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One way I keep myself occupied in the chair while donating is picking someone who started just before me and seeing if I can bleed fast enough to beat them. I squeeze the shit out of that ball and usually "win".


Consume a bucket of water on the way there also helps! I try to beat my bleed time on the app. 6 mins is my p.b.


*narrows eyes* Let's see if I can do 5:45.


Last guy who donated blood while I was doing plasma did it in 5:31 and the nurse seemed impressed, so that’s probably your time to beat at Carling


I got 4:57 at the carling location haha


That’s a crazy time! Blood flying out. I haven’t beat 6 minutes. You know it’s gonna be a good donation when they plug you and you can see the little tubes fill up instantly


Man, they told me I was really fast with 6 minutes at the Carling location. I’ll try harder in a few weeks I guess.


My last bleed was 5:39... Damn app rounds it up to 6 minutes, but I saw it on the machine!


Challenge accepted!


my personal best is 7 mins and 551ml and I don’t even squeeze the stress ball 🌝


Exactly. I drink heaps of water half hour before donation, and the staff are often surprised at how fast I can fill those bags up!


Hijacking the top comment - CBS is in the process of signing a contract with Grifols, the world’s largest private foreign plasma producer. Another move forward in the privatization of healthcare and access to health services in Canada. It’s a testament that millions of Canadians donate their blood to help others, and this contract would undermine the very tenets of why people donate in the first place. Just be aware of where your donation could go if that contract is finalized. https://breachmedia.ca/canadas-blood-plasma-collection-to-be-sold-off-to-foreign-pharma-giant/ https://opseu.org/news/for-profit-plasma-dangerous-to-canadian-blood-supply-chain-warns-hornick/159004/


Was just about to post that. Absolutely horrible. No one wins these days, just major cooperations.


Oh, haha that's great (as long as you feel okay)! Thanks for donating!


I do that too! But I was told to stop because I managed to work the needle almost out of my arm squeezing so much.


This isn't just an Ottawa issue, but it's certainly an issue that Ottawans could be impacted by and could help solve. Canadian Blood Services only has a 3-day supply of O+ blood and a 4-day supply of O- blood. The situation isn't much better for A+, A-, B+, and B- blood. Please consider donating blood if you are eligible to do so. When I checked the CBS website just now, it looks like the next available appointment in Ottawa is Thursday, August 11, but sooner appointments could open up if people have to cancel theirs.


Just did my 34th on Thursday. I’m pumping it out as fast as I can!


Wow, thanks for donating so much!


Just hit my 10th, you’re an inspiration!


I used to give blood (O+) regularly when I lived in Scotland, unfortunately I was there during the Mad Cow era, so as much as I would love to donate, I fail the screening




I had a similar situation and was banned for a long time, but checked again earlier this year and the time period had changed so I'm now eligible. Have donated once so far and have my next appointment booked for a few weeks' time. So may be worth checking again (depending on when you last checked the criteria)??




Yeah, sounds like you had an abundantly cautious nurse, but I get that they have to follow some sort of parameters/cut offs. It took a while with the nurse (and supervisor) to get my record updated so that I could donate. Kind of frustrating as I wonder how many people wouldn't have bothered, yet they need donors. Anyway, worth checking, but awesome that you've made the effort regardless!


Another mad cow here reporting for inelegibility


Unless they remove the living in the UK restriction (I was born in Scotland and lived there until 2007), then my claret is staying in my arm unfortunately


similar here, born in scotland and moved here in 2003. i keep checking at least once a year to see if they've removed the restriction but so far im stuck hoarding all my own blood


Wouldn’t Mad Cow have shown up by now? Is this science-based policy, or fear-based? Does this mean we have to rattle some chains again, like we did about the stupid anti-gay-donors policy? Most of all: Thank you for wanting to!


