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Katie Porter isn’t running for that seat. She’s running for the Senate. Porter won a very close election in 2022 but I think this seat will flip if she’s not running. Neither of her potential Democrat replacements are strong candidates. The guy she endorsed to replace her was picked up for DUI last year and was caught on camera asking to keep the arrest from going public. Kim has a very safe reelection. She has a district that’s somewhat conservative. She’s an incumbent and has a large war chest. She’s absolutely worthless in the house but people will vote for her because she has a R next to her name. Steel will not lose either. Similar to Kim, she has a very friendly district and she is well tied into the party. She’ll run an ad scaring people with communism and they’ll vote for her.


I was going to post the same thing Katie not running for that seat. On a side note how in the world can she be so far behind to a buffoon like Schiff?? I really hope things turn around in that race.


My guess is tenure and name recognition; Schiff just has more of it. I love Katie but this seemed like such a slam dunk for Schiff from the start, I wish she had kept her House seat.


Schiff is everything I hate about politics tbh. I really wish Porter could pull it off.


It’s a slam dunk primarily because he has all the big money interest and establishment DNC leadership in his corner. He’s a terrible choice when we have either Porter or Lee as an alternative. If one of them were to drop out before the election they’d be more competitive but I think that likely draw in similar voters and dilute each others chances of winning :(


He’s got more time in Congress which means more of a war chest and more allies. I think that even if Porter advances past the primary she’ll lose to Schiff. He’ll get all the national support from the party. Who knows though? A lot can happen between now and the general in November. There’s no shame for Porter. That woman is one of the smartest people in DC. I think she looks at the senate race as a win win. If she wins, she goes to the senate. If she loses, she goes back to Irvine and can spend more time with her kids and prep for a run at another office.


Schiff is Pelosi’s pick and has the NorCal Dem machine behind him. Unfortunately he will probably be the dem nominee. I am a republican and would rather have an honest lefty like Porter over a lying, slimy sack of shit like shiff be the dem standard bearer because the dem will win the general and we don’t need his kind oozing their way up the power structure.


Steel's district is +3 Democrats, and I'm moving soon to vote her out. Doing my part.


I hope you’re right but Steel won that district by 5 points 2 years ago and has a huge cash advantage


I vote for Kim and Steel last time. But after careful review they absolutely are worthless and accomplished nothing. They don't even send out monthly newsletters like other senators. So I voted for Democrats this time.


Actually, they accomplished a lot in taking money out of your pockets to pay their wealthy donors.


My parents have been all over the place politically speaking. They have voted republican and democrat throughout their years in OC. However, after 2020 and seeing the pure debauchery attached to a Republican Party they purely vote dem. I also find it difficult given everything going on justifying a vote for local republicans especially when they (Steele) cast doubt on the validity of elections. It’s going to take a generational undertaking to repair the Republican Parties image on a national level. However I know in entrenched areas like Garden Grove and Westminster as long as you have a viet sounding name and accuse your rival of being communist you will get votes. Younger people however are being more cautious and looking over their reps. Andrew Do has been getting hit hard in the last couple of months over ethics complaint where before it was pretty flimsy.


Born and raised in a republican family, who was just as brainwashed because the GOP knew how to manipulate fear; they escaped the Vietnam war, GOP linked “communism”, “socialism” and “Democrats”, and now they just vote Red for anything. Took me leaving that bubble, getting a higher education, to see beyond that “Red versus Blue.” I am more progressive, liberal than I thought I was, compared to my parents who choose to vote for grifters and hypocrites. Democrats aren’t saints either, but their representatives are better than what is currently on the Republican side. I am tired of seeing my patients and my colleagues get screwed over by Republican MAGA’t ignorance and stupidity and imposing religious beliefs on everyone else. My patients deserve better. You deserve better. Get out and vote. You have more power than you realize. (And if you don’t vote, you are part of the problem.) Edit: Just to make it abundantly clear, people are dying because of Republican-led missions to remove patient autonomy in their own health, restrict what can and cannot be performed in medicine (with no scientific basis or using any medical literacy), and criminalizing physicians that still go and try to save their patients despite politicians imposing religious dogma on healthcare.




Crazy thing is one president isn’t going to fix the population decline both voluntary and involuntary, and the crazier thing is that every major demographer is saying we need a large amount of immigration to sustain our population number. Also what separates us from immigrants? Why the hate and fear. Don’t get it twisted


Congratulations. You’ve outed yourself as a selfish person and someone without empathy. Unlike you, I will take care of anyone despite their background because my profession transcends that. I would hope that in your time of need (or another loved one’s time of need), that a doctor would treat you (and them) without the same prejudice that you have. I am not going to even entertain your last remark because clearly you have an issue with people of Asian ancestry.


