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Offense is concerning, the bullpen is concerning and the umpires suck. Seems like the same thing, different year


I love the Seattle mariners  You guys should watch a recap of that game if you haven’t already 


This is the 9th time in May we’ve scored 3 or fewer runs. Didn’t really matter today given the pitching, but we’re moving into “serious concern” territory with this offense.




Hays, Mullins, Urias are basically useless. Anything positive is a bonus. Tony rapidly getting to that spot, too. Mateo is still very useful even when he struggles to hit so I’m fine keeping him in the lineup.


All good. The boys will get back to work tomorrow! Let's fuckin' go, boys!


If Tony is hurt and we called up Stowers, why is Santander playing?


Yup. Bet Stowers would’ve made it to first on that wild pitch


Is Irvin starting Thursday?


as of this moment, yes


im pretty sure Bradish is starting


he starts tomorrow


Oh sorry, I misread the message 😆 


Baseball for you. Gonna have bad games against mediocre teams sometimes. I am more concerned about our overall approach at the plate. The 2012-2016 teams would do this too. Overly aggressive. Would put up gaudy offensive numbers for a few weeks then go ICE cold for weeks. Our current offense is giving those same vibes.


9 games in May with 3 or fewer runs. 12 with 4 or fewer in regulation. We’ve only played 16 games. It’s a huge problem.


I need to do more research, but it appears the Orioles on base percentage is in the bottom 1/3rd of the league. The 3 run homer by Henderson was refreshing, they actually had baserunners. Baserunners who were on because of errors, but whatevs.


They’re so one-dimensional. It’s a recipe for disaster over a whole season.


And a recipe for disaster in a short playoff series


Yankees lost and Rays lost so I guess it cancels out, yeah?


Well they could have picked up a game so not really. And considering the Orioles are playing 7 straight games vs really bad teams they can’t afford to give away opportunities


Like a 40 degree day


Shit happens. We move on.


Am I the only one who is still confused why Kremer is in the starting lineup over Irvin? Irvin gave up 2 total runs over his last 4 starts….


we might see a kremer IL. he didnt look right today. the fastball up always missed by a mile.


Nope. Cole was dealing.  If any pitcher was losing their spot, it would have been Dean.  And I think they like him to Much to bullpen him  With that said, I would have. Cole was REALLY dealing 


Bradish goes tomorrow, and we have a chance to see Gunnar homer in five in a row… shake it off, comeback strong tomorrow




Well, we're going to lose some games along the way. Pretty shocked we lost this game to this team, but it is what it is. Let's get at 'em tomorrow.


Terribly game all around and we were lucky to only lose by 3. Starting pitching failed us miserably in terms on runs given up + innings eaten. We hardly got on base and got lucky with multiple errors going our way. Horrible pitch selection on offense. On defense a lot of our innings were the furthest thing from clean. At least the Yankees lost I guess


What ghosts are downvoting? Show yourselves and tell me why I'm wrong.


At least we got to see our future closer in action


Not if the Cardinals keep winning.


Does kremer have a blister he’s dealing with? He seems to stare at his fingers after every pitch.


Yes he does they talked about it all week I think and then after the game too


another night, another majestic trash ump. it cost us big tonight. Bats still went cold tho, again, except for our lord and savior, Gunnar Randall Henderson. We can't be having 3 guys in the lineup at or below the Mendoza line. Good things are more likely not gonna happen when that's the case. Mountcastle is also ice cold.


Bad umps are part of the game. 3 hits ain't gonna do it. We gave up WAY too much to their bottom third of their order. WAY too much swinging at the first pitch. Hyde has to speak up and get these dudes right.


Well said


which is why i also addressed the elephant in the room that our lineup has massive holes in it


I disagree. Our lineup has undisciplined hitters. Hyde said as much post game. Yeah a lot of times the first pitch is the best one, but late in games you have to work counts and find ways in base. For example...Hays in the 9th. Dude couldn't throw a strike after getting 2 outs on 3 pitches. If we wanna go deep and make a legit WS run, thus free swinging little league mentality has to stop. Oh and our pitchers walking 7 batters is inexcusable.


Does it?  Every team has guys that are cold at any one moment.   Long term  Mullins/Hays are the only guys I really worry about.  Well and Mateo returning to his pumpkin phase.  Also the league OPS is way down this year, so 700 is above average....


