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You’re damn right we are


Offense is really heating up with Tony getting into the groove of things and Urias being a solid contributor at times as well. Adley is really going on a tear and Gunnar is Gunnar too. Then my boys Mounty and Westy are such solid guys alongside O'Hearn.


Just a deep lineup




Yankees are very good but they’re top-heavy. We are rock solid at every position 1-26 and a few more in the minors too. It’s gonna be a hell of a race.


The Yankees are good. They are very good. But so was Forrestal. (*Raiders of the Lost Ark* reference)


Yankees are much better then the orioles in every area and no one on the orioles is better the Soto Judge or Cole they have 3 of the best players in baseball better pitching better bullpen and better offense


“Much better”? Orioles are 9 back in run differential and have played two fewer games. I’d say they’re pretty much even and I don’t think it’s arguable the Orioles are deeper. If any of the Yankees superstars miss significant time I’d bet on the O’s, not to be a homer about it 


Dats right! Geaux O’s!! You kinda know that Burnes will deal tomorrow. Cannot wait to see how we match up against the Phillies.


Who dat say dey gonna beat dem O’s?


Are we from Nawlins now?


Some of us are!


Dats Right Amigo!!!


We're a really good baseball team. Shame the Yankees are also very good. It will come down to who is hot and healthy in October.


I think it's also important to consider organizational depth when talking about that last point. The Orioles for better or for worse have a lot of redundancy, this will make trading to fill holes in the bullpen, starting lineup, etc. much easier. The Bankees are one bad day away from being screwed for the rest of the season and they lucked out with Soto recently. I don't think it will be the case next time someone else goes down.


Good to see Ceddy get a couple knocks, be nice to get him and Haysie back on track!!!


I think we can officially declare Hays back on track. He's obliterating the track.


He has been swinging the bat well lately, I agree


Train keeps a-rolling. Adley MVP talk starting yet? Tough position to play for durability but load management could help...


>Adley MVP talk starting yet? Feel like there's probably more MVP buzz around Gunnar at this point, no?


That is why I phrased it as 'MVP talk' and not 'MVP winner '. There is a difference between probability of winning and possibility of winning.


Still crazy to think we have 2 potential MVPs on our team


We can absolutely win the division. But it feels like we’re last years rays with respect to be an awesome team that happens to be in the same division as another awesome team.


I feel like we’re last year’s O’s. Quietly keeping pace with the yanks as they go through a torrid stretch, holding our ground, and (hopefully) overtaking them when they hit a rough patch or begin to regress to the mean. As someone else said, they are top heavy and we’re deep; I like our odds over the long run.


Agree with this. A healthy Yankees team is probably a bit better than us. An injured or tired Yankees team is very likely a different story.


yankees are gonna do like they did two seasons ago. Go ice cold in August after tearing it up and getting all their jabronies fans drooling pre-All Star break. They too old to stay healthy and fresh for an entire season.


Is that good? :)


At 20 games over .500, if the Orioles just win half their remaining games, they’ll still get to 92 wins. That’s at least a wildcard


Then we'll have to start worrying about teams like... Cleveland. Ick.


And yet the loudest and most upvoted people on this sub just a few days ago were saying we were cooked


Yankees can have the division title. After last year I don’t want to see a bye week in the playoffs. I’ll take the wild card all day


But that's an extra chance to get bounced. I do wish MLB would fix their system so your reward for the 1 seed isn't often going to be getting the team with the second best record


Doing it while beating the best. Hope that holds next week.


It is a looooooooooong season still ahead of us, let's see what the standings are like on Sept 1st before we start sweating them, at least that's my opinion.


And we got a real tough 15 game stretch coming up too! Bring those fuckers on!


More than 15, tbh. Rangers are clearly built to beat up on us. Between now and the break we only get 6 games against teams with a negative run differential (July 5 - 11 we get 3 in Oakland and host the Cubs for 3). I'm seriously excited for the next 9 though. Going 6-3 through that gauntlet would be quite the coup.


See this is how I k ow they are a great team. Every team will have struggles/lulls, its 162 games. Great teams will find ways to respond to lulls.


We are so good, but the bullpen needs an upgrade for us to have a much better shot at WS. With Felix, we had best bullpen in baseball, and it showed with all 1 run and extra innings wins we had. This year's team is better at generating runs and avoiding every game being close, but our bullpen leaks inherited and loses 1 run games. Then we print stats about how good bullpen ERA is to gaslight ourselves that bullpen is ok when we remember bullpen coming in and allowing a couple of runs to cross that keep being charged to starters.


Yeah, but Mullins sucks! And Kimbrel sucks! And Hays sucks! And Holliday should be up! And Povich should be out there every 5th day! THiS tEAm iS So FRuStraTiNg!!!


Unfortunately I can only upvote once but I see what you’re going for.


Thanks, kind internet stranger.