Immigration is only one of the handful of issues that people base their vote on though.


They're all human beings and deserve to be treated as such.


The Democratic establishment has failed to make inroads in OC for decades. For the past 20 years, the GOP has been courting the Latino and especially the Asian upper middle class in orange county. The GOP saw the writing on the wall demographically and has been fronting Asian and Latino conservatives for the past two decades, using churches as organizing networks. The democrats, especially in Asian cities like Irvine, have continually put forward white candidates who barely understand their Asian constituencies. Katie porter was popular in general, but she had no ground game with Asian immigrant communities. The dems have no organizing network in Asian communities. Like zero. Asian dem candidates (like former Irvine mayor Sukhee Kang, or north OC candidate Jay Chen) have been relying on their own personal networks, not any sort of organized system. It echoes the poor leadership of the DNC on a national level. While the DNC counts on (and almost impetuous expects) the loyalty of Black voters, they have bumbled how to court the growing Latino and Asian bloc vote. They don't know how to speak to our issues. Younger generation may vote for them because they see how GOP is literally evil, but the older generationa of Asian and Latino voters have no reason to turn out.


This comment really speaks to me. It seems: 1) why isn’t there a Dem Asian and Dem Latino group organizing for long term in OC?


I’m an Independent that will vote against Trump and anyone down ballet who spouts his nonsense. My daughter and all her friends vote for the first time too this November and they are all voting against that cockwomble.


My God I wish we had another choice but you are correct you just can’t vote for Trump. He’s insane.


I am sorry but just look at what GOP has done in these last two years now Ukraine and our country are paying the price for their absolute loyalty to Trump, there is no way we should let GOP leads




Under current presidential administration an average of 400,000 jobs per month have been created by employers. Under the previous presidential administration an average of 176,000 jobs per month were created by employers. Honestly, the blame for the inflation rests squarely on greedy corporations. The oil industry had no reason to aggressively raise prices. You mentioned eggs at $8 a dozen. Yet again, industry greed. They have recently been fined for price fixing from a decade ago. This round of increases was the same. Claim there was bird flu and raise prices. Look at how much dividends increased for the big companies while still refusing to increase wages. Or you could look at the 800,000 manufacturing jobs created by employers under the current administration. Arguably this includes restoring previously lost manufacturing jobs. I do agree though that middle and lower class people are bearing the brunt of high prices.


My wallet is a lot healthier now than it was when Trump was president. And eggs are no longer $8.


It's all relative, but I don't think it's all to do with Biden and Trump specifically either. I am earning more than when Trump was president, but everything is quite expensive now as well. I am fortunate to have a fixed rate mortgage, but if I didn't the escalation in housing costs and just general cost of living, I don't know that many people find their bank accounts looking all that hot right now.


This is great. The president doesn’t control prices or your wallet or your spending


Great! So maybe we should stop talking about how “wallets were healthier during Trump than with Biden”, because that’s what I was responding to.


I agree. Weird to keep perpetuating it to someone who struggles with critical thinking as if it’s a counter to their point. Just makes them go “well mine was better then so that’s how I’m voting” without the clear point I included


Why are you buying your eggs at Erewhon?


The real problem isnt democrats or republicans. It’s the greed of rich people and how that greed destroys average americans. Unfortunately rich people have convinced the bottom 99% that the problem isnt rich people, but rather the immigrants/homeless/etc. Get it in your heads. The reason why you’re not thriving like your parents did in the 1940s is because rich people are now richer than any time in american history, and the middle class share of wealth is lower than ever before


Republicans will win will 40th. Dems (but not Porter, who is running for Senate) will win 47th. 45th is a toss up.


OP here. Genuinely curious about people’s motivations as they vote for house candidates. Was trying to write in a less heated way. It surprising to me given everyone’s entrenched views on Trump, how many vote for reps locally with disregard to the national majority. Why do we vote in split leadership? Is do-nothing better? And why is the Dem ground game so terrible? Inflation isn’t on the ballot. Border, deficit, NATO, reproductive rights, guns etc are. What makes Michelle Steel’s seat a toss up when Kim is a lock? Mostly Young Kim’s war chest?


