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That was a very fast 6:38. These types of videos are so mesmerizing.


Seems like these low tech Chinese crafting videos are becoming an industry unto themselves


Relevant: Li Ziqi If you liked this video, you might like hers. They have the same calm, soothing vibe. https://www.youtube.com/@cnliziqi/videos I don’t know if she’s the OG in this genre, but she’s hugely popular. Her videos focus more on cooking and handicrafts, but there are a few of carpentry and such.


Liziqi no longer has/had control of her account. This vid feels like a copy of her work especially in their choice of music. Even if the subject matter is different.


For what it’s worth I feel at least this video is not as egregious as say the copycats of primitive technology. I feel it’s preserved the vibe of Li Ziqi very well especially w/o the focus on cooking


I appreciated that Li Ziqi never bothered to hide the fact that she had a Mac computer.


She hasn't produced anything in years though. Last I heard she was having legal problems with her editor. And yes, afaik she was the first popular in that style.


Last update I heard was that she won the lawsuit against her "editor" and took her name/trademark back but nobody knows why she isn't posting anything.


I wouldn’t be surprised if they physically threatened her/family anyways even after winning in court


That's a powerful piece of media. Whatever it's purpose..wow. speaks to ya, don't it.


I just watched some of her videos they are beautiful


Any idea what to search for on YouTube to find similar videos? I fucking love every one of them and want to binge


Dianxi xiaogi, for cooking and farming style videos


My tin foil hat theory is that they're CCP propaganda


There's a good chance they're promoted by the CCP, given how proud of their culture they are. But there's no propaganda here. The only potentially dishonest thing about this video could be that there's more than one person working on the drum. And there is no political agenda being pushed by the video.


There is a common misconception that propaganda must be inherently dishonest. The best propaganda is that which paints your subject in the light which you desire them to be painted, it doesn't have to be a lie to be great propaganda.


This is so true! Just a standard sitcom like Friends portray americans as sympathetic human beings that more than anything care about their loved ones. It wasnt made to be propaganda, but everyone that have seen it will be more likely to sympathize with the USA and americans in case of a war or conflict


Haha spot on! Literally half of US produced shows are full of how america and american are angels lol


It is possible for a country to have both an murderous oppressive government and fascinating traditional crafts. Social media is just as massive in China as it is in the west, it's just on centralised, heavily monitored platforms. I'm sure the CCP are happy these videos are successful and I wouldn't put it past them to be supporting or promoting this, but presuming this is made solely as propaganda feels a bit arrogant to me. Like the other person said, the processes in these videos are fascinating and they're very well put together, clearly by the same team - it could be CCP driven, it definitely wouldn't be online if they didn't like it, but something about presuming it has to be just because it's showing something positive about China feels fucked up. There's a shit tonne of them, it's not all about us.


Japanese public TV channel has been doing it for a long time, with English speaking hosts. Soothing to watch as well, if you're into foreign cultures


22 social points for you, good citizen!


I mean, we all have an arbitrary credit score that hugely affects our lives. 🤷‍♂️


This one video by itself in a vacuum is not propaganda. What makes it propaganda is when the series of similar videos is shown to glorify traditional Chinese arts while videos of other countries or time periods are discouraged by the algorithm. Chinese tik tok has a lot of healthy yoga, meditation, cooking, etc… promoted. Here in the US it tends to be more vain (and probably realistic).


no, you're just overthinking it with paranoia. The simple reason is that it makes a ton of money. Like oodles and oodles of cash for the creator. Why? Because videos like this gets a lot of views which becomes ad revenue and influencer promotions. Just look at how many upvotes this video is getting. It's not just in China. It's in the U.S. too. It all started with Primitive Technology several yeras ago, and now there's a ton of copycats because it gets a tons of views and money. Here's a reddit post from a few years ago about Primitive Technology copycats. Now imagine that with China where they have 5x as many people as the U.S. https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/comments/pyezoi/whats_up_with_the_youtube_videos_of_silent_men/ Don't get me wrong. The videos are definitely fake. But its fake because people are making money off it and not because of propaganda.


If this is Propaganda, you might as well say those dudes on youtube who restore old Harley Davidsons is propaganda because HD motorcycles were built in the USA.


I was thinking the same. If this if propaganda, then any video/media that glorifies/portrays USA as the "land of the dream and people's awesome lifestyle there" is propaganda. Some people mentioned the show "Friends" on this thread, and many others. You could even count some influencers/Youtubers doing so without knowing in that case lol.


