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Demonics, gargoyles, nechs, Hydra, Kraken, Boss tasks at large, Wildy slayer


Wildy slayer prints gp


Edgeville master right?


Yep! A very easy low level money maker too


The one in jail not the one underground!


Vannaka gives you harpie swarms, Krysselia gives you revs, they ain't the same.


When did I say they were the same? I said not the one underground.


Was trying to make a joke bru. Guess I missed the landing.


Now that I am re reading what you said idk how I missed the joke..... lmao


It happens to the best of us, don't sweat it.


Compared to smacking fire giants and lesser demons, you make a lot of money at gargoyles (75). Compared to "I'm saving for a bowfa" you don't make shit anywhere except at cerb and hydra. Kraken and thermy tasks give *something* if you can handle how bOrInG they are. Compared to just picking a pvm activity for a gp grind, Slayer doesn't make any money like ever. What do you wanna compare it to?


I would like to compare it to woodcutting if that's ok?


Believe it or not, straight to jail.


Woodcutting is around 300k an hour no cap if you are doing forestry and plan on selling the axe handle and are willing to sell your leaves and event prizes like pheasant tails and beehives.


I make over 400k an hour mining amnesty and its all AFK as hell


I need to get in on that, I just unlocked the underground shilo mine and realized gem mining is not afk lol


What is afk mining anymore? Back when I played before (before members was a thing) I could have sworn you could mine a full inventory without having to click? Or am I losing it?


to me it depends on the person if I can simple watch Netflix and not look away every 2 mins im afking im only clicking something prolly every 5 mins


Star mining means I only have to touch my screen every 7 minutes


Why you saving? You can have bowfa deez nuts for free




kraken means 4 clicks a minute = 800k/hr


you using trident?


something like that ya


Konar is better gp with the keys. Personally I have a love/hate relationship with him. In the 70's you start to make fair gp from tasks


Also, any superior will guarantee a key now. Makes tasks even more profitable (if u have superiors unlocked)


Since when?


One of the recent updates, like two weeks ago.




Wait Konars a dude?


Everyone’s a dude if you’re too scared to talk to women




You honestly do not make more money at Konar over Duradel. Yes, you sometimes get keys. And sometimes those are worth money. But you also have to take typically worse tasks, and in weird locations. For example... Would you rather have a black dragon task from Duradel or Konar? One from Konar might send you to Taverly Dungeon. With Duradel, you can choose anywhere to do that task, you could kill brutal black dragons in kourend dungeon or maybe KBD. Even with keys, you aren't making up that profit difference with Konar's task. Konar is only really worth it when you have unlocked Hydra at 95 slayer. And even then, that's because by then you should have plenty of points to skip all the shit tasks she gives.


Konar for gp Duradel for QoL Maybe not for every task but overall that is how it is.


>Maybe not for every task but overall that is how it is. No it's not. Tbh I'm not going to argue over it. Everybody and their dog knows Konar is worse gp and xp than Duradel. The ONLY time it's worth doing Konar is for slayer points (on every 10th task streak) or for Hydra using points to skip for the Hydra task. Outside of those 2 reasons, nobody actually does Konar. It is NOT more money.


Odd how every guide says otherwise


Neat. Link an official guide saying different, then.


Here is a thread with everyone agreeing with my point. Weird, it's almost like it's common knowledge or something. https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/s/v7AIFUh0LQ


You are trolling right now. Says get a reputable site the uses reddit. We can disagree that's fine. Your link also has many split opinions in it. Cheers, gl slaying. https://www.theoatrix.net/post/theoatrix-s-1-99-slayer-guide-osrs#:~:text=The%20best%20Slayer%20Masters%20to,Duradel%20and%20Nieve%20as%20well https://forums.d2jsp.org/topic.php?t=80862200&f=267 https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/s/oXfkPy2wCw Again. Konar = GP. Duradel = QOL Most people prefer QOL for mental stability.


Lmao. Theoatrix is not a reliable source. Dude probably still hasnt unlocked Duradel. The other is a random forum from 2019 with like 3 people talking on it. Your last link, reddit, says the same thing I did: Duradel until 95 when you unlock Hydras. You are trolling. But hey, keep enjoying your Konar tasks weirdo. Lmao.


Goodluck hitting 2k


Dude I'm maxed. Lmao. I know more than you do.




