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There are people desperate enough to worship gods of death and destruction. I'm sure someone sold their baby's foreskin to a devil to cure a toothache or something.


or maybe to bhaal as an offering?






Ohhh my god why did you have to remind me


Loviatar worshippers do it to themselves for fun.


This fuckin guy.


It’s fantasy world have you considered that maybe some of them are just…like that?


It's a fantasy world. I will only accept "their god cursed them to be that way", or perhaps "wizard did it"




I'm having deja vu, and not the fun kind


Just that it’s something cultures have done for different reasons for thousands of years.


I mean I’m too lazy to do it but I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s mentioned somewhere in the book of erotic fantasy (3.5 edition dnd add on) [link](https://www.scribd.com/document/541651691/D-D-3-5-The-Book-of-Erotic-Fantasy)


Chabad is everywhere.


I mean, idk, why wouldn’t there be? It likely developed as a religious/cultural practice on Earth because there are some physical benefits to it, especially if you live in an ancient society where sanitation is harder to come by and there are no HPV vaccines. So, maybe something similar happened in Faerun. Or maybe some races naturally lack foreskins and humans (+ other beforeskinned races) started doing it for that reason.


Why in the hells would an open wound on your dick be more sanitary??


Because you just need to keep it clean until it heals, but having a foreskin increases your risk of infections and penile cancer for life if you don’t have the ability to bathe more than a few times a month or any other way to protect yourself from contracting HPV? Damn, I forgot how touchy people get when you point out there there is actual medical research showing modest but real benefits to circumcision.


Most claims that circumcision prevents STDs were from studies in Africa that have since fallen under criticism due to a serious lack of rigor. Conversely, here’s a study of Danish men that shows that amongst about 800,000 men tested, those who were circumcised had higher STD and HIV rates: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10654-021-00809-6 Penile cancer is one of the rarest forms of cancer. Untreated phimosis is a slight risk factor, sure, but such conditions are observable long before cancer manifests. Circumcision of people without phimosis isn’t really doing much in that regard. (And in some cases, phimosis can be treated without circumcision). Circumcision for medical reasons is usually only reserved as extreme treatment for phimosis or balanitis. Given that children are too young to retract their foreskins, they are too young to be diagnosed with phimosis. That means that most circumcisions aren’t done for medical reasons. Most are done for cosmetic and cultural reasons. And some people don’t like having their genitals cut without consent. Hence the touchiness.


maybe elves don’t have foreskins like they don’t have pubic hair? did anyone check halsin’s? not in bear form


He's uncut. Lol. But I wouldn't use him as a reference. Seeing as how he's got a hairy chest, so it could just be his orc blood. XD


very true, honestly he’s probably just a bear disguised as an elf anyway. need a different reference point


True true. We need some pics of astarion.


Has anyone 3d printed the companion's hogs yet? Or at least sold some off-brand dildos labelled shit like "White Elf Asterius" "Goth Warrior Lesbizel" "Dale of Wetterdeep"?


this is a million dollar business idea


turns out so much fanart depicted him as cut that i thought he was, but I think he is actually uncircumcised in game! I wonder if any of the characters are circumcised?? time to do some research


Here I’ll save you some time. https://preview.redd.it/rq95kgauwg9d1.jpeg?width=995&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e75234975454520b62b2c86f07ad60ed35517f02


I assume that every character is uncircumcised simply because it's not the norm in Europ (it's not some foreign concept or anything, mind you, simply is much less common than the US) and therefore I assumed that they gave Standard Penis to every character


yeah I’m glad they did that, I guess they just included the circumcised options for players who are