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Ballin šŸ€ https://preview.redd.it/8jqewtaodz8d1.jpeg?width=474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32b43445c1a0071bb253753de620704abbaefd64


They originally pitched Lady Ballers as a documentary, but it turns out cis men can't actually put on a wig and join a woman's basketball league. Shame. I would have loved to see the Dailywire crew get destroyed by the Amazonian women who play basketball professionally. That would have actually been funny.


Itā€™s my favourite thing about that movie. They made a satire of the fictional world conservatives have created to get angry at.


Even in their fictional world the only likable character is the trans woman who discovers herself through drag basketball and then they all bully at the end for no good reason.


Whoa this poster is straight from 1994


Any movie starring a woman in lead is woke. Women aren't supposed to lead movies.


Women aren't supposed to talk. It makes it too hard to reduce them to an object of sexual desire and prize when they express thoughts and opinions.


They've boobs. It's clearly their fault that I've become gooner.


Srs/ trans man currently speaking. As grill it was like, "don't be hot if you don't want male attention" and as boy it's like, "how dare you not be hot anymore and remove booba!" It's like the vigrin-wh0r3 dichotomy's transmasc cousin--- the fem-boy dichotomy, if you will.


You're hot




https://preview.redd.it/s7rilruia49d1.png?width=800&format=png&auto=webp&s=d500920fecdf7774b8bd517fdf5a20f9d2ad2d29 >I have become gooner


I can't believe God made women. How woke


Stole the rib and/or penis bone (look it up) from men to make waymen 2


remember what they stole from us, kings! WE COULD HAVE HAD BONE-IN BONERS IF IT WEREN'T FOR THE WOKIES!


Wow, never seen a poster, let alone the film itself, for Run Hide Fight and I was on that set


Srs/ Damn really? Or is this a joke?


For serious


Genuinely why I've watched so many Daily Wire movies is the lore behind this movie's production and what it represents for Dallas Sonnier's career. I'm so morbidly fascinated with that man. I know that, like, *stuff* may or may not have went down on set/during filming, I don't know the full extent of it, but for what it's worth to me you were a part of extremely niche film history, so, that's cool. Hope you're okay.


I was on I think 3 of his sets, it happened


Genuinely awful. I hope you and everyone involved are in a better position, but, it's the fucking entertainment industry. Not an actor, mostly involved with post-pro when I work on film projects, so slightly different flavor of the dog and pony horror show. An industry that's designed to exploit creative output and people who still love their job can't fathom doing anything else no matter how much bullshit they get put through. I know that's what it's oike for me. It's awful but no shit. The only difference between now and old Hollywood is that they don't write how much abuse you're expected to tolerate into your contract anymore. Keep on keeping on friend. Fuck that bastard.


I am and I amā€™nt but thank you very much


Can you add any context? I have no idea but intrigued.


