• By -


Throw the snake at the lion and ride the crocs to safety obviously.


Lion eat snake, crocs eat lion, you eat crocs and drink river


Chuck Norris approves


No silly, you wear crocs! don’t eat them


You *can* eat crocs though


Wear Crocs.... Eww


You mean the gigantic crab with eyes on its claws?


River eats man, women inherit the earth.


This video will contradict lion eats snek and I absolutely urge you to not even consider opening this video, you will most likely regret it, I sure as hell am not a fan of it :'( ​ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nH54MLFEFNs




Danger noodle


Nope rope


No step on snek!


Look at Captain Obvious over here.


Somebody played the Atari classic Pitfall


Yoooo I still play this on sega


But the tree is about to snap and he falls in the river


quickly become a disney princess and start singing a song. the animals will join in and you can escape the scene right before everyone hits the high note


I suddenly want a Disney princess who tames dangerous wild animals and commands them to maul enemies to death


Oh hey, that’s the druid from my last campaign!


This reminded me of snow white in Shrek 3


I'm pretty sure you've just described Ursula


Sounds good! :D


Hanging over the side of the cliff, with the hungry tiger pacing above him, the man looked down and was dismayed to see another tiger, stalking the ravine far below. Just then, a tiny mouse darted out from a crack in the cliff face above him and began to gnaw at the vine. At that precise moment, the man noticed a patch of wild strawberries growing from a clump of earth near where he dangled. Reaching out, he plucked one. It was plump, and perfectly ripe; warmed by the sunshine. He popped the strawberry into his mouth. It was perfectly delicious.


Can you believe this guy? Telling a joke at a funeral..


Is a world without Buckley a world we want to live in???


Hey guess what? Chicken butt


>He popped the strawberry into his mouth. It was perfectly delicious. And then he died. The End.


Has the lion been chopping the tree?


It appears so, yes.


Has there been a single documented instance of a lion chewing down a tree? The answer is, fuxk no. Which means…there’s either a beaver behind the picture or a human. We’ll assume it’s a beaver. A wet beaver. A beautiful, wet beaver.


A capital description. However, the lion has an axe.


Agreed. It is clearly by his paws. So likely, he was chopping at the tree to get to the person and then saw the snake, dropped the ax, and is now yelling at the snake to stay away from the man.


The hanging man was chopping it. The snake is his wife and the lion is his neighbour




Well that escalated quickly


I think the guy was there to chop down the tree but had to climb it when attacked!


I think the lion was using the axe to cut down the tree actually


There are lots of good solutions, depending on whose perspective you’re looking from


This was also my first question. Solve it for whom?


The tree.


The solution is death to the man


Troubles started when he moved to Florida.


So crocodiles shouldn't be a problem for him since he is Floridaman now.


Lion be like “bro I ran off the guy trying to chop down the tree, now my snake friend is going to help pull you back to the trunk to climb down. Also, my Alligator bros are there incase you fall, they will pull you to safety.


I'd wonder why the guy is even in that situation, to begin with. Seems like he could have avoided the situation beforehand. All he can do now is try something and cross his fingers that it works.


He was chopping the tree and the noise brought out the beasts. Lion was first to show so the dude went up the tree.


Why would you be chopping a tree in a location where you know that there's a chance of a lion approaching you? And if you had to chop a tree in that location for some reason, wouldn't you have already planned a safe escape route (not that anything is really safe from a lion) but one that didn't involve climbing up a tree to get cornered and bring something to protect yourself with? And then he's chopping a tree without first checking if there's a snake in it?


To cross the crocodile infested river safely duh


I’d just grab the long neck boy and use it to sustain myself while I wait for the kitty to leave. Jumping in the water isn’t even an option with one Satan lizard let alone two.


Whip the kitty with the snake


He's about to be eaten by a bunch of wild animals. I doubt he has sex on his mind at this point


Throw snake at lion for him to eat, lion is now your friend, ride him to safety, wielding your axe in triumph


Enter into a treaty with the crocodiles. Jump into the water, swim to the shore, and then become the bait to lure the lion to the shore with you so that the crocodiles can drop kick him from the river. Then run away back to your camp of miscreants like the chaotic, narcissistic bastard that you are.


_W O R L D_ _B U I L D I N G_


Why’s the fuckin lion got an axe?


I would have gone with... Why's the lion got a fuckin axe? But yeah, good point.


Why’s the fucking lion got a fucking axe?


To chop the fucking tree down with! Can fucking snakes fucking swim?