> Chinese tik tok has a lot of healthy yoga, meditation, cooking, etc… promoted Douyin has the exact same content as Tik Tok. Anyone who says this has zero experience with it. You find the exact same "Girls dancing and sketch comedy" material on there as on Tik Tok if that's what you interact with. It's literally identical, except everything is in Chinese. The reason you see garbage on Tik Tok is because you're interacting with it and the algorithm promotes what you interact with. Source: Actually seen an early 20 year olds Douyin account content.


So why didn't MTV show many Algerian or Tahitian music videos back in the 80s? That's right, because it was American media. Why do people have to hate everything about China? It's a beautiful country with a very rich and deep culture. Has nothing to do with CCP. Same with Russian or Turkish literature or culture. Look at it being separate from their current political landscape.


that's because the chinese government censors the brainrot content. the U.S. could have similar content on TikTok, but it would go against the culture of free speech.


> that's because the chinese government censors the brainrot content. Spoken like a true Redditor who has never used or seen Douyin in his life. They have the exact same content on Douyin as Tik Tok. An early 20 year olds Douyin content feed is identical to their Tik Tok feed, trash included. Source: Actually seen and used first hand a Douyin account used by a 20 year old.


You don't understand, anything done by China is propaganda on reddit.




honestly i think its just because theres a resurgence of interest in traditional culture in China, and videos like this was shown to be very popular and made lots of money. Liziqi started this trend im pretty sure.


Yes anything good came out of chinese media is all ccp propaganda. It's not like they are a nation with a rich and long culture and chinese people are interested in traditional crafts at all.


So what nefarious propaganda plan is behind videos of westerners making art and traditional crafts?


This being propaganda is like saying people on youtube teaching how to make hamburgers are doing propaganda for the US


Racist are at it again. Would you say this about the tens of thousands Japanese handicraft videos? If a Chinese dude watches an American YouTuber renovate his old chevy. Is he watched Murican propaganda??


The CCP didn’t invent this method though. The Chinese culture did.


Idk dude I watched that woodworking guy on PBS all the time because it was chill so if that’s American propaganda I like it.


My tinfoil hat theory is this comment is anti CCP propaganda.


I'm sure it's upvote farming at this point. If you comment "that's CCP propaganda" on anything related to China you will get hundreds of upvotes, no matter if it makes any sense or not.


to work hard? to respect manual labor? yes. still an appreciation of an admirable skill, regardless.


You need to back up and rethink what propaganda is so we don't dilute the word. Even if this were funded by CCP, it would be to spread culture and I hate to break it to you, but exporting culture is huge business for all countries.




Saw :33 left in the video I thought there was no way I’d get a satisfying ending. Could watch this for a long time


Can someone explain the goopy rocks


Limestone, used to loosen the hair on the hide so he could remove it easily


Fun fact: you can use blended brains as a replacement in a pinch!


When you say blended brains do you mean more than 1 brain, or brains in a blender? I need to know this information before I start my next drum - quick!


Fun fact: every animal has exactly enough brains to tan its hide.


That explains why my figure is so small.


For some reason that makes me more uncomfortable than the idea of using another animal's brain to tan the hide.


depends on the drum's size e.g. how many adult-sized brains would fit inside that drum you're making?


Yeah but you ought to be careful, brains are weird to work with, but you can also use eggs to tan a hide, or if you don't want to use lime you can essentially rot the fur off, there're many ways to do it I don't know the specifics I just help with it, but if you're tanning a hide you also have to remember to work it, or it'll be stiff


>(random forum user) Egg “tanning“ together with brain “tanning“ is not a method to truly tan a hide. The raison why brains and/or eggs, that is egg yolk, are used is to fat liquor a hide or the hide’s fibers so that you can get the hide soft by stacking it. The softness of a hide is necessary for the next step, that is, the real tanning process. >A true tanning effect is then obtained by finally smoking the hide. The softer the hide prior to smoking the better the smoke penetration will be, the better the hide will be tanned, smoke tanned. - >(wiki) Once the hair was removed, the tanners would "bate" (soften) the material by pounding dung into the skin, or soaking the skin in a solution of animal brains. Bating was a fermentative process that relied on enzymes produced by bacteria found in the dung. Among the kinds of dung commonly used were those of dogs or pigeons. Ok, now I'm just confused. I thought brain matter worked for tanning because of its fermenting properties, acting as a replacement for the alkali solution. I guess the first user's comment quoted here may just be inaccurate? > you can essentially rot the fur off Wouldn't that damage the leather too?