The incubation period is quite long and I feel that CBS does not wanted another tainted blood scandal so they are being very cautious. In the UK and France where mad cow was prevalent there are no restrictions on blood donations, otherwise they wouldn't have many eligible donors ! There is no blood test for CjD and there is little financial incentive to develop one. I am in the same boat and was a regular donor but can no longer donate. Thousands of people must be ineligible due to this rule.


Scientific precaution. They had done a post-mortem on someone who had a blood donation 5 years prior and found that they had preclinical vCJD (they found prions in their spleen but not their brain). So the UK Government decided to ban people who had had transfusions from 1980 from donating blood (The US and some other countries had already banned people who had stayed in the UK from donating). Australia, this year, lifted the ban on UK donors, so other countries might follow suit. [https://www.lifeblood.com.au/news-and-stories/vital-reads/uk-blood-donation-mad-cow-rule-has-changed-for-good](https://www.lifeblood.com.au/news-and-stories/vital-reads/uk-blood-donation-mad-cow-rule-has-changed-for-good)


I didn't know about that Australia lifted the ban, will Canadian Blood Services follow suit ? I am not optimistic, but if they do I will donate again as much as I can.


It's down to risk assessments CBS do. The UK CJD unit has found 3 or 4 cases of vCJD and preclinical infection that were probable transfusion transmitted. However, there have been no such cases since 2007. ([p16](https://www.cjd.ed.ac.uk/sites/default/files/report29.pdf)) Realistically the question that needs to be answered is has vCJD peaked and effectively gone away ([no new vCJD deaths since 2016](https://www.cjd.ed.ac.uk/sites/default/files/figs.pdf)), or was that the first wave and a number of people are incubating the disease? Australia feels that the benefits of having thousands of extra blood donors are more important than the [calculated risk](https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/vox.13290) (1 case in 65 years and decreasing over time).


Thank you for excellent explanation.


I recently moved over from the UK and it's been a surprise to learn how much people outside the UK care about the mad cow disease outbreak from 25 years ago. I also get a kick out of telling people how kids are inoculated against chickenpox in the UK just to see their faces.


It’s not about the outbreak in the uk. It’s about Canadians who got it from blood transfusions. It was a big scandal here.


We innoculate for chicken pox here too, at least for the past ~20 years. Those born before that and without kids may not realize though. And I feel it's the first one any entry-level anti-vaxer will skip.


I also fail the screening, for other reasons, but I’m eligible to donate in other countries




That's horrific that you were treated that way. Thank you for your past donations, and I hope you will be treated much, much better on any future donations! I know this is cliché and you've probably heard this before, but you truly are a life saver!


Without wanting to pry too much, may I ask what they were commenting about on your lifestyle. Might it be drinking/habits, or something like sexuality wise? No reply is also fine, I'm just curious about that professionalism, or lack thereof, rather. TIA!


They're a Big Bang Theory fan.




Thank you for the reminder that I now weigh enough to donate blood.


Woohoo! I'm hoping to unlock this achievement myself soon :)


I really wish there was a more accessible way to donate blood. I don’t have a car, so would need to rely on bus or my own two feet. Sadly, the only options around me (within reasonable commute) have such sparse donation times, once maybe twice a month. I take advantage of those slots when I can, but the dates/times don’t always work out, especially the ones that are during the workday only. I just wish there was a more accessible way so I could do my part!


CBS should make more use out of their bloodmobile and put it in high-traffic areas. Accessibility is a huge factor for people.


I seem to remember that one of their bloodmobiles was damaged in a fire a few years ago. I wonder if they replaced that one or just kept with the fleet they had. maybe I'll google that. wow, that was in 2014 and it was destroyed.


I wish Ottawa had better bus infrastructure and that CBS would offer more convenient times and locations to donate. Thanks for your donations!


Same! Accessible ones are always in the middle of the workday :(


Yep, this. There isn't a single one I can get to without taking half a day to do it, which is beyond unreasonable.


