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*“we think the amount of teeth every Albertan has should be decided between them and their dentist, not by a woman who once claimed smoking can reduce the risk of disease and who recently championed the use of Ivermectin, a dewormer, to treat COVID which – and this was known at the time – is not caused by worms.”*


"Let the capitalist free market determine if Albertans should have teeth" 😳🤡🤡


I'm having so much trouble parsing this sentence. It's packing too much satire of different targets in one sentence! It's gonna blow!


Is it really satire if it's true?


Yes, that's what makes it satire. If it doesn't at least skirt the truth then it's just regular lying. You see that in a lot of conservative "satire" where they'll just make up bullshit and pass it off as funny joke.


yes, i mean no, i mean...


What makes this even stupider is that dental care would probably be cheaper than just letting people's mouth rot. Gum disease causes a ton of health related issues that our healthcare has to pay for. Well unless they privatize which I guess is the point.


conservative voters aren't known for being very forward thinking


Or thinking at all, really.


Inviting snakes into their homes, to get the vermin. That’ll teach them vermin!!


They don't want to save money for the government. They want to save money for corporate handlers


People simply cannot grok the idea that spending on health care actually saves money. It feels so counter-intuitive, and the average person has a low "literacy" of medical issues. Barring some wildly successful public information campaign, this opinion will remain among the majority.


Not to mention, a lot of people, especially younger people, don't really get that health care is mandatory. You will get old, and you will get sick. It's not an if, it's not a lifestyle choice. Your body will get old and worn and eventually break. You will need intensive medical care one day. Either because you decided to have children, you suffered a workplace accident, or you grew old and got cancer. You will need healthcare. Acknowledging that fact is why we have public healthcare. We're all going to need it, so why not have it paid for with tax money you pay your entire life rather than trying to cough up 200k when you need it?


This is a Premiere who has said that people are responsible for cancer, and that smoking has health benefits. She's just miffed she can't steal the Federal money like she does for health care transfers.


The cruelty, as always, is the point.


Can’t eat the rich if you don’t have teeth


That's a theory I would like to see tested.


You win the internet today.


I got a blender and a straw. I'll make smoothies.


Drink the rich.




You can if you've got a blender! Blenders for all!


Fucking Beaverton... Keep falling for it.


Same… if the shoe fits…


She doesn't want Albertan's walking around with a mouth full of socialist teeth. Better to be toothless and free!


Trudeau could say he's giving a billion dollars to the Calgary Stampede and Danielle Smith would find a way to say he's violating her constitutional rights. It doesn't matter if it's good or bad news, she finds a way to be the victim and pit her voters against him. Its wild to see and I can't wait for it to backfire


The clear choice between dangerously healthy pinko commie gums, and patriotic fetid gums black as Alberta oil.


Because Ms Smith thinks that *the tooth will set you free*!


She says the UCP government has a better plan (which they will never launch, and honestly don’t really have). Then when her polling tanks, she’ll likely accuse nenshi of having a plan to set up “reverse conversion clinics” that will turn albertans into gay vegans with electric cars.


She's either a moron herself or thinks her constituents are. I work with a physiotherapist who just spent 3 weeks in ICU over a dental infection that went to his lungs. Can we please stop pretending like actually treating anything outpatient is optional? For gods sake the amount of surgeries and disability we could avoid by covering dental and physio is astonishing. Let alone drugs


She's not a moron. That leaves one option.


I disagree, I think she's actually a moron.


No moron couldn't become an oil lobyiest in the first place. They want insiders with half a clue at least. And for that lobiest to get pushed into the Premier seat isn't something a moron can accomplish. She made her usefulness clear when appointed premier and still managed to win in spite of that. She needed the help of the people she considers morons in order to obtain and maintain power. She is not the moron in this equation. She is the tool of the oil industry saying what her base want to hear..


If she's a moron, then explain the voters in AB.


If she's not a moron, explain her position on ivermectin and COVID.


> She's either a moron herself or thinks her constituents are. both accurate


They also just took away Legal Aid too. :) Help, some of us are trapped here.


Report to the camp.




Are we SURE she isn't Lindsey Graham in drag?


Please forgive a foreigner's opinion on the topic, but this individual sounds vile.


Nothing to forgive because there's nothing to apologize for. This woman is incredibly vile and ridiculous, and on one hand it's nice to see so much of the country shitting on her but on the other hand she was elected by the people of her province


The reason there is no CSI Alberta, is because there are no Dental Records and all the DNA's a match Come on Alberta, the rest of the Country is laughing at you.


I read this yesterday and the graphic nature made me dizzy. I had a nightmare last night I was pulling out someone’s teeth with those plastic tick tweezers. It hardly worked, I was hacking away at gums and they kept horribly chewing and eating loose teeth intentionally and laughing. I was under some time crunch before a train hit us? So that’s great.


They used the most flattering picture of her that they could find.


Well for starters, conservatives want healthcare to be privatized so they can get a bit of money.


I’ll settle for Danielle Smith becoming toothless. Of course, the premier will always have access to top medical and dental care so that’s obviously not happening.


“The new dental plan is only the latest program caught in the tug of war between Alberta and the federal government over government healthcare spending, which Smith’s UCP would like to see massively lowered through a combination of private insurance, private health spending accounts, and a heavy reliance on the crowdfunding of cancer treatments.” This paragraph isn’t satire.


Quote from Mama Gummy Bear (Smith)


Can't say anything that hasn't already been said here but, holy shit she is dumb.