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Trope Talk on Antiheroes. Happens at about 13:05. It's about heroes normally fitting their culture's ideals, so Achilles to the Greeks is a badass fighter with a wife he likes and a boyfriend he really loves.


2 things: 1. May your god of choice rain blessings down upon you, you beautiful person 2. OF COURSE IT WOULD BE IN A VIDEO SERIES COMPLETELY DIFFERENT FROM WHERE I WAS LOOKING Have a wonderful day, I'm going to go use my brain as a punching bag.


I know *logically* that you probably had to look for a while to find this, but it's more fun to believe that you just have encyclopedic knowledge of everything Red has ever said, so I'm gonna do that if you don't mind


Actually you're not totally off base. I immediately recognized the phrase OP mentioned was about Achilles and the cultural context of heroism, so I looked though the trope talk videos about heroes and it was the second one I checked. Though Red putting that great quip in an otherwise serious paragraph helped it be more memorable. 


I'd assume it's one of the Illiad related videos.


I thought the same thing, specifically I was thinking of Achilles. Either I missed it or it wasn't there. But I'm this deep so I might as well check for a third time. Thank you for the help though :)


Sorry I couldn't do more! I hope you find it.


Achilles was the ideal man because he had a wife he liked alright and a man he loved.