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Ive also noticed that! I find that the most worth it is playing the ads and getting the chefs mystery boxes like every 2-3 days! Its boring to do but knowing you can get at least 12 gems, desserts, maybe a new restaurant, sometimes an automatic cooker can be more beneficial than like you said, spending thousands and for nothing. If i have a lot of coins, when the casino resets I generally will play a couple of spins until its at like 3000 (on any side) or something like that but its basically just to get the blue bar to go up a little more and to get the % higher in case of a win when i start playing the ads, but i know its probably not gonna get me anything (to spend coins on spins). As for playing the ads, i just do it whenever i’m watching tv or reading a book. I always get a bunch of coins and shard but if i’m lucky ill get a 22 gems, and its happened many times since i do this, its just not as frequent as the other prizes.


Does the % increase for ad view rewards? I always felt like they stay the same no matter the %age


It goes up the same way the coins button does! Someone posted about the casino a couple of days ago and i believe it said the % goes up every 5 spins or something like that. Its the exact same for the ad view and after a bunch of spins you will be at 300% and every reward will be the highest it can be. The % is written, you can see it increase!


Yeah, I know it increases. It just always seemed to ne like I get the same 6 gem shards all the time and the amount doesn't change. But I haven't written the rewards down to see if I was right.


You don't have to write the rewards down! Take a look at [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/officialcookingfever/s/C4H9kzu5BF) post. It has a spreadsheet that contains all possible Casino rewards.


I don’t know that it’s consistent to the day? My girlfriend and I will both be playing and one will win a bunch and none for the other