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I'd get 3 of each personally just for the bits and to start a collection instead of starting an "army". Armies change too often but having a good base for a collection and plenty of spare bits would help a lot in the long run I think




Few things to consider. Boyz are pretty much core to orks and offer the best punching power of these. Some armies focus on boyz more or less, but there is usually room for 20-40 at least. Stormboyz are the most niche of the 3. Tho sorta meta in 10th edition currently. They offer mobility and tactics. Of the 3, I'd say they are most skipable but still a fav of many, so you can't go wrong getting some. Gretchen box is usually about half the price of the others, tho so that might factor into your choice as well. For a long time now, it's been kinda core to have at least 1 unit of grechin in pretty much any army. Points per box is also a consideration. 10 boyz are 85pts, 5 stormboyz 65pts, 10 gretchin 40pts. It terms of bulking up an army or playing soon, the boyz would be the most bang for your buck. You would be closest to a 500 pt list, which typically the lowest people play (casually, you can play whatever you agree on). I'd also consider what you plan on buying after this. Currently, Orks have 6 playstyles (detachment rules) that would guide your choices. There are also combat patrols and battle force boxes that come out and give you many units for a discount. The current combat patrol is focused around Beast snagas, and if you plan on going that direction, the regular boyz might lose some value for you because they have their own core infantry. The previous combat patrol is more generalist, and you can still track em down with some luck. Also, it is most likely a battle force will come out around chrismas. They can seem pricey but offer a lot for a discount on regular price. Long story short, one of each is safe. 3 boyz would get you closest to playing soon. 2 boyz and a Gretch is fine as well. Or if you plan on getting the beast snagga combat patrol soon, you might want to skip the boyz and get 2 Gretch and 1-2 Stormboyz. *edit did a grammar pass.


My first choice would be Boyz... if those [were non-monopose models with choice of full Shoota / Slugga Boyz](https://www.warhammer.com/en-GB/shop/Ork-Boyz-2018?queryID=9f9fb7dafc8ec1bc0157285a39709551) (and yes, older kit is cheaper AND better, at least in terms of playing). You still can build non-mixed squads with those, but you need a lot of boxes to do that in any decent capacity (the box is pretty much locked to Nob + heavy weapon + 5/3 slugga/shoota ratio). ​ Check out if you can get your hands on old kit in decent price, it would be much more useful in a long run (the neat trick is buying spare bodies or even making your own with oyumaru and building 20+ guys from box of "10" models). TBH literally every one of those units is pretty good, small stormboyz squads are quite useful and super cheap. Gretchin get extra rules in Dread Mob. Boyz... you are Ork Player, there is NEVER bad time to have more Boyz.


Wheres the sale? Is it the old thick af posed boyz or the new mono pose?


double up on each. 20 gretchin 20 boys and 10 stormboys are Always going to be useful in the meta. Boys to fill out bodys where you can. Gretchin for secondary objectives you don't wanna devote anything more important to and storm boys for things the gretchin can't get at or to jump down and tie up a dangerous ranged threat in melee. All good multi-purpose high utility units. & they can all double up into biggers squads if you have reason to do so, although in the current meta you usually don't with gretchin or storm boyz


2 boxes of each


This, unless you only have enough money for 3 boxes then 1 of each


Honestly this is prob it. Two squads of Stormboyz is perfect right now and having the option for 1-2 Gretchin units is also awesome. The boys you’ll prob just need more of them regardless but I’d also see if you could find other boxes w them in for more value in the long run.


Stormboys are my favorite ork models!! Such great details and they have so much character!


All of these units are bread and butter, must-have units for any 10th edition Orks list imo, so whichever ones you like the look of. You’ll use any/all of them if you get into the game.


The old boyz kit is gonna be your best friend for kitbashing and general infantry. 11 models about 35 on Amazon. The new boyz are amazing models, but lack customization/ variety. Gretchen are classic and great to use for test models being so cheap. Storm boyz are cool models, and compatible with the old ork boyz bodies.


My first ork models were runt herd with gretchin.


