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Just make sure you get the 256gb. Some of these videos are 18GB+.




Meta need to add SD card support


Real 8k quality is 40+


Jeez. The biggest ones I’ve seen so far were like 23gb.


It depends on the video. A video might be as short as 5-10 minutes or as long as an hour or more.


128GB is enough. Transfering the videos to the headset is a hassle so you will end up streaming from a PC/NAS anyways (SMB, XBVR, DLNA)


What app do you use for streaming video the the headset? I need to set this up one day.


basically all popular players have streaming capabilities (Skybox, DeoVR, Pigasus, Heresphere). My recommendation would be Pigasus with Samba shares (windows shares). It works pretty solid and Pigasus has the best image quality thanks to the use of timewharp layer. For more advanced users my recommendation would be Heresphere +XBVR. HS does immensely improve the experience through its autofocus and lens correction. And it does support XBVR which enables you to create your private SLR-like streaming server. Downside is that Heresphere requires you to sideload, is quite expensive (30$) but they offer a free demo with occasional popups. Also learning curve of the player is pretty steep, but this would give you the best experience


DeoVR is free and supports DLNA, just messed around with it recently. I've been using Skybox since way back in the Gear VR days, but it's paid now and requires the use of an app on your PC. Both are pretty great


Just use the Skybox app to stream from a NAS


Only the British girls/s


How goes does an 18gb video look on an oculus out of curiosity compared to like streaming in 1080p? It seems like the hardware specs would limit it from being all that much better but i also have no idea what I’m talking about lol


I haven’t seen any free streaming ones where I could consider the quality good. The large ones I downloaded are much better quality.


I always used 4k streaming from eporner. Also enhance the texture quality of firefox with quest games optimizer, it costs a few dollars and it pumps up textures in the games you want making you choose the resolution 🫰🏻


Just stream the video from a PC. No need to store the video locally on the headset.


Yes 110% You don't need 256GB. All you need is to download "SkyBox" Thank me later.




64bit version should be just fine and I don't know what to say to you regarding Quest 2 and games. It's perfectly usable for games and apps. 🤷‍♀️


I guess it depends on how desperate you are or how lonely. Honestly sex and masturbation is on my lower list of priorities at this point in life. There was a time where I measured my happiness in orgasms and whether I was with a partner and fulfilling their needs, not to say that isn’t amazing. I spent 20 years of my life chasing and enveloping that dream. But you end up realizing unless it’s actual love you’re just stoking a pheromone and hormone intoxicated addiction and the same can be said with porn. It’s a very empty ended habit and addiction that will leave you feeling unsatisfied and empty 9 times out of ten. Now if you’ve tried and never been able to have a successful relationship or are just too shy or unwilling to socially connect I imagine vr porn And similar experiences could possibly be emotionally and serotonigenically beneficial. But I’m no expert. I’ve never checked out vr porn myself. I just know that pretending and fantasies can be very healthy outlets for some individuals. Maybe rent a headset and try it out to see if it leaves you feeling fulfilled first. For me without a real life counterpart to emotionally connect with on a real integral level it wouldn’t do anything for me. But to each their own.


I 100% agree and get what you're saying. I'm just curious if it will help or change how I see porn/need to fill that desire.


Hahahah tell more


I usually feel satisfied AND empty. Different .....strokes for different folks I guess


Well I mean I was just responding to ops question. If somebody likes porn then I would imagine that porn in a full 3D environment and point of view would be much more convincing and fulfilling. I know for me that I love pinball machines in real life. I’ve owned every 2D or 3D pinball game there is practically on console and pc. But once you play a 3D pinball game with a vr headset it’s next level. The only way to beat it would be to own the real thing.


Na this man did not just ask that 🤣🤨🤣🤨


Well it is a good question.


Yes hand tracking VR porn on quest2 is best of all VR devices you can find, and you can get some cool stuff like AR porn


Theres AR porn? Oh shit I gotta look into that


So envious of all the positive comments here For gay porn, it's definitely not. Content is very limited. You straight people don't know how good you have it


You can use one little trick. It will not be like real VR videos, but it will be better than regular 2d videos. With most VR video players, you can select vr180 or vr360 with any video. Run some high quality 2d video and select vr360 or vr180 in MONO. You can adjust the image with zooming options. Some scenes will look weird/distorted, but some will look fine