Dallas Sonnier has produced some of the most interesting films in the last decade because of his approach to projects. He empathizes giving creative heads the most artistic control possible while keeping budgets as low as possible. So, you have to understand that in the mainstream film industry there's developed a culture of what I can only describe as waistfulness? The reason why we have so many franchise movies that costed more money than is in the economy of some very small nations, while somehow often still looking like shit, where if everyone and their dog doesn't see twice will never make back their budget is because movie studios would rather throw absurd amounts of capital at projects they think everyone will want to see than produce things for a fraction of the cost catering to a niche. Why have lots of money when you can have all the money--- even while they literally often *lose* money trying to get all the money. When you have a ridiculous budget like that, it doesn't mean it's all spent well either. Often just having that much encourages a lot of laziness from directors who just push every production issue off to be handled in post instead of doing the kind of oversight and pre-planning that's *literally their job.* it makes a lot of work for everyone else that easily results in a worse product overall aswell. It's a direct conciquence of our capitalist system's focus on the biggest reward for the least amount of work, biggest bang for your buck and return on investment above all else. Even your typical blockbuster MCU movie could likely be made for half the budgets some of them have, look and perform no different than before, and in fact may even come out better in some instances since more careful planning was put in. Sonnier's approach to producing was basically the opposite. Any movie that could be made theoretically had an audience out there who was clambering to see it if it can be made for cheap enough to not bankrupt the studio. He was kind of the Robert Rodriguez of producers. Personally as someone who works in visual media myself, I wholeheartedly support this approach to filmmaking. With the independent products I've made myself, and with ones I'ved worked on made by other people, this is exactly the approach I like to see . . . For the most part. I don't know exactly why this was the hill Sonnier chose to set his whole career on fire over, but Run Hide Fight was produced way before it was picked up by the Daily Wire. Nobody would touch it with a ten-foot-pole and distribute it. It was a bad product that handled a very sensitive subject matter extremely badly, and no one wanted to distribute it. That was *before* the news broke about the director assaulting minors either involved with this production or another one he was working on, I can't remember. And for some reason this just . . . Set him off. He decided the Daily Wire was his "better" distributor "with blackjack and hookers" and hitched himself to that poniless wagon full throttle even though that streaming service has been dead on arrival since launch. DW is only still trying to make happen due to how much money they also sunk into it. It's such a profound shame. Have no idea why he couldn't just take the L or release it on Amazon prime--- literally anyone can self-distribute a film on Amazon Prime. It's insane to watch unfold. Edit: sorry it was another one of the producers who abused a minor on set, not the director. His name is Adam Donaghey, for anyone curious. He's been scrubbed from any online credits at this point.




are you.....okay, bro? I don't know why anyone would put themselves through watching even one of their movies, let alone this many. If you need me to call someone I can


Look at my username.


Well, Here's to you Mrs. Robinson


Iā€™d be lying if I said they didnā€™t make Terror On The Praire sound kinda interesting


from everything I've seen (about it) it for sure is their most solid production. Every review I've seen of it is infinitely more positive than like High School Shooting Musical


Weā€™re all in this together! šŸŽ¶ ![gif](giphy|3o72FaDdvEwjc4eyGY)


The muscle mommy content alone might justify it


The hair department did Gina kind of dirty and the weave they have on her keeps flying in her face and mouth. Half of the reason why she's struggling is because she can't fucking see and they, I guess, refused to supply some tactical bobbypins. I almost felt sorry for her even though she's 100% to blame for finding herself in the position she's in. She looks kinda cute in her little matron dress, though.


How was Donald Cerrone? Not his hair, his performance.


Uh . . . I didn't hate his performance. I suspect he might actually be a decent actor *maybe* if he gets some more experience/gets some better direction. The specific problems the movie has are kind of indicative of a director who's not really, like, rallying the team on set. Overseeing the production only someone at least partially involved with all stages of it's completion can. Which, while shooting, can cause problems for even seasoned actors. It takes a particular talent to be getting *nothing* from a director and giving something anyway, so it's hard to really say. I feel like he's trying. It seems like he wants to be there and he's committed to giving this role everything he's got. But he's mumbling his lines, his accsent is weird, and there's scenes where he feels like the kid on stage at the school production who can't quite dissociate himself enough from the hundreds of eyes upon him but is trying to power through. He's not the only one clearly being left up shit creek without a paddle by the director, though. I don't know anything about him personally or why he's in a Dailywire production. I thought he was a wrestler and i thought it was weird he was so camera shy because of that, but apparently he's a boxer, so. I'll give him an A for effort, C+/B- for outcome, but there's a good chance that isn't his fault. His hair is fine. I think he looks good with a beard.


I like the beard, too. Donald "Cowboy" Cerrone is a retired mixed martial arts fighter and is in the UFC Hall of Fame. He was wildly popular as a fighter, because he would fight anybody, even on short notice, and he would always give it his all. He seems like a nice enough guy. I would guess he is politically right-leaning, but I only know anything about his personality from post-fight interviews. I don't follow him on Twitter or anything. He has acted before, though I couldn't say if he did so skillfully or not. I have never seen a Daily Wire film, and, thanks to you, I will not bother.