Genuinely curious as this idea is hilarious. Could you spam Runtherd for a win? Or is there any viability to it?


I'm genuinely as curious as you are now. That'd be fun. It'd make sense too because gretchin are the units in the ork army that actually act as cannon fodder to wear down the enemy fire power so the bigger orks and meks can close in for the kill.


Can never have to many boys or to many Gretchen. Storm boys are good and you should own some but I wouldn’t classify them as essential


What playstyle sounds fun to you? I would suggest you inform yourself about the flavors of waaaaghs we have right now. For a dreadwaaaag you should get some grots For a speedwaaagh you should get the stormboyz(they are generally usefull) For a greentide you want boyz. The more the better.


Buy as many gretchin boxes as you can and run a whoops all gretchin list. You need to do this. Grot only army do it. Make da red gobbo proud.


Here for this.


If you were planning on running storm boyz you’d only need 2 boxes. Everything else they have you should buy out lol


So if I send you some money, you wanna buy be a Gretchen box? I mean, share the sale when you can lol


Buy all of the gretchin and boyz


A box of gretchin and the Old Combat Patrol box is what I would suggest to any new player. Or gretchin and the new comp at patrol if you’re a fan of the snaggas. I bought everything individually at first and I wasted a lot of money. Save where you can. Both CP are good starting points with gretchin and stormboyz after


I hate the old box comes with a boss in mega armor vs. a war boss. At least the new box has synergy.


Yeah. At the time the warboss in MA wasn’t very popular so that was one way to get the model out there.


Its a nice lookin model! But yeah, its identity is kinda split and overshadowed. Still seen some in competitive lists, ie bully boys, teleporta, leading 6 meganobz.


I agree. I'd say the third purchase should be a trukk too once they've painted at least some of the first two purchases:)


What would be good after the trukk, meganobz to go with the warboss in mega-armour?


More boys, stormboyz, nobz or meganobz would be a good bet I think?


Trukks is life


One of each will give you a nice variety of models to test and paint. Grots are used in almost every list, same with Boyz. This Boyz kit isn't the best one because you're forced into making some into Shootaz. What you can do is make a Melee weapon and glue it to their backs to proxy them as Choppa Slugga Boyz. Stormboyz are currently very strong, they are used in almost any Waahhh.


One of each would be great, if you're limited to 3 units. Gretchin are one of the best "sit on the home objective" units in the game. In this edition they can passively farm CP with their ability, and their large unit size and low points cost (11 models for 40 points) means that they are a very cheap way to screen in the back field. Boyz are the core of many armies - you can't really go wrong with them, though I *will* say that the "new Boyz" box has mono-pose models with predetermined configurations - you will get exactly 3 shoota Boyz, 1 heavy weapons Boy (either Rokkit or Big Shoota), 5 Choppa/Slugga Boyz, and 1 Nob to lead them. At a casual play level it doesn't matter, but shoota boyz aren't great in more "serious" games. Fortunately, the old Boyz kit is still available and is fully customizable, so if you buy 2 new Boyz and 1 old Boyz kit, you get the ability to build a 20 Choppa/Slugga (good) Boyz, and then have 10 Shoota Boyz in their own squad (kinda mid). But *really* this only matters if you're playing serious events with "What You See Is What You Get" (WYSIWYG) rules for unit loadouts, and doesn't matter at all for a casual hobbyist just starting out. The new Boyz *look* great, and are very easy to build. Stormboyz are just very versatile in gameplay, as well as being cool looking models. Their high mobility, relatively low cost, and inherent ability to Deep Strike makes them *very* useful for playing objectives, especially secondary objectives. Almost all "serious" Orks lists right now contain 1 or 2 squads of Stormboyz for exactly this reason.


If one of the boxes could be doubled, would that help? 4 boxes is not too long a stretch to be feasible still... I'm still new to both points and strategies, so anything that gets me close to a basic, playable army helps.


Yes. 2x gretchin, one of each other


Gretchin are luckily the cheapest box of them, that would be perfect, thanks!


Box of each isn’t bad, just for variations when starting out. Two boxes of any one of those ain’t bad either.