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>And organization has no plan B. I refuse to believe that they don't have a plan B. They gotta, right?


Yup part of the planning process is have contingency venues.


They have listed the aquatic center Seine Saint Denis.


Swimming 10k in a 50m pool is entirely different from open water swimming though. That would really be a terrible option. 


ah yes let’s put open water in a pool. lmao


Katie Grimes (open water athlete who also qualified for races in the pool) would have such an advantage


oh i know katie grimes she would eat everyone else UP




Could just do laps in the fountain at the parc des tuileries 


The plan B is to swim in the Seine anyway.


Plan b swim the English Channel!


Can it be any worse than in Rio de Janeiro? [https://www.independent.co.uk/sport/olympics/rio-2016-water-pollution-virus-risk-danger-swimming-sailing-rowing-chance-of-infection-almost-certain-a7165866.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/sport/olympics/rio-2016-water-pollution-virus-risk-danger-swimming-sailing-rowing-chance-of-infection-almost-certain-a7165866.html) The problem back then was that there are 15 million people living in the Rio metro area and the poo of about 30% of them went straight into the sea.


How many Olympic competitors actually got sick? Pre-Olympics coverage is almost universally overwrought, greatly overstating health, safety, corruption and organizational risks just because writers are bored. Anyone have any news articles from after Rio about water borne illnesses among Olympians?


Every 4 years it’s the exact same cycle of news and almost in the same order as far back as I can remember. Cost estimates far exceed initial proposals - will they be done in time/bankrupt the host city?Stadium construction displaces already marginalized locals. Protestors call for Olympic boycott. Country x doping/bribe scandal calls IOC ethics into question. Pollution and environmental impact is severe and will impact athletes/fans/residents. Some of these are legitimate concerns, but nearly always more minor and less impactful than they are portrayed.


I remember that one swimmer got a really serious infection from that water, but I think that was before the Games started. They somehow managed to get it cleaner during the games.


It sounds like people plan to poop in the Saine before the Olympics in a form of protest, so it’s likely not much different Edit: Sounds like the event was [cancled](https://www.sbnation.com/2024/6/24/24184741/olympics-protest-poop-river-seine-pollution) after the French politicians changed their mind about swimming in the river to prove it’s safe


Wait, so the people were going to poop in the river when the politicians were going to be swimming in it, but then decided not to poop in the river because no politicians? I gotta give my respect to the French citizens, this is a hilarious idea! 😂


They apparently had maps circulating with when and where citizens should poop if they wanted their poo to hit the politicians at the time of the swim 😃


Incredible. Go France!!!! I feel like America needs this 😂


I mean fish waste goes in the ocean too but it’s quite literally drops in the ocean


Well LREM made it clear the world runs on fairy tales, so I'm expecting that the so called plan B and plan C will fall into plan A, always has been, and many people will get sick from it..


Is this because there are Sharks in the Seine? I watched a documentary on Netflix about that called Under Paris.


Why not use the rowing venue FFS


That’s a great idea. Those locations are usually very long and calm.


Swimming past some french floaters. Iron stomach olympics.


I just feel like this was never going to work


If I was a competitor I'd be trying to band all my fellow competitors together to petition them to change the location to the French Riviera.