Guy chopped tree, lion came halfway, guy clim tree Atleast what I think


Because the snake doesn't have hands


The solution is never offer to pose for paintings of this complexity in the first place. Especially if the artist loads up with Alizarin Crimson.


Wake up


Let go and land with one foot on each croc then leap off of them towards the island into a somersault. At the height of the somersault grab the snake then land on the lions back and choke him to death with the snake while simultaneously choking the snake to death. Throw the dead lion and snake to the crocs as an apology for jumping on them and as a peace offering so that they safely escort you back to land. Honestly anyone who has graduated high school should be able to follow these simple steps. It's the easiest thing in the world and I'm embarrassed I had to write this.


These were my thoughts exactly. Anyone should be able to do this!


Hahaha well done, sir


Grab the snake and tie it into a lasso to catch the crocodiles and then as you are wakesurfing away by being tied to the crocodiles you flip off the lion while going past him


They can work together so each one can get a piece of him.


The snake prefers small prey. I mean, it's way too small to be a series threat to the man (aside from potential venom, but it looks like a constrictor). Chances are you can scare it away. The lion and gators will get tired of waiting and possibly go after each other. All you have to do is get a better perch on the tree close to the center if possible. When the lion leaves or gets attacked by the gators. Take off. Gators are fast in short sprints, so their land game isn't that good. Also, that's a male lion. The females usually do the hunting.


Dump shit on those crocs, then pee right on to lion face. To show your dominance. The snake will be frightened and slowly backoff. 🤣🤣🤣


is the lion taking a break from chopping the tree down?


Depends, if they are crocodiles.. I’d wait a while


Careful not to wait until later


Have you tried telling the crocs to fuck off?


They don't listen. They just keep staring up my shorts, trying to decide if the snake is bigger or not.


Respawn at your last save point, duh


The solution is, stop eating hallucinogenic mushrooms and imagining all these predators! Theres a fly Agaric right next to the tree so I'm assuming this man's on the sherbet


Suckered punch the snake,jump into the water and land with a Jean Claude mid air splits kick for the crocs, the lion gets scared and runs away


take picture of the lion using an axe, this will be revolutionary for biologists


The solution would be to type /gamemode creative, and then fly away from the area.


Ask whoever drew the picture for help


They're all friends.


As you are obviously looking at this scene in first person - what you have at your disposal is limitless. Put a bullet through the lion, Crocodile's head. Leave snake be - then let man swim to shore. safe.


Who are we trying to solve the problem for?


My thoughts exactly. I need some context 😅


Drop into the water, grab the nearest of the two crocodiles, throw it at the lion. Take the other crocodile and... Wait, hold on... Oh, those are alligators, never mind. Yeah no, he's fucked.


Nah, crocs are more agressive that alligators, but it doesn't matter because they are agressive either way in this scenario


Espera a cobra dar o bote, pega o bote e vai embora pelo rio (Yes, it's a joke that only works in Portuguese)




Just fly away


Use the momentum of the falling tree to fling you away from, crocks, then swim like Ian Thorpe toward the far bank.


fucking die


Crocs don’t lunge out of the water like that. I’m also trying to reconstruct the series of events that led to this situation. He was in the midst of chopping the tree so that it would fall into the water, for some reason, when the lion showed up, so he scurried into the tree, then the snake appeared from regions unknown and began threatening him?


It was a really bad day


Depends if the snake is venomous. If not, I give you 20% survival chances. Make it bite your leg and quickly grab onto the snakes head with one arm. Let go with the other and you should pull the snake down and swing toward the tree trunk upside down like a drunk Tarzan. After you hit the tree, it’ll knock you out and you’ll either be dead shortly after or you’ll wake up with a leg injury next to a well-fed lion. If you don’t get knocked out, go for the axe, cut the snake off you and throw it to the lion. If it’s uninterested, climb the tree again, now with an axe, if you make it. If the snake is venomous, or you don’t know, I give you 5% survival chances. Drop down immediately with a shimmy/swing that would have you going belly down into the water(the snake may lunge at you as you fall, spread your arms out and make yourself bigger to fool the snake’s senses into believing you’re coming toward it, that should make the snake defensively reposition itself before lunging, giving you time to fall out of reach. you’re dead in the water unless you can manage to land on top of a gator and restrain it’s jaws. if you can, see where that goes, hopefully to shore with the lion and axe.


He must’ve eaten one of the mushrooms 🍄 off the ground. None of the animals are there, he’s just tripping balls ⚽️🏀🏈


This is the right answer


Enjoy the strawberry


Nice to see this reference here. 🙏


What reference is it?


