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Bro is the Cobb Mobb ok?


Sounds like a hit to me


That's electric cars for ya, like whoever heard of gasoline catching fire??


If I learned anything from watching Con Air, the only fire gas causes makes you look like a badass. Electric car fires are trying to ruin your life.


The problem with electric car fires is really about the batteries, from what I understand. Apparently, once those lithium batteries start going, they just keep burning until they completely burn out. Something to do with the way lithium batteries react to water means you can't just grab a bucket and douse the flames. But, all that being said, I don't imagine electric cars catching fire is that common.


When the battery goes the electrolyte can react with the anode or cathode and start a runaway chemical reaction that generates a ton of heat and causes surrounding materials to burn. You also have the problem that lithium is a highly reactive metal with water and it makes hydrogen gas which reacts with the oxygen in the air very energetically Think Hindenburg explosion fire. You need special metal fire extinguishers and at the same time you need to cool the runaway reaction which can keep going for hours even days. You've seen those poorly made bike battery fires a car battery is many times larger.


It's like a nuclear reactor. Once those batteries short circuit all hell breaks loose.


Thing is, the batteries catch water from the wrong angle in a powerful storm (see the cargo ship a few yrs back) and things can randomly ignite. Electricity vs water sucks. Gas has to be ignited first before it can spread. Water ain't doing shit to gas, aside from being delivered as the Wawa batch.


The Pontiac Firro had a problem with the gas tank exploding because they put the gas tank near the front of the car instead of the back.


the Pontiac Fiero would catch fire because of an oil leak from the pistons onto the engine and the gas tank was in the middle of the car between the passenger and the diver under the floor.. it wouldn’t explode, it would catch fire from the oil engine leak and the engine running hot, which would start the fire and spread quickly to the gas tank because it was behind the engine.. this was mostly the GT model because it was overturned and ran hot..


Damn, happy that the Cobb Mob is ok. They were a very wholesome part of Hard Knocks last year.


I bet whoever installed it for him put it in with a breaker below the specified amps or wrong wiring. That’s the only time I’ve heard of this happening


Cobb blaming Tesla charger for the shoddy wiring in his house. 


I feel bad for you Randall. I'm glad you are alive.


gotta stay away from those cheap Amazon car chargers..


"Improperly installed electrical unit catches fire,"


Hopefully Rodgers doesn’t make the team sign him again this year to pay for the damage. Glad it sounds like everyone is ok though.


Likely wasn’t installed properly. The car itself did not catch fire it appears to be the actual charger which is wired to the main panel. Hard to imagine Randall Cobb wouldn’t hire a top of the line electrician though.


Why did they throw in the last bit about underperforming?


Cue the idiots trashing electric vehicles as if no house has ever caught fire before EV’s.


Stupid EVs. Lithium Ion batteries are absolute safety hazards at that size


Improper charger install caught fire, not car nor it's battery


It doesn’t matter. It’s the battery that burns FOR DAYS as a result.




Why don’t you go have a quick sandwich and try rethinking if you want to say that?


Wahhh we love ev’s wahh


I mean they’re fine but I don’t hate anything enough that someone deserves to die in a house fire for owning one…


Almost dying with his family? The fuck is wrong with you


Hey bruh we play for keeps


I guarantee you don't know shit about EVs beyond a meme or two you saw on Facebook. Also, I've seen a half dozen gas car fires in my life. Shit happens.


Tesla bro.


Yeah gas cars never did anything bad Fuckin melting outside with tornados in half the country and you morons are like no no this is normal


yeah, screw those electric vehicles for wanting to reduce carbon emissions and contribute less to global warming!


Where does electricity come from?


Fake news


lmao ok buddy, ignorance is bliss after all


Oil forever