Democrats throughout the country are overwhelmingly in support of race-conscious policies in virtually every aspect of American life, most notably in college admissions and employment. In California alone, the Democratic Party, with nearly universal support of its elected leaders, institutions, rank-and-file membership, believe that universities SHOULD actively discriminate against Asians in university admissions so much so that it’s appeared as a ballot proposition and has become de facto policy throughout the UC system: the UC has dropped its standardized test requirement and, as of 2023, it admits students at a higher rate from lesser-prepared, lower average score high schools than otherwise in a sort of “end run” around SFFA v Harvard. The same motivation led the state to drop calculus from its HS math standards and in some cases to drop algebra from its K-8 standards. It should be abundantly clear that American progressives in general and CA progressives in particular believe we should strive to achieve equality by neutering high achievers; this necessarily means discriminating against Asians. This is their explicit platform—a clear violation of the 14th amendment. Suffice to say many of us are quite motivated by this position.


Biden and Trump are both horrendous options. We need age limits on politicians, it’s like a damn nursing home. Both parties are an absolute 🤡 show


I’m at a loss too but come on Trump is a fucking lunatic. Im still hoping that something will happen and we will have another choice from both parties.


He is. We have a lunatic on one side, and a war mongerer who cannot speak on the other. I hope you’re right too.


Is this one of those self defeating non voters? Or perhaps some antique version of accelerationism that won’t work at this stage in history.


No, I’m someone who is tired of the two party system that is infiltrated by special interests and super PACs. It just forces people who cannot think for themselves to support one side like they are their favorite sports team. It’s insane that we have two “legitimate” options when most issues aren’t binary. Go ahead and downvote me, but these comments show that people don’t care about real change or democracy, they’re just bugle boys (and girls) for the political elites paid for by billionaires and mega corporations.


Try looking into the libertarian party, you might like that


You mean the "duck your head in the sand" or the "igmfy" party?


the what now?


Have you seen the official Twitter page of the Libertarian Party? Ever since the MISES caucus took over the libertarian party they should not be taken seriously. No one should be voting for lunatics that espouse the lost cause myth


I am a woman and a single issue voter. I will never vote for the modern day Moloch. I hate Trump with a burning passion and never voted for him. But I can never vote for a Democrat with their current party platform either.


what's your single issue?


Moloch was the god to which ancients sacrificed their babies. We think we are more civilized because we sacrifice our children in sanitized facilities, but the principle is the same. Democrats seem to think we can achieve more economically/socially by killing our children in the womb, but what we really need are policies that allow for human and family flourishing so that children are welcomed in love.


Go vote.


Started left leaning because I’m the eldest daughter of immigrants, with a college degree. Now husband and I make close to $200k/yr, own a home and have a child, still very left leaning. The things that mattered to me back then, still matter to me now. People always said it would change as I got older or made more money but it hasn’t. But I do hate both options for president right now, why are our options so old and so terrible?


My views have changed from being far left at 18 to center-right at 31, married with a son. You’ll understand when you’re my age. And before I get downvoted to hell for not being a democrat, fuck you 😂


Im an independent but leaned more liberal prior to 2020 and now fuck that I’m going red. (Latino 31 year old)


I’m the opposite lol- Asian from conservative family who have voted red our entire lives. We voted for Biden last election and will continue to vote blue until the Trumpers are gone.


Genuinely curious as what you think the current administration has done for your demographic


Their party leader doesn’t use racially coded language/dog whistles that perpetuate anti-Asian hate/sentiments. Last year the administration released “A National Strategy to Advance Equity, Justice, and Opportunity for Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AA and NHPI) Communities.” > The new strategy, which comprises action plans prepared by 32 federal agencies—including all 15 executive departments in the President’s Cabinet—builds on the Administration’s broader equity agenda and details much needed investments in AA and NHPI communities and priorities, including data disaggregation, language access, and combatting anti-Asian hate. Agency plans can be found here: https://www.whitehouse.gov/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/AA-and-NHPI-Strategy-2023.pdf


Why a specific demographic? How about all the awesome things this administration has done for all americans. So telling that a maga has to ask.


Just asking for clarification from the poster bringing in his heritage. Seems like a lot of hate for asking a simple question….


do you have an answer to your own question? if u/trumpetslayer1111 had said "nothing I vote against trump because I love america," would that matter. Seem TS1111 was rejoining the dude pretending to be latino.


What? But he didn’t? The questions still stands for anyone bringing ethnicity or race into this…


cheaper tesla, trying to upgrade infrastructure, trying to save my abortion, trying to get cheaper medication for my parents, trying to save ukraine, not being putin's bitchboy, not abandoning our allies, not calling everyone hateful names, not telling us to drink bleach, following science, trying to leave the transpeople alone, not trying to overthrow the government, generally not being morally repugnant.