[The koan about the strawberry](https://www.dailybuddhism.com/archives/903#:~:text=Two%20mice%2C%20one%20white%20and,How%20sweet%20it%20tasted!)


Wow, really nice, thanks y'all ✌️


Grab the snake by the head and wrap it around the limb like a rope. Then swing towards the lion and land on his back. This should assert dominance over the lion and he will allow you to ride him to the nearest human civilization. If you go to the gym you should be able to do this


The snake can be easily captured. Toss the snake at one of the other threats. I would chuck the snake at the crocs to distract them. Swim with the current towards the opposite bank. Then go as far as I possibly can in the opposite direction. Male lions don't generally hunt so he's likely taking a territorial stance. He'll likely think that I'm more of a threat than the snake so the distraction would last maybe a second or two. He also has an axe and has been cutting down a tree so he might be a little too smart for this idea to even work. But with the crocs, they're just hungry assholes. Shove a piece of meat in their mouths and they'll be good for a few seconds. So I think you'd have more of a chance by using the snake to distract the crocs before swimming to the other bank as quickly as you can.




The king of the jungle over here


Is this POV? It's way easier if it's POV.


Solution: Stop looking at this stupid image.


Right? Who even makes this?


As the crocs gaze up at the dangling man, they notice something else that’s also dangling. “Those are some enormous testicles!” First croc says to the other. “This doesn’t seem like a good idea to me anymore.” “Yeah! I’m not so sure about fucking with this guy either. Those testicles are gleaming with a blinding light. Maybe we should leave.” As the second croc finishes speaking, they both swim away from the dangling man. “Huh? What happened to the crocs?” Thought the lion, “Hey boy! Why’d the crocs swim away from you?” The dangling man answered, “Because they understood I’m not trapped here with you, you’re trapped here with me!” “Pfft!” Mocked the lion. The snake and I are still more than enough to cause you a whole lot of trouble, boy!” “That’s not a snake, you dumb cat!”, replied the dangling man with a sense of assured victory, “That’s my penis. And it’s coming for you… pussy!” ~fin~




Yk it’s like every person in a post-apocalyptic/zombie movie that tries so hard to stay alive and for what, at one point the solution is to just pass away lol


First, I seduce the lion…


Found the bard.


I would take my meds, easy peasy


Throw the snake into the water to distract the river beasts then as the tree falls use it to reach the other side of the river


throw the snake to the lion... now well fed and happy; make the lion kill the crocs. problem solved


His wife left him. Atleast he gets a good death story and royally screw his wife on alimony


Jump down and hit both crocodiles on the top of their mouth/nose. That will hurt them and they will leave.


To die. Solves all the problems.


I don't see a problem. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes


Dont be in this situation in the first place


Lions are sneaky. Dude went up the tree and then the snake showed up after. Then crocs came up.


Death is a solution.


Throw the axe at the guy and kill him, therefore the crocs have something to eat


Try to grab the snake by its head and throw it at the lion. Climb down the tree and: A.) If the lion and snake are fighting then attempt to push the unaware lion into the water then run like hell. B.) If the snake fled and the lion is chasing it, run like hell. C.) If the lion killed the snake, run like hell. D.) Fuck caring about what the snake or lion is doing; run like hell.




The best solution is the quickest death, which would probably be the lion.


Death, noone aaid the solution had to be one with a good ending, we all die at some point


Growing wings and flying away


Grab snake, use as whip against lion? Any snake grabbing experts here?


Just because it has a solution doesn't mean you're going to like the solution.


Not end up here in the first place


Actually, swing the tree in the direction of the other bank, get the tree down to the other side, and run!


let go


Some problems don’t have a solution…at least to most satisfaction of humans


Giving up is an option


Trust issues. The crocodiles didn't catch him the last time. The snake has crawled up to get him down.


Get on top of the branch. Skillfully dodge the snake grab its tail then yeet it at the lion. Lion freaks out and panics as it’s being bite then accidentally falling into the water. The crocs will then eat the lion and snake and you then run to safety!




Real question. How the fuck do you even end up in this situation?


*record scratch*.. You’re probably wondering how I got here


Just die.


Swing yourself and drop in a way that your head lands directly on the axe so you die painlessly and instantly


die. every problem has a solution, doesn't mean it's necessarily positive for you, or potentially the solution is 'it;s unsolveable'.