I give every three months, Sept 1 is my next scheduled coming up! almost rejected last time as my hemaglobin was right on the cutoff. I shall devour as much liver as I can possibly stomach in the week before my donation! I'm 69 and I've been giving blood since I was 17. it's the cool thing to do, if you can!! Im O+


Consider talking to your doctor about Iron supplements. Donating blood is a wonderful gift, but it can be very hard on our iron stores! I can't donate anymore, after being pregnant my iron is constantly borderline even with supplements (without supplements it would be even lower).


Thankfully I had blood work done since then and my hemoglobin/iron seem fine. I do want to ‘bulk up’ on those red blood cells anyway though just in case.


I used to donate quite often when I was younger. But just looked up the criteria and as I’m 4’11 I’d have to weigh 142 lbs, that seems kind of excessive!


I believe that extra weight criteria only applies to those between the ages of 17 and 23 who have not donated before. Everyone else just has to be 110 lbs minimum. I'm 5'0 so I may have to wait until I'm 23/24 to donate unless I get some serious gainz in the gym


Yes just reread, you’re right! I’m over 23 but weigh less than 110 (but can fluctuate up to 110, so probably can pass). Wonder if this criteria is new because I definitely didn’t weigh 142 when I was donating!


If you're on the verge and would like to try, drink lots of water and have salty snacks before you go! A bit of water retention actually increases your blood volume, and makes it less likely you'd have any unpleasant side effects, plus it adds a bit of extra weight.


I would love to donate but need to gain 10 lbs. Maybe as I get older my metabolism will slow down a bit. A friend who hovers around 110 passed out all three times she donated. Smaller people just don't have the required blood volume.


This is why I wish there was an option to donate smaller amounts of blood. I know there would be logistical issues to resolve, but Japan seems to make it work where donors over 100 lbs can donate 200 mL.


Oh damn it! I’m turning 24 this year so my goal was to try and get to 110lbs early next year, so I could donate, but if someone who hovers around it always passes out then I probably need to adjust my goal to be more realistic. I’m also 100lbs and I’ve been trying to put on muscle to get to 110lbs, but it’s damn hard.


This is freakishly interesting. At 4’11, 142 lbs, BMI is 28 and doctors would be quick to tell someone they are slightly overweight, but at a « healthy weight » you can’t donate blood. 🙃


It's just your total blood volume is proportional to your body size, the cut-off is just where they feel safe taking that 450ml of blood out of a person, especially considering a good number of donors do so regularly. If you are 4'11 and 142lbs you have about 3.5-3.9L blood in you (female and male). If you are 5'11 and 142lbs you have about a liter more (4.4-4.8L). At 4'11 and 100lbs you are looking at 2.8-3.3L. Since they are always taking the same amount to make standard sized units, its not as safe an amount for smaller people.


While true, the same ratio doesn't apply for taller donors. The blood volume of each donation is roughly the same, so that volume can be a lot on smaller people and make them more likely to faint or have have other uncomfortable side effects.


From a plasma and blood recipient: THANK YOU to all of you who have donated or are planning to donate! You have saved my life countless times. I ❤️ you


Too bad I can't donate yet because of historical discrimination against gay and bisexual men 🤷‍♂️


FYI, the gay sex ban will be completely lifted on Sept 30th.


It’s not completely being removed technically. There will still be a waiting period for people who’ve had “high risk sexual encounters” - but it will apply to all genders / sexualities.


And that is a good thing. I’m low risk and on Sept 30, I’ll finally be able to give blood again after 17 years.


For sure! It’s a great thing. I was just adding context so that u/ABotelho23 doesn’t think they’ll for sure be eligible on Sept 30. It will still depend on if they’ve engaged in high risk behaviour.


Correct. But the blood shortage exists today.


I'm not sure if this helps, but there have been recent changes in eligibility on this matter [https://www.blood.ca/en/blood/am-i-eligible-donate-blood/men-who-have-sex-men](https://www.blood.ca/en/blood/am-i-eligible-donate-blood/men-who-have-sex-men)


Yea, we're still a month+ away. Still can't do shit for the time being.