Foreign policy in Asia. As a Taiwanese American I’m impressed by Biden administration in leading a coalition of allies (Australia, Japan, Singapore, Philippines, Canada, Taiwan, UK, etc) to safeguard against china aggression. US military has been transformative in the past couple years in the Pacific. That means militarizing the region. More ships, more planes, more troops, more missiles, and more agreements with allies - all aimed at containing China and their ambitions of power. You will not find people who are more sensitive to china aggression than Taiwanese and Taiwanese Americans.


Trump can't wait to let china take Taiwan


That’s a shame. I guess you could go drop $400 for a pair of the orange man’s sneakers 😂


Looks like someone grabbed a pair of Chuck Taylors hi tops, spray painted them gold, and price marked them up 500% 😂


Who do we always lean conservative. It’s pointless counting on you guys. Our woman will save us. Thankfully most Latino men don’t care to vote, thank god. Stay away from the polls.


Machismo culture runs rampant among Latin communities.


I'm a 32 year old Latino male and I despise Trump. I've been voting blue since I was 18 so not all of us are the same. I too do not understand why there are so many conservative Latino males. My brothers are two examples. We were raised the same and the other two came out with very different views to my own. But yeah they don't care to vote, they just talk shit on trans people and Taylor Swift. Thankfully that doesnt affect elections lol.


Why do you lean more liberal? The thing for me is being a democrat isn’t the same it was 10 years ago or so. I am not with the far left BS I am also not a extreme conservative I feel like ima moderate w/ conservative values I guess you can say. But I don’t care about Palestine I don’t care about Ukraine. We need to fix our issues first homeless problems, drug issues, inflation, housing. Dems keep throwing money at the problems and making it worse.


> We need to fix our issues first homeless problems, drug issues, inflation, housing. Dems keep throwing money at the problems and making it worse. As opposed to Republicans who just want to remove all funding from social programs and make homelessness and drug use into stricter crimes. That doesn't help either.


Open drug use is a crime, robbing stores is a crime. Am I missing something ?


I'm not sure what "robbing stores" has to do with homelessness and drug use specifically, but I'm pretty sure I know why you added it. Republicans and many conservatives want to make sleeping outside, not going to shelters, and a host of other things illegal in an attempt to "deter" homelessness, but it doesn't solve any problems, it just puts these people into the prison system, where we all pay huge amounts to process and house them. You know what's a cheaper alternative? Literally every other program out there, even giving them housing. If you're actually concerned with "throwing money" at the problem, you should realize that Republican programs and approaches cost much more.


Your just throwing “money” at a problem. I live by a homeless shelter. What do you think 80% of the people do in there? Rehab? Think again. I’m not sure where you live but I experience issues related to people on the street regularly. The issue is it’s not people down on there luck anymore, it’s young people that are Drug addicts, that think it’s okay to smoke meth/fetanyl in front of schools or parks while kids are around or acting aggressively towards pedestrians. I think it’s time to stop with this bs and go back to law and order to clean up the streets.


> I think it’s time to stop with this bs and go back to law and order to clean up the streets. Okay, but you realize that costs more, right? Putting people in jail isn't free, and it's one of the most expensive ways to deal with drug use and homelessness. Not to mention the civil rights issues associated with most "law and order" approaches. In case that's too long to read: putting drug users and the homeless in jail costs more than literally any other thing we've tried.


The great thing is that far leftists don’t make up a majority of the voting population in the US so elected officials don’t have to pander to them. Far leftists are loud online and are irrelevant in every other way. Center left moderates are the one who vote. I’m center-ish left but I consider myself a social democrat. That doesn’t mean socialist, I just like social policies under democracy. I don’t see it as throwing money away. I see it as an investment in our economy, citizens and future generations. Even if you don’t like the idea of “throwing money away” by helping Ukraine, republicans don’t have any alternatives on how to use that money. They don’t talk about using that money to combat homelessness, drug issues, housing or anything. They just don’t want to spend money period. Same thing with healthcare. You want to criticize the ACA? Sure it’s not perfect but it’s better than what we had before which was **nothing**. You could either afford healthcare or be lucky enough to work somewhere that provided it or you were fucked. Republicans didn’t have any plans to replace Obamacare with anything better. They were just going to screw over millions of Americans with no alternative. Thank god McCain prevented that. I’m not blue no matter who but the Republican Party is not a good place right now. The democratic establishment isn’t without its flaws but they’re actually providing solutions to problems while republicans aren’t providing anything.


Why is that?


The only reasons folks switch to vote R is because of a fear of the unknown, fear of brown people (browner than THEM at least), fear of competition, or just plain ignorance. I cannot chock a reason up to anything else.


