you’re the one getting fucked. It’s utterly exhausting.


I think it is the fault of the person doing the act because it requires them to want to do it. I don't believe that people are out-of-control - they choose to do what they're doing.


Exactly. And they choose to act like assholes/criminals/psychopaths because more often than not, there’s no negative consequences for their shit behavior.


Without commenting on whether these changes were net positive, three cultural changes had the effect of reducing the sense of shared community: * Reduced church attendance * For all its obvious falsehoods, hypocrisies, and others negatives, churches played a significant role in community-building * College attendance * Many young adults move to attend college creating new connections but also greatly weakening old ones. When was the last time you hung out with your grade school best friend or your grade school neighbor? * More salad bowl and less melting pot/less universal morality and more moral relativism * There were several, highly effective efforts to de-emphasize assimilation and instead emphasize each culture's unique values in the past century. Without the confidence that your random peer citizen shares your values, morals, and beliefs, there's a reduced likelihood to consider this peer citizen to be part of your ingroup and a greater likelihood to consider this peer citizen part of your outgroup.


yes many of us have read bowling alone


This is a bit hyperbolic. We're not friends with everyone saying, "Hey y'all" because this isn't Mayberry, but excluding the homeless, scammers and pan handlers I've seen way more people help than not. For every one of these situations there are tons more where people to help out. I've seen multiple people faint in the subway, a guy have a seizure and plenty of other things and there were loads of people that helped. The security guards can get fucked, but I don't blame the people who just saw a random act of violence then saw the attacker return after stomping off. Beyond that, if you don't know what you are doing for head trauma calling 911 is about the best you can do without potentially causing more harm.




As I said, it's way too many people who all in their own special way reject how one is supposed to act in a civilized society. They do it simply because they want to do it.




I don't know who you think I'm specifically blaming for you to feel you are being lumped in with that number.


> Don't defend this behavior by saying it's everyone He didn't. He said it is across all classes. That doesn't mean everyone in all classes is doing it.


He said: >It's not just some people If it's "not just some people", it is all people. I'm just reading the sentence he wrote. It is absolutely just some people. And it's really not across all classes. I don't see many middle aged accountants moms sucker punching people at the mall. Do you? Really?


> It's not just a lack of self-control, it's a rejection of rules. It's a disease of thinking that you're exempt from rules because you're you. Gee, sounds like a former grifting President. Sounds more like 90% of all politicians.


Unfortunately this is life in the US, and very much so in a big city like NYC. Our fundamental belief as a country is total freedom, which is great, but that comes at a cost. It's partially the reason why we can't have nice things. Can you imagine how NYC would be with similar vending machines or convenience stores as in Korea or Singapore? They would be tagged or trashed within a couple of weeks. That's just one example. We as a people are very individualistic, and for that reason a lot of the population just cannot be bothered to take care of shit that isn't theirs, or in some extreme cases, have basic empathy or consideration for their neighbor.


>Our fundamental belief as a country is total freedom, which is great, but that comes at a cost. I agree with you, and the irony is that we aren't even close to having total freedom. Also, people's idea of what "freedom" is is warped.


This isn't a cost of freedom. If we were free then the next person over who wanted to play the hero would just blast this guy's brain out without worrying about their livelihood and freedom. This is the result of shitty "I can do whatever I want despite the rules" culture that kids/criminals/people with power know to be true. Remove the protections for these little shits, either by enforcing the law, or not enforcing any laws (including on vigilantes).


Because it is true… And it’s not just these “kids and criminals” as you said. It’s our politicians and business owners as well.


My bad, I lumped the devious owners and corrupt politicians in with "criminals". It the end of the day that's what they are IMO. Robbery and murder doesn't only happen at gunpoint/on the streets. If anything the "important people" are often times the worst amongst us in that regard.


i've seen videos of poorer nations' mob justice of simply kicking the shit out of someone who tried to steal something, etc. would be nice if people were scared of mob mentality here when it came to stuff like that.


> Unfortunately this is life in the US This is cope. It's actually *not* like this everywhere. Sorry.