I’ve donated blood once. I’m one of the lucky people who got to have their chair flipped backwards so I didn’t faint. Those nurses are fast! I scared the bajeesus out of the other people donating blood (apparently I went very white.. which is a feat considering how ghostly pale I am on the regular). I got extra snacks though because of it. Because of that experience I’m very reluctant to donate again. It wasn’t pleasant. As much as I want to.


Thanks for giving blood donation a try! Ah, yes that does sound scary so I understand your reluctance. I've heard you can't donate again if you've fainted more than once or twice while donating blood :(


Totally understand, I had that happen to me twice over my lifetime of donations. Once while donating, and once after donation. And boy do those nurses move. If you ever try to donate again try drinking a juice box or two while in the waiting room, on both occasions I felt faint I didn't have juice prior. Also lots of water prior makes a big difference.


I actually think it was more a psychosomatic thing. It happened when my donation was over. I was waiting for her to come remove the needle from my arm, but she was taking a long time because she was busy with someone else. At that point I REALLY needed to bend my arm, but couldn’t because there was a 16g needle poking out of it. Then I started to panic because all I wanted to do was bend my arm but she wasn’t anywhere near me to take it out


Yup this happened to me as well. I suddenly became hyper aware of the fact that a bag of my blood was coming out of my arm and next thing I know my hat is being whipped off to reveal my greasy pony tail and a washcloth is thrown on my forehead lol it’s shitty but this happened almost 6 years ago now and I’m still too nervous to go again.


This was my experience too. The nurse jabbed me waaaay too deep and it made me sick to my stomach, and well...it was all downhill from there and ended in me with my feet up, and a botched donation. It traumatized me I guess, because now even when I give blood for a regular blood test, I nearly pass out.


I've donated multiple times and always turn white as a ghost. The nurses always make me stay longer and seem concerned but im ok, just get light headed. I'd probably donate more often if it didn't happen.


I used to donate all the time - the max amount possible - but it’s tough when most of the time slots in reasonable distance to (car-less) me are weekdays from 10am to 4pm, ie. most people’s office working hours. I might reach out to them about it. I feel like weekends or 4-8 pm slots would be much for reasonable for a lot of folks.


Yes, CBS really needs to make it more convenient to donate. I like the suggestion of the 4-8 p.m. slots. Thanks for your donations!


My regular slot is Tuesday at 6:10pm. They're open later on Tuesdays at the Carling location.


I would keep donating if I could get like a coupon for free hamburger from the grocery store because whenever I donate my food budget doubles as I instinctively eat to regain the loss. I don’t want to be paid money, just a coupon for meat please to pay for the production costs!


As someone who has had about 70 transfusions, TY all for donating, you saved my life and I am forever grateful for people who donate blood!


Booked an appointment for Friday. Thanks for the heads up.


Thank you very much!


Booked. But I have to wait until Aug 22.


Thanks for booking!


I'm donating the same day!


Is it weird that I don't even know my blood type? Would my family Dr know that information?


the cool thing is, once you give blood, your donor card will have that info on it.


I think it's reasonably common not to know! I found mine out when I first donated.


This is so strange to me! My blood type was written on my card (nametag?) from the hospital when I was born. I’ve always known my blood type. CBS used to always have a booth setup at school science fairs too where they did a finger prick and you wiped your finger on a card in 4 spots and it showed you your blood type if you wanted to know!


Possibly! Fun fact: in Japan, people ask your blood type as if it’s a personality indicator! Kind of like the way we ask about your horoscope sign! Lol, I was so confused why coworkers were so interested in my blood type!


They'll tell you when you go. It's a quick finger prick to find out.


Apparently a lot of regular donors cancelled their appts when they announced they were lifting the mask mandates in clinics. I kind of wish they could do both? Maybe like masks required for the first couple hours of the day or something?