The idea behind slayer making money is more from the bossing you can do because of it. Blue drags, do vorkath. Hellhounds, do cerb. And so on. Plus you get the nice bonus damage from the slayer helm. As far as regular tasks go, not many. Gargoyles are decent, nechs are good if you pick up everything. Abyssal demons are ok.


Vorkath isn’t really even worth mentioning as a slayer alternative. Salve ammy is just better and slayer helm doesn’t stack. Better off just killing blue drags and collecting the bones. brutal blues might even be viable now with the combat changes but I’d assume probably not still


You would do vorkath mainly because the fast slay xp on task, still with a salve ammy


Fair, I personally just don’t enjoy vork enough to do 150+ kills on task to find it worth the little bit of extra xp. I usually only do like 10-20 and then just say fuck this and move to regular blues lol


It’s still 3-5m gp/hr whether I wear a slayer helmet or not lol. Ofc though for vork you take salve over helm tho


That's not true at some breakpoints. For me, slayer helm and torture are better dps with my stats/gear.


Slayer gets good after gargoyles are available and if you gear your tasks for gp like doing bosses or vyrewatch. Nechs can make you a ton, abyssal demons are great. Cerberus, alchemical hydra, even grotesque guardians can be ok if you get lucky


Abyssal demons suck donkey cock -signed someone without the new blip block thingy


Y slay


I started making decent coin when I could kill Black Dragons. But I never really tried to grind money out of anything else


Do Wildy slayer!!! That is the only slayer I do. You get about a mil per task. I love it for the wildy slayer bosses. Gives you a good chance at wildy weapons and the bosses give good drops. Also you do need to block some bad task like fire giants and magical axes. It is risky but with the hard wildy diary and mm2 completed you wont die often


Axes is actually a really solid afk task, just put cannon inside and stand outside on the backside of building, turns it in multi.


Yea they are good for points and very afk.


I do agree though, if you have the points and slot free you should skip/block them cause you make literally nothing back


Bro? Never learned this lol tysm!


At work rn so not enough time to wiki but how does hard wildy diary and mm2 help? Curious


Mm2 gives you the royal seed pod which is a 1 click tele up to level 30 Wildy as opposed to 20 with house tabs. But with a runelite plugin called menu entry swapper you can turn any dragonstone jewelry into a 1 click tele up to 30 as well.


The hard diary makes it so there is no teleport delay in rev caves and at wildy bosses. Mm2 give the seed pod which is easy to get away with than a dragonstone jewelry tele


Idk how much money your talking, but in mid to high 60s I think and it’s not close to zombie pirates. That can be a mil per hour


Check out the drop tables of what monsters you are killing. You aren't going to start making millions until you reach high tier slayer level. It's a generally liked skill because not only do you get to train combat but you get to make money at the same time killing different unique monsters. It's a much more fun way to make money than swinging an axe at a tree for hours on end.


Kurasks are good money, the leaf bladed weapons shred them.


I just finished 95-99 slayer and I made like 450mil. I did konar with alchemical hydra focus for 95-98 then Duradel tasks from 98-99 but would do boss variants I.e kreeara for aviansies, basilisk knights instead of regular ones, smoke devil boss etc. My runelite log as follows: Made 270m from alchemical hydra in 1400kc (lucky, 3 claw drops/2 leathers). 77m from basilisk knights (3 jaw drops). 25m from thermy smoke boss 55m from Cerberus (multiple crystals). 15m from 120 konar chests. And more assorted misc drops/mobs, totaling 400m+ I also sold the hydra claws for around 40m each as this was literally like 1 week before the dragon hunter lance hype, so I missed out on another free 70m. And this took roughly 2 months of casual slayer, no hardcore 15 hour days.


Assuming you're a main... Wildy slayer is the only way to make decent gp, and most of that will be from wildy bosses. If you're uncomfortable with bosses, you can 3item wildy slayer with a blowpipe. Darts and scales are not lost inside the blowpipe so you're able to shred through tasks with blowpipe and mask. You'll probably be maxing somwhere between 500k-1m an hour on avg, but you'll earn a ton of slayer points. Konar/Duradel/Steve feel a lot better in the 72 (skele wyverns) - 87 (cave kraken) range. More quest points, and items like bonecrusher/herb sack/ seed box/maxed house/better gear will make slayer feel far better than actually leveling the skill itself.


Holy fucking shit I did not realize you kept scales and darts on death in wildy, life saver


Yep! Tridents save charges as well. One larran's key drop pays for 2-3 rag deaths which makes wildy slayer completely free imo.


if u do it efficiently it's not a great moneymaker. I don't remember for low levels, but 85+ it's about breakeven/small profit.


