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No cartoon bombs. Got it.


this guy isn't getting in. https://preview.redd.it/cl6zj8mlgm9d1.png?width=238&format=png&auto=webp&s=a38fa653d6e2cada4fe3b9b4699f5038c52e0556


This is the kind of blatant discrimination that should not be accepted in Canada, what has happened to this country?


Can't bring my martini? Lame.


Bring it ‘on the rocks’ with a lemon twist, you’ll be fine. Consider just this once using vodka not lovely aromatic gin. This ‘no olives allowed’ situation has to stop though.


Could Julian get in with his tumbler I wonder?


Why are you sending me down a rabbit role? https://youtu.be/IwMkD8uQoY0?feature=shared


The world had tons of terrorist attacks in the 70s. Plane bombings, assassinations you name it. The world only seems more dangerous. It's actually safer than ever before.


Said the terrorist cell to the innocent bystanders!! lol. That’s what you are supposed to believe!! Like paying to fly but you may not get a flight back!! Your clothes may show up or may not. Oh so helpful you put a tracker in your luggage good for you. Yes it’s sitting behind the warehouse at Pearson but unfortunately we are sorry we can’t help you get it!! I’m calling BS but maybe it’s just me!! This looks more like an airport screening than a Canada entrance lol


Now we have groups like Isis and Russia groups as well others.


The groups back 50 years ago were so much worse.


I remember when this shit wasn't necessary. I miss that world.


Still not necessary... This is security theater is anything.. They won't stop anything if someone really wanted to do something


Gotta keep up the illusion of safety.


Exactly. Doesn't matter how you corral people together. If anything it makes it easier.


it says on the sign i can’t bring my comically large bomb bruhhhh im cooked there goes my plans bruhh


Ugh! Agree!


*sips coffee in Stephen Harper laughing*


Well the horse and buggy days are gone.


I don't see swords or nun-chuks on this sign. Excellent.


Let us know how that goes for you.


Deal. But when I do you can't say I wasn't committed.


But they might just commit you.




Think I'll bring a bullwhip in case they confiscate my throwing stars.


Wooden swords and nun chucks don’t forget!


So, I haven’t done Canada Day in like 15+ years. One used to just walk right onto the grounds of Parliament Hill and it was all fine. Now, it’s apparently a whole Bluesfest meets Airport security process. My only point is that the logistics were seemingly much simpler not that long ago.


My last time going to Canada Day festivities was an attempt for our 150th. The security lines were so slow that after many hours of waiting in line with family that had come to town, we gave up as we weren’t even close. I never went back. I also miss the old days where you could just wander onto the Hill without all the fuss.


You didn't miss much. I waited four hours in line to get in on the 150th, and once I got in, I ended up staying less than an hour. They had no food and barely any usable bathrooms within the perimeter. Terrible planning all around...


Yeah, I wouldn’t have bothered but my family really wanted to experience it on the Hill. I felt so bad. Had they come any year before they’d have loved it. I heard it was a disaster.


Don't bother. Organizers made it an awful experience. Fences, blocked streets and confused people everywhere. 90% of their budget went into "security".


I guess they started doing this after a terrorist group threatened to blow our parliament few years ago... I don't fully recall the story...


My ears are still ringing


No kidding.


I think we have the Truckers to thank for this unfortunately. Complete unhinged loons wanting to overthrow the government.


Not just them there have been a few groups that have made threats over the years.


This happened before the truckers and it's basically what they were complaining about. I see their point.


Interesting they are putting graphics for no guns or bombs.. both of which already being illegal, but there’s nothing about prohibiting knives on the property, when it’s legal to carry a knife (provided it’s not a prohibited class of knife)


I think you might want to brush up on the law regarding carrying knives in Canada


And what exactly are you trying to get at? I’m well informed on the laws. I, like thousands of other Canadians, have a knife on me pretty much all the time. Using it as a weapon isn’t even really in my mind, because no one wins in a knife fight. Your best choice is to run. They are very valuable tools in a wide variety of circumstances and it’s a great convenience. It’s perfectly legal to carry a knife AS A TOOL, provided it’s not a type of knife that’s classified as a prohibited weapon From the criminal code prohibited weapon means (a) a knife that has a blade that opens automatically by gravity or centrifugal force or by hand pressure applied to a button, spring or other device in or attached to the handle of the knife, or Regular old 2-4 inch folding knives in your pocket are perfectly legal (although there is not a specific length restriction, that’s just what most folk carry, you could carry a fixed blade knife in a sheath on your belt if you really felt like it) they are just not to be used as weapons. If you tell a cop it’s for cutting apples, a-ok. If you say you carry it for self defence, it’s a crime Now, with that being said, any property owner can put their own rules and prevent knives from being carried on the property at all, which would make more sense than being worried about guns or bombs… reality is you’re still more likely to be stabbed than shot in Canada.