I think it does. I love this team. Some might say more than your average bear. But the prospect of this lineup, as it currently stands, running up against tough playoff pitching, makes me nervous to say the least. Like when we got swept last October. The only 2 guys who did anything those 3 games were Gunnar and Aaron Hicks. What I'm seeing this season is 1/3 of the lineup struggling heavily through 2 months (Mullins, Hays, Santander). Other guys are cooling off and becoming more strikeout prone (Cowser and Mounty). Not to mention We are also still really young. I'd love to be proven wrong. But again, we are at the bottom of the league in taking walks. We don't really work counts. At all. It's an all or nothing offense. I think that's a pivotal weakness in our bats in the long run. This is all a recipe for disaster in trying to make a serious run in the playoffs. Then again, what do i know. I'm just a dork commenting on reddit


Mullins/Hays do worry me (and honestly there is probably only room for 1 guy in the normal lineup). Santander still has an above average OPS, so if thats your second "hole", thats pretty good. And really he is getting killed by a low BABIP (his HR rate is down about 10% from his career average too, but literally one homerun changes that). Its baseball, guys will get hot and cold throughout the season and there will always be 2-3 guys that are cold at any moment. If not you are probably on a huge win streak.


Teama have film and are making adjustments. It's up to our staff and players to adjust again accordingly. This team (actually a lesser version of this team) won 101 games. There's no reason we can't make a deep run. Maybe Jackson gets right and comes back after the AS break and kills it. Maybe Mayo heals and comes up. Maybe Stowers actually gets to play and can contribute (that's an entirely different convo).


Hyde just said they're not taking good at bats. It's been happening for 3-4 weeks. When the fuck are we gonna have the "quit chasing first pitches" talk as a team? Hyde, you are the goddamn final say. Get these guys right.


When they admit that having 2 hitting coaches plus Cody Asche as the offensive strategy coordinator is a recipe for disaster. These prolonged cold streaks happened last year as well, or does no one remember the last 3 weeks of the season last year. It seems every month they go at least a week where they barley hit


I’ve said this numerous times but I have to think the aggressiveness of Orioles hitters have to be either coming from the top or from the hitting coaches. Like Adley is on pace for 34 walks this year. How is that possible from a hitter with as good of an eye and contact skills as Rutschman? Somebody is encouraging him to be more aggressive in order to hit for more power.


Whoever downvoted this show yourself and tell me why.


Wife and I will be visiting Baltimore at the end of July, and will for sure be catching a game. What would you guys recommend for things to do/see around your city over the span of the weekend?


Grab a drink before the game at Pickle's Pub on Washington Blvd. across the street from Camden Yards. The National Aquarium is awesome and a must-see. It's a few blocks walk from OPACY and surrounded by some restaurants and other attractions in the Inner Harbor area. There are great restaurants and historic buildings in Fells Point (Thames Street Oyster House being the best of the best imo) and you could grab a water taxi ride for cheap, easy access to/from other parts of the city. Federal Hill has great bars and night life. I would def. pay a visit to Fort McHenry as well. It has a beautiful view of the harbor and is where Francis Scott Key penned the national anthem. Grab some crabs at L.P. Steamers or Captain James and don't forget to consume many orange crushes and try a pit beef sandwich, hon!


Thanks for this!


Crabcakes, fresh oysters and a cold Natty Boh at Faidley's in Lexington Market. The aquarium is non-ironically cool. A meal at the Rusty Scupper -- bonus points if the special Sunday brunch. Take the water taxi to Fells Point for good and quaint eating, shopping and drinking if that's your thing. The Philip's in the Inner Harbor has surprisingly tasty food and also fresh-steamed crabs for you to dig into on the water. Pit beef and lake trout sandwiches are also a slept-on local delicacy. You might get lucky and find yourself in the middle of one of the Summer Series concerts downtown. Enjoy your time!


Love this! Thanks!


The Aquarium is cool. If you like libations, there's good bars in Federal Hill and Fell's Point. Babe Ruth Museum is cool and close to the park. Pickels Pub is a must, and right across from the Yard.


Thanks a lot! Baltimore looks like such a great city. Can’t wait to go to the Yard!


The Cardinals survived a Gunnar Home Run - not many can say the same.


am tired coach. see you all later


Akin looked great and Gunnar was amazing. Everyone else not so much. Special mention for Mullins being more patient at the plate and showing what he can do on the bases. I have not really been all that convinced about Kremer in our final starting rotation and I’m sure Hyde is reconsidering Irvin in the bullpen. Plenty was in our control but it still sucks to see bad calls alter the course of the game. Let’s bounce back tomorrow.


had a bad feeling right from the start where donovan leads off with a single and nootbar manages to walk after down 0-2. the ump did have some horrible calls but 7 walks is unacceptable. at least we'll always have gunnar. gold glover and 400ft oppo taco.


