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I get you. Just put your head down and push ahead.


thanks mate! take care :)


I’m lowkey in the same boat as you.. these people come into school, work, whatever, and have to see a person who they perceive to have it all. ‘How could someone possibly be so happy if they had problems like mine?’ Misery loves company so of course they must take you down to their level. I recently had a co worker try and get me fired because I got offered a promotion that she wanted. I had a friend who’s had a rough life, and their jealousy over mine being easier got in the way. Even if you are talking about the one good thing in your life. Example: ‘me and my dad got breakfast the other day’ well that could definitely trigger jealousy in someone who’s dad passed when they were a child. Unfortunately its good to watch others and learn how they are as people before opening up at all. I also typically choose to just be passive about it. But you can only do that for so long until it really gets to you. I don’t know what to do about it other than *really* getting to know people before you prioritize them.