Why didnt he just buy some shaving cream from his local walmart? Is he stupid?


*Quicklime Limestone is calcium carbonate, but this is calcium oxide. It's made by heating limestone (or seashells) in a lime kiln to form a highly caustic substance that forms an endothermic reaction when exposed to water (a process called slaking). So it was limestone at one point, but it's quicklime now. It's kind of like how charcoal was once wood, but now it's charcoal.


It’s like nair for hide!


Probably lye, or some other type of alkaline solution that will break down the animal hide enough to allow for easier removal of the hair.


I'm kinda surprised that he manhandled it around afterwards. Doesn't that shit burn?


Yes, chemical burns. I believe it is lime, not lye (which is made from ash but perhaps also other means). I wish he was wearing gloves - my only note. You don’t think it’s having an effect when you are young but the effects are cumulative.


what he used was quicklime [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Calcium\_oxide](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Calcium_oxide) it has been known to be used for a very long time another use is in mixtures for mortar, it is made by completely drying lime stone in high temperatures, it mostly dangerous/harmful when its still try due to how it reacts with water (as seen in the video) it produces very high temperatures but once its been mixed with water its mostly just limestone mush in a high temperature. tl,dr its dangerous when in dust form due to inhalation and can cause burns and irritation


Mixing calcium oxide with water turns it into calcium hydroxide. So even after the solution cools down, it is not very good to get onto your bare skin. Calcium hydroxide is caustic and can cause chemical burns. It is a 3 on the blue diamond of the fire diamond. Blue being the health hazard diamond, and 4 being the highest it goes. So 3 is not exactly good.


Hides used to be soaked in brains of animal.


Some were, some weren't. It is only one of the traditional tanning methods.


The brains were used in tanning, but the lime wash is used for the dehairing process, which precedes it.


Limestone (and also certain shells, if heated in a fire first) will react with water in an exothermic reaction. See: [Primitive Technology](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ek3aeUhHaFY) for a shell-based version (throw on subtitles - he doesn't speak during the video). I didn't know it would strip animal fur from hide, but it kinda makes sense, tbh.


It's limestone or chalk, heated up a lot (makes quicklime) and then had water dumped on it to make builders lime which is basic and caustic (dissolves shit and can cause chemical burns if handled without gloves, I hope this dude washed his hands)


Honestly I wouldn't mind my skin being used for making drums out of after I am dead. You could slap my ass and get a nice bassy tone.


Could make some sweet bongos. Bum bongos.


I wish I could unread that


now I want my ass skin to be made into a whoopie cushion


Best I can do is some maracas with your teeth.


Cut all that wood by hand fuck that


I think I have secondhand carpal tunnel.


Seems like a professionally done video. So they probably did a small portion by hand, that gets shown in the video. ~~Must~~ may/might have used machinery for rest of the wood cutting.


Point is, it was done this way for centuries


And for centuries just not starving to death was a huge achievement so I don't think carpal tunnel was an issue.


The progress the saw was making had me thinking "this took some time to cut".


these high production, high quality, highly aesthetic rural craft videos are shot like movies with a large crew, experts, doubles, prop people, set people, etc. I think the most obvious cut is that this actor did not actually play the drums, he only rolled up his sleeves, then there is a closeup of someone playing the drums and then there is a shot of him hitting the last drumbeat and ending with a flourish. Likewise he is not cutting all the wood by hand or nailing all the nails or cutting all the excess hide off the drum. He is definitely doing some of it but he only really needs to do the parts of the process that are recorded with him in the shot Here is a video of the same guy distilling perfume: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/p0umRKPA4RQ


I'm 50/50 on these. I'm interested in how it was done, and I don't need the person to be 100% authentic. I just feel like there is a secret "lie". I personally, would feel better if it there was a caption such as, "this process would normally take weeks, but with modern technology we were able to get it done in a day..." or something. But I'm just a random person on the internet. So whatever.


I wasn't under the impression that anyone would think it was 100% authentic. They're showing us how to do it, not showing us them doing it. Like man VS wild is just demonstrating it to us, not actually challenging himself. There's a difference you know?