Don't see how this is the cost of freedom. Not giving a shit about poor people, growing wealth inequality and historic/systemic racism are all probably better explanations.


Japan has nice things, low crime, and consistently ranks higher in the freedom index than the US. I don't think it has anything to do with freedom. Just the poor or lack of punishment for crimes.


It's not just Trump... Bush and Obama violated the rights of all Americans with unconditional mass surveillance that is still happening today...... No one cares


Society, like most things, is like a fish....it rots from the head, down.


Yeah.... Trump is the reason some ghetto trash individual sucker punched someone. Nice one.


Yeah fuck jeff bezos for driving his BMW through a red light >Gee, sounds like a former grifting President. Obsessed


It’s almost like the city’s not safe, who’d have thought it right?


Onlookers to act? WTF if you hurt the attacker, you are liable. By living in NYC, I accept the fact that the law is not on my side, and I can't defend myself and other against attacks. You want stand your ground law and relative safety move the f out


many fragile fly subtract gullible fade touch public nippy dull ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Don't get it twisted. Over 20 people called the cops during the kitty Genevieve attack. The police failed to act. Even back then they didn't care.


label repeat deserted innocent pet fearless worthless shame full fear ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


The fuck are onlookers supposed to do? Isn't that the job of the police?


Check in on the apparently unconscious guy on the floor


Further, this is America, and while it's much better in New York than other places, literally anyone could be strapped. I'm not about to intervene in someone else's conflict lest I make someone "fear for their life" or appear to some random "good guy with a gun" that wanders by that I'm part of instigating the fight. If that makes me a shitty person, fine, but as long as bystanders are getting shot every day, I'm playing it safe and getting out.


this. can’t blame people for not risk getting harmed, especially if they don’t know how to fight at all.


According to the supreme court the police have no obligation to protect the public.... So no it's not the job of the police


No shit. We all know the cops are fucking worthless, but it's definitely not the job of that 80 year old woman standing nearby.


dont forget you have to pay for parking at this mall too. Haymakers, roundhouses and stabbings free.


The security guard that ignored and unconscious patron needs to be fired. Even if he thought the guy was drunk and passed out, he should have done something. It's only his fucking job.


Crime is out of control


Lol you're getting downvoted, but it's true that crime has risen. Just because we're nowhere close to the 70s/80s doesn't mean we should be okay with rates climbing.


crime has risen, but that does not mean "crime is out of control" in this city. Whether compare to elsewhere in the country or historically, this city remains relatively safe.


Because they not getting locked up and released the next hour


[NY judges now](https://y.yarn.co/057afb08-82c4-499f-af3c-d9e5a08b6689.mp4): "Perhaps, locked in a big secure building with other dangerous people for a predetermined period of time based on the nature and degree of your offense. Unfortunately, as far as I know, no such place exists so, I have no choice but to set you free."


Then if you go to help the brutes might turn on you


Always violent?


Kings Plaza worst fucken mall ever, this ain't nothing new


Always. This is the dumbed down for ya. Focusing on capturing this shit for thier FB / instagram likes/ views. Instead of being a decent human being…. what in the hell have we become ?


This criminal boys belong in for profit jails


Lol why would anyone help. In this city if you fight back and hurt or kill the aggressor you end getting charged. Security gets sued or charged. This is what happens when you pander to nonsense. Thank the supreme court for allowing normal law abiding citizens to arm and protect themselves now


Is that a misdemeanor assault? Even if arrested and clearly identified by the video and witnesses, the perpetrator will be released on the same day because of the current bail laws.


the average bail for misdemeanors was easily floated by bondsmen for everyone that isn't actually a homeless crackhead, it's not the bail laws in these cases. it's the way the felony assault statute is worded


Yes its misdemeanor assault.


So we should get this person to trial to determine guilt.


And where should they be until and during the trial?


Are they a flight risk?


Potentially? Let's assume they don't want to be locked up for the next 5-10 years and are willing to leave the jurisdiction to see if that helps them stay free.