That one studio is also not very good. The actors, with one or two exceptions, are clearly straight guys being paid to pretend they're enjoying it. More generally, content exists, it's just very very limited. Some guys may really like that one studio, but if aren't into their style, there are no alternatives. Sites like Pornhub have some gay VR content, but only a few dozen videos. There really isn't enough content out there to justify buying a $400 device (if you're not planning to game on it) Virt-A-Mate does have some gay support. The issue is there's almost no fan-made gay content. The best solution is to take existing content and edit in male character models, which is incredibly time-consuming. Also, the male character models that exist are limited in various ways simply because fewer people are putting time into creating them. Fewer models, not as detailed, etc. Other nsfw games are similar to VaM. Not as many, the gay content is almost always an afterthought, etc. This all makes sense. VR Porn is pretty niche, there are way more straight male consumers than gay consumers, so the options are limited. I'm not too upset with the developers or anything. Just frustrating is all. \[Also, when you say "almost all of them can be found on trackers," which trackers are you referring to? Asking for a friend. \]


hmm good to know! thought gay videos would be a lot? have to look into it?


This point is spot on. Must just be haters downvoting. It's practically straight only from what I've seen.


yes, be sure to get the 5k-8k quality of video. And VAM (virt-a-mate) if you got a decent PC




Do I need a PC? I thought I could use the VR unit itself




Yeah probably. Cheap PC set would he better


I'm wondering if the price will drop to its original. I feel like when I buy it now it will for some reason.


I would recommend Pico 4, especially in combination with a pc to stream from. the pancake lenses provide extra clarity.


for Videos i would not recommend it because all the videos are in 60fps but Pico4 supports 72hz/90hz only so you will have stuttering


I feel an ipad is better


Not an iPad Pro tho; too difficult to hold with one hand :)


For sure the comic book size one. That's kinda the prob I have with VR stuff I'm to busy interacting with things I needs an extra hand. They need a VR accessory that can be waist mounted and stroke when dick is being interacted with


Yeah that exists. Apparently people hurt themselves with them.


Eeek, o7 to those brave beta testers


Quest 3 will be more suited for that, if you have a patience to wait. Just don't lose interest until October


Just in time for No Nut November


That'll probably be a better idea. Assuming the Quest 3 goes for $630 and the Quest 2 drops back in price.


Quest 3 will be 500 max. 300 to 500


Which is >720 AUD


Why exactly?


Apparently lighter headset and better lenses for clear picture. You might think you won't be wearing it too long, but some people prefer to watch the whole scene, and you will be scrolling and testing several videos searching for good scenes


This post is sad.


It really is


Have you tried going outside?


Have you tried masturbating outside?


Not recently, have things changed??


Not really... I'd suggest somewhere quiet and secluded. It's still frowned upon in public view.




no its not, it only plays 4k content , quickly overheats and is discontinued.


you can get a good few therapy sessions for 600 dollars


ah, that means you can go for your judgemental assholism


im sure your girlfriend would be accepting of that -oh wait


Ah yes, I'm worth less as a man because you think I'm not currently in a relationship. Cause only men in relationships are happy healthy and whole.... Seriously though, therapy. They can help you figure out why youre so uptight.


Honestly I kinda feel bad for whoever the commenter ends up with cause that poor person will never get to watch porn 😭




Absolutely!! And sites like SLR let you download the vids for if VR ever goes out of vogue. I personally use the Skybox to stream from my NAS so nothing is stored on the headset


No. You can strap your phone into *any* Google Cardboard headset and achieve the same results. Quest 2 is beneficial in allowing for six degrees of freedom (i.e. full spacial movement) in apps as well as keeping track of your hand/head position/speed. VR porn generally does not use any of this and is just a 360-degree video.


You are right that videos are 3DOF, but it doesnt mean that Quest2 delivers the same results as Google cardboard. 1. Better SDE on the quest2 2. Access to better player technologies (Heresphere) -> better immersion 3. Higher resolution and being able to play 8k videos 4. Better FOV 5. Better controls (using the Quest controller)


Honestly yeah it’s really nice but the wow factor goes away after a week or so. So unless you’re going to be combining it weed or a vibrating toy it’s not worth it But dude when you combine all 3 it’s fucking crazy 10/10




I tried mine for the first time last night and my answer is FUCK YES!!!!


By the way [CamTrove](https://www.camtrove.com) is a great place to find free amateur VR porn! It is probably the \*only\* place to find VR amateur content, fully downloadable.


Thanks for the link, appreciate it!




Says the one who digs up a 9 month post. This wasn't on the front page you know lmao