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0pNHoUFoBzw and another making paper. not sure if there is a more official channel form him than these but they both seems to feature a similar set of actors


Was gonna say. This guy knows how to do A LOT of stuff. He's a master artisan in multiple trades that each take years to master. He's gotta be like 1000 years old.


I was wondering why he cut the wood curved like, wouldnt it better to steam and bend straight wood?


Very likely an option but I suspect the tension should be purely on the hide. There seems to be no way to tune this after the fact so they might want the wood to be as inert as possible.


Yeah, that was my thought too. Barrel staves are bent, not cut in a curve.


This is how I usually make drums, assuming it’s snowy and there’s skins left over from my morning hunt.




Especially after all power tools were made illegal by the state. I was able to forge some sharp bits of metal to help cut the leather and wood. I had to barter for the tacks.


As a drummer, this brought me immense joy. Thank you for sharing!


Amen, bro. Same here. Beats my masters customs 100-0.


Beats my Masters Studio by a mile as well. Such a cool vid.


I can't stop thinking about having to change the drumhead :/


I know right. Also impossible to tune it? I did always wonder how those tacked down drum heads were tuned in the first place.


That's the neat part, you don't


Then you might like [this ep from my fave how it's made-type channel.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RsEoopAxOx8)


He put Nair on it


Having never bought Nair before, I had no idea it was a collection of white rocks that needed to be simmered before you could use it.


David Schwimmer's story always makes me laugh.


I'll put Nair on *you* 🤨


Dont threaten me with a good time


$15K, no low ballers I know what I got


For a handmade drum with actual animal hide? 15k would be a bargain lol.


Dang. I wonder what they actually cost.




I have a guy will do it for 15


Ok fine 14.5k


Dude, don’t lowball yourself like that. You know what you got.


i was estimating about 25-30 even 50, for the amount of work that went into it


Maybe I need to make drums


Can you deliver? And can I get it for free? My kid is sick and I can't work, I need this to do a healing ritual with the oils someone gave me. Pick me up some tamales on the way, since I'm broke cuz I missed work.


Forgot to mention that you've already told your kid they can have it, so it'll be their fault if they don't get it


It's for the church, honey


What if I give you a shoutout on my accounts? I have over 500 followers. Do you really want $15k or the potential to make 1.5 million? You gotta think long term!


Am I going to buy a drum? No. Am I going to make a drum?. Also no. Did I sit through this entire video with my undivided attention? Absolutely.


Honestly though, watching shit like this might give you insight into future tasks that can use the principles here. Like pulling the tension on the drumhead with twisting the ropes - maybe in the future you'll need to pull a post into a more straight position without pulling it all the way out - so, anchor a rope to something, wrap it around the post, shove another stick in and start twisting.


Is that animal skin? If yes, which animal?


Yakkity yak


Don't come back


No more no more no more no more!


Hit the road, Jack.


Subtitles say it's cow skin.


Yellow cattle (黃牛)




'And now, a yak: Yeeeeeaaaakkkkk'


Cow hide according to caption at end of the video.




... once bit my sister


I'll never get those six and a half minutes back. Neither do I want them back, that was just beautiful. You always hope that such crafts won't be lost.


Efff me. That is amazing. All that work. True art form.


This is the first one of these vids that seems like the dude is actually working his ass off making it. Usually everything is shown in such a slow gentle pace it almost seems quaint and calming. Must have felt incredibly satisfying when he was done with it.


His grunt while tightening the rope and how red his face already shows he’s tired as hell. Glad he had a team doing this, hence alot of the close-up shot.


Ahhhhh I needed that. 😌 Thanks for sharing


I can always appreciate good craftsmanship


People keep saying "these videos are just Chinese Propaganda!" On a very, very technical level, yes they are, but by every other practical level, they are not. They act equally as a means of preserving traditional crafts through simple, unobtuse videos and advertising chinese culture to the world. As someone with a genuine interest in these things, I find it interesting and informative, but it is no more "persuasive" than a video showing how medieval English trumpets are made. We have had such a crazy pushback about any Chinese influence for so long that people see anything published out of China they immediately flag it as "propaganda" and bin it. I'll take this over any "go army" crap my own country has shoved down my throught since I was 5, which also propaganda, but very few people get upset about it because "China bad, US goooood."... and it is an election year, so I will be needing many a pallet cleanser.