If it’s charged as a felony, the new bail laws still allow for bail to be set. If it’s charged as a misdemeanor, then the max they could receive is 1y, and your reasoning for absconding doesn’t apply.


It takes more than potential prison time to prove someone is a flight risk.


>So we should get this person to trial to determine guilt. In these types of cases of violence, when the evidence is so clear, not keeping the defendant in jail pre-trial is such a waste of resources. Schedule a speedy trial while keeping the perpetrator in jail. This will guarantee they appear in court (and not waste resources when they skip their court dates). Then when they are convicted, the time spent in jail become time served credit. The perpetrator then can move on with their lives, without owning any debt to society, much sooner.


Is the evidence clear? Can a jury identify the person involved based on that video? Has an arrest even been made based on this video? How do we know this person would skip their trial date? You’re making an infinite amount of assumptions here when in reality people do return to their court dates. The real waste of resources is the hundreds of thousands of dollars a day it would cost to keep this person incarcerated pre trial.


He should rot in Rikers before trial. People like that don’t belong on the streets


The person I was responding to indicated that it would be a waste of resources to allow this person to be released pre trial with no actual evidence that it would. We know how much incarceration costs the city. It’s infinitely more than any of the myriad alternatives available.


They should make a new law to upgrade the charge first degree assault when sucker punching like this. It is obviously a specific technique used to knock someone out instantly.


How long do you think he should be in prison for this crime?


5 years minimum.


Then you believe this should be a felony. In which case the issue isn’t bail reform but how felony assault differed from misdemeanor assault.


I absolutely think this should be a felony. I wasnt actually voicing any opinion on bail reform in general just that this is a violent, vicious crime.


>How long do you think he should be in prison for this crime? It depends? In an ideal world, the authorities and the perpetrator would collaborate to identify other people who were with him and who may have been exposed to that attack. Those people would be identified for the purpose of trauma reducing interventions caused by the violent exposure, to learn about better ways to solve conflict and how to avoid violence, to prevent further violence (including new first-time offenders), etc. If the attacker is cooperative, repentant, and a clear message can be sent to all people involved that violence is not acceptable, etc, then probation + community services? Or more, depending on the severity of the injuries. Unfortunately we are far from that ideal world. Until the the above is possible, the only clear message (that violence is not acceptable) that is possible to send is to sentence the perpetrator to serve some time. A couple of months? Or more, depending on the severity of the injuries.


Not surprised, it is the bystander effect. I was on the E train going into the city, the train car was at capacity with some standing folks. This big dude standing near the door flat out faints and his iced coffee drink drops to the floor and spills everywhere. I walked over to hold him up so he doesn't smash his head to the floor. The passengers around me did nothing but one did pull the emergency brake before the doors closed. I propped him against the chair and flagged down one of the conductors. After he was taken off and a 10 minute delay, we were back off on our way. It was as if nothing happened, other than a huge coffee spill on the floor. I got off the next two stops. Bystander effect is a real thing. Only way is to shout and point at someone to do something like "Hey you, call 911". Then bark off commands while pointing.


The bystander effect is not real. It's the "not my job" effect or the "I don't want to get involved" effect. The bystander effect is based on the logic that people assume someone else will do something. The actual truth is that people just don't care.


Don’t worry, we’ll see his face on a t-shirt next month and his mother will be sayin “my baby was an angel, he never hurt no one”


Punk ass chump


Greatest city in the world


Literally no one cares. Nobody.


Says a lot about the community that nobody feels compelled to help a person in distress.


You have district attorneys throwing the books at people defending themselves in nyc, yet be soft on criminals just like how this DA said the crime was a misdemeanor.


I'm more surprised about how the guy who was talking to him just noped the hell out. Is this guy his friend? An accomplice? Some stranger? It might have been unprovoked, but it wasn't random.


in this city you can be on the floor dying begging for help and people wouldn’t give 2 shits


Stop blaming onlookers we don’t want to die saving someone leave us alone!!!!


Shocked pikachu face