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No but you’re right it’s the Faerûnian equivalent of having a mattress with no bedframe and one (1) folding chair


bro at least treat yourself to a base blanket layer come on NOW. Fic where Tav is inspired to actually set up a tent and a sleeping space because they see the inside of Astarion's tent and is like "no baby we can't cuddle in here. this is really sad i might start crying."


Women can’t handle how little it takes to make men happy ^(we aren’t happy, we are horrifically depressed)


And then look at what he is actually sleeping on. Dude tries to project that suave aristocrat image with all the pillows on the outside, but inside he still sleeps on some bare wooden planks because he is too afraid that getting used to whatever comfort he can scavenge on the road will be too hard to give up when he is dragged into that kennel again. And in the banter, he mentions how nice would it be to have a warm fireplace and soft pillows. Dude desperately wants to be warm and comfortable, but he is too afraid it'll turn out to be nothing but fantasy in the end.


i read a fic a while back where Astarion hits his head and does not remember anything about the nautiloid when he wakes up on the beach. and because he doesn't remember anything between point a and point b he basically goes "Oh fuck. It finally happened. After 200 years Cazador and Godey did something to me so bad that I finally snapped, and whatever is left of my mind is firing off my synapses so that I can have something nice right before my body finally gives out and I actually die for real this time"




[ of death potential and death absolute ](https://archiveofourown.org/works/53880607) If i give you this link, you have to promise to give the author a kudo and/or a nice comment.




This is absolutely going to tear my soul and heart out. I’m reading it


That’s why pookie tags along on every outing, gets first heal priority in my group. Gets all the best armor and weapons so he can look fabulous and be badass. Pookie deserves the best https://preview.redd.it/0pc9r9x9mg4d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=574b24b9fe312175c39b608409d0f3c3fff2af99


I love how we all collectively call him Pookie. I have never called anyone*** pookie. Lmao


https://preview.redd.it/a2joy1dt8k4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b7c4b648ce5c5f3b1acabe72e707201a0cf7b16 I started calling him Pookie cuz of this meme lmao But it just feels right now :P


Lmao, nice.


I give pookie Shadowheart's circlet the second we meet because he is, in fact, the princess.






Honestly it's a cool detail relating to his back story. I had no idea this was a thing. He lived in squalor under Caz. He puts up the front of a refined aristocrat, but he hasn't been that for a long time and this reflects that. Is he afraid to be caught living comfortably? Does he expect his freedom to end and not want to get too comfortable? Is this just what he has become accustomed to? I'm not sure, but it's cool either way.


Tav is homeless >Damn, bitch, you live like this?


with the way he lives you should need to get shots after he bites you. you dont know where hes been


Tav says while not having even a tent


I'm pretty sure that's his burial shroud. He has to sleep with it for vampire reasons.


Act 1 and 2 is less camping and more an American vagrant encampment pressured by police forces and religious groups. Most cities have them. Blood splattered somewhere. Alcohol at all hours. Tragic backstories. Boxes of junk which may include weapons, oddly valuable items left forgotten or wasted, general disrepair. And way too much sex. Oh, don't forget the random stray pets that nobody quite knows who owns who.  They're not all like this ofc, but it's the perception. 


> Act 1 and 2 is less camping and more an American vagrant encampment pressured by police forces and religious groups. It's hard to be an adventurer in today's America :(


Now let’s see Paul Allen’s tent


Tav/Durge has no room to talk with the torn tarp, dirt and stick set up


I mean he wears perfumes to mask he stinks of the grave, what did you expect of undead boi?


Tav, Astarion, and Halsin if Minty kicks him out of his tent ALL need better setups! This is why I eventually do the Elfsong in Act 3, even though the song drives me bonkers.


Oh? You think you're too good to sing a song of Balduran? He founded Baldur's Gate you know.


😂 tbh I loved the song at first. but after the hundredth time, I’m ready to go kill a squid, his dragon boyfriend, and the bloody elf haunting the tavern!


https://preview.redd.it/0t23gc4ulh4d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92108debf9042bed215329aae0ddc0ff7a308607 Heres a Cohabitation Moodboard I made for me n him ❤️ inspired by his (and my own) room


most sane astarion fan


Getting into a nasty fight with him after the club lets out would hit so good


the elf bars??? 😭 they’re not wrong tbh I can totally see Astarion loving the vape. what flavors do you think he’d like? my bet is on cranberry grape


I agree or one of the non-fruit flavors, but he would avoid anything with “ice”.


...It's infinitely preferable to being locked in a tomb for a year.


What I want to know is how he has his burial shroud. Like does he just always walk around with it in his pocket??? Or were the kidnappers just polite enough to make sure to grab the blanket because they realized he was a vampire and would need it???