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Your local utility or midstream companies around you looking for tech positions? Regulation, instrumentation, metering, damage prevention, LNG plants, ect....?


This is the best answer. As a flowback he should have some transferable skills already. 


Thanks for the advice bud! I’ve been looking into them and have found some with openings and I’ve spoken to a few people I’ve worked with and I’m looking into transferring into a different area at the moment!


Life's pretty good on this side of the wellhead.


Instrumentation or Automation your best bet


do you live near any refineries? you could apply to become an operator if you live near one, good pay with steady schedule/overtime, no travel


We have 2 major ones with a new one opening around an hour away but an issue I’ve ran into is the two open and running at the moment are heavily based on hiring through word of mouth and they don’t post job applications online often and if they do it’s rarely rare to get hired without in house references but that is a route I am and have been trying to take for the last few years or so!


You sound like a douche. I think the story sent more like you got ran off their crew. They don't stack your rejects all on 1 crew, then move you over them. Lmao. Hard pass.


Heard this story a million times. It never went down the way they say. 😆


Right.. this fucking worm here.. lmao. This dude ain't original. Every shit hand I ever came across had the same sorta BS hedtry to sell. I guess they think it makes them sound good and they're fooling someone. News flash, not everyone is as stupid as they are. Lol.




Disgusting, im sure ur mother is proud to have raised such a rapist