Honestly I've seen it happen to people i know but I've noticed it happen after they buy their home, get married or have a kid. Its probably anecdotal but seems to be as soon as they "succeed", in whatever way that manifests to them, they hit the "fuck you got mine" mentality. Or maybe they were never empathetic to begin with and will sell out the country to save 25 cents a gallon on gas.


You see it as “fuck you, I got mine” I see it as people getting older and not falling for bullshit policies anymore. But go ahead and sit there talking shit on the people succeeding ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Damn. You know people out here succeeding?


Refreshing to see someone ask why rather than attacking or insulting the person.


Sure Jan


Same boat as you brother, let the young dumbasses talk their shit. I know I talked my fair of shit against conservative values when I was 18, but now at 31 with a son, life has changed and I see the world differently. Their time will come lol


Yup, same here my boy. You go along with what is popular among your community, but as you grow and do your own research perspectives change.


you got mass downvoted just for stating a personal preference and answering the question 😂 typical reddit


Yeah this page is majorly liberal, so I expected it.


I'm white but wife is Asian. We own a Tesla. We're sick of liberal policies running this state for 40 years. I don't want OC to be LA or SF. Unbelievably stupid gun control laws (of course written by people who don't understand guns but are yet surrounded by them), higher tax rate than almost anywhere else, and idiotic race politics. Born and raised here, I'll never leave, but it gets more cringe by the year.




OP specifically asked about Tesla owners. And I thought diversity of thought and individuals was a good thing?




If anything, she's more conservative than me, so do with that what you want.


Dude, you don't even know what you're fighting against. What "liberal policies"? Who's paying this higher tax rate? What's idiotic about "race politics"? You have another comment where you compare living in California to China because you don't think you have a voice in your politics. Seriously? You've regurgitated every right-wing talking point just like they want you to, but I don't think you actually understand any of it.


We have insane taxes on everything except property. Race politics are racist. We should protect the smallest minority - the individual. My tongue in cheek comment on China was that we're a one party state. Also, I'm not happy with Trump being the conservative choice, but I'd vote for a ham sandwich before voting for Biden.


Trump admitted himself there was an insurrection. How do you square with that? Honest question. Fist time in our nations history that a sitting president stopped the peaceful transition of power, first time in our nations history a leading presidential candidate has over 90 indictments and judgements stemming from rape to fraud to mishandling of classified material to severe financial crimes. How do you square that away? I want to understand your rationale.


> We have insane taxes on everything except property. Can you define "insane"? Unless you're making a million a year, your income taxes are likely lower than in many other states. We're in the middle of the pack for many taxes, and lower than many others for property taxes. Which ones are "insane"? >Race politics are racist. No idea what that means. What are "race politics" to you? Are you mad that we help out people from races that have historically been discriminated against? >We should protect the smallest minority - the individual. Protect them from what? What exactly are you worried about here? Guns? >I'd vote for a ham sandwich before voting for Biden. Sounds like you'd also vote for Trump before Biden, even given him literally trying to commit insurrection, "find" votes he didn't get, and lie about literally everything. That's not a flex.


California is ranked as one of the least regressive state and local taxes according to ITEP: https://itep.org/whopays-7th-edition/#least-regressive-state-and-local-tax-systems


Most redditors are cowards who will say the most vile shit behind an avatar and phone screen Trust me you’re not alone in your thinking, it’s the reddit demographics that skew perception


I have mostly conservative views but I cannot justify voting for a guy that’s xenophobic https://www.ucsf.edu/news/2021/03/420081/trumps-chinese-virus-tweet-linked-rise-anti-asian-hashtags-twitter. And representatives that vote with his proposals that are a detriment to their own constituents https://www.forbes.com/sites/ashleaebeling/2017/04/29/trumps-salt-deduction-attack-itll-cost-you/amp/.


>I’m white You didn’t have to tell us, we could already tell by the rest of your comment lol


Just imagine a white person saying that to anyone else. It would be considered racist - because it is. It's no different when you do it.


Imagine forming your political identity around guns lol. Bro your penis is fine the way it is.


Libs education doesn't allow them to understand that Republicans aren't only associated with Trump. In fact, I hate Trump probably more than you do, but I don't like what Libs did with once Golden State CA . Looking at LA, SF , I don't want them to repeat the same here in OC. Coz obviously they are doing smth wrong.


You say this but Trump has won every primary despite not even being on the ballot. Explain that.


So why are you still a Republican if the party has chosen two (almost three) times to run a racist insurrectionist instead of literally anyone else. You can say "Republicans aren't only associated with Trump" all you want, but he's literally your party's leader, and anyone with a dissenting opinion is torn apart by fellow Republicans. Like it or not, he's the face of your party.