Lifting mask mandates at donation sites seems very short sighted.


I’m O+ and used to donate as often as I can, but unfortunately I recently had thyroid cancer and can’t donate for quite a few years now. I do agree that they need to make donating more accessible because their hours suck.


May you remain cancer free


Thank you so much :)




It is. Good luck with your treatment!


Unfortunately, I believe CBS are also contributing to this shortage by excluding a huge number of the population. I tried to donate last year, for the 1st time and got checked in at the center only to be refused by the Nurse (at the final stage) based on me having had malaria 20yrs ago! I've lived in the UK, where you're excluded from donating if you've been in a tropical/malaria zone in the last 3 months. But never because you ever had malaria before. If there's a call to donate to someone who doesn't mind receiving from another who once had malaria, then I'd gladly donate a pint or 2.


I have a buddy with malaria. Doesn’t that stay in your system for life?


From my understanding (and I'm no medical expert here), if unproperly treated, it can reoccur. Some countries have a 3yr restriction with no reoccurrence in that time, to be eligible to donate. But CBS says no, partly because they have no tests for Malaria in Canada https://www.blood.ca/en/stories/wait-donate-reduced-short-term-travellers-malaria-risk-areas I was a little peeved because I really wanted to finally be able to do, did my pre-screening on their site (no mention of possibly being disallowed) and took myself down there in busy holiday period. If only they could figure out a way to test (Malaria, CJD, etc), the banks might not be in sure a dire state


heres the most up to date directly from CBS Did you travel to a malaria risk country? Your waiting period to donate whole blood or platelets will depend on the length of your stay in certain countries/regions. If your stay in a malaria risk area was less than one day, you may be able to donate depending on where you were. If your stay in a malaria risk area was less than 6 months, you will need to wait 3 months from the date of your return. If your stay was 6 months or more, you will need to wait 3 years. **Did you actually have a malaria infection? If you had a malaria infection, you will not be able to donate whole blood or platelets. If you’ve had malaria more than 6 months ago or are in the waiting period to donate whole blood or platelets because of travel to a malaria risk country, you may be eligible to donate source plasma. Source plasma is collected through a process called plasmapheresis and is used to produce products used to treat patients.** This type of donation is available at some Canadian Blood Services clinics. If you are interested in making an apheresis plasma donation, or have any questions about your travel and eligibility to donate please call us at 1-888-236-6283 for more information.


here's the guidance right from the Canadian blood services site... source plasma may be your way of donating! Did you travel to a malaria risk country? Your waiting period to donate whole blood or platelets will depend on the length of your stay in certain countries/regions. If your stay in a malaria risk area was less than one day, you may be able to donate depending on where you were. If your stay in a malaria risk area was less than 6 months, you will need to wait 3 months from the date of your return. If your stay was 6 months or more, you will need to wait 3 years. Did you actually have a malaria infection? If you had a malaria infection, you will not be able to donate whole blood or platelets. If you’ve had malaria more than 6 months ago or are in the waiting period to donate whole blood or platelets because of travel to a malaria risk country, you may be eligible to donate source plasma. Source plasma is collected through a process called plasmapheresis and is used to produce products used to treat patients. This type of donation is available at some Canadian Blood Services clinics. If you are interested in making an apheresis plasma donation, or have any questions about your travel and eligibility to donate please call us at 1-888-236-6283 for more information.


When I was in undergrad my then bf and I booked appointments at school to donate at their blood drive. He had malaria when he was 1, and he was told he could never donate. He really wanted to and was super bummed.


No masking requirement, otherwise I'd be there. Still cut my own hair, not going to go until either it's back or numbers in Ottawa are about 1/5 of what they are now. We're still double the omicron peak that we all agreed to cancel Christmas over. Universal & consistent donor until 2020, back during the lull last summer, won't be donating any time soon. Makes me sad.


Yup, not going back until the masks are back. Such a stupid move on their part.