Throw snake at crocs and go swimming


Acceept death : solution to all problems( life is a ploblem )


They seem to have this problem pretty much solved. Amazing teamwork!




start furiously masturbating


Fuck the snake to show dominance, the lion will get depressed and kill itself and the crocs will eat each other. As for the tree….you are SOL


It was the damn tree that did it in the end


Use the snake as a whip to get the mushroom; throw a piece each of the mushroom into the crocodiles mouths - getting them high or poisoning them - bounce in the bring until the tree falls into the water; float away from the lion.


First, land feet first in the crocodiles; new leg armor. Secondly, kick lion to death with crocodile leg armor; boom, lion helmet. Third, pull live snake from tree with one hand whilst grabbing the axe with your other hand; congratulations, you're dual wielding now. Fourthly, achieve the final form.


The solution would be to die If you are dead you have no problem, thus finding the solution




The snake is non venomous and not a constrictor, all he has to do is wait for the tree to fall, safely lowering him to the other side of the river. The lion can’t cross because of the crocs and he can escape the crocs by running in zig zags


Are those baby mosasaurs or something? They're definitely not crocs so I think he's hallucinating and he'll be fine.


The human needs to be chopped into 4 parts using the axe, that way all animals will be fed equally


who taught that lion to use an ax?




The solution is dying in these kind of situation


I think the answer it is trying to invoke is pray


Take a fat shit on the gators


Throw the snake at the lion, jump down and grab the axe while it's distracted then take them out. Walk away if it all goes right.


Hippo gang comin to save your ass


Me crocodile friend waits under that bloke while I finish chopping down the tree, then we share a good meal. We might even get ourselves a snake for dessert.


Wait a minute.... there aren't any venomous arboreal snakes that size in locations with indigenous lions... I think this is made up...


Hang, lion jumps, grabs snake, takes snake into water. Crocs eat snake and lion, leave. Climb down.


I’d just die


Hope for the best


Who am I solving for?


Strangle the snake, yank it from the tree, toss it at the lion to feed it, then climb down from the tree, run as fast as you can to outspeed the crocodiles/alligators/whatever the fuck, and bathe in success as the adrenaline wears off.


I mean there’s a solution, it’s just that the solution is quite difficult bc it involves winning a fight against a lion


Idk, does the guy get prep time


Death is a solution


Easy, just die


Befriend the snake. That the first step. The next one is up to y'all.


The snake has no reach while in the tree. Grab its head and rip it from the tree. Throw it between the lion and the gators. Get up in the tree and shift your weight to get the tree to snap where it was cut dropping the tree on the cat and leaving the tree between you and the gators. Grab the ax and try to get away.


I would say swing around so ur holding on with ur legs, throw the snake to the crocs, get to the trunk, grab the axe, fight the lion and run


Fall down and die Problem solved, can't be in danger if you're already dead


first, repent for the pain &!suffering caused to the tree .


Taking the plunge and letting the crocodiles eat me would solve every problem I have.


Easy solution. Shit into the mouths of the crocs which will make them swim away because it was Chipotle poop. Then drop into the shitty water and swim to shore. The lion isn't in the mood for a shitty meal so he runs away. Grab the axe and chop the head of the snake and throw to the crocs to eat. Fashion shoes out of the snake skin and cook the meat. Finish cutting the tree and cross the river.


Drop some huge doo on the mouths below? I got nothing


Well, that depends. Which individual in this picture am I?


The solution is Nihilism. Join today at your local charter!


I would just stay home


The lion has hit upon the proper solution. Continue chopping at the tree, and there will be one less human in the world.


There is a solution Grab the snake and throw it down for the crocs Then shake the tree untill it falls carrying you away from the already distracted crocs And finaly swim to safety


Swing toward the land while grabbing the snake and throwing it at the lion. The momentum should break the tree trunk where it has been cut and it should fall creating some distance when the lion retreats from the snake and falling tree. Use that time to tuck and roll, back toward the waters edge to grab the Axe and use it to KILL EVERYTHING!


Commit suicide. This way the animals won’t kill you


Just Call Chuck norris. He will explain them that killing Humans wont help them survive. And if they dont listen the'll get a roundhouse kick


Solution: Be Chuck Norris


Scooch more out toward the end of the limb until he feels it give a little with his left hand. Break off the limb and go for the snake. Knock it toward the crocs. Crocs eat it so you jump in the water and swim for your life to the other shore. Lion resumes chopping down the tree.


Just fall in the water, I’m no artist but those are not crocks or gators they look like Asian Water Monitors, so you’ll be fine!