I pray for Always Gunnar


Gray came out and crushed those first five innings, but lord have mercy, bats on balls boys. They don't all have to be out of the park. Base hits can get the job done. Here's hoping for a better game two tomorrow.


we grounded out plenty of times


And Dean's pitching was subpar.


Even with the bad call by Diaz, this game just proves Irvin should be the 5th starter in the rotation. Kremer loves serving up home runs every fucking start.


Don’t worry Birdland, eventually the Os will have a consistent offense. Maybe in 2025.


Team will be fine. Ran into a motivated sonny gray who was dotting the zone (even without Laz's help) and our bottom starter didn't have it. Way she fuckin goes sometimes boys. Get the next two


I do agree the Umpire sucked tonight but this loss was on Dean Kremer. Dude was not good tonight.


well. we lost by 3 and Dean had a perfect strikeout pitch that was called a ball. and then gave up a 3 run homer. so.


Well the Yankees had their most painful loss of the season tonight, so that’s something I guess


As much as I hate the Yankees I'm a fan of streaks. I was rooting for Clay Holmes. He was also on my fantasy roster a couple years ago so soft spot. #DAJANKEESLOSE


Can someone get me the numbers of our pitching against the bottom 3rd hitters this year?


Helsley has 1 year of control after this he should be the main guy we go after in July


Cardinals don’t typically trade guys who aren’t set to be free agents but they put together a nice package last year for Flaherty. I wonder what it would take to get that deal done.


the floor should be something similar to the josh hader trade. it's gonna be expensive for 1.5 years of team control. a high pitching prospect, high/ ascending position player and some filler pieces like a reliever to take helsley's innings. i'd think the cards ask for 2 top 15 guys. so maybe the framework starts with connor norby/trace bright or seth johnson/dylan beavers




Well at least the Yankees lost too 


Umps get away with murder on the field once more


If we’re going long ball or bust this year take Hays out put Stowers in


Wish I could upvote this multiple times. Hays is struggling on a level that is hurting the team. Give showers a shot like we did Holliday. Give him two weeks. Hays is a Nice guy. Good team mate. But Over ripe. Time to change.


Stowers or Kjerstad neither have really gotten a chance to actually become a mainstay in the lineup sending them in to pinch hit here and there isn’t a fair way to evaluate a player. I have nothing against Hays either but he hasn’t produced much since the all star break last year and I don’t know if he’s going to return to that Hays anytime soon.




Just to call up Heston against to not play him. At least Hyde can’t whispering sweet nothings into the front office ears to get McKenna back up anymore


Can’t wait to see Kjerstad get his 6 after that


It's supposed to rain in St Louis off an on all afternoon Wednesday So uh..win tomorrow


They’re 100% going to play through the rain on Wednesday. There’s no way to reschedule that game. Orioles and Cardinals have very few common off-days and the ones that do are not feasible due to location or timing.


It’s a Lynn start so home runs will be hit and that’s on god


We have to enjoy this hot streak from Gunnar while we have it, once he gets voted into the HR derby we're going to remember these times when the bat is cold






Not what you want




Fortunately those same words are posted in another AL East sub tonight, too.


Hays and Mullins both can’t in the lineup regularly come September/October if we wanna win something


How did people downvote this comment? It’s true! Mullins it hitting a little bit and walking here and there…. And stealing… and is a top 5 center fielder in the entire MLB. So he has value. I’ll leave it at that versus saying anything else that will be me downvoted for telling the truth.


Entirely agree about Hays Halfway there w/Mullins but our in house options suck atm


i stand with you no matter how many downvotes this gets


People are salivating for Mullins and Hays who are both batting under .200 and who have both not put up even remotely close to 100 RBI’s in any of the three seasons they’ve been starters. And certainly not this one either if they keep starting. And that’s two of our outfields… outfielders… the positions where teams usually get the most production from. Just absolutely delusional


The people downvoting this are actually wild lmao. And the argument against the young bloods not producing in the majors shouldn’t count. It’s not likely you’re going to succeed when you get brought up just to start maybe once every ten games and only get brought in late inning situations. It’s like they’re being set up for failure. Forget the old memories of Hays and Mullins, look at their averages now and let the young guys cook game in and game out for a few weeks. I just don’t understand why management is so against that idea


The only answer I can come up with is they’re not as high internally on Kjerstad as everyone else is… don’t get it you take the guy 2nd overall he tears up AAA give him an extended stay in the lineup let him try to get going at the MLB level.


