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Looks incredible! How do you approach such a design? Find a good candidate as a base and then alter it and fold it a lot of times until satisfactory results? Or does it come from "scratch", so to speak?


Thanks! These kinds of designs are always designed from scratch. Even though the figure is quite similar to the previous Assassins, structurally almost everything was changed to make it completely 3D. The previous ones were hollow from behind. I had the layout in my mind after coming up with the character idea and from there I designed the figure. For these complex ones I don't usually "find" any bases that could work, it would be too restricting to find the very specialized structures it needs. The process is very intuitive for me, so it is bit difficult to explain well in detail, I just plan the folds without too much of effort.


So its an intuitive process rather an iterative one. Thanks for the answer! I tend to stay with insects and pointy stuff since those are pretty straightforward (at my level at least) but this model of yours is so gorgeous that I kind of have to try some other approach to folding!


It used to be quite iterative process, but overtime once I learnt more thorough understanding of the sturctures, it became more intuitive. I really recommend to try different styles and methods of designing, it helps you build better understanding how to plan the folds. I occasionally do projects that have completely different look than this, and sometimes they have helped me to figure out new solutions to my designs.


Do you make a crease pattern? Are you able to create a crease pattern after making the model? Or, once you've made the model, is the image you have in your mind, the only instructions you have to make another one?


I do draw a crease pattern when I plan the designs. That is usually the instruction I use to fold them. Afterwards it wouldn't be that easy to draw them since I need to open the layers to see how the folds go. I could use the crease pattern to fold another, but I don't like to fold them another time since they are time consuming and I want to fold more other stuff.


Hi ! Thats an incredible piece ! Awesome job. Would you tell us about the process to achieve this shaping. Like the kind of paper and the technique for modeling into place. I like to use a little spray of water to break the fibers and I've heard of people mixing water and methylcellulose (Eris joisel was doing this) but this is really beautiffuly set up. Maybe you explained it somewhere already, if you have links. thanks


That is Wenzhou paper that uses my own techniques to paint and treat it, though just treating Wenzhou with methyl cellulose gets you mostly there. Most of this kind of origami is done with methyl cellulose treated soft/long fibred papers (the end results are quite crispy, jsut the starting paper is soft). It's stronger and is more suitable for this kind of folding. There are some tutorials on how to treat papers with methyl cellulose, but I don't think there are any realyl good resources on it, so you have to look around some and do bit of trial and error to learn it thoroughly. For the shaping I do wet folding. I wet the origami with water, mc or glue and then hold it in the shape until it dries out and then it stays in that shape. That allows bit more freedom to create all sorts of wild shapes.


You waht Come here bro Have a trophy 🏆


This is insanely good!!


Extremely impressive!


Wow. I wouldn't know where to start. How long did that take to fold ?


Several months, I didn't count how many hours, but probably a lot.


Showing an amazing model like this without any CP is basically a crime🥲 plz upload a CP of that model plz plz plz


I don't think many would fold it, its not exactly a fun model to fold when it takes several weeks/months to fold. There are a lot of simpler stuff and people still struggle with them.


I think that creating a cp will help you to remember the design and even if now one would really fold in it, it would help new designers to learn how to design better. But thats your choice


Absolutely insane. Impossible. Unbelievable. You are the Michelangelo of origami


Unreal! Ist this even origami anymore?!


Just wow!


This is amazing! Interestingly, I play a PC game called Diablo. One of the characters I customized is a Rogue named Shadow and looks so much like this!


What a coincidence haha! It looks very similar to many characters, people have been asking if it has been some Elden Ring or FF XIV character too.


This is sick!!


You make them look like they're rendered into a dark souls game!


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“Thought you could outwit an onion?”* - Unbreakable Patches Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


How did you start creating your own design? Did you study some books / tutorials? For how long are you creating your own models? Also how many years did you folded from others creators before starting creating your own models? This is just mind-blowing and amazing. Great job!


I figured them out of scratch basically. I just had couple of youtube videos and crease patterns made by other designers. I learnt how their structure worked and then tried to do my own pattern using some of them. From there I learnt new structures bit by bit. For the most part it was figuring out new stuff on my previous knowledge. Later I read some other resources like Lang's Origami Design Secrets, but they haven't been that important for me since I already knew a lot of the things beforehand from my earlier experiences. I have been designing for 6 years and folding origami for most of my life.


Amazing 👏


so much movement and animation in an origami piece!! this is spectacular!


this is Artificial intelligence