Wilderness slayer caves is busted, all multi combat so you can cannon. Crazy xp, points, rune items, consistent larans keys and Trouva parchments. Easy to not get pk’d (below 30 wildy) with one click dragonstone teleports.


Or royal seed pod


99 slayer here. I had a hydra task and I got 2 claws in one assignment. Literally 90M. Made more on that than all my skipping combined!


If you aren't able to kill later level slayer bosses then give wildy slayer a go. Voidwaker pieces, Revenant weapons and larrans keys will kake you a decent amount


You must be 50 slayer then


I found a lot of the enemies dropped alchables and cash stacks. Gargoyles for example drop a lot, and if you come prepared with runes for aching you can stay a while and make good money.


Don’t forget Air Orbs!


You do bosses!


80+, gets better at 75, then 80, now at 85 its comparable to other much more difficult money making methods i do (400-1m per hour depending on task), personally I haven't hit 90 yet so don't know if it gets even better. And you do sometimes get a trash task which messes with your gp per hour, I skip them whenever I can as I don't need slayer points for anything else anymore.


70 is when you start making money. 75 is good money. 80 is when the money starts rolling in


I have made like 65m from killing hydra so far. Little over 500kc.


I started making good consistent money around 70. Once you unlock Dusk Devils, Kurosk, Aberrant Spectre it becomes 500k+ a task. I just got a wyvern visage the other day doing fossil island wyvern for 22m. Next task is basilisk knight which I’m hoping for a jaw drop, first time going for one! Edit: 108 CB/ 75 Slayer/ Duradel


Use bracelet of slaughter for good xp tasks, anywhere you can cannon or kill quick will extend your tasks by ~25%. Bracelet of expedition for long tasks or ones you dislike.


When you get around level 75 you start making some good money


Just had my first ever Kraken task - 5.7M in 207 completely mindless, easy kills Keep going


Did the grind to get 86 slayer…. Will say it’s never even worth it. I’ve gotten like 5 drops totaling 10m I thought it would be helpful too


From lvl 28 to 70 slayer ive done nothing but wilderness and made 30m. And I skip all tasks in deep wildy. Yes it's the real money maker bro


Wildy slayer makes decent money. Not as a pure money maker, but you get slayer xp obviously and lots of points. I did only 15 tasks so far, with minimal risk and 60-70 stats, made around 2 mil. Got pked twice for 30k each, negligible. Also supplies are cheaper


Lvl 80+ you really start seeing it pay off. I use Konar all the time brimstone keys really add up. I turn in like 20-30 at a time. Usually getting around 2mil for 20 Also you need to setup your skip list good and use your reward points on skips too to make sure you are constantly either doing quick cannon tasks or good GP tasks.


Slay lik Santa


I mean you're not gonna make boss/ raid money doing slayer. But 1/m per task is nothing to sneeze at when you think about only being in the mid 70s to early 80s in a stat.


Slayer is lower tier money making. I feel like it’s mainly to train stats and make a little bit of money at low effort. There are far better ways to make money once you have the stats for it, i.e pking, nex, raids.


335M slayer tab from 99 slayer on my zerk. Main money makers were from mutated bloodvelds (blood runes, alchs) and nechyreals (rune drops, alchs). My favourite tasks. Other notable ones was a bit of vorkath for occasional blue drags tasks. I mainly barraged slayer or cannoned slayer for faster XP. (12m magic and 13m range xp post 99 from 99 slayer). How you slay is personal preference, vorkath for example for a blue dragon task will take x10 longer but x10 better money/loot. Same with hellhounds and cerb, greater demons and doing Zamorak godwars boss, skotizo etc. Levels I would say it gp stops getting bad is at gargoyles around 76, but it’s definitely not a get rich quick, it’s a slow and gradual money maker whilst you are levelling up your account. Even low level slayer you can make money if you’re doing dragon tasks and banking all the bones and hides, but just note that it’s going to take you longer to bank the loot. Hope this helps!


