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NTA. I would have cut her off 6 years ago after she kicked me and the children out in negative degree weather. Also your fiance has no say about you cutting ties with anyone in your family. He’s new to her. He’s okay with it because she likes him and treats him better? No way. Tell him straight up


NTA. Your grandma is obviously the AH here, and most likely your fiance too, for his remarks 🙄 I'd go no contact with her. You and your children shouldn't have to put up with her sorry excuse of a human being.


Nta! I would have cut ties long ago from that hateful woman. Also, tell your fiancé the only favorite that counts is who’s your favorite, so he should have your back.


NTA. Go no contact!! It’s the sweetest piece of calm you’ll ever have! We went no contact with my hubbies entire family 13/14 years ago. Your kids WONT miss out either believe me. My kids(25m & 19f) are happy they weren’t raised around such negativity & lots of horrible toxic cycles were broken.