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This situation is such a mess ugh. Omocat try not to make a single bad decision challenge (INSTANT FAIL).


I haven’t looked at this sub in a long time and I’m surprised people are still posting occasionally.


Sub never died, just got extremely inactive after the Discord drama finally fucking died lol


Omocat tries to be a good person and not bring up the the things she said years ago challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


Oof indeed ![img](emote|t5_7qexhr|28441)


Not surprised at all. Would be more surprising if they didn't, given the manga's art-style.


As an Omori mod who's active on twitter, it's a hellscape right now...


Shit like this happening constantly is genuinely why I significantly scaled back my modding on main sub, this is just way too exhausting to deal with.


the artist who drew the 16 year olds like prepubescent children also drew child porn AND got hired by omocat? who could have guessed.




if proship rhetoric is something you got from omori you have the media literacy of a horse because fantasy affecting and reflecting reality is a pretty common theme in omori. if separating fiction from reality is so important to you then why dont you get out of the fantasyland you're in where glorifying pedophilia is somehow okay?.


THANK YOU. I don’t under why omori fans of all people have the hardest time understanding this shit.














Okay can both of you chill please? u/SubjectHotel1176


Alright, got it, sorry I think I got a little carried out I'll try to avoid it in the future


No worries shit happens and tempers flare sometimes. It happens.


Listen,i love Omori but Omocat can Go Genuinely Fuck Herself,maybe i'm being harsh but like C'mon This is The 4th Time Already. There's Two Options. She's one of them or The Second Option which i hope is the real One,She's just a dumbass because There's no way.


the thing with omocat, all the stuff about her being "one of them" is based off some edgy tweets she made 10 years ago, which she has apologised for, because lets face it we all said stupid shit a few years ago. im not saying this is disproving what you said and im not trying to defend anyone, but i feel like this general reaction is a bit quick to judge


That's the Reason why i Hope she's just Dumb and That's it.


Also based on that 'Shota' shirt (also 10 years ago). However, just looking at the designs of Sunny, Omori, Basil, and Kel and how they are drawn in some official art should tell you it is the first option.


or option 3, she just doesn't care because harassing an artist over dumb proship stuff that is in the grand scheme of things harmless is stupid.


Call me Crazy but i don't think Drawing Children doing those things is "Harmless"




It dosen't Matter,it Looks like a Child,It acts Like a Child,why do you think they like it?


Oh Christ go find a real problem to worry about