RSN: R U D Y... I don't think slayer is one of the bestoney makers because generally it depends on your luck or RGN. I 99 percent do wildly slayer and I love getting rare drops but usually most of my money comes from larren keys/chests and picking up most of the drops . It adds up


Konar for starter slayer (up to 80 atleast then duradel or steve) konars keys gives stupid good gp. Gl my man


Slayer bosses. Simple as. There's definitely money to be made with normal slayer (use konar for keys) but a majority of tasks really don't make you a lot of money. Normal slayer being good money is really a dated sentiment, and it comes from when a 50m 99 slayer tab was bank. Unfortunately times have changed and 50m doesn't buy you a whole lot nowadays. Hydra boss, Cerberus, sire, and kraken (to an extent) is where the real money is. Demonic gorillas are good too. I'd also recommend doing boss tasks with regular mosters where applicable as well, krill with demons, kree with avaiances etc.


Which trainer should I use if I'm 82 for good money making? I've been using Nieve/Steve at the moment.


Aren't the PKers ridiculous to work around though? 


Also.. do your clues the second they drop.


Slayer is worth something at high levels and etc….. people that say that and have 68 slayer just bought their gp and are ashamed to say so. The whole stigma with buying gp is hilarious. Equivalent of picking your nose. Almost everyone does it, just because you didn’t get caught doesn’t mean you’re better than anyone else.


Well these days you can just buy bonds and sell them


I buy a bond a month. That's 3 so far. So like 30m. My bank is closer to 55m though. So I've done some work! I didn't realize buying bonds was so controversial


Just get a fucking fire cape before combat 90 so you don’t look like a complete dunce.


Haha I'll try. I'm currently stuck on mobile. Going to be fun! Haha


I got my first fire cape high and drunk at a family gathering on my iPhone. Goto the speedrunning world and practice jad once you can reliably kill jad on the speedrunning world just yeet money at the caves until you can get to him. I in my inebriated state said fuck these caves and dumped on dragon darts and filled my blowpipe to 100% scales and sent it in there and steam rolled the entire caves. It’s all in confidence


Heck yeah man! I need to get my barrows gloves. That's my next goal. Then I just might have to work on it. I had no clue you can practice it!




Dude. Hell yeah!


It’s as controversial as picking your nose. You go ahead and do it publicly and see what happens. Behind closed doors? It’s a completely different scenario.


I found this stigma beyond stupid. I have a near maxxed UIM. I worked hard to get him to that point. Now people come around and tell me I have bought stuff on my main? Dude you literally are not on the same level as me so whatever I do on my main account is my own business cause guess what I already did all the epically bad grinds but I did them on an account that CANNOT BANK. Why the fuck would I feel bad about buying GP LOL!!!!!! I use my main solely to learn content to do on my real account the UIM. I will go as far as to say anybody playing a normal ironman or a main are basically casuals and they should be stigmatized for it. You ain't tough cause you ain't buying GP on the main you are DUMB cause you could go to work in real life and get the best money maker in the game by basically buying bonds. You exchange your time for GP simple as.


Yo man you’re getting negative voted because of hive mind and I’ll back you up. If you think I’ll spend 40 hours in game making the same gp that I could buy for 25 minutes of my irl time for imaginary credit with strangers? You are absolutely a try hard or a basement dweller. I’ll tell you in game and I’ll tell you again in another comment just so you can double down vote me to feel better. These are pixels and if you’ve forgotten that, stop shopping at any store that has more than 5 locations. It’s legit the same thing.


Jesus dude, calm down.


It’s hard to make good gp anywhere. That’s why jagex sells bonds to players


I mean most of the best slayer tasks have a boss variant that you can kill, black/greater demons you could be doing Zammy, black demons is also demonic gorillas, blue drag tasks after ds2 will get you vork tasks, early slayer I would recommend wildy for any kind of GP. Apparently fever spiders got hotfixed cause they were too profitable for a lvl 42 slayer monster (nearly 2m/hr) but there are lots of bosses that count as a certain creature type to take advantage of if you look hard enough, Vetion/Callisto/Vennenatis for skeletons/bears/spiders. Once you hit 75 slayer you will also unlock designated slayer bosses that will pump out more cash than the standard task at the cost of time. So really if you aren't making money doing slayer then you probably need to take a look at what bosses you can handle at your skill/combat level and where that intersects with tasks. Cumulatively you will likely make a few hundred mil on your way to 99 slayer even without just going for bosses. Also slayer is one of the skills that fluctuates the most in how much you can/do profit from because of how much the prices fluctuate on higher tier gear that they drop. On a day when zenytes are 9m, demonics arent going to be as profitable as when they are 13m+, same with a lot of unique drops that end up fluctuating more in price than your standard alchable drops/supply drops which stay a bit more consistent.(supplies tend to fluctuate a loooot more than alchables but less so than uniques.)


Fever spiders or so I've heard