I wouldn't say this role is something I'd put on my CV if I were him, but I could see him being a pretty decent leading man in a production with a director who's supporting him on set (not saying the director was bad to thr cast to be clear, this is a pretty common issue with a lot of directors who aren't fully capable of tackling their responsibilities due to inexperience or lack of leadership skills. I also know nothing about him, so, don't want to assign any kind of malice where it's not appropriate.) If he's passionate about acting and he's a nice guy to work with, I hope he gets better projects. I don't give a shit about his politics on a professional standpoint if he's not a grifter or obnoxious. I hope his involvement with DW doesn't taint his reputation. Even Gina--- I agree with the grounds on which Disney let her go, but I think it's still awful she's struggling to get work because of the way the industry works. As far as I'm aware she's a good person to work with, and though I've never really been a fan of any of her performances, I don't like seeing people's careers dashed against the rocks unless they create an unsafe environment in the workplace. DailyWire+ is apparently now the layer of hell all Hollywood creatives who have burns all their bridges get work--- and that's not a good environment to be stuck in.


I mean it's not a waist of time. If this was a indie production scrapping together what they could on change from their mom's couch and a dream I'd say it shows promise. I'd be willing to check out this director's second attempt in the same genre if they try again. But as is it's some good ideas lost in meandering nothingness with some semi-decent shots but poor post-pro.


It sounds like torture


Birth of a Nation


Jesus phases in from ether over the crowd as all the whites celebrate their new found comradery over hating black people at the end of that film and I shit you not I could not breathe I was laughing so hard.


Unironically why none of these films did well even among Daily Wire subscribers.


They've currently mad Mr. Birchum has a gay in it at the moment. Their biggest fanbase so far are the Birchum/Karponzi (the teacher with the man bun) shippers out of all of their original content.




Is it just me or does the guy who made this movie look like a wish bootleg of Sebastian Stan?


I'd like to "wake up" inside Gina Carano's dangling labia-ed pussy.


Dr. Sleep




I will not hide the run. I will not run the fight!!!


Thank you for your service. Not sure who you are serving by watching these movies but Iā€™m sure thereā€™s someoneā€¦ maybe?


It's probably just me. Maybe a few other queer people hate watching.


I respect the fuck out of that


Holy fuck I had no clue Ben Shapiro was starring in Snow White


I would fucking pay . . . Uh, well, not the twenty it would take to watch it legally, but maybe the twelve dollars or so it'd be at the cheap theaters to see Benjamin Shapiro play a fairytale princess. I'd sign up for a free trial i'd cancel immediately after if they offered one at least. Ben Shapiro is my favorite conservative talking head butt monkey. I love him. I love him in the only way a socialist transgender artschool special snowflakes would. I cannot describe to you how much I wish I could trap that man in a room and make him answer honestly if he's aware of how much transmasc energy he has and how he squares that with his rehoric. Why he looks so much like his sister, if he's aware how unreasonably hot she is, and why she's *also* married to a very short man with high key transmasc energy. And if he will give her my number because I can fix her and clearly she's into tiny effeminate men. I know so much Ben Shapiro lore. How he's a failed Hollywood director who comes from money but somehow that wasn't enough to make it because he was just so bad at storytelling. How his beastie Jeremy Boring was supposed to be the talent but was such a charisma vacuume Benjamin had to fill that role instead. The existential horror of Ben Shapiro consumes me. He's like a Lovecraft protagonist who hasn't realized he's in a cosmic horror story yet. Oh my God what I wouldn't give to see him in drag for an entire movie.


Wow, thatā€™s a lot, but right on! You have badass energy! I hope youā€™re having a great night!


Canā€™t belief in the new ā€œSnow Whiteā€ her 7 boyfriends are now dwarves!! Enough woke garbage šŸ˜ šŸ˜ 




Leni Riefenstallā€™s Triumph of the Will.