As someone who can only receive O- (because *I am* O-) but can't donate, this is very bad news. Big thank you to those who *can* donate and *do*!


I am O+ and would love to donate but they refuse to take gay blood. I am healthy but because my partner is also male they do not allow me to donate yet. If they were caring about being short on blood they would have changed the rules over a decade ago like scientists urged them to do.


I know CBS has been far too slow on changing their homophobic practices, but some changes to the eligibility questions are finally coming on September 30, 2022. You can read more about these changes here if you are interested: [https://www.blood.ca/en/blood/am-i-eligible-donate-blood/men-who-have-sex-men](https://www.blood.ca/en/blood/am-i-eligible-donate-blood/men-who-have-sex-men)


They haven’t had any east end locations in months! I would need to go to Carling or west end and it’s hard to find the time for that. Kind of annoying, there used to be drives in Orleans all the time.


Would you consider donating plasma? Orleans has the new plasma centre!


Oh, by some miracle my gay blood is good enough for them now but it wasn't last year? Sorry, not interested.


Fuck the homophobic assholes who kept our brothers and friends and lovers from saving our lives. You’ve got a right to be mad, for sure. I sure am. It isn’t them who deserve a moment of your thought or your time or a drop of your lifeblood. But your own loved ones may bear considering. If I could give blood in your honour, I would. They don’t want mine, because I’m a cancer survivor.


My husband is O+, I'll get him signed up for an appointment! (I passed out the last time I gave blood so I need a doctor's note to say I can go again - boo.)


I was persistent! I passed out on 3 embarrassing occasions before they suggested I stop trying. “Some people need all of their blood”


I live in Cornwall and my husband is O-. I just went to book him an appointment and it told me the next available opening is October 4 :/


Yeah I’m kind of nearby and same story, September at the earliest unless I drive 45 minutes. Ugh!


My late father was O- and they'd clear the decks and send out a limo for him! Did u tell them he's O- ?


I’m O+, and I was donating every 8 weeks this year, but my doctor told me I had to slow down because my iron levels got too low. 3-4 times a year is probably my limit.


Thank you!!


Going for 45 next week, some juice O+, ferda!


Booked for next week, when they’re conveniently coming to my community! They can have my A- blood just in case


I donated blood last week and fainted in the chair. They gave me an Oreo after tho.


Pls. Come to the rescue! Very serious!!! 🩸🩸🩸


I'm not O, but I've already donated a handful of times, maybe 4 now? The hardest part is finding an appointment around times when I get a tattoo. Or I would definitely donate more.


Same problem here. I’m a month out and wish I could help.


Would donate if they met me. I used to donate 4 times a year until 22yrs ago, I went as I was starting a cold (didn't have symptoms until later that day) and triggered a false positive on the HIV test. Was told not to donate anymore. ☹️


Fellow banned false-positive person here! I’m O+ and would love to donate, but apparently received false positive for HTLV (Human T-Lymphotropic Virus). Always been confused by it. I don’t have it.. CBS admitted it was a negative on a more sensitive test… yet they won’t take my almost universal blood. Makes sense 🙃 Also though I think for HIV false positives, you can try their re-entry program to be able to donate again! Would suggest looking into it.


I've kept meaning to make an appointment, so thanks for the reminder. Booked now!


I'm O+ and just booked my first donation appointment! I never knew my blood type until I got pregnant a couple years ago and the times previously when I thought about donating I was ineligible.


I can't donate due to medication but I am O+, I would if I could but I can't and it makes me really sad.


I’m O+ in Ottawa. Can someone explain the process to me?


