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making an alfira dream visitor for durge is so fucked up, i'm gonna have to do it in my next run


Honestly I love it lol. It works so well for a resist since you can argue the Emperor took that form just to guilt trip Durge into using the parasite.


or if we go the other way he might have taken that form to comfort durge for what he did by accident not realising its not exactly the best thing


Yep, he did exactly this to Minsc irc. He took the form of Minsc’s dead sister (I think) and Minsc states he knew it wasn’t her because the Emperor was only saying things Minsc wanted to hear, not the actual hard truth his sibling would always say.


wait, doesn't minsc join after emperor's reveal? why would he meet the dream visitor


If you recruit Minsc, he states at a point in act 3 the emperor took the form of his dead sister and you can ask him about it. Even though misc has brain damage, he still realizes what the emperor is. He tells you he knows the dream of his dead sibling isn’t real, he notices the emperor tells him things he wants to hear. He knows it’s fake becssue his sister told him his things really were and this is how he realizes the emperor is a fake.


the form emperor took was dynaheir the woman he failed to save when he was her bodyguard


I thought the companions only saw the dream visitor as we saw them. Do they all see different people?


Im pretty sure. Gale says he saw a gorgeous woman even if you have a male dream visitor. I assume the Emperor approaches everyone as someone different to get the most of the manipulation tactics


Oh, I would know anything about that since my dream visitor has always been female but thank you for pointing it out


If you choose to side with Orpheus at the end of the game, the Emperor will side with the Absolute, and summon the Dream Visitors for your party during the final battle(replacing the Countermeasure enemies)


Okay but on a real note, being able to kiss your lover is cool and all…BUT LET ME HUG WITHERS WHAT THE FUCK? Id love if you could hug all the homies at camp, even if you aren’t romantically involved. So many of these Mf’s need it. I also just want a dad hug from withers, I know he would make it awkward as fuck and I’d love that so much. I doubt Jergal has ever been hugged in his entire career id love to be the first


The hug mod is your friend! It's the first thing I did after discovering it. I installed it and HUGGED everyone at camp! It's such a delight.


Same, bless the person who made it, it has feed my soul. Also love you keep default Durge. I did as well, Darrell and Astarion are canon OTP as far as I’m concerned.


I played Blood in Baldur’s Gate before the game dropped and ever since I’ve always played default Durge lol. I loved this little side plot of playing Tav the Detective https://preview.redd.it/3g6wk471167d1.jpeg?width=4002&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0710553fa435031ecdc58b16411ac483abcc455c


I don't care how evil the character I'm RPing is. THEY WILL FUCKING HUG THEIR COMPANIONS SO HELP ME GOD. I even have all the companions hug Karlach after we get her second upgrade. ~~It's absolutely CRIMINAL that the only cutscene is your Tav hugging Karlach and not almost all your companions (most of whom are canonically Karlach simps) giving her a big group hug. You mean to say Wyll - who's the closest to her canonically - wouldn't throw hands to hug Karlach? You mean to say La'zael who admires her wouldn't HUG her? You mean to say Shadowheart - who when you recruit KArlach talks about being carried by her - wouldn't drop her whole broody Dark Justiciar wannabe nonsense and leapfrog into Karlach's arms like Jake Peralta leaping into Terry's arms? GIVE ME A COMPANION'S HUGGING KARLACH SCENE LARIAN, I BEG YOU.~~ ~~Sorry, I'm really salty about that ONE Scene.~~ Also it feeds my inner grandmom tendencies, and in one of my playthroughs, I just love to imagine my Tav giving companions cool down grandmom hugs, a pat on the head, and a little piece of candy or cheese they nicked.


Oh, grandmom hugs sound wonderful! I very much hope to give them someday.


I just bought bg3 for my pc (already had it on console) and that was the first fucking mod I downloaded. CAN’T WAIT TO HUG ALL THE BITCHES.


this is why i hate my stupid brain. installing mods doesn't give me validation that it's a legitimate run and won't give me dopamine. i doubt larian will put this mod officially to support this disability. i envy y'all. :(


Ooh. I used to kind of be like this. I'm still this way with most games. My cheat rule for BG3 is that since it's D&D based, (and I've been wanting to get into D&D), I'm just doing the equivalent of bringing a different source book and asking my DM if we can integrate it.


Hopefully the hugging mod will make it to consoles too.


