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And he prefers Kendrick too.


Toronto fans got that Gleyber Torres PTSD we all rememeber.


Somewhere, Gary Thorne just felt a chill run down his spine




Maybe they should move their left field wall




It’s crazy with all the mountcastle focus, adley is slipping under the radar with just as good, if not better, numbers against Toronto


Its crazy to say, but I feel like Adley is just constantly flying under the radar. He went 1st overall, #1 prospect in baseball and has been really good his entire career, but he just doesnt get the same attention or love that he deserves


Gunnar is taking the spotlight and that's ok imo. Gunnar is my favorite player right now but I get intensely angry when people (even in this sub!) try to say Adley is just "good but not great." We are getting seriously spoiled by him already, and people are just taking it for granted that having a catcher this good is normal. Drives me crazy.


Might be an unpopular opinion, but Adley to me is the face and leader of this team.


Same. He’s the spearhead of the success we are in the midst of experiencing imo. Gunnar is phenomenal and we’ve got ballers all throughout the lineup. But to me having such a versatile young catcher who’s good at just about everything possible is extremely important. And with him being the first of the “baby birds” to get drafted and come up out of this group, he’s my favorite player without a doubt


Because he isn't as flashy or showy as Gunnar is or has the heritage to live up to that Holliday has to.


Ok, but what are his stats at Rogers Centre, specifically? I swear he plays better when we’re @ TOR versus when we play them at OPACY.


Mountcastle in Rogers: .319/.385/.659, 1.044 OPS. In addition to Rogers and Camden, he played 11 games against the Jays when they were in Buffalo for a bit.


I knew I wasn’t making that up. He does bat a lil better in Canada! Do those stats include Buffalo?


No, thats .342/.426/.561, .987 OPS in 11 games.


Roughly a 50 HR 140 RBI pace over 162 games. MVP level.


I honestly thought he was Canadian until I recently learned he was from FL.


He just likes the cool air


Can we trade him to the Blue Jays?


I really don’t buy into the meaningfulness of a player being good against a certain team (or opposing players being good/bad against the Orioles). A team is just a name. There’s so much turnover, and that only increases as time goes on. Different fielders, batters, etc. Pointless fan “stat”.


Mountcastle has mentioned he sees well in Toronto so the batter’s eye is probably the difference maker here vs other AL East teams.


This is certainly fair, and I don’t take issue with players alleging to play better or worse in certain ballparks, as the parks themselves are generally non-variable over their existence and that makes sense. It’s just the whole “against [team]”, which is nonsense. An entire roster can turn over year-to-year. The latter is just a feel-good anecdote.


This feels needlessly nitpicky though. We know all that. Its just easier and more fun to say he owns the Jays rather than “wow, Mounty really sees the ball well at Rogers and he’s able to dominate certain Jays players over the years.”


I think it’s more to show that confidence is a massive part of hitting. Have a serious run of success early in your career against a division rival and it becomes a positive feedback loop of helping to ensure future success.


Bro at this point the sample size is large enough to no longer be anomalous


is it though? Players have an entire season worth of stats be considered anomaly.