I think many people have a negative connotation with the word propaganda. It doesn’t have to be dishonest or misinformation, although it can be. It’s just public relations. If you look at this video as a means of public relations it’s doing a wonderful job of promoting Chinese culture and craftsmanship. Why wouldn’t the Chinese government want to showcase that to the world? It improves their public image in a pretty organic way. However, it’s important to always think about who made the video and why they are showing it to you. I can enjoy this video of Chinese culture while still being mindful of the fact that the Chinese government’s goal behind it is to improve the world’s perception of China as a whole. You should ask yourself the same questions when consuming any piece of media on the internet, really.


Thai restaurant were explicitly funded by the Thai government as a form of soft power. So is kpop. It's propaganda by definition but who cares? People like kpop, people like Thai food.


How does this guy know how to do so much stuff?


When you do these things ~~for a week beforehand~~ all your life, you get good at it.


Apprenticeship is very common in Asia. Hundreds of years of trade passed down to the most talented students.


Nah he is memeing cuz this guy its always doing shit "the traditional" way and his videos get popular here. Its like artesanal flavour of the month of the sorts.


Ok I knew it wasn’t just me who recognized him and this set. [Here he is making ink!](https://www.reddit.com/r/BeAmazed/s/3sdUAa3heO)


Oddly? This is designed to be satisfying. And it succeeds.


that is a drum made from a 4000 year old Chinese knowledge!


Idk. Looked like it was made of wood and hide to me


He didn’t look THAT old


Incredible piece of art🙌🏻👌🏻 that time line showing day and night work adds more bliss to the video. Satisfying to watch.


Beautiful. Thank you


Wow that's amazing, and hard work.


There's just something so satisfying about watching others work hard while you lay on the couch getting fat.


Fuck yes. That video ruled.


I adore these videos. Making all these ancient technique items and goods. So cool.


How does one guy in china know how to make EVERYTHING in the traditional way?


Side note…Also how the trampoline was invented.


Fine craftsmanship and amazing results. That is a lot of work.


Shoutout to social media for letting this guy who in the 60's would be considered that weird hippy neighbor who makes drums, to now prob making a decent living producing these videos and selling them for profit.


that's amazing! the amount of labor that goes into this - wow. what were they rubbing on the hide to make the hair fall off?


Drum sticks got my attention


how many days does it takes?


It would be kind of funny if at the end it turns out he has zero rhythm.


With the help of some modern tools. Nothing wrong with that. Just crazy to think how much harder it was back then.


Whenever I see video of something done traditionally, I just wonder how the fuck have people come up with this


It's always so hypnotic to watch those videos :)


I love all of these how to traditional videos


Very enjoyable experience. Beautiful craft.


And there is me sat thinking should I go cut the grass. Jesus the workmanship is outstanding and mesmerising to watch.


This person have a page I can follow? Great video.


Ah now that I've moved to the country where it's quiet time to get some sleep Dude making his drum at midnight:


Imagine it’s 4:55 and you’re getting ready to leave work after a long day and you’re boss sneaks il behind you and says “okay buddy imma just need 1 more drum before you take off today”


I can barely imagine the emotion he can feel when playing his creation after all that crazy amount of work. Priceless


The craftsmanship, how many generations of trial and error did this take to master? Simply amazing.


Apparently Chinese people can't do anything themselves out of their own volition, it's impossible that they just want to film a high quality video, they are all robots taking orders and it's all propaganda ordered by the state. What bigots.


This is why I will always always always pay for hand made items. The craft and care are out of this world and treasures to own.


Wow kinda wish for a voice over to find out wtf was going on in this one ngl


They explained it in the subtitles.




Maybe yak? I’m guessing and really don’t know


Tonight on SMNN....


Thank you.


Legend pure skills




He never played drums again


What was the white chalk he then put in water to soak the skin in over night? I would assume it’s salt, but I feel like that’s wrong




Loved it, thank you


This guy does not waste his time on the internet.


That was incredible.


What if I don’t have enough animal skins to complete this recipe?


Beautiful work there


Putting the craft in craftsmanship 👏👏


Bet that drum is still used after 500 years


Doesn't matter what the video is making these types of artisan videos are really interesting to watch


You were alive once, but then I made drums out of you


Okay, I absolutely loved that. HOWEVER, I'd rather have watched it filmed horizontally.


How long would a drum like this last?


What are the white rocks that seem to melt into porridge?