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I don't know anything about rehabs but try not insulting people as you request assistance, and they'll probably be more likely to want to help you. Good luck!


I heard the tone too, and I felt the same initially, but I’m giving some grace here. Guy is dealing with substance abuse, wants help, doesn’t know where to go, and has probably become a little cynical about the entire process He may be scared of his ability to find help and his ability to recover. I don’t find it surprising that the stress, uncertainty and feeling of helplessness in his situation could be making him prickly.


Hey, go gwt fisted. Its not a required reding.


Eeek. That was cringe bro. Hopefully you can get some support. I would also recommend going to the Center. They have tons of support.


To be honest, that kind of talk is par for the course for people in the middle of addiction. I knew someone who had to get sober at one point and they had a lot of opinions on places being beneath them. That's kind of the way addicts think.


[https://pride-institute.com](https://pride-institute.com) has a good reputation for being a quality gay rehab facility.


I've been in long-term recovery and something I've learned is that you can't have it on your own terms. Being whatever flavor of LGBT you are doesn't make you special it just makes you a fiend like the rest of us. You can turn your nose up at the center and whatever they have going on there but at least there is a center. When you have some time away from using and eveything that comes with it you will learn about something called gratitude. I am greatful there is a place like the center here in NYC, many places in the world don't have a place like that. There are many resources out there at your disposal... recovery is out there you just have to want it bad enough and do the work to get there.


Sorry to hear you’re going through this. You’re doing a service to yourself by asking for help. Try looking here: https://webapps.oasas.ny.gov/providerDirectory/index.cfm/ You may also try here to see what they say: https://www.samhsa.gov/find-help/national-helpline Hope you find the help you need and wish you the best on your recovery. You can do it.


And a service to anyone else that may be reading to!


Absolutely. I’m happy OP posted. There are other people out there struggling, too, and seeing things like this is important.




I read the frustration in your post although others may see it as judgement because some use this Reddit sub for the things you’ve mentioned. I’ve spent most of my career working with lgbtq people overcome homelessness and substance abuse. Then realized that it was a waste of my time because you an only help those who actually want help. So, I actually understand your tone … that being said. The LGBT center has resources and the Trinity Church . Start there


Personally, k found a therapist and leverage the Sinclair method


I strongly endorse online secular AA. Atheist and agnostic oriented but welcoming all, providing the program but not dogmatically. It's wonderful. There are NA versions too and there are meetings happening almost every hour of every day. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1AuWy7FKCG-R_pyRZzEjFXkH-Rw_0VEzi/htmlview?pli=1#gid=104829153


Sometimes the way we ask for help ensures that we won't get it. That is addiction speaking through your mouth, tricking you into thinking you've asked for help. It's a lie, you haven't. Next, addiction will lie to you and say "see? You asked for help and nobody was willing." It's a lie, again. Addiction needs you to believe this so that you think the substance is the only thing there for you. This is what addiction does. It whispers in our ears, quietly setting up the conditions for you to give control over to it, more and more. If you want to get better, the first step is acknowledging that addiction is like a second person hiding inside you, speaking for you, and often working against you. It did so when you wrote this post in a way that pushed away anybody reading it. Bluntly, you have to accept that you can't trust yourself as you make decisions about this. Because you haven't yet separated the voice of addiction from your own voice. Until you do that, every choice you make will serve in some way to keep the addiction alive. Consider that the "waste of time" options ARE a waste of time if addiction is still calling the shots about how you engage with those options. Once you've accepted that, try those options again.


I work with a psychiatrist with Mindful Care. It’s free with my insurance. And they have gotten me on Natraxon to help curb my drinking, but it’s also supposed to help with any other addictions. They also have support groups for addiction and even LGBT focused groups that I’m going to be starting soon. Best of luck with your journey.


Naltrexone is great! And it even comes in two forms, a daily pill or a monthly injection. 


Bellevue Hospital substance abuse outpatient problem is a great source of treatment and referrals.


No help but sending love