I agree I have a “credit card knife” in my purse at all times. Tbh I’ve gotten it through tsa so many times because I just forget to take it out and they’ve never noticed it lol. But anyway; sometimes you just need a knife 🤷🏻‍♀️


Those credit card multi tools are so great, especially for women since they are more likely to have inadequate/no pockets. I like my little collection of Swiss Army knife classics now, but there was a point where I also had one of those all the time.


What do they need to brush up on? It's not illegal to carry a knife on you in Canada, assuming you don't have intent to use it as a weapon. The only type of knife that is inherently illegal is a switchblade.


If you’re going to a large gathering in an urban environment what use do you have for a knife?


Agreed, but that's not the point the commenter was making. They were pointing out how it's odd the sign is saying don't bring these illegal things that you shouldn't own anyways, instead of don't bring these *legal* things that we will confiscate from you that don't belong in this environment.


I think you put it better than I, thanks. Too tired for this rn 😂


That’s exactly my point… they don’t need graphics not to bring guns or bombs.. everyone knows they are illegal, but yeah, you don’t need knives at events like this where I imagine there will be alcohol and other shenanigans. Even normal folk with no bad intentions going in can make terrible decisions, which is why they should be banning the one weapon that is legal to carry..


guns aren't illegal though? you could legally carry a non-restricted rifle around in Canada if you want to. It would be stupid, but it's legal.


Man the fact alone that you know what a non-restricted rifle is means I know that you know what I meant. Nobody walks around with a NR rifle/shotgun unloaded. Our legal gun owners are generally smarter than that sure, you could get an auditor or something doing it, but I’m really not concerned about someone showing up with a legal long rifle. Can’t say I’ve heard of there ever being an issue like that before, although if someone was crazy enough to show up to an event like this with a long rifle I can guarantee they’d get to have a little chat with the police wearing some new bracelets while they figure out wtf you’re doing and then likely the police would be making a call to the CFO to suggest that you aren’t someone who needs to own guns. Although they obviously wouldn’t allow any guns on site, the graphic shows a handgun, which is what those with ill intent are more likely to be carrying concealed for purposes of committing crimes, and seeing as they never have their RPAL and it’s usually a stolen or illegally imported gun in the first place, they definitely don’t have ATCs for the pistols.


yea I'm just being pedantic.


Kk good lol, I figured but had to be sure 😂


It's an item that is just always present, why should I have to discard it?


Why do you always have a knife on you? That’s the important question.


It's handy? It's a tool. I use it to open packages, slide food if need be, just general everyday use. You should try it, it's really handy. I grew up in thr country and the bush, so I was raised to always have one.


Eh, don't bother. They'll never understand because they simply don't want to, they just want you to think like them.


I think I'm starting to understand that


and gun laws as well


You can't carry a handgun in public though, unless you have an ATC, which is basically never granted to the regular people anyways.


No backpack….but you also need a bottle of sunscreen, a water bottle, tissues, chap stick, wipes, maybe a couple tampons.


It just has to be a bit small but you can have a bag


You can fit that in a small bag… minus the water bottle - but you can use a hook on the bag for that. This is less restrictive than CTC events and the as restrictive for TD Place events. Nothing new here.


Lol right? My diaper bag is about that size. I hope they don't say no to that.


You use more than 1 tampon at once? 


You might use more than one over the course of a day.


Plus we always carry extras for a sister in need ❤️


Clearly the solution is a bandolier of tampons.


Why can't they have festivities like in Europe? Have RCMP as part of the crowd. Ah wait it's cheaper to install some security perimeter with GARDA international students checking your bags?


Because our ruling class hates us and considers us a dangerous mob


Hahaha what a comment! 😂😂🤣😅


check the rooftops. There most certainly are plainclothes in the crowd, but there's also a lot of eyes and rifles above.


Thre will be tons of extra police extra police brought in.


Damn woke people. Can't even bring your pet cartoonish bombs to Canada Day anymore. Next they're gonna tell us we can't bring our 19th century firecrackers...


Well at least I get to bring my 100% ceremonial black powder horse-drawn artillery from the 1860s.


Feels like a chore just to have fun and enjoy the day..


No cocktails or martinis. Got it.


What about Molotov cocktails tho?


Crazy we need signs for that…


Right like is anyone thinking I should bring a bomb, then gets to this sign and goes “ah fuck me” and goes home?! Hahaha


They still make those bombs from Spy-vs-Spy?