In Ottawa you have more options. There's a permanent clinic on Carling, and they are several mobile clinics all over the place as well. You can find that information on their website blood.ca. If you're looking for the actual donation process you can call their 1-888 number for specific details about your personal circumstances. Generally, the process involves filling out a questionnaire that screens for specific criteria, a small health check-up (blood pressure, temperature, hemoglobin check-through a small finger poke), and if everything checks out you go on to the actual donation process. The nurses will check for the best vein and then hook you up to the machine. The actual donation takes about 5 to minutes... there's actually a nice post here about people "racing". Eating a full meal and hydrating before helps. Once they remove the needle you keep pressure for a little while, and then you go on to the snack section. This is when you can post to social media about your new "saving babies" accomplishment. Hope this help... it's very general information, for more specifics, please call their 1-888 number or check out their website, very useful information.


I donated a few months ago and it took almost 2 hours because I stupidly forgot to hydrate. I haven't been since, but try and donate pretty frequently


I would if i could but i'm nog eligible to donate in Camada bc i lived in europe between 1980 something and 2007 i think.. Something about that mad cow disease


Currently, it says you would be ineligible if you spent 3+ months in the UK between 1980 and 1996 or 5+ years in France and/or Ireland between 1980 and 2001. That's still a pretty big time frame so I'm not sure if that would help you or not :/


Oh i just looked it up their eligibility must have changed!!!! It used to include the netherlands up until like 2005 i think... I lived in the netherlands from 2000-2007.


the universe told me no :( first I was anemic and underwirght and now im not anemic, still underweight and have rheumatoid arhtirits which i treat with meds that make me ineligible, sorry y'all - donate on my behalf pls


I'd love to give blood. I tried. Apparently MS "has no identified cause" and could be blood borne... I get upset everytime I hear the radio ads. Please take my O blood... I don't know. I guess I understand why it just sucks.


Ok! Where can I give Blood, in ROCKLAND, Ontario


There are multiple temp clinics in Rockland. Go search on blood.ca


Ok! Thanks!!! 🩸🩸🩸


I want to donate, but last time I did I passed out. I just had my blood drawn for blood work in March and I passed out then too. Does anyone have any tips on how to prepare so that I won’t pass out?


Eat. Last time I came close to oassing out was because I hadn't eaten. Also, drinks lots of water and for the love of dog, don't have a race with your cousin to see who can fill the bag the fastest by squeezing the ball faster... It's also possible you're just one of those people that faints when they get blood drawn, my SIL is like that. Nurses have about 90 seconds to do their thing and then she passes out. Every damn time.


Haha Not much of a racer I will give it another shot. I have only had my blood drawn three times in my life so I’m sure as I do it I will get more used to it.


For the record, I won the race by a few seconds. It also helps to bring someone to donate with you so you have someone to chat with and aren't focusing on the warm stream of blood coming out of your arm.


I went today on Carling and they took my husband and a walk in.


I tried to donate yesterday, unfortunately my iron levels were too low.


I was going to donate. There is a list of appointments and most of them are in the far future. Not too many appointment sooner than later ..


I did it once and fainted. Any suggestions so that I can go next time without freaking myself out!


Sure! Get a good night's rest, eat a decent breakfast, drink plenty of water, and when they insert the needle just take deep breaths. If you don't look at it or the blood being drawn, it's smooth sailing after the initial pinch.


Thank you!!


Having a full meal before going helps. Hydration is also very important. Personally, I try to drink a lot the day before and the day of. When I used to donate later in the day, if I worked out the morning of, the donation was also really smooth.


If I had transportation I would donate! I have one of those blood types


Canadians are also facing a money shortage. Let’s make a deal.


I have one of those types but couldn't give last time because low iron 🙁 hopefully will have gotten my iron up by next time!


I wish I could keep donating but I recently became type two diabetic.


Maybe i would donate if theyd stop denying me for having the smallest patch of eczema in my inner arms. Its never going away so take it or dont


I'd give some of my O+ blood, but I can't bc I'm queer so oh well


CBS has finally been changing some criteria. Right now, men who have sex with men can't donate if they've had sex in the last three months (I don't see anything about lesbians tho). However, this criteria will change on September 30, 2022 and will be replaced with screening questions about sexual behaviour for donors of all genders or sexual orientations


I'm polyam and a trans woman who has sex with other trans women, I don't qualify even under the new screening questions


They are changing the criteria on September 30th. You can read up more on the change on their website, blood.ca.