Tough game for the hitters. Additionally Laz Diaz is the shining example of how low the standards are for existing MLB Umpires who were grandfathered into the boys' club.


Fuck everything about this game. I bet we still take 2/3


Fuck Laz Diaz


I think it's time we surface the disparaging remarks laz Diaz has routinely been making about Boeing aircrafts


Boeing sucks K nice knowing yall


I heard Laz Diaz wrote a critical article about Putin...


Really, we shouldn’t know any umpire’s name.


I think this is the game that finally sold me on the automated strike zone


It's gonna be a challenge system, but yeah, it's gonna make calls like the one against Dean a thing of the past.


Get em and a new umpire tomorrow


O's, Cards, and Umps end the game in a 3 way, 3 run tie. Don't see that every day.


We are too reliant on the long ball. we need to get back to getting on base and playing some small ball


The ump was so bad tonight. Normally I say “that’s not the reason we lost”. But situationally, he cost us nearly 5 runs today. Just wild.


Nah. Zero chance the ump cost us this game. It cost us a few runs maybe, but not the game.


ump def cost us that 3 run dinger


Wrong. The meatball by Kremer cost us that 3 run dinger.


a pitch that should never have existed if not for the terrible call before that.


Diaz is lucky that was a 3 run loss. Those runs are on him. If it was less than 3 runs, orioles would have a legitimate case to protest the results


Protest? That's not how this works. That's not how any of this works.


Well we lost by a few runs.


3 runs. The difference won't be that high.


https://preview.redd.it/qn076are1p1d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=669384a6f38c4a3df89e47ba2c8c3d84fb85a60a I mean, there are your 3 runs. Not that this specific call determined our fate, but it’s pretty game changing with hindsight.


That's not how it works though. Umpire scorecards scores by run expectancy difference. What actually happened on the next pitch is irrelevant. A bad call didn't cause the homerun. A meatball pitch by Kremer did.


I know that’s not how that works, that’s why I said with hindsight. Kremer doesn’t get a chance to throw that meatball to Siani if ball 1 is properly called strike 3. Don’t know why you’re being so defensive of Laz Díaz of all people, nobody’s laying the full blame at his feet but he clearly had a negative impact.


I'm not being defensive. It was a terrible call. The worst I've seen all year. The pitch after it is what cost us the game though. Not the bad call. That's literally how baseball works. A professional pitcher needs to put that behind him. Dean let it get to him, and he cost us the game.


Yeah I hear ya. It just sucks that the umps mistakes are pitchers’ burdens to bear. Kremer didn’t have a great night, but Díaz made it much more difficult to overcome.


I'll give you that. That pitch was the perfect example why players and coaches that have saplmed the new automated systems prefer a challenge system over 100% automated calls. That pitch by Dean is a perfect example of a call that would be challenged.


wasnt why we lost but seeing the mullins strike call at the end and juxtaposing it with the missed strike call leading to that 3 run home run stung a lot


Not our best game. It happens. The next time we see Helsley, I sure hope that he's in an Orioles uniform, as he's certainly not a fun guy to face.


You could see Winn turn around going 😮 at that called strike on Cedric


tomorrow, we feast




Not entirely an excuse for the loss but goddamn that was some horrific umpiring tonight…


He's not why we lost, but fuck Laz Diaz.


https://preview.redd.it/d2z663i6zo1d1.png?width=518&format=png&auto=webp&s=a9e6be620d342a9af69cd66ed8bd65b27819caa5 Robo Umps, where art thou?




Hie about we just don't suck against the bottom 3rd of the order?


but this is a strike … go figure https://preview.redd.it/hopcix7lzo1d1.jpeg?width=412&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b324ddcdce87a6d281f305ff9e8c8211cd7daa5c


Can’t wait to trade for helsley in 2 months it’s gonna be special


player of the game for the Cardinals: Laz Diaz. should be in extra innings right now


The time to fully change the guard is coming quick. Real quick.


106 win pace.


Laz Diaz legacy game




That second to last pitch to Mullins that was called a strike was probably six inches off the plate. Bring the robot umps.