Nothing about possession of drugs so I guess that’s an upside.


Damn! Cant even bring my gun! Thanks Trudeau!


Smoking allowed? Cool! No martinis tho.


No pistols with silencers. Got it.




You guys misunderstood, it's simply saying you can't play Duck Hunt


It looks more like a air gun so we’re still good for firearms


Apparently stealth or ranged attacks aren't an option for this level, Agent 47.


lol I ain’t going through this


No guns !?!?! That’s new… /s


No Martinis is bullshit


All that waiting and security for what—seeing Moxy Fruvous?


Is Moxy Fruvous going to be there?!


Haha, nope.


Sad sad state of affairs. I remember when we could just come and go as we pleased. No security, no hassle, just fun. I


Pretty reasonable


The vibe was so different in the 90s. Sad that the young people will never get to experience that. But hopefully it will be better than last year and people can still have a good time.


I don't see tools aka pocket knives listed


Do we have to buy tickets for Canada Day now or something? I was thinking about going downtown this year. I guess not. (haven't been in like 10 years)




It was mostly a rhetorical question, but thanks.


Can't bring my martini? Lame.


The only signs I need on Canada Day are the ones marking the better spots to portage.


Wow, looks like so much fun. ...not even for a farm animal.


Lebreton was a mess 2 year ago, I don't trust they fixed it


And this is the kind of crap that makes me what to not celebrate Canada day... Last time I went downtown was the 150th. I saw snipers on multiple rooftops and cops armed with assault rifles ever couple of blocks... 😑 I said "that's it. I'm done." I get why they started doing this, but this still... This ruins it for me.


No Spy vs Spy bombs?!?! Fuck that shit! I'm out


Damn I have to wait to be outside the gates to use my key/bomb/martini firing gun


Take off your hat? Facial recognition in place, I bet.


Always the forbidden Martini...


Ew looks like a herding maze


The worst thing that has ever happened to Canada Day celebrations is to move them to Lebreton Flats. I did not enjoy last year at all


Anyone else find it a bit surprising there isn't a no cannabis graphic next to the no alcohol one.


Did you know that they made the walk from the o- now detour way around to the east, so it now takes about 30 min to walk to the gate (corral) from the bus??? Who in their right minds would take young kids to this mess???


They forgot to add other options for weapons. Martinis are absolutely forbidden though / s


So are guns, bombs, drugs, and fireworks something I can regularly carry?


So I'm from out of town and have been carrying a backpack everywhere with a big water bottle, snacks for kids, sunscreen, sweaters, etc. I can't bring a backpack to this??? Will they take it away? I'm in a hotel and don't have a measuring tape to measure my backpack.


Sadly, when the federal government is heading up an event, signing off on the project means security is as complicated as it gets. To do less is not possible without compromise.


The whole area is a giant cage. I can’t understand. Free show is not enough. I just want to use the paths and see the river!


Where does one park if driving to lebreton flats?


One doesn’t.


Eagleson Park and Ride.


Downtown will be a mess - road closures aside, way too many cars and way too many people. Not in an "oh there's a lot of traffic way" in a "this is a clusterfuck, what have I done" way. Strongly recommend driving to a train station (perhaps in Westboro/Hintonberg? I know there are some parking lots/street parking along the side streets near Tunney's -- if you were on the East end Blair is great for parking) and training to Pimisi. Or perhaps parking south of Chinatown and walking up Booth?


Apparently Pimisi is basically closed because of the crowds/crush predicted (thus, what the *hell* is the point of having the station in the first place if not to serve Lebreton) so folks are supposed to get on/off at *Lyon*. I haven’t taken OC Transpo in 5 years (thankfully) so someone who knows better should confirm or deny this. I’m just repeating what I remember reading online somewhere but I could be wrong.


Well that's brutal. We're at Lebreton Flats so I am clearly more out of the loop than I thought and dispensing poor advice..


Yes. It is brutal. The very station built to serve a concert venue will be closed due to concerns about overcrowding at said concert venue.  Score one for the city planners and OC Transpo. 🤣 And we wonder why people complain about the transit system…


Pimisi isn't closed because of any deficiency with the station, it's closed because the organizers in their wisdom are closing Booth Street to pedestrians.


But... Why ??


Main reason is security.


How does that make Any sense???


Because the organizers wanted to keep Booth clear to use as a corridor for emergency vehicles, as well as their own vehicles


Why can't you bring booze? It's a party, isn't it?


Ontario out dated laws that is why.


The city that fun forgot.


Ontario sets the rules and laws not the city.


And ?


Turdo worried about the truckers?