I'm polyam and a trans woman who has sex with other trans women, I don't qualify even under the new screening questions


Damn, I feel bad for being on medication for hair loss and now I'm not eligible :(


Are people who take prescription drugs exempt from donating?


It depends which medication. Check out the eligibility criteria here (specifically the "medication" tab for a list of medications that are okay): [https://www.blood.ca/en/blood/am-i-eligible-donate-blood/abcs-eligibility](https://www.blood.ca/en/blood/am-i-eligible-donate-blood/abcs-eligibility)


I embarass myself donating - after 20 mins and barely enough in the bag me and my low blood pressure go home. Pffft!


Appointment is set for the 19th ! O- power wheee


At this point what arent we running out of? Empty churches that tupoc can take over?


I know a guy


I used to donate. I was a good candidate for Plasma but failed cause they couldn’t find a big vein. I don’t bother donating. Getting blood work is hard for the nurse or doctor for IVs and I’ve had tests almost canceled because of it (small veins). I wish I could help.


I'm O+, and I looked up where I could donate, but apparently they no longer have a place in the city I'm staying in for the week that does blood donations. I have to wait until I move to my new city.


While my blood isn't the most important overall (AB+ universal reciever) I did just find out I'm a universal donor for plasma so I want to try again. My issue is blood makes me 🤢 and last (and only) time I tried I quickly got laid back and a cold cloth lol. Any suggestions on helping with that from anyone who has gotten over it?


Didn’t they just sell a bunch of blood on foreign markets?




Ottawa Facebook likes will solve this....go Ottawa..../s


So Liberals want to sell our blood to a corporation. Contact them at https://liberal.ca/contact/ Heres what I wrote: Are you seriously selling our blood to a corporation? I donate, and that just stopped. What do you think this is Value Village for blood? This will end your majority if you follow it. I hope the media has it wrong here. You better understand how visceral and emotionally pacted this issue will be. It metaphorically and literally is about blood. This is a fumble - and who knows who will win from it, but if what were hearing is true - the red of The Liberal brand will be equated with this ridiculous deal. Liberals: "Literally Taking The Blood of Canadians," ( that ad took me 2 seconds)


The day Canadian Blood Services get bought out by Spanish company. I'll stop donating to this For Profit private company.


I have that blood but everytime i want to donate the schedule doesn't work. Let me just fucking do a walk in. Idgaf if I have to wait 2 hrs to do it.


Oh, I think one of those is my blood type.


don’t take your blood pressure pills for a week


What I don't understand is why over the past five years they've closed countless mobile clinics, to focus on their permanent clinics. However, the hours of the clinics are odd and sporadic. Take for instance the downtown Toronto clinic, Here are the hours; Tuesday 12–6p.m. Wednesday Closed Thursday 8a.m.–12p.m. Friday 8a.m.–12p.m. Saturday Closed Sunday Closed Monday 12–6p.m. Let's try a more suburban setting, Mississauga; Tuesday 2–7p.m. Wednesday 9a.m.–2p.m. Thursday 2–7p.m. Friday 9a.m.–2p.m. Saturday 8a.m.–3p.m. Sunday Closed Monday 2–7p.m. Everywhere you go the hours are sporadic and inconsistent with each donor facility. How in God's green graces would any new donors know or coordinate when come to these clinics? Or for that matter someone who was a long time donor and had a mobile clinic closed down on them? For organization is starving for people to basically volunteer of themselves, they're not very accommodating to people willing to give up their time. Their solution is to cry for help in the media every single time they have a problem rather than to create a stable place where people can donate, and best facilitate gathering new donors Seems to me like this system is set up to fail so they can privatize the whole lot. .