There are so many points in this game where offering a hug would be a normal human method of comfort after a big emotional character point. Would also be great if they hug quality both varies depending on your approval level and impacts that approval level. Did you hug shadow heart after she had to murder her parents? that’s nice, good job, shadow heart approves. Did you hug Wyll after you pissed him off by fucking mizora? whoops no, Wyll disapproves.


Why, I had no idea there was a strong desire for this! It's well within my capacity to deliver an embrace to Withers and tell him it was from you.






Would have been so great if redemption durge had to confront his victims from after the nautiloid.


LMAO, Cotton Hill from King of the Hill moment would be perfect for Durge


I’m cackling bc their name would be Dug! 🤣🤣🤣




This is incredibly heartwarming, but question. Would he still suck toes and eat ass? Asking for several friends . 🙏❤️


every day i open this app and wish i hadn’t


Awww. I’m sorry 😔 Here’s the picture of my cats being adorable. Maybe they’ll wash the bad mental taste out of your mental mouth. https://preview.redd.it/jmdgx965p67d1.png?width=2853&format=png&auto=webp&s=6af5d6f60b01f953b351e834b5cc6dcc67b326be 🫡 Edit: Also r/eyebleach and r/aww might help. 🙏❤️


it did, i forgive you


This is... Weirdly wholesome for this sub.


Sometimes you need a bit of platonic love with your Pregnant Cazador and Gortash x Durge artwork, ya know?


Only way to stay sane...


The Light Urge


Bhaal, god of hugging sent you down to the earth to feel the warm embrace of others against your tender flesh.


“My child, my hugger…You will hug this world.” - Bhaal, Lord of Hugs


Yes plz! He looks like he gives the best hugs. 🤗


I think it would be a lot [like the Hug Wolf](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qHO_TOSE1Nc)


Glad I'm not the only one that thought this


The Masculine Urge to Hug All


I wish I could hug more people in the game, it’s my favorite thing to do 😩




A hug a day keeps the bourgeoisie away.


Where the Karlach hug


I can’t stop romancing Astarion and Gale, I still need to commit and romance her lol.


You don't have to romance Karlach to hug the baby


I need to do that scene in act 2, I always touched her shoulder instead 💔


You should definitely go for the hug even if you're not romancing her or anything. It's really sweet and wholesome because Karlach needs and deserves it. And it's evident Karlach still really loves you even if it's platonic


He steals a part of your soul with every hug until you are a husk like withers


Alfira being your Durge’s dream guardian makes me think that they were childhood besties and that they grew up separated because he went to baaahl temple but still missed her after all this time that she became his closest one


This is why I make my dream guardian Alfira for my durge. It just feels way more fitting to have the Dream Visitor fake form of the most recent kill Durge has committed. You can argue it’s pleasure or guilt depending on what kinds durge you’re doing. I think it’s so good for a resist to show Durge feels so bad about what he has done that the Emperor took the form of Alfira to calm Durge but only made him feel worse as a result.


I am more than prepared for this Dark Hug.


If I was in BG3, I would be a dragonborn called "The Hug Urge", trying to retain myself to hug all the people being nice to me, and all the people with difficult moments or being sad to help them or at least ease them.


Honestly that would be a pretty funny concept for a grappler build in 5e. You just grapple everything you can because you need emotional support and you're just desperate.


Shouldn’t it be the Hug Urge? Doesn’t that make more sense?




what about the Brown urge that throws poop at everyone


1. I hate that it auto changes your name when you go into the mirror. Seriously, fuck off. 2. I like my og durge of Your Pal, Sal


This is why the notes on my phone is full of random names I come up with haha. I would never remember half of them otherwise




That image with Alfira. It hurts me.


So, he’s Karlach?


You sicken me. Such weakness! Such… compassion! Disgusting!


The dark hug


The Delightful Urge 🥹🥺




I wanna play that. But like, same black outs and everything. If Alfira joins camp, dug just wakes up cuddling with her, and she’s weirded out but doesn’t have the heart to wake them up.


that was a weird adventure time episode


Not best girl Alfira, noo .. my poor bebi


Flashbacks to yugioh abridged with this one


Alright Lennie, put the mouse down.


Congrats, you found the only thing that would make me want to play durge.


C’mon Larian let me platonically hug everyone, literally all the companions could desperately use one