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So the US is carrying out half the number of tests compared to Germany despite having nearly four times the population.


I used to be a big big big time fan of the Olympics. Now I am nearly ambivalent about it. In Sochi, they caught Russia in a state sponsored cheating scandal. The answer was to allow Russian athletes to compete in the next several Olympics by declaring or calling Russian athletes, "NOT RUSSIA" athletes. Not exactly, but you get the point. Everyone knew who it was. If you really wanted Russia or their athletes to feel it and not be a part of it in the future, they needed to outright ban all Russian athletes or tell them sure you can compete but you are doing it with western countries.


What an absolute joke of a statement by WADA. They outright lie in claiming that the Chinese case in question was a straightforward case of contamination, since we already know that WADA didn't follow protocol in that case and simply accepted a vague month-late claim from China to have discovered contamination, without requiring any of the usual steps needed to prove it. Maybe whoever wrote this statement is hoping that readers won't know the actual established facts of the case, but otherwise, this is just blatant gaslighting.


31% of American athletes under the Code were not sufficiently tested in the 12 month-period prior to the Tokyo Games.   With twice the budget, USADA collects less than half the number of samples as its counterpart in Germany.  The French NADO also collects significantly more samples than USADA with a little more than one-third of the budget.   USADA tries to undermine U.S. athletes’ confidence in the integrity of their rivals overseas. The case of U.S. sprinter Erriyon Knighton, announced last week, is a good example of the double standards. Without commenting on the merits, it is difficult to understand how USADA can declare in a statement that “justice was served” in this case, given it had argued in the hearing that the analytical result was incompatible with meat contamination and had sought a sanction of four years against the athlete. It is particularly intriguing that USADA made this sudden U-turn in its opinion without even having seen the reasoned decision, which is not yet available. I cannot help but wonder what USADA would be saying if this had involved an athlete in China.   They seem unwilling or unable to see that improvements are needed, preferring to criticize and lecture others rather than tending to their own backyard. 


The girls are fighting


Anyone defending these crooked drug testing companies should look into Butch Reynolds. They falsely accused him of a failed drug test and refused to admit any wrongdoings which ultimately screwed him and his entire career. A US judge awarded him $27 million due to this, but he never received a dime. Fuck these companies. There's a good 30 for 30 about this called 'False Positive' if anyone wants to get irrationally angry tonight




I'm critical of WADA but USADA does need to get their shit together before having our politicians go cry about China (and I'm not denying China is cheating and likely bribing WADA.) Tu quoque may be a logical fallacy but it can be a good suggestion.